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Santa Cruz County
Board of Supervisors Agenda

Governmental Center Building
701 Ocean Street, Room 525, Santa Cruz, CA
March 24, 2009

  • Roll Call
  • Consent Agenda
  • Oral Communications
  • Scheduled and Regular Departmental Items
  • Lunch
  • Recess
  • Scheduled and Regular Departmental Items

  1. Roll Call

  2. Moment of Silence and Pledge of Allegiance

  3. Consideration of Late Additions to the Agenda; additions and deletions to Consent and Regular Agendas

  4. Action on the Consent Agenda

  5. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS - Any person may address the Board during its Oral Communications period. Presentations must not exceed three (3) minutes in length, and individuals may speak only once during Oral Communications. All Oral Communications must be directed to an item not listed on today's Consent or Regular Agenda, and must be within the jurisdiction of the Board. Board members will not take actions or respond immediately to any Oral Communications presented, but may choose to follow up at a later time, either individually, or on a subsequent Board of Supervisor's Agenda. Oral Communications will normally be received by the Board for a period not to exceed thirty (30) minutes. If, at the end of this period, additional persons wish to address the Board under Oral Communications, the Oral Communications period may be continued to the last item on the Regular Agenda.

Spanish language translation is available on an as needed basis. Please make advance arrangements with the Clerk of the Board, in Room 500, or by telephone at (831) 454-2323.

Las sesiones de la Mesa Directiva de los Supervisores del Condado pueden ser traducidas del inglés al español y del español al inglés. Por favor haga arreglos anticipadamente con la Secretaria de la Mesa Directiva de los Supervisores en el cuarto número 500, o por teléfono al número (831) 454-2323.

If you are a person with a disability and wish to attend the meeting and you require special assistance in order to participate, please contact the Clerk of the Board at (831) 454-2323 (TDD number (831) 454-2123) at least 72 hours in advance of the meeting in order to make arrangements. Persons with disabilities may request a copy of the agenda in an alternative format. As a courtesy to those affected, please attend the meeting smoke and scent free. Note: The Board of Supervisors meetings are broadcast live on Comcast Cable Services, Channel 26. Agenda documents may be reviewed at the Office of the Clerk of the Board, Room 500, Governmental Center, and at the Santa Cruz Main Library.

******CONSENT AGENDA******



6.   Accept claims as approved by the Auditor-Controller (on file with the Clerk of the Board)

7.   Approve minutes of March 10, 2009, as recommended by the Clerk of the Board

8.   Item deleted

9.   Approve the reading by Title of all ordinances considered for adoption that may appear on this agenda and further waive a detailed reading of said ordinances, as recommended by County Counsel

10.   Adopt ordinance amending section 9.43 of the Santa Cruz County Code relating to the regulation of parking in Soquel Village (approved in concept March 17, 2009 - item 34)

11.   Reject claim of Tim Hawkins, Claim No. 809-057, and refer to County Counsel

12.   Reject claim of Paula Burdick, Claim No. 809-058, and refer to County Counsel

13.   Reject claim of Dave D'Agosta, Claim No. 809-060, and refer to County Counsel

14.   Accept and file status report on County Code document management services and direct the County Administrative Officer to return on April 21, 2009 with a recommended contract, as recommended by the County Administrative Officer

15.   Accept and file report on the Federal Medical Assistance Percentage (FMAP) and direct the Chairperson of the Board to write to the County's legislative representatives in support of Senate Bill X3 24, as recommended by the County Administrative Officer

16.   Accept report on the feasibility of creating sub-zones within County Service Area (CSA) 48 and future financing of services in the County Fire service areas; direct staff to return on or before June 2, 2009 with a work plan and recommended timetable for possible ballot measure to support CSA 48, as recommended by the Acting Director of General Services

17.   Adopt resolution authorizing the Acting Director of General Services to submit the 2009 California Emergency Management Agency (CalEMA) Emergency Management Performance Grant application on behalf of the County of Santa Cruz and designating the County Administrative Officer, the Acting Director of General Services, and the Emergency Services Manager as authorized agents for grant administration purposes, as recommended by the Acting Director of General Services

18.   Approve contract with CMS Communications in an amount not-to-exceed $152,780, and take related action, as recommended by the Director of Information Services

19.   Approve appointments to the California State Association of Counties (CSAC)-Excess Insurance Authority Board of Directors, as recommended by the Director of Personnel

20.   Accept and file status report of the Sheriff's Recruitment and Retention Task Force and direct the County Administrative Officer and the Personnel Director to return with a further status report on May 5, 2009, as recommended by the Director of Personnel

21.   Adopt resolution approving membership and re-authorizing the Santa Cruz County Juvenile Justice Coordinating Council; direct Probation to return on or before April 21, 2009 with a report on revisions to the Multi-Agency Juvenile Justice Plan and funding application for the Board of Corrections Juvenile Justice Crime Prevention Act program, as recommended by the Chief Probation Officer

22.   Adopt resolution in support of H.R. 1409, The Employee Free Choice Act of 2009, as recommended by Supervisor Campos

23.   Approve appointment of Faris Sabbah to the First 5 Commission for a term to expire April 1, 2010, as recommended by Supervisor Campos

24.   Approve appointment of Raeid Farhat to the Housing Advisory Commission for a term to expire April 1, 2011, as recommended by Supervisor Campos

25.   Approve appointment of William L. Neighbors to the Mobile Home Commission for a term to expire April 1, 2011, as recommended by Supervisor Campos

26.   Approve appointment of Carlos G. Landaverry to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission for a term to expire April 1, 2011, as recommended by Supervisor Coonerty

27.   Approve reappointment of Jim Marshall to the First 5 Commission for a term to expire April 1, 2010, as recommended by Supervisor Coonerty

27.1   Approve reappointment of Toni Campbell to the First 5 Commission for a term to expire April 1, 2010, as recommended by Supervisor Leopold

28.   Approve appointment of Marsha L. Keeffer and Dean Lundholm to the Housing Advisory Commission for terms to expire April 1, 2013, as recommended by Supervisor Leopold

29.   Approve appointment of Gretchen Long to the Human Services Commission for a term to expire April 1, 2013, as recommended by Supervisor Leopold

30.   Approve appointment of Edwin (Ned) Spencer to the Water Advisory Commission for a term to expire April 1, 2013, as recommended by Supervisor Leopold

31.   Approve appointment of Phyllis Taub Greenleaf to the Women's Commission for a term to expire April 1, 2013, as recommended by Supervisor Leopold

32.   Approve reappointment of various persons to County advisory bodies, as outlined, for terms to expire April 1, 2013, as recommended by Supervisor Leopold

33.   Accept nomination of Paul Hogue for reappointment to the Area Developmental Disabilities Board VII, as an at-large representative, for a term to expire January 1, 2011, with final appointment to be considered on April 14, 2009, as recommended by Supervisor Pirie

34.   Approve appointment of Thomas Crain to the Commission on Disabilities for a term to expire April 1, 2013, as recommended by Supervisor Pirie

35.   Approve reappointment of various persons to County advisory bodies, as outlined, for terms to expire April 1, 2013, as recommended by Supervisor Pirie

36.   Approve reappointment of Dr. Salem Magarian to the First 5 Commission for a term to expire April 1, 2010, as recommended by Supervisor Pirie

37.   Approve reappointment of Barbara Bentley to the Mental Health Advisory Board for a term to expire April 1, 2012, as recommended by Supervisor Pirie

38.   Approve reappointment of various persons to the County advisory bodies, as outlined, for terms to expire April 1, 2013, as recommended by Supervisor Stone

39.   Approve reappointment of Beth Benjamin to the First 5 Commission, for a term to expire April 1, 2010, as recommended by Supervisor Stone

40.   Accept and file annual report of the Workforce Investment Board and take related action, as recommended by Chairperson Coonerty

41.   Approve reappointment of Scott Hamby to the Hazardous Materials Advisory Commission as the City of Scotts Valley's representative for a term to expire April 1, 2013, as recommended by Chairperson Coonerty

41.1   Adopt resolution supporting the passage of Assembly Bill 566, regarding mobile home park conversions, as recommended by Supervisor Leopold



42.   Accept and file report on Ambulance Diversions and Hospital Restrictions and request the Health Services Director to return with an annual report on this subject in February 2010, as recommended by the Director of Health Services

43.   Accept and file report on Mental Health housing resources and direct the Health Services Agency to return during budget hearings with a further status report, as recommended by the Director of Health Services



44.   Schedule public hearing on Tuesday, April 14, 2009 at 9:00 a.m. or thereafter to consider a proposal to rezone Assessor's Parcel Number 093-051-10 from the Special Use (SU) zone district to the Timber Production (TP) zone district, as recommended by the Planning Director

45.   Schedule public hearing on Tuesday, April 14, 2009 at 9:00 a.m. or thereafter to consider a proposal to rezone Assessor's Parcel Number 097-091-12 from the Residential Agriculture (RA) zone district to the Timber Production (TP) zone district, as recommended by the Planning Director

46.   Schedule public hearing on Tuesday, April 21, 2009 at 9:00 a.m. or thereafter to consider the recommendation of the Planning Commission regarding the Planned Unit Development Permit, Rezoning, and General Plan Amendment for Assessor's Parcel Numbers 037-101-02, 037-061-66, and a portion of 036-061-04 (Erlach Housing Site) and take related action, as recommended by the Planning Director

47.   Accept the improvements and approve the final cost of $89,429.20 for the Buena Vista Drive Sanitary Landfill Maintenance Facility Addition - Parts Room project and take related action, as recommended by the Director of Public Works

48.   Accept the low bid of Drill Tech Drilling and Shoring, Inc., in the amount of $6,198,061.02; authorize award of contract and make related findings, as recommended by the Director of Public Works

49.   Accept the low bid of Reber Construction, Inc., in the amount of $178,106 for the Storm Damage Repair County Service Area No. 33, adjacent to 1959 Redwood Drive; authorize award of contract and take related actions, as recommended by the Director of Public Works

50.   Adopt resolution approving three applications for Safe Routes to School Program grant funds, as recommended by the Director of Public Works

51.   Adopt resolution setting Tuesday, May 12, 2009 at 9:00 a.m. or thereafter as the date and time for a public hearing on proposed increases in sewer service charges for County Service Area (CSA) No. 5-Sand Dollar and Canon Del Sol; CSA No. 7-Boulder Creek; CSA No. 20-Trestle Beach; and CSA No.57S-Graham Hill (Woods Cove); approve the notice of public hearing on the proposed 2009-2010 increase for sewer service charges; direct Public Works to mail notice to all affected property owners and take related actions, as recommended by the Director of Public Works

52.   Approve participation in the Phase II enhancements for the Santa Cruz County Environmental Web Portal project and authorize a County Service Area 9C contribution of $1,000 to the website's continued development, as recommended by the Director of Public Works

53.   Approve permit conditions for the July 25, 2009 Santa Cruz Mountains Challenge 2009 Bike Ride Event and direct the Public Works Department to issue the ride permit upon of receipt of the $100 processing fee, as recommended by the Director of Public Works

54.   Authorize a one-time payment to Ecology Action in the amount of $1,987.60 for costs associated with the Marine Debris Awareness Campaign for fiscal year 2007-2008, as recommended by the Director of Public Works

55.   Authorize the installation of six 70-watt residential street lights at the locations described, as recommended by the Director of Public Works

56.   Approve appointment of Letticia Miller, Lewis Shaefer, and Sandor Kovacs to the Soquel Village Parking and Business Improvement Area Advisory Board for a four year term to expire in April 2011, as recommended by the Redevelopment Agency Administrator

57.   AS THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE DAVENPORT COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICT, set a public hearing for Tuesday, May 12, 2009 at 9:00 a.m. or thereafter to consider adoption of ordinances amending District Code for 2009-2010 water and sewer service charges; approve the notice of public hearing and direct Public Works to mail the notice to all affected property owners; ratify request for funding of $2.15 million in Federal Economic Stimulus Program funding for water system upgrade projects in Davenport and take related actions, as recommended by the District Engineer

58.   AS THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE FREEDOM COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICT, set a public hearing for Tuesday, May 12, 2009 at 9:00 a.m. or thereafter to consider adoption of an ordinance amending District Code for 2009-2010 sewer service charges in the Freedom County Sanitation District and take related action, as recommended by the District Engineer



59.   AS THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SANTA CRUZ COUNTY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY, approve Agency funds totaling $7,313,388.80 for the cost of construction of the East Cliff Drive Bluff Protection Project and take related actions, as recommended by the Redevelopment Agency Administrator

60.   AS THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SANTA CRUZ COUNTY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY, schedule a public hearing on Tuesday, April 14, 2009 at 9:00 a.m. or thereafter to consider a proposal to resell a unit located at Assessor's Parcel Number 037-621-06 to an income eligible purchaser, and to lease a unit located at Assessor's Parcel Number 037-621-10 to the Santa Cruz Community Counseling Center, as recommended by the Planning Director



60.1   Accept nomination of Dr. Larry deGhetaldi, Dr. Patrick Meehan, Dr. Rama Khalsa, Martina O' Sullivan, Dr. George Wolfe, Michael Molesky and Supervisor Ellen Pirie for appointment to the Santa Cruz-Monterey-Merced Managed Medical Care Commission, as at-large representatives in the categories indicated, for terms to be staggered by lot and to begin on the date on which a quorum of the Commission conducts its initial public meeting, with final appointments to be considered on April 14, 2009, as recommended by Supervisor Pirie

60.2   Adopt resolution in support of Senate Bill 211, which would add language to the Public Resources Code to permit the formation of a regional district to establish a Santa Cruz County Water and Land Conservancy, as recommended by Supervisor Stone






Significant exposure to litigation to be considered pursuant to subdivision (b)(1) of Government Code Section 54956.9 for one potential case

REPORT OF COUNTY COUNSEL - will be given at the conclusion of the closed session on any reportable action(s) taken in the closed session.


62.   Continued public hearing to consider allocation of State Supplemental Law Enforcement Funds (SLESF) and related action (continued from March 3, 2009 - item 48)
a. Letter of the County Administrative Officer, dated March 12, 2009

63.   Public hearing to consider the 2008 Annual General Plan Report
a. Letter of the Planning Director, dated March 24, 2009
b. 2008 General Plan report

Regarding public hearing items: If any person challenges an action taken on the foregoing matter(s) in court, they may be limited to raising only those issues raised at the public hearing described in this notice or in written correspondence delivered to the Board of Supervisors at or prior to the public hearing.

The time limit for seeking judicial review of any decision approving or denying an application for a permit, license or other entitlement, or revoking a permit, license or other entitlement is governed by Code of Civil Procedure Section 1094.6 and is no later than the 90th day following the date on which the decision is made (unless a shorter time limit is specified for the type of action by State or Federal law, in which case the shorter time limit shall apply).

64.   Consider the March 2009 Traffic and Engineering Report; adopt ordinance amending Santa Cruz County Code Chapter 9.08 relating to speed limits, and take related actions
a. Letter of the Director of Public Works, dated March 12, 2009
b. Proposed ordinance (clean copy)
c. Proposed ordinance (strike-through copy)
d. March 2009 Traffic and Engineering Report (on file with the Clerk of the Board)

65.   Consider appointment of Karen A. Cogswell to the Housing Authority Board of Commissioners, as an at-large representative, for a term to expire March 24, 2013
a. Letter of Supervisor Coonerty, dated March 4, 2009
b. Application (on file with the Clerk)

66.   Consider reappointment of Cecilia Espinola, Rama Khalsa, Michael C. Watkins, and Supervisor Mark W. Stone to the First 5 Commission, as at-large representatives, for terms to expire April 1, 2010
a. Letter of Chairperson Coonerty, dated March 5, 2009

67.   Consider reappointment of Dr. Larry deGhetaldi, Michael Molesky, and Dr. George Wolfe to the Santa Cruz-Monterey County Managed Medical Care Commission, as at-large representatives in the categories indicated, for terms to expire April 1, 2013, or upon the repeal of Chapter 7.59 of the County Code, whichever occurs first
a. Letter of Chairperson Coonerty, dated March 11, 2009

68.   Consider appointment of various persons to at-large positions on the Child Care Planning Council, Domestic Violence Commission, Emergency Medical Care Commission, In-Home Supportive Services Advisory Commission, Latino Affairs Commission, Mobile Home Commission, and Water Advisory Commission, as outlined, for terms to expire April 1, 2013
a. Letter of Chairperson Coonerty, dated March 10, 2009

69.   10:00 A.M. SCHEDULED ITEM

Consider presentation by the Human Care Alliance

a. Letter of Chairperson Coonerty, with attachment, dated March 11, 2009

999.   WRITTEN CORRESPONDENCE LISTING: The Written Correspondence Listing is established to act as a report of materials received by the Board as a whole but may also include items requested for inclusion by individual Supervisors. Upon completion of any actions deemed necessary (i.e. acknowledgment, referral, etc.), these items are included in the Written Correspondence Listing under the appropriate heading. While these items are not part of the official record of meetings of the Board of Supervisors, they will be maintained by the Clerk of the Board for a period of two years, after which time they may be destroyed after the County's Historic Resources Commission has been provided an opportunity for review.