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Santa Cruz County
Board of Supervisors Agenda

Governmental Center Building
701 Ocean Street, Room 525, Santa Cruz, CA
June 8, 2004

  • Roll Call
  • Consent Agenda
  • Oral Communications
  • Scheduled and Regular Departmental Items
  • Lunch
  • Recess
  • Scheduled and Regular Departmental Items

  1. Roll Call

  2. Moment of Silence and Pledge of Allegiance

  3. Consideration of Late Additions to the Agenda; additions and deletions to Consent and Regular Agendas

  4. Action on the Consent Agenda

  5. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS - Any person may address the Board during its Oral Communications period. Presentations must not exceed three (3) minutes in length, and individuals may speak only once during Oral Communications. All Oral Communications must be directed to an item not listed on today's Consent or Regular Agenda, and must be within the jurisdiction of the Board. Board members will not take actions or respond immediately to any Oral Communications presented, but may choose to follow up at a later time, either individually, or on a subsequent Board of Supervisor's Agenda. Oral Communications will normally be received by the Board for a period not to exceed thirty (30) minutes. If, at the end of this period, additional persons wish to address the Board under Oral Communications, the Oral Communications period may be continued to the last item on the Regular Agenda.

Spanish language translation is available on an as needed basis. Please make advance arrangements with the Clerk of the Board, in Room 500, or by telephone at (831) 454-2323.

Las sesiones de la Mesa Directiva de los Supervisores del Condado pueden ser traducidas del inglés al español y del español al inglés. Por favor haga arreglos anticipadamente con la Secretaria de la Mesa Directiva de los Supervisores en el cuarto número 500, o por teléfono al número (831) 454-2323.

If you are a person with a disability and wish to attend the meeting and you require special assistance in order to participate, please contact the Clerk of the Board at (831) 454-2323 (TDD number (831) 454-2123) at least 72 hours in advance of the meeting in order to make arrangements. Persons with disabilities may request a copy of the agenda in an alternative format. As a courtesy to those affected, please attend the meeting smoke and scent free. Note: The Board of Supervisors meetings are broadcast live on Comcast Cable Services, Channel 26. Agenda documents may be reviewed at the Office of the Clerk of the Board, Room 500, Governmental Center, and at the Santa Cruz Main Library.

******CONSENT AGENDA******



6.   Accept claims as approved by the Auditor-Controller

7.   Approve minutes of May 18, 2004 and May 25, 2004, as recommended by the Clerk of the Board

8.   Accept and file notification of continuing contracts received during the period of May 19, 2004 through June 2, 2004 and approved upon adoption of the 2003/2004 continuing agreements list to comply with Section 300 of the County's Procedures Manual, Title 1, as recommended by the Clerk of the Board

9.   Approve the reading by Title of all ordinances considered for adoption that may appear on this agenda and further waive a detailed reading of said ordinances, as recommended by County Counsel

10.   Reject the claim of James Cunningham, No. 304-109, and refer to County Counsel

11.   Reject the claim of the Estate of Antonio Cruz Alvarez, No. 304-112A, and refer to County Counsel

12.   Reject the claim of Maria De La Luz Guillen, No. 304-112B, and refer to County Counsel

13.   Reject the claim of Antonio Cruz, No. 304-112C, and refer to County Counsel

14.   Reject the claim of Diana Cruz, No. 304-112D, and refer to County Counsel

15.   Reject the claim of Gabriela Cruz, No. 304-112E, and refer to County Counsel

16.   Reject the claim of Isela Cruz, No. 304-112F, and refer to County Counsel

17.   Adopt resolution scheduling a public hearing on Tuesday, June 22, 2004, on the morning agenda, at 9:00 a.m. or thereafter on the proposed 2004/2005 Assessment Rate Report for Mosquito Abatement/Vector Control, County Service Area No. 53, as recommended by the Agricultural Commissioner

18.   Authorize the Auditor-Controller to make a temporary working capital loan to the Branciforte Fire Protection District in an amount not-to-exceed $10,000 to be repaid with interest at the rate earned by the County's pooled investment fund, as recommended by the Auditor-Controller

19.   Authorize the District Attorney to sign a Certification of Assurance and Compliance, and approve submittal of grant re-application to the Governor's Office of Emergency Services in the amount of $273,679 for the fiscal year 2004/2005 Anti-Drug Abuse Program, as recommended by the District Attorney

20.   Authorize the District Attorney to sign a Certification of Assurance and Compliance, and approve submittal of grant re-application to the Governor's Office of Emergency Services in the amount of $42,715 for the 2004/2005 Child Abuser Vertical Prosecution Block Grant Program, as recommended by the District Attorney

21.   Schedule a public hearing on Tuesday, June 22, 2004, on the morning agenda, at 9:00 a.m. or thereafter to consider ratification of fire districts' final ordinances and to consider revisions to Chapter 7 of the County Code adopting the Urban/Wildland Intermix Code, as recommended by the Emergency Services Administrator

22.   Approve award of contract to First Alarm in the amount of $283,761 for the Main Jail Fire Alarm System Upgrade project; authorize the General Services Director to sign the contract agreement and associated documents on behalf of the Board; and take related actions, as recommended by the Director of General Services

23.   Award contract to Pacific Crest Construction in the amount of $338,700 for the 26th Avenue Beach Access Stairway project; authorize the Parks Director to notify the contractor and sign the contract agreement and associated documents on behalf of the Board; authorize the Parks Director to approve change orders and encumber $29,435, in addition to the contract amount, to cover change order expenditures; and take related fiscal action, as recommended by the Director of General Services

24.   Defer recommendation of award for the Live Oak Library project until June 15, 2004, as recommended by the Director of General Services

25.   Accept the Refrigeration Unit Replacement project at 3650 Graham Hill Road as complete; approve final cost in the amount of $49,835; and authorize the Clerk of the Board to take related action, as recommended by the Director of General Services

26.   Approve contract amendment with Ollin Associates, Incorporated in the amount of $30,000 to serve as Community Developer and Family Partnership Coordinator for the Reclaiming Futures program, funded through the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, as recommended by the Chief Probation Officer

27.   Approve 2003/2004 contract amendment with Community Action Board of Santa Cruz County, Incorporated in the amount of $14,500 to expand services to the Juvenile Accountability Block Grant (JABG) program, as recommended by the Chief Probation Officer

28.   Approve payment to Pacific Salvage, Incorporated in the amount of $16,871 for the removal of a vessel from the beach, related equipment requirements, and storage; and adopt resolution accepting unanticipated revenue in the amount of $15,183 from the City of Santa Cruz into Professional Services, as recommended by the Sheriff-Coroner

29.   Accept nomination of Paul Arsenault for appointment to the Workforce Investment Board, as an at-large representative of organized labor, for a term to expire June 30, 2008, with final appointment to be made June 15, 2004, as recommended by Supervisor Stone

30.   Accept and file annual report of the Local Mental Health Board, and take related action, as recommended by Chair Wormhoudt



31.   Accept and file report on the need to continue the state of local emergency relative to the transmission of HIV through contaminated needles, as recommended by the Health Services Agency Director

32.   Authorize payment of 14 invoices over one year old from Mission Linen totaling $453.40, as recommended by the Health Services Agency Director

33.   Accept and file report on finances from the Central Coast Alliance for Health and direct the Health Services Agency to work with the Alliance and to report back on December 7, 2004 with an update on financial stability of the Alliance, as recommended by the Health Services Agency Director (Foundation evaluation on file with the Clerk)

34.   Authorize submission of grant application (on file with the Clerk) to the Community Foundation of Santa Cruz for the Eat Well, Be Well project in the amount of $9,500, as recommended by the Health Services Agency Director

35.   Accept and file report on impacts of the new state nurse ratio law on hospitals in our community, as recommended by the Health Services Agency Director

36.   Adopt resolution in support of Senate Bill 1671 relating to the Medicare and MediCal funding integration and direct the Chair of the Board of Supervisors to send letters to our State legislators and the Governor in support of this program of combining health financing streams and service delivery, with inclusion of pilot programs, as recommended by the Health Services Agency Director

37.   Authorize issuance of ambulance operator's license to American Medical Response West for 2004/2005 (application on file with the Clerk), as recommended by the Health Services Agency Director

38.   Approve $85,520 in Child Care Fee Loans, and authorize the Human Resources Agency Director to sign standard loan documents (on file with the Clerk) with the borrowers on behalf of the County, as recommended by the Human Resources Agency Director

39.   Approve Request for Proposals for the Options for Recovery Program and direct the Human Resources Agency Director to return on August 3, 2004 with a recommendation for the award of the contract, as recommended by the Human Resources Agency Director

40.   Adopt resolution approving the transfer of appropriations in the amount of $185,000 within Index 392200, Categorical Assistance, as recommended by the Human Resources Agency Director



41.   Adopt resolution opposing Senate Bill 744 relating to the appeal process for local housing developments, and take related actions, as recommended by the Planning Director

42.   Continue consideration of the Capital Improvement Program (CIP) to the individual departmental budget hearings, and direct Public Works to present a Final 2004/2005 CIP, incorporating all changes that the Board adopts as part of the 2004/2005 budget hearings in CIP related budget appropriations on or before December 7, 2004, as recommended by the Director of Public Works

43.   Accept improvements for the Lake and Fifth Avenues Improvements, East Cliff Drive to Eaton Street project; approve final cost in the amount of $733,968.51; and take related action, as recommended by the Director of Public Works

44.   Approve independent contractor agreement with Sequoia Seminar for construction of a food waste compost system for a not-to-exceed amount of $4,550 and authorize the Director of Public Works to sign, as recommended by the Director of Public Works

45.   Authorize the transfer of $25,000 from Appropriations for Contingencies to Treatment Plant and Sewer Line Maintenance and Operations within the Boulder Creek County Service Area (CSA) No. 7 budget, as recommended by the Director of Public Works

46.   Approve amendment to agreement with Peterson Powers Systems for heavy equipment parts and specialized repair services increasing the contract to a total not-to-exceed amount of $270,000 and authorize the Director of Public Works to sign the agreement on behalf of the County, as recommended by the Director of Public Works

47.   Approve independent contractor agreement with the 14th District Agricultural Associate (Santa Cruz County Fair) to augment recycling at the Santa Cruz County fairgrounds, for a not-to-exceed amount of $6,000; authorize the Director of Public Works to sign on behalf of the County, as recommended by the Director of Public Works

48.   Accept offer in the amount of $2,500 to purchase excess County property; adopt resolution consummating sale; and take related actions, as recommended by the Director of Public Works

49.   Approve amendment to agreement with the Valley Women's Club of San Lorenzo Valley realigning the 2003/2004 budget for operation of the drop-off recycling facilities at the Ben Lomond Transfer Station, and authorize the Director of Public Works to sign the agreement on behalf of the County, as recommended by the Director of Public Works

50.   Authorize payment to URS Corporation for outstanding charges for the Valencia Road Bridge and Browns Valley Road Bridge projects in the amounts of $9,819.32 and $19,145.61, respectively, as recommended by the Director of Public Works

51.   Adopt resolution accepting unanticipated revenue in the amount of $36,000 for the preliminary engineering of the Quail Hollow Bridge Replacement project; authorize the Department of Public Works to solicit proposals to provide environmental services for the Quail Hollow Bridge Replacement project; approve agreement with Parikh Consultants, Incorporated for a not-to-exceed amount of $22,006.30 to provide bridge foundation geotechnical consultation; and take related action, as recommended by the Director of Public Works

52.   Accept status report on the Joint Powers Facilities Construction Agreement between the County and Cabrillo College for construction of transportation and roadside improvements on Soquel Drive and the realignment of Cabrillo College Drive within the Cabrillo College campus area; direct the Department of Public Works to report back on or before December 7, 2004, as recommended by the Director of Public Works

53.   Accept and file report on Emerging Waste Management Technologies, as recommended by the Director of Public Works

54.   Approve plans and specifications (on file with the Clerk) for emergency repairs along East Cliff Drive, 33rd Avenue to 36th Avenue; accept bids for the emergency repairs and finish work; and take related actions, as recommended by the Director of Public Works (material available Friday, June 4, 2004)

55.   AS THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE DAVENPORT COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICT, approve independent contractor agreement with Sala Brothers Water Trucking, Incorporated in the amount of $23,201 for fiscal year 2003/2004 and $25,000 for fiscal year 2004/2005, for trucking of water to the Davenport water storage tank and authorize the District Engineer to sign the agreement, as recommended by the Director of Public Works

56.   Approve recommendations on use of Proposition 40 Funds as presented by the Parks Commission and direct Parks Department staff to begin implementation, as recommended by the Director of Parks, Open Space and Cultural Services

57.   Adopt resolution accepting the terms of $300,000 in grant funds under State Coastal Conservancy Access Program for replacement of the 26th Avenue Beach Access Stairway; adopt resolution accepting and appropriating unanticipated revenue in the amount of $300,000 from the State Coastal Conservancy; approve agreement with Ifland Engineers for $35,998 for construction inspection services; and take related actions, as recommended by the Director of Parks, Open Space and Cultural Services

58.   Adopt resolution scheduling a public hearing on Tuesday, August 3, 2004, on the morning agenda, at 9:00 a.m. or thereafter on the benefit assessment/service charge report for County Service Area (CSA) No. 9E, Streetscape Maintenance, and direct the Clerk of the Board to take related action, as recommended by the Redevelopment Agency Executive Director



59.   AS THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SANTA CRUZ COUNTY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY, award contract for the Live Oak Library Lagoon Restoration project to Quality Landscape Company in the amount of $72,480 and take related action, as recommended by the Redevelopment Agency Executive Director and the Director of General Services

60.   AS THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SANTA CRUZ COUNTY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY, approve construction financing for the East Cliff Drive Emergency Crib Wall Repair project and take related actions, as recommended by the Redevelopment Agency Executive Director (material available Friday, June 4, 2004)



IHSS Public Authority Negotiator: Director of Personnel
Employee Organization: IHSS Public Authority Employees

REPORT OF COUNTY COUNSEL - will be given at the conclusion of the closed session on any reportable actions(s) taken in the closed session.


61.   Adopt schedule for the 2004/2005 Budget Hearings, and direct the Clerk of the Board to provide the required public notice
a. Letter of the County Administrative Officer of May 26, 2004
b. Copy of adopted Resolution No. 305-2003 extending Hearings to eleven calendar days
c. 2004/2005 Budget Hearing Schedule

62.   Accept and file Volume II, Departmental Line Item Budget Detail for the 2004/2005 Proposed Budget
a. Letter of the County Administrative Officer of May 25, 2004
b. Volume II (available Friday, June 4, 2004)

63.   Consider the possibility of postponing adoption of the 2004/2005 County Budget until the State approves its budget
a. Letter of Supervisor Wormhoudt of June 2, 2004

64.   Public hearing to consider the proposed disposition (sale) of the Live Oak Elena Baskin Senior Center (Assessor's Parcel No.: 029-101-20 and the majority of -21) to the Live Oak School District
a. Letter of the Redevelopment Agency Executive Director of May 27, 2004
b. Summary Report of Purchase and Sale of Property
c. Memorandum of Understanding

65.   Public hearing on proposed three percent (3%) rate increase for Franchise Refuse, Recycling and Yard Waste Collection Services
a. Letter of the Director of Public Works of May 26, 2004
b. Letter of the Director of Public Works of April 20, 2004
c. Notice of Public Hearing (copy)

66.   Continued public hearing for the proposed 2004/2005 benefit assessment/service charge reports for various County Services
a. Letter of the Director of Public Works of May 26, 2004
b. Resolutions
c. Certifications of Votes Cast

67.   Public hearing on proposed 2004/2005 service charge report for County Service Area (CSA) No. 2, Place de Mer
a. Letter of the Director of Public Works of May 26, 2004
b. Resolution Confirming Service Charge Report
c. Summary of Approved Service Charges

68.   Public hearing on proposed 2004/2005 service charge report for Sanitation County Service Area (CSA) No. 5, Sand Dollar Beach and Canon Del Sol
a. Letter of the Director of Public Works of May 26, 2004
b. Resolution Confirming Service Charge Report
c. Summary of Approved Service Charges

69.   Public hearing on proposed 2004/2005 service charge report for County Service Area (CSA) No. 7, Boulder Creek
a. Letter of the Director of Public Works of May 28, 2004
b. Resolution Confirming Service Charge Report
c. Summary of Approved Service Charges

70.   Public hearing on proposed 2004/2005 service charge report for County Service Area (CSA) No. 10, Rolling Woods
a. Letter of the Director of Public Works of May 26, 2004
b. Resolution Confirming Service Charge Report
c. Summary of Approved Service Charges

71.   Public hearing on proposed 2004/2005 service charge report for County Service Area (CSA) No. 20, Trestle Beach
a. Letter of the Director of Public Works of May 26, 2004
b. Resolution Confirming Service Charge Report
c. Summary of Approve Service Charges

72.   Public hearing on proposed 2004/2005 Mosquito and Disease Control Assessment for County Service Area (CSA) No. 53
a. Letter of the Agricultural Commissioner/Director MVCD of May 26, 2004

73.   AS THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE DAVENPORT COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICT, public hearing on 2004/2005 Davenport County Sanitation District sewer and water service charge report
a. Letter of the Director of Public Works of May 26, 2004
b. Resolution confirming water and sewer service charge report
c. Summary of service charges

74.   AS THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE FREEDOM COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICT, public hearing on 2004/2005 Freedom County Sanitation District sewer service charge report
a. Letter of the District Engineer of May 26, 2004
b. Resolution Confirming sewer service charge report
c. Summary of Service Charges

Regarding public hearing items: If any person challenges an action taken on the foregoing matter(s) in court, they may be limited to raising only those issues raised at the public hearing described in this notice or in written correspondence delivered to the Board of Supervisors at or prior to the public hearing.

The time limit for seeking judicial review of any decision approving or denying an application for a permit, license or other entitlement, or revoking a permit, license or other entitlement is governed by Code of Civil Procedure Section 1094.6 and is no later than the 90th day following the date on which the decision is made (unless a shorter time limit is specified for the type of action by State or Federal law, in which case the shorter time limit shall apply).

75.   Consider 2003/2004 Equal Employment Opportunity Annual Report and consider related actions
a. Letter of the Equal Employment Opportunity Officer and the Personnel Director of May 26, 2004
b. Attachment

76.   Public hearing on the use of tax increment funds for the construction of the Live Oak Library, and review and approve the Summary Report for Public Hearing on the Live Oak Library project
a. Letter of the Redevelopment Agency Executive Director of May 26, 2004
b. Summary Report
c. Various Correspondences

Regarding public hearing items: If any person challenges an action taken on the foregoing matter(s) in court, they may be limited to raising only those issues raised at the public hearing described in this notice or in written correspondence delivered to the Board of Supervisors at or prior to the public hearing.

The time limit for seeking judicial review of any decision approving or denying an application for a permit, license or other entitlement, or revoking a permit, license or other entitlement is governed by Code of Civil Procedure Section 1094.6 and is no later than the 90th day following the date on which the decision is made (unless a shorter time limit is specified for the type of action by State or Federal law, in which case the shorter time limit shall apply).

77.   10:45 A.M. SCHEDULED ITEM

Bid opening for Transmitter Room Upgrade Project

a. Letter of the Director of General Services of May 4, 2004

78.   10:45 A.M. SCHEDULED ITEM

Bid opening for Fire Services for Modular Courts Project

a. Letter of the Director of General Services of May 11, 2004

79.   10:45 A.M. SCHEDULED ITEM

Bid opening for Gross Road Improvements, Coffee Lane to Capitola City Limit Project

a. Minute Order of May 18, 2004
b. Letter of the Director of Public Works of May 12, 2004

        WRITTEN CORRESPONDENCE LISTING: The Written Correspondence Listing is established to act as a report of materials received by the Board as a whole but may also include items requested for inclusion by individual Supervisors. Upon completion of any actions deemed necessary (i.e. acknowledgment, referral, etc.), these items are included in the Written Correspondence Listing under the appropriate heading. While these items are not part of the official record of meetings of the Board of Supervisors, they will be maintained by the Clerk of the Board for a period of two years, after which time they may be destroyed after the County's Historic Resources Commission has been provided an opportunity for review.