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Thursday, June 20, 2013



VOTING KEY: L = Leopold, F = Friend, Co = Coonerty, Ca = Caput, M = McPherson; first initial indicates maker of motion, second initial indicates the "second"; upper case letter = "yes" vote; lower case letter = "no" vote; () = abstain; // = absent

1.   APPROVED Index Code 395200 (Community Programs), as recommended by the County Administrative Officer, including the items contained in the Line Item Detail and Supplemental budget recommendations;

(1) Accepted and filed the fiscal year 2012-13 annual report on Community Programs;

(2) Approved attachments 1-5 to provide $150,000 "COLA" to restore a portion of prior year adjustments; with the additional direction to fund the Homeless Service Center at $41,000, the Santa Cruz County Immigration Project at $10,000, the Foster Grandparents Project at $12,300, the Conflict Resolution Center at $4,100 and the Big Brothers/Big Sisters at $8,200; including the COLA for the Board of Trustees of the Veterans Memorial Building at $1,253;

(3) Considered funding for staff-identified priority services listed on Attachment 6 and the adjusted amounts for prioritized programs, and take any action deemed appropriate by the Board;

(4) Referred programs noted to other departments for possible consideration for funding; and further directed

(5) Human Services Department to return August 2013 with a review and analysis of the Community Programs Task Force; and

(6) Human Care Alliance to return in November 2013 with a presentation on investments and discussion about the baseline for the coming year
LMFCOCA Supervisor Caput voted no only on funding for Planned Parenthood Mar Monte



2.   APPROVED Department 39 and all associated Index Codes, including the items contained in the Line Item Detail and Supplemental budget recommendations;

(1) Approved supplemental financial items as listed on pages S 21-2 through S 21-4 and incorporate these changes into the FY 2013-14 Budget;

(2) Accepted and filed the FY 2012-13 annual report on Community Programs;

(3) Approved index code 395200 (Community Programs), including the items contained in the Line Item Detail and Supplemental budget recommendations; with the additional direction to fund the Homeless Service Center at $41,000, the Santa Cruz County Immigration Project at $10,000, the Foster Grandparents Project at $12,300, the Conflict Resolution Center at $4,100 and the Big Brothers/Big Sisters at $8,200; including the COLA for the Board of Trustees of the Veterans Memorial Building at $1,253; and further directed Human Services Department to return in August 2013 with a review and analysis of the Community Programs Task Force and Human Care Alliance to return in November 2013 with a presentation on investments and discussion about the baseline for the coming year
FCALCOM Supervisor Caput voted no only on funding for Planned Parenthood Mar Monte



3.   APPROVED Department 25, as recommended by the County Administrative Officer, including the items contained in the Line Item Detail;



4.   APPROVED Department 35 and all associated Index Codes,including the items contained in the Line Item Detail, the Unified Fee Schedule and the Supplemental budget recommendations;

(1) Approved supplemental financial items listed on pages S 20-3 through S 20-13 and incorporate these changes into the FY 2013-14 Budget; and

(2) with the additional direction for Health Services Agency to return in September 2013 to provide additional information from Dr. Manoff on either wrap-around services or continuum of care and additional information as it comes from the private sector on the primary care physicians