Santa Cruz County
Board of Supervisors
Budget Hearing Agenda
Governmental Center Building
701 Ocean Street, Room 525, Santa Cruz, CA
June 28, 2007
12:00 |
3:15 |
Spanish language translation is available on an as needed basis. Please make advance arrangements with the Clerk of the Board, in Room 500, or by telephone at (831) 454-2323.
Las sesiones de la Mesa Directiva de los Supervisores del Condado pueden ser traducidas del inglés al español y del español al inglés. Por favor haga arreglos anticipadamente con la Secretaria de la Mesa Directiva de los Supervisores en el cuarto número 500, o por teléfono al número (831) 454-2323.
The County complies with the Americans With Disabilities Act. As a courtesy to those who are affected,
please attend the meetings smoke and scent free. Questions regarding accommodation under the ADA
should be directed to the office of the Clerk of the Board at 454-2323. Note: The Board of Supervisors
Meetings are broadcast live on Community TV, Comcast Cable Channel 26, and Charter Channel 72.
NOTE: Agenda documents may be reviewed at the Office of the Clerk of the
Board, Room 500, Governmental Center, and at the Santa Cruz Main Library.
1. Public Hearing on Unified Fee Schedule
2.   County Service Area No. 38
a. County Administrative Officer's recommended budget
b. Line Item Detail Volume II
3.   Plant Acquisition
A. Technology Fund
B. Park Dedication Funds
C. State Park Bonds
a. Minute Order of June 28, 2007 Item No. 003
b. County Administrative Officer's recommended budget
c. Supplemental budget recommendations
d. Line Item Detail Volume II
4.   Debt Service
a. County Administrative Officer's recommended budget
b. Line Item Detail Volume II
5.   Unified Fee Schedule
-10:45 A.M. Public hearing
a. Letter of the County Administrative Officer of June 4, 2007
b. Resolution
c. Unified Fee Schedule
6.   Contracts and Agreements List
a. Letter of the County Administrative Officer of June 25, 2007
b. Continuing Agreements List for 2007-2008
c. Minute Order of June 28, 2007 Item No. 006
7.   General County Revenues
a. County Administrative Officers recommended budget
b. Line Item Detail Volume II
8.   Appropriations for Contingencies
a. County Administrative Officers recommended budget
b. Line Item Detail Volume II
9.   Accept and file report on the eradication and control efforts being utilized locally by the U.S. Department of Agriculture and direct the Agricultural Commissioner to provide a copy of this report to Jeff Rosendale and Senator Simitian, as recommended by the Agricultural Commissioner
a. Letter of the Agricultural Commissioner of June 26, 2007
b. Attachment A: Light Brown Apple Moth Pest Risk Rating
c. Minute Order of June 28, 2007 Item No. 009
10.   Approve Note to Fund Alternative Method of Tax Distribution (Teeter), as recommended by the Auditor-Control
a. Letter of the Auditor-Controller of June 13, 2007
b. Delinquent Tax and Revenue Anticipation Note No. 1
c. Delinquent Tax and Revenue Anticipation Note No. 2
11.   Adopt resolution authorizing the temporary transfer of funds to the districts; and direct the County Treasurer to make the necessary transfer of funds from the County Treasury pursuant to the approved resolution, as recommended by the Auditor-Controller
a. Letter of the Auditor-Controller of June 13, 2007
b. Resolution Authorizing Temporary Transfer of Funds
c. Memorandum from the Auditor-Controller of April 24, 2007
d. Various Resolutions from the Fire Districts
12.   APPROVE Index Code 15100, as recommended by the County Administrative Officer, and the Errata
a. Letter of the County Administrative Officer of June 26, 2007
b. Financial document
c. Errata
13.   Accept and file report on the current status of the AB 2115 Loan between the County of Santa Cruz and the County Redevelopment Agency and direct the County Administrative Office and the County Redevelopment Agency to report on this matter at 2008-2009 Budget Hearings
a. Letter of the County Administrative Officer of June 22, 2007 RE: Status of County AB 2115 Loan
b. Department of Public Works-RDA Project Benefit Summary
14.   Accept and file report on the General Fund Contribution to Pavement Management Program; allocate $1 million from the General Fund Emergency Reserve to the Plant Acquisition Budget for Public Works Emergency Repairs; reduce the Public Works allocation in the Road budget for Emergency Repairs by $1 million; and increase the allocation for the Pavement Management Program in the Road Budget by $1 million
a. Minute Order of June 28, 2007 Item No. 014
b. Letter of the County Administrative Officer of June 26, 2007 Re: General Fund Contribution To Pavement Management Program
c. Attachment 1: Revenues and Allocations Summary Fiscal Year 2006/2007
d. Attachment 2: 2007-2008 Reserves and Designations
15.   Accept and file report on the 2008 Board Meeting Schedule; and request the Chairperson of the Board, in developing the 2008 Meeting Schedule, to include February 5th, June 3rd and November 4th as exceptions to the regular Tuesday Board Meeting Schedule
a. Letter of the County Administrative Officer of June 20, 2007 Re: 2008 Board Meeting Schedule
b. Letter of the County Clerk of June 22, 2007 Re: 2008 Board Meeting Schedule
16.   Approve financial document for the one-time augmentation to Senior Citizens Legal Services in the amount of $6,500 for the purchase of computer equipment
a. Financial Sheet
17.   approve and authorize the Personnel Director to extend the limited term designation for 17 FTE positions in the District Attorney's Office through June 30, 2008, as detailed in Attachment 1, as recommended by the District Attorney
a. Letter of the District Attorney of June 22, 2007
b. Attachment 1: detail of limited term designation
19.   Approve financial document for the General Services Department to delete a Clerk position from the contract with the State and establish it as a position in the County
a. Financial Document
20.   Accept and file report on the Employee Vanpool Program; authorize General Services to increase the Employee Vanpool fee from ten dollars ($10) per pay period to fifteen dollars and fifty-four cents ($15.54) per pay period, effective the pay period beginning October 20, 2007; meet with Vanpool program participants and employee organizations at least 60 days prior to the increased fee to describe its need; and authorize General Services to seek external/grant funding for replacement vanpool vehicles, as recommended by the General Services Director
a. Letter of the General Services Department of June 25, 2007 Re: Employee Vanpool Program
b. Minute Order of June 28, 2007 Item No. 020
21.   Approve financial document for the Health Services Agency in the amount of $291,896 for various grant programs in the Public Health budget; and approve the addition of various positions into the Health Services Agency Public Health Division 2007-2008 budget and direct the Health Services Agency to work with Personnel to classify the various positions, as recommended by the Health Services Agency Director
a. Minute Order of June 28, 2007 Item No. 021
b. Letter of the Health Services Agency of June 22, 2007 RE: Public Health Program Enhancements
c. Financial document
22.   accept and file report on additional funding requests for the Watsonville YWCA and the Association of Watsonville Area Seniors; and direct the Human Resources Agency Director to return on September 25, 2007 with a further report on the Association of Watsonville Area Seniors, as recommended by the Human Resources Agency Director
a. Letter of the Human Resources Agency Director of June 22, 2007 RE: Report Back on New Community Program Funding Requests
b. Letter of Supervisor Campos of June 25, 2007 Re: Additional Fiscal Year 2007-2008 Budget Request for the Association of Watsonville Area Seniors, Incorporated
c. Letter of the Association of Watsonville Area Seniors, Incorporated of June 24, 2007
23.   approve additional funding increases in Fiscal Year 2007-2008 Community Programs contracts conditioned upon availability of funds, for the Santa Cruz Women's Health Center in the amount of $20,000; Seniors Council on Aging Project Scout in the amount of $12,500; and Community Action Board (CAB)/
Davenport Resource Center in the amount of $15,000; as indicated in the supplemental budget financial detail, as recommended by the Human Resources Agency Director
a. Letter of the Human Resources Agency of June 22, 2007 RE: Report back on additional Community Program Funding Requests
b. Financial supplemental
c. Minute Order of June 21, 2007 Item No. 004
d. Letter of Supervisor Coonerty of June 21, 2007 RE: Additional Fiscal Year 2007-08 Budget Request for the Community Action Board/Davenport Resource Services Center
e. Memorandum from Cecilia Espinola of April 27, 2007
24.   Approve financial supplement document for Parks, Open Space and Cultural Services for the continued operations of the Lighthouse Field Agreement through it's expiration, including the Errata that corrects the chart column amounts on page 26-3 of the Last Day Report
a. Financial Supplement document
b. Errata
25.   ADOPTED RESOLUTION NO. 222-2007 amending Salary Resolution No. 279-75 to implement various personnel actions in the Health Services Agency, as recommended by the Health Services Agency Director
a. Letter of the Personnel Director of June 19, 2007 RE: Adopt Resolution to Amend Salary Resolution No. 279-75 to Implement Various Personnel Actions
b. Resolution
26.   Accept and file report on Fees for Planning Appeals; direct that, in the context of future fee adjustments, fees for non-applicant appeals to the Planning Commission and Board be set at 50 percent of estimated costs; and incorporate the following changes in the final Unified Fee Schedule (adopted as part of final budget actions) for Planning Department appeals fees as follows:
Administrative Appeals $539
Appeals Zoning Administrator/Env. Coord.(applicant) $2,668
Appeals Zoning Administrator/Env. Coord.(non-applicant) $1,334
Appeals Planning Commission-Automatic (Applicant) $2,303
Appeals Planning Commission-Automatic (non-applicant) $1,151
Appeals Planning Commission-Jurisdictional (applicant) $3,849*
Appeals Planning Commission-Jurisdictional (non-applicant) $1,925*
*1/2 of fee refunded if jurisdiction not taken
a. Minute Order of June 28, 2007 Item No. 026
b. Letter of the Planning Department of June 22, 2007 Re: Fees for Planning Appeals
27.   AUTHORIZE the Planning Director to negotiate and sign an agreement with the owner of the Swan Lake property (in a form acceptable to County Counsel) to provide for compliance with the current Affordable Housing Ordinance standards (including perpetuity affordability restrictions) and provide for interior unit upgrades for the Measure J units in accordance with terms and conditions specified in this letter; approve an expenditure of $900,000 in Redevelopment Agency Housing Funds for the Swan Lake Project as described in this letter; and authorize the Planning Director to take any other related actions to implement this program
a. Minute Order of June 26, 2007 Item No. 027
28.   Accept and file report on Authority to Increase Public Defender Fees, as recommended by the County Administrative Officer
a. Letter of the County Administrative Officer of June 25, 2007 Re: Authority to Increase Public Defender Fees
29.   Approve an allocation in the amount of $10,000 to the O'Neill Sea Odyssey from the Waste Reduction Grant Program, subject to an application being submitted, as recommended by the County Administrative Officer
a. Letter of the County Administrative Officer of June 22, 2007
30.   Approve Index Code 621100 - Road Fund
a. Financial Document
31.   Approve Index Code 622300 - Redwood Drive, County Service Area No. 33
a. Financial Supplemental
32.   Approve Index Code 622105 - Braemoor Drive, County Service Area No. 47
a. Financial Supplemental
33.   Approve Index Code 622435 - Upper Pleasant Valley, County Service Area No. 52
a. Financial Supplemental
34.   Final Budget Actions
A. As Directors of the Redevelopment Agency
B: As the Board of Supervisors
a. Letter of the County Administrative Officer of June 28, 2007 RE: Concluding Report and Financial Update for the 2007-2008 Final Budget Hearings
b. Exhibit 1: Summary of the County Cost of the items in the Supplemental Budget document
c. Exhibit 2: Summary of the County Cost of the items in the Last Day Reports
d. Exhibit 3: Accounting Detail for the recommended adjustments
35.   AS THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY, approve the Redevelopment Agency's 2007-2008 Budget
a. Letter of the Redevelopment Agency of June 22, 2007 RE: Final Actions of 2007-2008 Redevelopment Agency Budget