Tuesday, January 8, 2002
VOTING KEY: B = Beautz, P = Pirie, W = Wormhoudt, Ca = Campos, A = Almquist; first initial indicates maker of motion, second initial indicates the "second"; upper case letter = "yes" vote; lower case letter = "no" vote; () = abstain; // = absent
6. APPROVED claims as submitted by the Auditor-Controller
7. APPROVED minutes of December 4, 2001 and December 11, 2001, as recommended by the Clerk of the Board
9. APPROVED the reading by Title of all ordinances considered for adoption that may appear on this agenda and further waived a detailed reading of said ordinances, as recommended by County Counsel
10. ADOPTED ORDINANCE NO. 4649 Amending Section 3.20.050 of the Santa Cruz County Code Regarding Eligibility Lists
11. REJECTED the claim of Andrew Kumasaka, No. 102-055, Amended, and referred to County Counsel
12. ACCEPTED AND FILED Mosquito and Vector Control District Biennial Report for 1999-2000, as recommended by the Agricultural Commissioner
13. ADOPTED RESOLUTION NO. 1-2002 designating the Assessor as the authorized representative for the Santa Cruz County Open Space Subvention Program, as recommended by the County Assessor
15. APPROVED request of the Place De Mer Geologic Hazard Abatement District to establish a five-year audit, as recommended by the Auditor-Controller
17. SCHEDULED the supplemental report on the County Utility Tax for January 29, 2002, as recommended by the County Administrative Officer
25. DEFERRED consideration of the County Emergency Operations Plan to March 5, 2002, as recommended by the Emergency Services Administrator
27. ACCEPTED Treasurer's Monthly Cash Report and Investment Transaction Report for the period ending November 30, 2001 and approved related action, as recommended by the Treasurer-Tax Collector
28. APPROVED appointment of Delwyn L. Pezzoni to the Arts Commission for a term to expire April 1, 2005, as recommended by Supervisor Pirie
38. APPROVED allocation of $900 from the Fish and Game budget for the printing of fishing compliance signs, as recommended by the Planning Director
50.1. DEFERRED report on MTBE and groundwater pollution until January 29, 2002, as recommended by the County Administrative Officer