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Monday, June 19, 2006



VOTING KEY: B = Beautz, P = Pirie, W = Wormhoudt, Ca = Campos, S = Stone; first initial indicates maker of motion, second initial indicates the "second"; upper case letter = "yes" vote; lower case letter = "no" vote; () = abstain; // = absent



1.   Approved Department 66 and all associated Index Codes, as recommended by the County Administrative Officer, including the items contained in Volume II, the Supplemental Budget recommendations and the Unified Fee Schedule ;

(1) public hearing held, to hear objections to the 2006/2007 Criminal Justice Administration Fee; closed public hearing and adopted RESOLUTION NO. 219-2006 amending Resolution No. 202-2005, enacting a revised Criminal Justice Administrative Fee in the amount of $121.79, effective August 1, 2006 and report back to the Board on Last Day on the State Budget regarding the status of potential revisions to the current booking fee policy;

(2) accepted and filed report Sheriff's Office review of Fiscal Internal Controls;

(3) approved revised Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner Master Agreement and authorized the Sheriff-Coroner to sign the agreement;

(4) accept and file report on Jail Overcrowding; a) approved supplemental financial items for the Probation Department, including the addition of 1 FTE Sr. Departmental Analyst and 1 FTE Deputy Probation Officer II positions; b) and return in January 2007 with a progress report on jail overcrowding;

(5) approved creation of two Community Services Officer positions; and directed the Sheriff's Office to work with Personnel to classify these positions and begin recruitment activities

(6) approved revenue contract between the Sheriff's Office and the Pajaro Valley Prevention and Student Assistance, Incorporated, in the amount of $10,000 to perform assessments for ten sites in the Pajaro Valley Unified School District



2.   Approved Department 57 and all associated Index Codes, as recommended by the County Administrative Officer, including the items contained in Volume II and Supplemental budget recommendations;

(1) approved supplemental financial items for the Probation Department and incorporated these changes into the 2006-07 budget;

(2) approved supplemental financing for $200,000 for the Gemma program start-up and implementation costs, and directed the Probation Department in conjunction with the Health Services Agency and the Human Resources Agency, to return on or before August 22, 2006 with a contract with Gemma/CAB, and;

(3) directed the Redevelopment Agency to begin the review of appropriate residential sites for the Gemma program and return on or before October 24, 2006 with a status report;

(4) approved related supplemental financial documents, including addition of two new positions related to the Jail Alternatives program and rebudget of funds for computer related expenditures;

(5) accepted and filed report on Probation's Evening Center Program;

(6) approved appropriating and position changes in the Probation Department's budget to implement the recommended change in staffing at the Evening Center in Watsonville;;

(7) approved financial supplemental documents providing cost of living and restoration adjustments that are included within the Human Resources Agency, Health Services Agency, Probation, Parks, Personnel and CAO Supplemental Budgets; and

(8) approved direction to tie the use of the restoration adjustment or catch-up COLA over and above the 2.5% COLA to wage and benefit increases, particularly for low wage workers, and directed the Human Resources Agency, in conjunction with the other administering departments to report back on or before October 24, 2006 on program compliance with this provision



3.   Approved Department 27 and all associated Index Codes, as recommended by the County Administrative Officer, including items contained in Volume II



4.   Approved Department 59 and all associated Index Codes, as recommended by the County Administrative Officer, including items contained in Volume II; approved two year extension of the existing Main Public Defender agreement as contained in the Addendum to Supplemental Budget



5.   Approved Department 45 and all associated Index Codes, as recommended by the County Administrative Officer, including the items contained in Volume II



6.   Approved Index Code 351000, as recommended by the County Administrative Officer, including the items contained in Volume II



7.   Approved Department 09 and Index Code 212000, as recommended by the County Administrative Officer, including the items contained in Volume II