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Monday, June 12, 2006



VOTING KEY: B = Beautz, P = Pirie, W = Wormhoudt, Ca = Campos, S = Stone; first initial indicates maker of motion, second initial indicates the "second"; upper case letter = "yes" vote; lower case letter = "no" vote; () = abstain; // = absent

1.   Public Hearing held and report provided by the County Administrative Officer regarding the proposed 2006/2007 Budget;

one person addressed the Board;

By consensus, continued public hearing testimony regarding the proposed 2006/2007 Budget Hearings to 7:30 p.m. in the Watsonville City Council Chambers



2.   APPROVED Community Programs budget, as described in Index Code 395200 in the Human Resources Agency budget, including the items contained in Volume II and the Supplemental budget;

(1) accepted and filed report on the Human Care Alliance request for consideration of additional financial support for Community Programs;

(2) approved the financial supplemental documents providing cost of living and restoration adjustments that are included within the Human Resources Agency, Health Services Agency, Probation, Parks, Personnel and CAO Supplemental Budgets;

(3) approved a direction to tie the use of the restoration adjustment or catch-up COLA over and above the 2.5 percent COLA to wage and benefit increases, particularly for low wage workers, and directed the Human Resources Agency, in conjunction with the other administering departments, to report back on or before October 24, 2006 on program compliance with this provision;

(4) accepted and filed the fiscal year 2005-2006 annual report on Community Programs;

(5) directed the Human Resources Agency Director to return to the Board with a further report on the development of the Contract Management Center website in January 2007;

(6) approved the one-time only increase in FY 2006-07 Community Programs funding for Mountain Community Resources in the amount of $65,000, as indicated in the Supplemental budget financial detail;

(7) with an additional direction to return on Last Day with a report on the issue of translation services for the Association of Watsonville Seniors Center

3.   APPROVED Department 39 and all related Index Codes, as recommended by the County Administrative Officer, including the items contained in Volume II, and Supplemental Budget recommendations;

(1) accepted and filed the fiscal year 2005-2006 annual report on Community Programs;

(2) directed the Human Resources Agency Director to return to the Board with a further report on the development of the Contract Management Center website in January 2007;

(3) accepted and filed report on Approval of Supplemental Funding and Agreements for the Differential Response Program;

(4) approved the Supplemental Budget request from the Human Resources Agency and incorporated changes into the FY 06/07 budget;

(5) approved the revenue agreement in the amount of $434,556 with First 5 Santa Cruz County and authorized the Human Resources Agency Director to sign the agreement;

(6) approved the agreements with Santa Cruz Community Counseling Center in the amounts of $558,941 and $223,924 respectively, and authorized the Human Resources Agency Director to sign the agreements;

(7) approved the one-time only increase in FY 2006-07 Community Programs funding for Mountain Community Resources in the amount of $65,000;

(8) accepted and filed report on the Human Care Alliance request for consideration of additional financial support for community programs;

(9) approved the financial supplemental documents providing cost of living and restoration adjustments that are included within the Human Resources Agency, Health Services Agency, Probation, Parks, Personnel and the County Administrative Officer's Supplemental Budgets;

(10) and approved a direction to tie the use of the restoration adjustment or catch-up COLA over and above the 2.5 percent COLA to wage and benefit increases, particularly for low wage workers, and directed the Human Resources Agency, in conjunction with the other administering departments, to report back on or before October 24, 2006 on program compliance with this provision



4.   APPROVED Department 36 and all related Index Codes, as recommended by the County Administrative Officer, including the items contained in Volume II, the Supplemental Budget recommendations and the Unified Fee Schedule;

(1) accepted and filed report on the Final Action Plan for Food Facility Inspection;

(2) accepted and filed report on the Public Guardian and Probate Conservatorships;

(3) accepted and filed report on MediCruz Adult Indigent Care Program;

(4) accepted and filed status report on Implementation of Automated Vehicle Locator Service with GPS for Ambulance;

(5) directed the Health Services Agency to negotiate an agreement with American Medical Response in the amount of $55,127 for the purchase and installation of hardware in the ambulances to support the mobile data and automated vehicle locator systems and return on or before August 15, 2006 with the agreement;

(6) accepted and filed report on Mental Health Service Act Plan;

(7) authorized the Health Services Agency and the Auditor-Controller to pay advances for four months to contractors receiving MHSA funds at 2006-07 funding levels;

(8) directed Mental Health to complete the contracts by October 2006 and return to the Board with contracts;

(9) directed Mental Health to finish negotiations with the State on changes to the plan and one-time funds;

(10) approved supplemental financial items for the Health Services Agency and incorporated changes into the 2006-2007 budget;

(11) accepted and filed report on the Human Care Alliance request for consideration of additional financial support for community programs;

(12) approved the financial supplemental documents providing cost of living and restoration adjustments that are included within the Human Resources Agency, Health Services Agency, Probation, Parks, Personnel and the County Administrative Officer's Supplemental Budgets;

(13) approved a direction to tie the use of the restoration adjustment or catch-up COLA over and above the 2.5 percent COLA to wage and benefit increases, particularly for low wage workers, and directed the Human Resources Agency, in conjunction with the other administering departments, to report back on or before October 24, 2006 on program compliance with this provision;

(14) with additional direction that the Board receive a Last Day Report on the revenue from clinic charges to very low income people and information on the number and income level of those clients; and with further direction to report on productivity issues and people not showing up for appointments



5.   APPROVED Department 25, as recommended by the County Administrative Officer, including the items contained in Volume II, and the Supplemental Budget;

(1) approved the Second Amendment to the Memorandum of Understanding extending the term to June 30, 2007 and authorized the County Administrative Officer to sign on behalf of the County

6.   AS THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SANTA CRUZ COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL AND WATER CONSERVATION DISTRICT ZONE 7, Scheduled meeting and 2006/2007 Zone 7 Budget Hearing held in Watsonville

7.   PUBLIC HEARING held and report provided by the County Administrative Officer regarding the Proposed 2006/2007 Budget;

thirteen people addressed the Board

By consensus, continued public hearing testimony regarding the proposed 2006/2007 Budget Hearings on Tuesday, June 13, 2006, at 7:00 p.m., in the Board of Supervisors Chambers, Room 525, Santa Cruz