(1) AUTHORIZED the Auditor-Controller to re-budget revenues and/or expenditures with the concurrence of the County Administrative Officer;
(2) AUTHORIZED the Auditor-Controller, with the concurrence of the County Administrative Officer, to make necessary year-end adjustments and adjustments for 2013-2014 to internal service fund revenues and appropriations;
(3) AUTHORIZED the Auditor-Controller and the County Administrative Officer to adjust property tax revenues based on final Assessor's tax roll;
(4) AUTHORIZED the Auditor-Controller and the County Administrative Officer to re-budget all unexpended balances and appropriations in the Plant Acquisition Indexes within the Capital Projects Fund (Funds 40-45, 49), including interest to adjust the appropriations of the various Park Dedication budgets for excess available financing by increasing the Land-Other sub object;
(5) AUTHORIZED the Auditor-Controller and the County Administrative Officer to adjust contingencies, Commitments, and Assignments due to increases and decreases in available financing;
(6) AUTHORIZED the Auditor-Controller, with the concurrence of the County Administrative Officer, to re-budget any encumbered balances at year- end and unexpended grant appropriations and revenues including FEMA and Homeland Security funds as part of the 2013-14 County Budget;
(7) AUTHORIZED the Auditor-Controller to adjust the continuing contracts list for changes in appropriations made by the Board during budget hearings and to correct any minor errors;
(8) AUTHORIZED the Auditor-Controller to make necessary transfers from trust funds in accordance with the estimated 2012-13 departmental revenues;
(9) AUTHORIZED the Auditor-Controller and the Personnel Director to make necessary changes to reconcile position detail to incorporate personnel actions which have been approved since the publication of the Proposed Budget and correct associated position schedules, and to correct any minor errors as required;
(10) AUTHORIZED the Auditor-Controller and the County Administrative Officer to adjust the debt service budget for the County’s 2013-14 Tax and Revenue Anticipation Notes and CERTS debt service;
(11) AUTHORIZED the County Administrative Officer to sign any grant documents which have been approved during budget hearings;
(12) AUTHORIZED the purchase of all fixed assets contained in fixed asset schedules of each department budget approved by your Board during budget hearings as of July 1, 2013;
(13) AUTHORIZED the County Administrative Officer and Auditor-Controller to make all necessary fiscal year-end adjustments to facilitate year-end closing and report back on those changes needing to be ratified by Board of Supervisors action;
(14) AUTHORIZED the Auditor-Controller to make transfers and reclassifications for Capital Projects as necessary for year-end and report back on those changes needing to be ratified by Board of Supervisors action;
(15) AUTHORIZED the Auditor-Controller to secure the necessary professional services and increase appropriations where necessary to perform the arbitrage calculations on various County and Redevelopment Agency bond issues in order to ensure compliance with federal regulations as part of the 2013-14 County Budget;
(16) AUTHORIZED the County Administrative Officer to realign the public assistance appropriations in the Human Services Department budget as needed throughout the year without increasing total appropriations or Net County Costs;
(17) AUTHORIZED the County Administrative Officer to increase the District Attorney Victim Compensation and Special Witness Program budgeted revenues and expenditures as needed throughout the year without increasing total appropriations or Net County Costs;
(18) AUTHORIZED the Auditor-Controller to adjust the final year-end appropriations and revenues in Index 451010 for the Contribution to the State Courts/Maintenance of Effort Growth Split;
(19) AUTHORIZED the Auditor-Controller to transfer In Lieu funds (21027) to the HOME grant program as a short term bridge loan until reimbursement occurs from the State;
(20) AUTHORIZED the County Administrative Officer, with concurrence from the Auditor-Controller, to make the necessary transfers in FY 2012-13 and FY 2013-14 to pay for a sustainability plan and programming with Dunbar Productions for Community TV post DIVCA in the amount of $15,000 annually from Index/Sub-object - 700500/3665;
(21) AUTHORIZED the Auditor-Controller to make the necessary budgetary adjustments for FY 2013-14 as previously authorized by the Board for the Community TV PEG Fund - Index 700500 in the amount of $563,323 for Community TV and $106,254 for the facility lease with Haber Brothers;
(23) AUTHORIZED the Auditor-Controller to make the necessary budgetary adjustments for the County’s share of Contributions based on the final adopted budgets for SCCAS, LAFCO, AMBAG and MBAPCD;
(24) AUTHORIZED the Auditor-Controller to establish a Support Services Reserve Sub-account from the Protective Services subaccount in the existing 2011 Realignment trust fund for FY 2013-14 for Human Services. This reserve subaccount will not exceed 5 percent of the total funds allocated to the Protective Services subaccount for the immediate preceding fiscal year;
(25) DIRECTED the County Administrative Officer, with concurrence from the Auditor-Controller, to transfer available fund balance remaining after the concluding fiscal year adjustments to increase the committed reserve for Economic Uncertainty;
(26) AUTHORIZED the Auditor-Controller, with the County Administrative Officer, to report back with any required resolutions for committed fund balances and a list of assigned fund balances to be ratified by the Board as part of the final Adopted Budget if there are any changes to the fund balance reserves due to the FY 2012-13 year-end closing adjustments in conjunction to the Adopted Budget; and
(27) APPROVED the 2013-14 Proposed Budget with Supplemental, Last Day and Concluding Report actions as itemized in Exhibits 1, 2, and 3, with minor adjustments agreed upon by the Auditor-Controller and County Administrative Officer, including offsets for General Fund Departments and Special Districts and any final adjustments to County overhead for the Final A-87 Cost Allocation Plan