APPROVED Index Code 395200 (Community Programs), as recommended by the County Administrative Officer, including the items contained in the Line Item Detail and Supplemental budget recommendations;
(1) Accepted and filed the fiscal year 2012-13 annual report on Community Programs;
(2) Approved attachments 1-5 to provide $150,000 "COLA" to restore a portion of prior year adjustments; with the additional direction to fund the Homeless Service Center at $41,000, the Santa Cruz County Immigration Project at $10,000, the Foster Grandparents Project at $12,300, the Conflict Resolution Center at $4,100 and the Big Brothers/Big Sisters at $8,200; including the COLA for the Board of Trustees of the Veterans Memorial Building at $1,253;
(3) Considered funding for staff-identified priority services listed on Attachment 6 and the adjusted amounts for prioritized programs, and take any action deemed appropriate by the Board;
(4) Referred programs noted to other departments for possible consideration for funding; and further directed
(5) Human Services Department to return August 2013 with a review and analysis of the Community Programs Task Force; and
(6) Human Care Alliance to return in November 2013 with a presentation on investments and discussion about the baseline for the coming year