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Santa Cruz County
Board of Supervisors Agenda

Governmental Center Building
701 Ocean Street, Room 525, Santa Cruz, CA
November 5, 2002

  • Roll Call
  • Consent Agenda
  • Oral Communications
  • Scheduled and Regular Departmental Items
  • Lunch
  • Recess
  • Scheduled and Regular Departmental Items

  1. Roll Call
    Moment of Silence and Pledge of Allegiance

  2. Consideration of Late Additions to the Agenda

  3. Additions and Deletions to the Consent Agenda; and Action on the Consent Agenda

  4. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS - Any person may address the Board during its Oral Communications period. Presentations must not exceed three (3) minutes in length, and individuals may speak only once during Oral Communications. All Oral Communications must be directed to an item not listed on today's Agenda, and must be within the jurisdiction of the Board. Board members will not take actions or respond immediately to any Oral Communications presented, but may choose to follow up at a later time, either individually, or on a subsequent Board of Supervisor's Agenda. Oral Communications will normally be received by the Board for a period not to exceed thirty (30) minutes. If, at the end of this period, additional persons wish to address the Board under Oral Communications, the Oral Communications period may be continued to the last item on the Regular Agenda.

  5. Additions and Deletions to Regular Agenda

Spanish language translation is available on an as needed basis. Please make advance arrangements with the Clerk of the Board, in Room 500, or by telephone at (831) 454-2323.

Las sesiones de la Mesa Directiva de los Supervisores del Condado pueden ser traducidas del inglés al español y del español al inglés. Por favor haga arreglos anticipadamente con la Secretaria de la Mesa Directiva de los Supervisores en el cuarto número 500, o por teléfono al número (831) 454-2323.

If you are a person with a disability and wish to attend the meeting and you require special assistance in order to participate, please contact the Clerk of the Board at (831) 454-2323 (TDD number (831) 454-2123) at least 72 hours in advance of the meeting in order to make arrangements. Persons with disabilities may request a copy of the agenda in an alternative format. As a courtesy to those affected, please attend the meeting smoke and scent free. Note: The Board of Supervisors meetings are broadcast live on Comcast Cable Services, Channel 26. Agenda documents may be reviewed at the Office of the Clerk of the Board, Room 500, Governmental Center, and at the Santa Cruz Main Library.

******CONSENT AGENDA******



6.   Approve claims as submitted by the Auditor-Controller

7.   Approve minutes of October 22, 2002, as recommended by the Clerk of the Board

8.   Accept and file notification of continuing contracts received during the period of October 17, 2002 through October 30, 2002 and approved upon adoption of the 2002/2003 continuing agreements list to comply with Section 300 of the County's Procedures Manual, Title 1, as recommended by the Clerk of the Board

9.   Approve the reading by Title of all ordinances considered for adoption that may appear on this agenda and further waive a detailed reading of said ordinances, as recommended by County Counsel

10.   Adopt Ordinance Amending Chapter 9 of the Santa Cruz County Code Relating to Stop Intersections (approved "in concept" October 22, 2002, Item No. 63)

11.   Reject the claim of John T. Fleming, No. 203-030, and refer to County Counsel

12.   Deny the application to file a late claim on behalf of State Farm Insurance Companies (Linda Willis), No. 203-032, and refer to County Counsel

13.   Accept and file report of the County Administrative Officer regarding the Santa Cruz Auto Theft Reduction Program; approve the total 2002-2003 budget of $322,682 for the Santa Cruz Auto Theft Task Force and authorize the Auditor-Controller to pay these costs directly out of the Vehicle Theft Trust Fund; authorize the District Attorney to sign the related agreements with the cities of Santa Cruz and Watsonville, and take related action; adopt resolution accepting and appropriating unanticipated revenue of $79,411 from the Vehicle Registration Fees Trust Fund; authorize the purchase of a mobile display terminal in an amount not-to-exceed $10,000, as recommended by the District Attorney and the County Administrative Officer

14.   Authorize the District Attorney to sign contract in the amount of $460,200 with Constellation Justice Systems for the DAMION criminal case management system; authorize the purchase of fixed assets in the amount of $23,683; and authorize the transfer of $518,275 from the Plant Acquisition/Technology and Productivity Fund to the District Attorney budget for all related costs, as recommended by the District Attorney

15.   Approve Memorandum of Understanding with the Santa Cruz City Fire Department to provide emergency response services to the Paradise Park and Ocean Street Extension area in the amount of $10,000, as recommended by the Emergency Services Administrator

16.   Approve plans and specifications (on file with the Clerk), for the Valencia Hall Paving and Walkways; direct the General Services Department to advertise for bids; and set the bid opening for 10:45 a.m., on November 26, 2002, as recommended by the General Services Director

17.   Adopt resolutions to delete obsolete classes, establish new classes, amend the classification and salary plan, and establish differentials and amend Personnel Regulations' Section, as recommended by the Director of Personnel

18.   Authorize addition of 1.5 Transportation Planning Technician positions for the Santa Cruz County Regional Transportation Commission, as recommended by the Executive Director of the Regional Transportation Commission

19.   Approve career incentive pay adjustments for six employees in the Sheriff's Office in the total amount of $9,266.90, as recommended by the Sheriff-Coroner

20.   Approve contract amendment with Motorola/Printrak for the replacement of the California Law Enforcement Telecommunications System Message Switch in the amount of $363,842; authorize the Sheriff-Coroner to sign the amendment; and approve transfer of funds in the amount of $55,188, as recommended by the Sheriff-Coroner

21.   Accept Treasurer's monthly cash report and transaction report for the period ending September 30, 2002, as recommended by the Treasurer-Tax Collector

22.   Accept nomination of Frank W. Capurro for reappointment to the Pajaro Valley Water Management Board of Directors for a two year term, with final appointment to be made November 19, 2002, as recommended by Supervisor Campos

23.   Direct the Chairperson to write to the State Water Resources Control Board in Support of Proposition 40 funding for the Aptos Transmission Line Relocation Project, as recommended by Supervisor Pirie

24.   Accept nomination of Martha Martinez for reappointment to the Housing Authority Board of Commissioners, as an at-large tenant representative, for a term to expire November 19, 2004, with final appointment to be made November 19, 2002, as recommended by Supervisor Wormhoudt

25.   Accept notification of three at-large vacancies on the Area Developmental Disabilities Board VII, with nominations for appointment to be received on November 19, 2002, and final appointment to be made November 26, 2002, as recommended by Chairperson Beautz

26.   Approve 2003 Board meeting schedule, and 2003 budget schedule, as recommended by Chairperson Beautz



27.   Accept and file report on the need to continue the state of local emergency relative to transmission of HIV through contaminated needles, as recommended by the Health Services Agency Director

28.   Adopt resolution accepting and appropriating $20,000 in unanticipated revenue from the State Department of Health Services, Sexually Transmitted Disease (STD) Control Branch, for the Chlamydia Screening Project, as recommended by the Health Services Agency Director

29.   Adopt resolution accepting and appropriating $255,849 of unanticipated State revenue to provide nutrition services; approve revenue agreement with the State of California in the amount of $316,576; and take related actions, as recommended by the Health Services Agency Director

30.   Approve agreements with LTG Associates in the amount of $45,000 for mental health analytical and evaluation services, the Walnut Women's Center in the amount of $15,085 for teenage pregnancy services, the County of Alameda for public health/laboratory services, increasing the contract amount with ECG Management Consultants by $268,000 for clinic implementation services, the Volunteer Center for $39,627 for employment services to psychiatrically disabled persons, and authorize December 2002 and January 2003 advance payments on agreements with the Volunteer Center, Santa Cruz Community Counseling Center and Front Street, Incorporated, as recommended by the Health Services Agency Director

31.   Accept and file Annual Report (on file with Clerk) on HIV/AIDS in Santa Cruz County; adopt resolution accepting and appropriating $24,976 of unanticipated state AIDS revenue; approve revenue agreement with the State of California in the amount of $24,976; approve agreements with Santa Cruz AIDS Project increasing the maximum amount by $5,200 to $184,094 HIV Prevention Project for Injection Drug Users increasing the maximum amount by $3,000 to $199,464, Santa Cruz AIDS Project in the amount of $18,000, Pajaro Valley Prevention and Student Assistance, Incorporated, in the amount of $25,000, and Watsonville YWCA in the amount of $22,500 for AIDS related services; and take related actions, as recommended by the Health Services Agency Director

32.   Adopt resolution opposing regulations proposed by the State Department of Health on hospital emergency medical response, as recommended by the County's Emergency Medical Care Commission and the Health Services Agency Director

33.   Approve regulation changes (on file with Clerk) to the General Assistance Program necessary to implement the Electronic Benefit Transfer System effective November 18, 2002, as recommended by the Human Resources Agency Director

34.   Authorize the Human Resources Agency Director to sign contracts for health care outreach activities on behalf of the Santa Cruz County Health Care Outreach Coalition with Pajaro Valley Unified School District in the amount of $24,000, Community Bridges/WIC in the amount of $16,346, and the Project Coordinator in the amount of $27,040, as recommended by the Human Resources Agency Director

35.   Defer report on the Community Programs Facility Study until January 14, 2003, as recommended by the Human Resources Agency Director

35.1   Accept and file report on the Winter Shelter Program; authorize the Human Resources Agency Director to sign a license agreement with the National Guard for use of the Armory in an amount not-to-exceed $44,530, a contract with the Homeless Services Center in an amount not-to-exceed $61,411, and a contract with the Salvation Army in an amount not-to-exceed $29,945; authorize the Human Resources Agency Director to take related actions; and direct the Human Resources Agency Director to return on or before January 28,2003 with updates on any further impacts of the State budget on the program and possible strategies for extending the program beyond March 15, 2003, as recommended by the Human Resources Agency Director



36.   Accept the low bid from Joseph J. Albanese in the amount of $31,775.32 for the Cuesta Drive Storm Repair; authorize award of contract; and authorize the Director of Public Works to sign contract, as recommended by the Director of Public Works

37.   Approve Contract Change Order No. 2 in the amount of $57,472 for the Brommer Street Improvements Seventh Avenue to Seventeenth Avenue; authorize the Chairperson of the Board to sign the change order; and take related actions, as recommended by the Director of Public Works

38.   Approve Contract Change Order No. 3 in the amount of $43,000 for the Alice Street and Corcoran Avenue improvements and take related actions, as recommended by the Director of Public Works

39.   Approve amendment to agreement with EcoSystems West for general environmental consulting and monitoring services for Public Works projects which increases the contract by $25,000 for a not-to-exceed amount of $100,000 and extends the term to June 30, 2004, and authorize the Director of Public Works to sign the amendment to agreement on behalf of the County, as recommended by the Director of Public Works

40.   Approve amendment to agreement with Elkhorn Native Plant Nursery for revegetation, landscape installation and maintenance services for various Public Works projects which increases the contract by $25,000 for a not-to-exceed amount of $50,000 and extends the term to June 30, 2004, and authorize the Director of Public Works to sign the agreement on behalf of the County, as recommended by the Director of Public Works

41.   Approve amendment to agreement with Kittleson Environmental Consulting for fish and wildlife biological services which increases the contract by $50,000 for a not-to-exceed amount of $100,000 and extends the term to June 30, 2005, and authorize the Director of Public Works to sign the amendment to agreement on behalf of the County, as recommended by the Director of Public Works

42.   Approve independent contractor agreement with Ecology Action of Santa Cruz for pollution prevention education services in carrying out the California Integrated Waste Management Board (CIWMB) Household Hazardous Waste grant for a not-to-exceed amount of $160,373.10; authorize the Director of Public Works to sign the agreement on behalf of the County and adopt resolution accepting and appropriating unanticipated revenue in the amount of $299,999.22 from the CIWMB, as recommended by the Director of Public Works

43.   Authorize a lump sum payment to Monterey Bay Fence for prior fiscal years fencing supply and repair services in the amount of $3,616.36, as recommended by the Director of Public Works

44.   Review the draft operations and maintenance manual (on file with Clerk) for County operations and maintenance activities developed through FishNet 4C, and direct Public Works to return in January 2003 with the final draft to be adopted, as recommended by the Director of Public Works

45.   Adopt resolution accepting unanticipated revenue in the amount of $75,000 from the Monterey Bay Unified Air Pollution Control District for the Electric Bike Commuter Incentive Program Phase II; approve the independent contractor agreement with Ecology Action of Santa Cruz in the amount of $75,000 for the Electric Bike Commuter Incentive Program Phase II; and authorize the Director of Public Works to sign the Grant Acceptance Agreement with Monterey Bay Unified Air Pollution Control District for the Electric Bike Commuter Incentive Program Phase II, as recommended by the Director of Public Works

46.   Approve independent contractor agreement with TJKM Transportation Consultants in the total not-to-exceed amount of $41,044 for the Aptos Village Traffic Study and authorize the Director of Public Works to sign the agreement on behalf of the County, as recommended by the Director of Public Works

46.1   Approve amendment to agreement with D. W. Alley and Associates for general environmental consulting and monitoring services for Public Works projects which increases the contract by $10,000, for a not-to-exceed amount of $20,000 and extends the term to June 30, 2004, and authorize the Director of Public Works to sign the amendment to agreement on behalf of the County, as recommended by the Director of Public Works

47.   Accept the Carbon Dioxide Feed System Project at the Simpkins Family Swim Center as complete; approve the final cost of the project in the amount of $15,980; and authorize the Clerk of the Board to take related actions, as recommended by the Director of Parks, Open space and Cultural Services

48.   Accept and file status report on issues related to housing units which are at-risk of losing affordability restrictions and take related actions, with a further report on January 28, 2003, as recommended by the Redevelopment Agency Administrator





Case Name/No.: Arreola, et al. v. Monterey County, et al., Monterey Superior Court No. 105611

Case Name/No.: Barden v. City of Sacramento 292 F.3d 1073 (9th Cir. 2002)

Case Name/No.: Claim of Richard Thomas, Claim No. 6200009

Case Name/No.: Guy Harry Grable v. Christian Ford Beamish and County of Santa Cruz (Cunningham Lindsey Claims Management, Incorporated, as Plaintiffs-In-Intervention Santa Cruz County Superior Court Case No. CV 141859

Case Name/No.: County v. Moores, et al. Santa Cruz County Superior Court Case No. CV 139535

Significant exposure to litigation to be considered pursuant to subdivision (b) of Government Code Section 54956.9 for one potential case
Initiation of litigation to be considered pursuant to subdivision (c) of Government Code Section 54956.9 for one potential case

REPORT OF COUNTY COUNSEL - will be given at the conclusion of the closed session on any reportable action(s) taken in the closed session.



49.1   Adopt resolution approving the Department of Public Works' submittal of a grant application to American Rivers-National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Community Based Restoration Partnership in the amount of $25,000 for a fish passage improvement project on Swanton Road at Queseria Creek, and authorize the Director of Public Works to sign and submit all documents necessary for completion of the project, as recommended by the Director of Public Works

49.2   Approve reappointment of Fred Hodder, George Kelly, and John Lundell to the Board of Directors of the Pajaro Dunes Geologic Hazard Abatement District for terms to expire December 1, 2006, as recommended by Supervisor Pirie


50.   Consider proposed ordinance amending the provisions of the Santa Cruz County Code which apply to hearing officers; approve amendments to County Hearing Officer contract and authorize the County Administrative Officer to execute the amended contract
a. Letter of County Counsel of October 15, 2002
b. Proposed Ordinance
c. Contract

51.   Consider adoption of an ordinance amending Chapter 9 of the Santa Cruz County Code relating to stop intersections on Quail Hollow Road
a. Letter of Supervisor Almquist of October 23, 2002
b. Proposed Ordinance
c. Map

52.   Consider ordinance amending County Code Section 9.28.030 Multi-way Stop Intersections for the installation of multi-way stop signs on Seacliff Drive at Sea Terrace Way
a. Letter of the Director of Public Works of October 28, 2002
b. Proposed Ordinance
c. Map



52.1   Consider request for extension of time to file an appeal, dated October 31, 2002, from the Rural Aptos Community Association
a. Letter of Supervisor Pirie of November 1, 2002
b. Request for Extension of the Rural Aptos Community Association
c. Letter of Lloyd R. Williams, Attorney, dated November 4, 2002

53.   10:45 A.M. SCHEDULED ITEM

Bid opening for Mesa Village Sheriff's Office Service Center project

a. Letter of the General Services Director of September 27, 2002

        WRITTEN CORRESPONDENCE LISTING: The Written Correspondence Listing is established to act as a report of materials received by the Board as a whole but may also include items requested for inclusion by individual Supervisors. Upon completion of any actions deemed necessary (i.e. acknowledgment, referral, etc.), these items are included in the Written Correspondence Listing under the appropriate heading. While these items are not part of the official record of meetings of the Board of Supervisors, they will be maintained by the Clerk of the Board for a period of two years, after which time they may be destroyed after the County's Historic Resources Commission has been provided an opportunity for review.