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Thursday, June 24, 2004



VOTING KEY: B = Beautz, P = Pirie, W = Wormhoudt, Ca = Campos, S = Stone; first initial indicates maker of motion, second initial indicates the "second"; upper case letter = "yes" vote; lower case letter = "no" vote; () = abstain; // = absent



1.   APPROVED Index Codes 136104 and 136601, as recommended by the County Administrative Officer, including items contained in Volume II



2.   APPROVED DEPARTMENT 19 and all associated Index Codes, as recommended by the County Administrative Officer, including items contained in Volume II, Supplemental Budget recommendations, and the Capital Improvement Projects (CIP)



3.   APPROVED Index Codes 131215, 131217 and 131235, as recommended by the County Administrative Officer, including items contained in Volume II



4.   Public hearing held regarding the Unified Fee Schedule; closed public hearing; adopted RESOLUTION NO. 241-2004 revising the Unified Fee Schedule with the amended fees and charges as presented, as recommended by the County Administrative Officer



5.   APPROVED recommendations providing for position changes and financial adjustments within the Agricultural Commissioner Supplemental Budget, as recommended by the Agricultural Commissioner

6.   APPROVED Note to Fund Alternative Method of Tax Distribution (Teeter), as recommended by the Auditor-Controller

7.   APPROVED Index Code 151000, Financial Supplemental Appropriations, to implement Board action of June 17, 2004, to approve a status quo budget, which includes an adjustment to provide for expenditures or salaries and benefits, as recommended by the County Administrative Officer

8.   APPROVED the Assessor Supplemental Budget, which establishes Intra-Fund transfers for Assessor services, and includes the new County Assessor-Recorder position;

(2) approved the Recorder Supplemental Budget, which transfers expenditures, revenues, and 2.0 positions associated with Clerks Special Services to the Clerk/Elections Budget Index, transfers appropriations for the Treasurer-Tax Collector position to the Treasurer-Tax Collector Budget Index, accepts additional Recording Fee revenues based on revised estimates, and provides for office reconfiguration and efficiency initiatives;

(3) approved the Clerk/Elections Supplemental Budget, which accepts the transfers of expenditures, revenues, and 2.0 positions associated with Clerk's Special Services, placing the County Clerk position into this Budget Index, adds a .5 Senior Account Clerk position for Clerk's accounting support, and adds new revenues based on Clerk's Service fee increases;

(4) approved the Treasurer-Tax Collector Supplemental Budget which accepts the transfer of appropriations for the Treasurer-Tax Collector position, places the position in this Budget Index, and provides for a new method of financing Banking Services charges; and

(5) approved the General Services Supplemental Budget, which provides for a reconfiguration of office space to accommodate the Clerk's position transfers, as recommended by the County Administrative Officer

9.   APPROVED Index Code 181000, Financial Supplemental Budget Recommendations, an augmentation which reduces the approved 20% supplemental reduction for the Conference and Visitors Council contract to a 10% reduction in the 2004-05 contract, as recommended by the County Administrative Officer

10.   APPROVED Transfer of Funds, in the amount of $25,000, which realigns budgeted funds from the County Administrative Office Budget Index to the County Counsel Budget Index; and increased the Rutan and Tucker contract amount for general financial services for 2003-2004 by $25,000, as recommended by the County Administrative Officer

11.   ACCEPTED AND FILED report on the Above the Line/Group Home Society and directed staff to provide a further status report, on September 28, 2004, to address the financing and related programmatic and land use issues associated with this property, as recommended by the County Administrative Officer

12.   ACCEPTED AND FILED reports on the Real Estate Fraud Trust Funds, as recommended by the County Administrative Officer and County Counsel

13.   APPROVED the District Attorney's Last Day Budget Request providing a financial plan to address the loss of the State Statutory Rape Vertical Prosecution Grant award for 2004-05 in the amount of $117,003, as recommended by the County Officer

14.   APPROVED and authorized the Personnel Director to extend the limited term designation for 17 full time employee positions in the District Attorney's Office, as detailed in the letter of the District Attorney of June 18, 2004, as recommended by the District Attorney

15.   APPROVED Index Code 333500, Financial Supplemental Recommendations, which reflects a one-time reduction in the vehicle replacement and replacement reserve costs for departmental assigned vehicles by extending the replacement life by one year, with the exception of Sheriff's Office patrol vehicles which will be extended 15,000 miles, as recommended by the County Administrative Officer

16.   APPROVED Service Center Realignments for 2003/04 and 2004/05, reflecting increases and decreases in the individual departmental indexes, as recommended by the County Administrative Officer

17.   APPROVED Index Code 330000, Financial Supplemental Recommendation, including financing from the Criminal Justice Construction Fund, which reflects a re-budget of building maintenance plant projects under $25,000 that will not be completed by June 30, 2004, as recommended by the County Administrative Officer

18.   APPROVED Index Code 302100, Financial Supplemental Recommendation, reflecting a re-budget of grants that will not be completed by June 30, 2004, as recommended by the County Administrative Officer

19.   APPROVED the budget for the 2004-2005 fiscal year Homeland Security Grant Funds;

2) approved list of associated Fixed Assets allocated to the County;

3) approved associated budgetary documents for General Services-Fleet Services and authorized the General Services Department Fleet Division to purchase a Mobile Command Post tow vehicle for the Sheriff's Department; and

(4) authorized the Emergency Services Administrator to reimburse the non-County agencies for their expenditures upon receipt of cash from the State, as recommended by the Emergency Services Administrator

20.   APPROVED agreement with RRM, Inc., in the amount of $38,438 for the Soil and Groundwater Investigation at Fleet Services, 691 Ocean Street; and authorized the General Services Director to notify the contractor and sign the contract agreements and associated documents on behalf of the Board, as recommended by the General Services Director

21.   APPROVED budget increases in Net County Costs for the Volunteer Center program in the amount of $150,000; the Santa Cruz Community Counseling Center Hermanas program in the amount of $75,000; the Santa Cruz Aids Project in the amount of $4,380 and the Mental Health Client Action Network in the amount of $14,940; and directed the Health Services Agency to report back on December 14, 2004 with recommendations on impacts of the Mental Health Services Act whether it passes or not, as recommended by the Health Services Agency Director

22.   ACCEPTED AND FILED report on the Certification and Reise Hearings; and directed the Health Services Agency to monitor and report back on hearing and conservatorship trends for fiscal year 2004/2005 on September 21, 2004, as recommended by the Health Services Agency Director

23.   ACCEPTED AND FILED report on the Mental Health Services Act, with an additional request for report back in August 2004 on what the implications would be if this measure does not pass

24.   ACCEPTED AND FILED report on health services access at the Rountree facility and the Jail Farm, as recommended by the Health Services Agency Director

25.   ACCEPTED AND FILED report on Water Resources Program;

(2) directed Planning, Public Works and Environmental Health to continue to coordinate and maintain efforts as outlined in this report pending a further analysis of water resource efforts, to be provided to the Board not later than December 7, 2004; and

(3) directed the Environmental Health Director to assume a lead role in coordinating water resources efforts among the three departments; with an additional direction to refer the report to the Water Advisory Committee and return to the Board in August or September 2004, or as soon as the Water Advisory Committee has had the chance to look at the report, comment on it and give the Board their recommendations, so that the Board can more fully understand the impacts of what this represents when it is reducing or eliminating various pieces of the program

26.   AUTHORIZED the Health Services Agency to process and execute documents and State standard agreements for the State Office of Statewide Health Planning and Development Student Loan Repayment program after review and approval by County Counsel and Personnel, as recommended by the Health Services Agency Director

27.   ACCEPTED AND FILED report on restoration of Community Programs Funding Index Code 395200; with a request to include an additional appropriation of $419,926 in Net County Costs in the Community Programs budget in order to restore half of the proposed fiscal year 2004-2005 twenty percent (20%) reduction to the Community Programs contracts;

(2) motion made to reconsider item;

(3) accepted and filed report on restoration of Community Programs Funding Index Code 395200; with a request to include an additional appropriation of $419,926 in Net County Costs in the Community Programs budget in order to restore half of the proposed fiscal year 2004-2005 twenty percent (20%) reduction to the Community Programs contracts;
(3) CAB(P)WS Supervisor Pirie abstained on the Senior Citizens Legal Services contract because her spouse is employed by this Agency

28.   ACCEPTED AND FILED report on the restoration of Veterans Services; approved Index Code 393000; and approved Financial Supplemental Recommendation, including Restoration Option Number One to restore one Veterans representative

29.   APPROVED Index Code 490000, Financial Supplemental Recommendations, increasing appropriations in the Parks Department Budget for restoration of 90 percent (90%) of the 2003-04 funding for eight recreation community programs and instructed the Auditor-Controller to add the contracts, outlined within the financial supplement to the Continuing Agreements list, as recommended by the County Administrative Officer

30.   APPROVED Index Code 134904, Financial Supplemental Recommendations, adjusting the proposed reductions to the Community programs within the Cultural Resources budget from 20 percent (20%) to 10 percent (10%) and instructed the Auditor-Controller to modify the Continuing Agreements list to include the additions to the various contracts, as recommended by the County Administrative Officer

31.   ACCEPTED AND FILED report on the History of Insurance Fund Reserves and History of Insurance Fund Claims and Recoveries, as recommended by the Personnel Director and Risk Manager

32.   APPROVED RESOLUTION NO. 242-2004 Amending Resolution No. 279-75 by abolishing classes, adding classes, and taking related actions;

(2) approved RESOLUTION NO. 243-2004 amending Personnel Regulations Section 160 establishing differentials for the Animal Services Authority; and

(3) authorized the County Administrative Officer and Personnel Director to take any necessary administrative actions to implement the resolutions, as recommended by the Personnel Director

33.   APPROVED Index Code 135461, Financial Supplemental Recommendation to transfer $25,000 from Contingencies for design services for the Ben Lomond Dam fish ladder, as recommended by the County Administrative Officer

34.   APPROVED the addition of one Deputy Probation Officer II and the Supplemental Financial Recommendation, as recommended by the County Administrative Officer

35.   APPROVED agreement for Public Defender Services, as recommended by the County Administrative Officer

36.   ADOPTED RESOLUTION NO. 244-2004 authorizing a loan from the County to the Redevelopment Agency for the Agency's projected 2004-2005 administrative costs, as recommended by the Redevelopment Agency Administrator

37.   APPROVED Last Day Errata, as recommended by the County Administrative Officer, correcting the Personnel tables in the Probation Department and in the Health Services Agency to effectuate the changes that are necessary to provide for those budgets, including Supplemental Financial Recommendations



38.   AUTHORIZED County Department Heads to negotiate and execute the agreements;

(2) authorized County Department Heads and/or Board Chairperson to sign the continuing grant applications and revenue agreements contained in the 2004-2005 continuing agreements list; and

(3) authorized the Auditor-Controller to adjust the continuing agreements list for changes in appropriations made by the Board during Budget Hearings and to correct any errors other than amounts, as recommended by the County Administrative Officer
BCA(P)WS Supervisor Pirie abstained on contract with Senior Citizens Legal Services because her spouse is employed by this Agency



39.   APPROVED Index Code 131220, as recommended by the County Administrative Officer, including items contained in Volume II



40.   APPROVED Index Code 131375, as recommended by the County Administrative Officer, including items contained in Volume II

41.   AS THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SANTA CRUZ COUNTY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY, APPROVED the Redevelopment Agency Continuing Agreements Lists for Fiscal Year 2004-2005;

(2) adopted RESOLUTION NO. 245-2004 accepting a cash flow loan from the County to cover the Agency's 2004-05 administrative costs;

(3) directed the Auditor-Controller, in preparing the final budget, to incorporate appropriation changes provided by Agency Staff to Capital Projects for 2004-2005 based upon the difference between estimated actuals and final costs for 2003-2004 expenditures;

(4) approved Agency financing in the amount of $100,000 in Fiscal Year 2004-2005 for the Felton Grove Flood Elevation Project;

(5) approved Agency funding of $36,500 for the Agency's share of the settlement with BNY Western Trust associated with the Soquel Drive Bridge Project and approved related findings;

(6) extended authority currently extended to the Agency Administrator to the Planning Director to implement Agency funded housing projects and programs on behalf of the Redevelopment Agency; and

(7) approved the proposed 2004-2005 Redevelopment Agency Budget, as recommended by the Redevelopment Agency Executive Director


(1) Authorized the Auditor-Controller to re-budget revenues with the concurrence of the County Administrative Officer;

(2) Authorized the Auditor-Controller with the concurrence of the County Administrative Officer to make necessary year end adjustments and adjustments for 2004-05 to internal service fund revenues and appropriations for the actual depreciation;

(3) Authorized the Auditor-Controller and the County Administrative Officer to adjust property Tax revenues based on actual Assessor's tax roll;

(4) Authorized the Auditor-Controller and the County Administrative Officer to re-budget all unexpended balances in the Plant Acquisition Indexes within the Capital Projects Fund (Fund 40), to transfer all capital project cash balances, to adjust the appropriations to the various Park Dedication Budgets for excess available financing by increasing the Land-Other sub object;

(5) Authorized the Auditor-Controller and County Administrative Officer to adjust Contingencies due to increases and decreases in available financing;

(6) Authorized the Auditor-Controller with concurrence of the County Administrative Officer to re-budget any encumbered balances at year end and unexpended grant appropriations and revenues as part of the 2004-05 budget;

(7) Authorized the Auditor-Controller to re-budget unexpended FEMA funds;

(8) Authorized the Auditor-Controller to adjust the continuing contracts list for changes in appropriations made by the Board during Budget Hearings and to correct any errors;

(9) Authorized the County Administrative Officer, including acting as the Executive Director of the Redevelopment Agency, or the Executive Director of the Public Finance Authority to take the necessary actions on behalf of the Board during the summer recess to implement the 2004-05 Budget as approved;

(10) authorized the Auditor-Controller to make necessary transfers from trust funds in accordance with the estimated 2003-04 departmental revenues;

(11) Authorized the Auditor-Controller and the Personnel Director to make necessary changes to reconcile position detail to incorporate personnel actions which have been approved since the publication of the Proposed Budget and correct associated position schedules, as required;

(12) Authorized the Auditor-Controller and the County Administrative Officer to adjust the debt service budget for the County's 2004-05 Tax and Revenue Anticipation Notes;

(13) Authorized the County Administrative Officer to sign any grant documents which have been approved as part of the Final Budget;

(14) Authorized an increase in the Rutan and Tucker Contract amount for financial services of $130,000 ($50,000 for Community Facilities Work and $80,000 for representation on redevelopment matters); transferred the financial services component of the Rutan and Tucker contract from the County Counsel Index to the County Administrative Officer Budget Index and authorized an amendment of the contract to provide for an increase in the hourly rate for redevelopment work only from $195 per hour to $225 per hour;

(15) Authorized the Personnel Department, in conjunction with departments and the County Administrative Office, to fill all new employee positions approved by the Board in budget hearings, and authorized the purchase of all fixed assets contained in Fixed asset schedules of each department budget approved by your Board in Budget hearings as of July 2, 2004 and establish 12:01 AM on August 14, 2004 as the effective date and time for layoffs;

(16) Authorized the Auditor-Controller to continue making certain entitlement payments under the provision of the Welfare and Institutions Code Section 11207, as the State has failed to meet its Constitutional deadline of June 15, 2004 for adoption of the State Budget;

(17) Authorized the County Administrative Officer as the PARS Plan Administrator to take all necessary actions to attempt to avoid layoffs where possible including offering PARS early retirement across departmental lines and adjusting established plan deadlines and adopted RESOLUTION NO. 246-2004 implementing PARS Accumulated Leave Conversion Plan for County Employees;

(18) Authorized the County Administrative Officer and Auditor-Controller to make appropriate adjustments to the County General Fund, County Service Area Number 38, including eliminating General Fund Budget Index 131604 and to consolidate Sales Tax Revenue in the County General Fund to facilitate implementation of the State Triple Flip legislation which provides the dedicated funding within the State Budget to pay off the State's Economic Recovery Bond;

(19) Authorized the County Administrative Officer to make transfers of appropriations within a budget unit as permitted by Government Code Section 29125 to facilitate year end closing;

(20) Authorized the County Administrative Officer and Auditor-Controller to make all necessary fiscal year end adjustments and report back on those changes needing to be ratified by Board of Supervisors action;

(21) Authorized the County Administrative Officer and Auditor-Controller to make 2003-04 Revenue adjustments (increases and decreases) for Proposition 4 with the balance accruing to contingencies;

(22) Authorized the County Administrative Officer and Auditor-Controller to negotiate the annual note with the Treasurer Tax Collector's approval which provides a short term borrowing from the County Treasury pending receipt of the County TRANS proceeds to finance the Teeter Tax Advances;

(23) Authorized the County Administrative Officer to realign the public assistance appropriations in the Human Resources Agency budget as needed throughout the year without increasing total appropriations or Net County Costs;

(24) Authorized the Auditor-Controller to secure the necessary professional services to perform the arbitrage calculations on various County and Redevelopment Agency bond issues in order to ensure compliance with Federal regulations;

(25) Cancelled the supplemental budget on page S 20-24 (Revenue adjustment of Non Federal Children) pending a mid year review and place the funds in Contingencies;

(26) Increased 2004-05 appropriations in the Animal Services Budget by $200,000 to address a one time cash flow problem associated with the start up of the new Animal Services Authority;

(27) Approved the 2004-05 Proposed Budget with supplementals and all last day reports and the financial adjustments in the Last Day Financial Update which is Attachment 1 of the letter of the County Administrative Officer, dated June 23, 2004, including the adjustments and actions included in Exhibits 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 of Attachment 1 and referred the unresolved matters listed below to the last meeting in August for a decision and incorporation in the Final County Budget which will be presented to the Board on September 28, 2004 or later if the State does not adopt its budget by July 1, 2004;

Unresolved Matters

- One Probation Officer Position

- State Budget Report

- Update on discussions with employee representation units

(28) Adopted RESOLUTION NO. 247-2004 Accepting and Appropriating Unanticipated Revenue within the 2003-04 Liability Insurance Fund to implement the approved settlements in the Pajaro River litigation;

(29) Adopted the recommendations in the letter of the Auditor-Controller dated June 21, 2004 concerning a proposed amendment to the Health and Safety Code and the use of Redevelopment Funds for the host agencies tax shift and the need for additional Redevelopment Bonds


Considered Report on the Filling of Vacancy for the Office of Treasurer-Tax Collector;

ADOPTED RESOLUTION NO. 248-2004 appointing Suzanne Young as Acting Treasurer-Tax Collector for the interim period specified, and directed the County Administrative Officer to return on November 16, 2004 with any further actions which may be required, as recommended by the County Administrative Officer


Considered Purchase Agreement and related documents for the Superior Court component of the Watsonville Civic Plaza project in concept;

CONTINUED matter and scheduled a continued special meeting to be held on June 30, 2004 at 10:30 AM to consider the Watsonville Civic Plaza Project

45.   CONTINUED BOARD OF SUPERVISORS MEETING OF JUNE 22, 2004, Item No. 80 Closed Litigation

Continued Closed Litigation Session;

Report of County Counsel: No report given