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Santa Cruz County
Board of Supervisors Agenda

Governmental Center Building
701 Ocean Street, Room 525, Santa Cruz, CA
November 20, 2012

  • Roll Call
  • Consent Agenda
  • Oral Communications
  • Scheduled and Regular Departmental Items
  • Lunch
  • Recess
  • Scheduled and Regular Departmental Items
  • Scheduled and Regular Departmental Items
  • Recess

  1. Roll Call

  2. Moment of Silence and Pledge of Allegiance

  3. Consideration of Late Additions to the Agenda; additions and deletions to Consent and Regular Agendas

  4. Action on the Consent Agenda

  5. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS - Any person may address the Board during its Oral Communications period. Presentations must not exceed three (3) minutes in length, and individuals may speak only once during Oral Communications. All Oral Communications must be directed to an item not listed on today's Consent or Regular Agenda, and must be within the jurisdiction of the Board. Board members will not take actions or respond immediately to any Oral Communications presented, but may choose to follow up at a later time, either individually, or on a subsequent Board of Supervisor's Agenda. Oral Communications will normally be received by the Board for a period not to exceed thirty (30) minutes. If, at the end of this period, additional persons wish to address the Board under Oral Communications, the Oral Communications period may be continued to the last item on the Regular Agenda.

Spanish language translation is available on an as needed basis. Please make advance arrangements with the Clerk of the Board, in Room 500, or by telephone at (831) 454-2323.

Las sesiones de la Mesa Directiva de los Supervisores del Condado pueden ser traducidas del inglés al español y del español al inglés. Por favor haga arreglos anticipadamente con la Secretaria de la Mesa Directiva de los Supervisores en el cuarto número 500, o por teléfono al número (831) 454-2323.

If you are a person with a disability and wish to attend the meeting and you require special assistance in order to participate, please contact the Clerk of the Board at (831) 454-2323 (TDD number (831) 454-2123) at least 72 hours in advance of the meeting in order to make arrangements. Persons with disabilities may request a copy of the agenda in an alternative format. As a courtesy to those affected, please attend the meeting smoke and scent free. Note: The Board of Supervisors meetings are broadcast live on Comcast Cable Services, Channel 26. Agenda documents may be reviewed at the Office of the Clerk of the Board, Room 500, Governmental Center, and at the Santa Cruz Main Library.

******CONSENT AGENDA******



6.   Accept claims as approved by the Auditor-Controller (on file with the Clerk of the Board)

7.   Approve minutes of October 23, 2012 and October 30, 2012, as recommended by the Clerk of the Board

8.   Accept and file notification of continuing contracts received during the period of October 25, 2012 through November 14, 2012 and approved upon adoption of the 2012-2013 continuing agreements list to comply with Section 300 of the County's Procedures Manual, Title 1, as recommended by the Clerk of the Board

9.   Approve the reading by Title of all ordinances considered for adoption that may appear on this agenda and further waive a detailed reading of said ordinances, as recommended by County Counsel

10.   Reject the claims of Darlene Zamora, Claim Numbers 213-027, 213-028, and 213-029, and refer to County Counsel

11.   Reject the claim of Byron Grisel, Claim No. 213-030, and refer to County Counsel

12.   Reject the claim of Florence Johnson, Claim No. 213-031, and refer to County Counsel

13.   Approve deferral of consideration of a Memorandum of Understanding between the County and the Verutti Family to facilitate the donation of real property intended for a new Felton Library to January 15, 2013, as recommended by County Counsel

14.   Approve the County's 2013 legislative program and take related actions, as recommended by the County Administrative Officer

15.   Approve the amended Conflict of Interest Code adopted by the Animal Services Authority on October 15, 2012, as recommended by the County Administrative Officer

16.   Continue consideration of an ordinance to amend the Transient Occupancy Tax until December 11, 2012, as recommended by the County Administrative Officer

17.   Approve the Memorandum of Understanding accepting Urban Area Security Initiative (UASI) grant funding and related documents; adopt resolution accepting and appropriating $11,100 in UASI grant funds and take related actions, as recommended by the Director of Information Services

18.   Adopt resolutions approving the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection Volunteer Fire Assistance Program Agreement, authorizing the County Fire Chief to sign and execute the agreement and accepting and appropriating $18,525 from the Volunteer Fire Assistance Grant Program into the County Fire budget, as recommended by the Director of General Services

19.   Approve amendment to contract with The Bay Food Company, Inc., extending the term of the agreement for 701 Ocean Street Cafeteria and Food Concession Services and Emeline Campus coffee cart services through November 28, 2013, as recommended by the Director of General Services

20.   Approve amendment to agreement with Santa Cruz Barrios Unidos for the Outreach and Rule of Law program to adjust budget line amounts with no new total contract cost and take related actions, as recommended by the Chief Probation Officer

21.   Approve amendment to agreement with Bonnie J. Sultan, increasing the amount by $15,000 for new juvenile division consultant services and take related actions, as recommended by the Chief Probation Officer

22.   Approve Memorandum of Understanding between the Sheriff's Office and Superior Court for 2012-2013 court security services and authorize the Chairperson to take related actions, as recommended by the Sheriff-Coroner

23.   Approve contracts for Assembly Bill 109 client intervention services with The Watsonville Law Center, in the amount of $15,000 for reentry legal support services; Pajaro Valley Shelter Services in the amount of $15,000 to provide housing support services, including dedicated shelter beds; Walnut Avenue Women's Center in the amount of $5,000 to provide the Seeking Safety cognitive/behavioral treatment program; approve contract amendment with the United Way of Santa Cruz County to add restorative justice services to the scope of work and increasing the compensation by $10,000, and take related actions, as recommended by the Chief Probation Officer

24.   Accept and file the report of the County's investment activities and holdings for the quarter ending September 30, 2012, as recommended by the Treasurer-Tax Collector

25.   Accept and file the Treasurer's monthly Investment Transaction Report for the period ending October 31, 2012, as recommended by the Treasurer-Tax Collector

26.   Approve and adopt the County of Santa Cruz 2013 Investment Policy, as recommended by the Treasurer-Tax Collector

27.   Accept nomination of Mark Hodges for appointment to the Workforce Investment Board, as an at-large representative of educational agencies, for a term to expire June 30, 2014, with final appointment to be considered on December 4, 2012, as recommended by Supervisor Coonerty

28.   Accept nomination of Dave Hood for reappointment to the Workforce Investment Board, as an at-large representative of business, for a term to expire June 30, 2016, with final appointment to be considered on December 4, 2012, as recommended by Chair Leopold

29.   Accept nomination of David Cavanaugh for reappointment to the Pajaro Valley Water Management Agency Board of Directors, for a term to expire December 1, 2014, with final appointment to be considered on December 4, 2012, as recommended by Supervisor Pirie

30.   Accept notification of a vacancy on the Board of Directors of the Community Action Board, for an at-large representative of the County of Santa Cruz, with nominations for appointment to be received on December 4, 2012, and final appointment to be considered on December 11, 2012, as recommended by Chair Leopold

31.   Accept notification of two vacancies on the Board of Law Library Trustees, with nominations for appointment to be received on December 4, 2012, and final appointments to be considered on December 11, 2012, as recommended by Chair Leopold



32.   Approve amendment to agreement with American Medical Response West, extending the term until December 31, 2015, and take related actions, as recommended by the Director of Health Services

33.   Approve the coordination agreement with Senior Citizen's Legal Services and take related actions, as recommended by the Director of Health Services

34.   Approve amendment to agreement with Sutter Maternity and Surgical Center for provision of MediCruz hospital services, extending the term through March 31, 2013, and take related actions, as recommended by the Director of Health Services

35.   Approve revenue agreement with the California Department of Correction and Rehabilitation's Correctional Health Care Services in the amount of $6,000 for provision of patient-inmate Low Income Health Program enrollment services and take related actions, as recommended by the Director of Health Services

36.   Approve deferral of the Annual Report on Hospital Services and Access to Care to February 26, 2013, as recommended by the Director of Health Services

37.   Approve deferral of the Los Altos Rod and Gun Club (Application 111108) environmental status report, to include the Health Risk Assessment results, until December 11, 2012, as recommended by the Director of Health Services

38.   Authorize payment of four pharmaceutical invoices over one year old in the total amount of $559.60 from Cardinal Health, as recommended by the Director of Health Services

39.   Ratify agreement with the City of Santa Cruz Water Department in the not-to exceed amount of $70,000 in Proposition 84 grant funds for evaluation of potential water exchanges in northern Santa Cruz County and take related actions, as recommended by the Director of Health Services

40.   Adopt a resolution accepting and appropriating unanticipated revenue in the amount of $87,343 from the State of California; approve amendment to agreement with Shoreline Workforce Development Services, increasing the amount by $84,343 for enhanced workforce investment services focused on the needs of local businesses and job seekers, and take related actions, as recommended by the Director of Human Services



41.   Accept the improvements and approve the final cost of $1,888,043 for the 2012 Pavement Management Project and take related action, as recommended by the Director of Public Works

42.   Accept the improvements and approve the final cost of $503,786.54 for the Upper Porter/Soquel/San Jose Road Improvements- Papermill Road to O'Neill Lane Project, and take related action, as recommended by the Director of Public Works

43.   Adopt resolution to convey underground conduit and utility boxes from the County of Santa Cruz to AT&T as part of the East Cliff Drive Parkway Project, and take related action, as recommended by the Director of Public Works

44.   Approve amendment to agreement with Bowman Williams Consulting Civil Engineers increasing compensation by $20,000 for a not-to-exceed total of $221,257.59, increasing the scope of services, and approving the current rate schedule for the Seacliff Village Streetscape Plan and State Park Drive Improvement Project, and take related action, as recommended by the Director of Public Works

45.   Approve amendment to agreement with Stantec Consulting Services, Inc., setting revised 2012 schedule of billing rates to provide engineering design services for storm damage repairs on various roads within the County, as recommended by the Director of Public Works

46.   Approve the independent contractor agreement with Pacific Crest Engineering Inc., in the not-to-exceed amount of $25,000 for geotechnical services through March 31, 2013 for the Soquel-San Jose Road Storm Damage Repair Project, and take related actions, as recommended by the Director of Public Works

47.   Approve transfer of $3,300 for the purchase of utility truck no. 2-113 and service truck 4-15 to be utilized in the Public Works road maintenance section, as recommended by the Director of Public Works

48.   Approve the transfer of $82,846.80 from Public Works Internal Service Fund Capital Reserves to Structures & Improvements for the Brommer Street Maintenance Yard Clarifier project; accept low bid from Pacific Underground Services in the amount of $125,420 for the Brommer Yard and D.A. Porath Sanitation Facility Clarifiers Project; authorize award of contract, and take related actions, as recommended by the Director of Public Works

49.   Authorize Public Works to issue Transportation Improvement Area fee credit in the amount of $135,000 for building permit application number 121013, with recommendation to withhold occupancy of development project until all documentation related to the offsite improvements (traffic signal modification of the Soquel Drive and 41st Avenue intersection) has been reviewed and accepted, as recommended by the Director of Public Works

50.   Schedule revised bid opening for the Empire Grade Road Storm Damage Repair Project on November 29, 2012 at 2:15 p.m. in the Public Works Conference room and direct staff to return on December 11, 2012 with a recommendation for award of contract, as recommended by the Director of Public Works

51.   AS THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SANTA CRUZ COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL AND WATER CONSERVATION DISTRICT, approve annual contribution of $8,000 for fiscal years 2012-2013 through 2017-2018 to the Pajaro River Watershed Flood Prevention Authority for flood risk reduction activities throughout the Pajaro River watershed, as recommended by the District Engineer





Capitola Flooding Cases (Ross, et al., v. City of Capitola, et al., Santa Cruz County Superior Court Case No. CV173642; Truck Insurance Exchange, et al. v. City of Capitola, et al. Santa Cruz County Superior Court Case No. CV173071; Calvert v. City of Capitola, et al. Santa Cruz County Superior Court Case No. CV172804; Foremost Insurance Company v. City of Capitola et al. Santa Cruz County Superior Court Case No. CV173228; American Alternative Insurance v. City of Capitola, et al. Santa Cruz County Superior Court Case No. CV173926; Saldana v. City of Capitola, et al., Santa Cruz County Superior Court Case No. CV172324; California Capital Insurance v. City of Capitola et al. Santa Cruz County Superior Court Case No. CV173552; Kawahara v. City of Capitola, et al., Santa Cruz County Superior Court Case No. CV175216

REPORT OF COUNTY COUNSEL - will be given at the conclusion of the closed session on any reportable action(s) taken in the closed session.


53.   Presentation honoring Mark W. Stone
a. Letter of Chair Leopold, dated November 14, 2012

54.   10:45 A.M. SCHEDULED ITEM

Consider report of County Administrative Office on amendments to the agreements with the Museum of Art and History

a. Letter of the County Administrative Officer, dated November 12, 2012, with attachments

55.   11:00 A.M. SCHEDULED ITEM

Consider possible actions to prohibit the discharge of firearms in the upper Eureka Canyon Road area

a. Letter of Supervisor Pirie, with attachments, dated November 14, 2012

56.   Consider appointment of Laura Mangum to the In-Home Supportive Services Advisory Commission, as an at-large representative in the category of current or former provider, for a term to expire April 1, 2015
a. Letter of Supervisor Coonerty, dated October 18, 2012
b. Application (on file with the Clerk of the Board)

57.   1:30 P.M. SCHEDULED ITEM

Consider report on Community Programs funding and direct staff to return with a further report on or before January 29, 2013

a. Letter of the County Administrative Office dated November 15, 2012
b. Letter of the Human Care Alliance dated November 15, 2012

999.   WRITTEN CORRESPONDENCE LISTING: The Written Correspondence Listing is established to act as a report of materials received by the Board as a whole but may also include items requested for inclusion by individual Supervisors. Upon completion of any actions deemed necessary (i.e. acknowledgment, referral, etc.), these items are included in the Written Correspondence Listing under the appropriate heading. While these items are not part of the official record of meetings of the Board of Supervisors, they will be maintained by the Clerk of the Board for a period of two years, after which time they may be destroyed after the County's Historic Resources Commission has been provided an opportunity for review.