Tuesday, February 24, 2004
VOTING KEY: B = Beautz, P = Pirie, W = Wormhoudt, Ca = Campos, S = Stone; first initial indicates maker of motion, second initial indicates the "second"; upper case letter = "yes" vote; lower case letter = "no" vote; () = abstain; // = absent
6. ACCEPTED claims as approved by the Auditor-Controller
7. APPROVED minutes of February 3, 2004 and February 10, 2004, as recommended by the Clerk of the Board
9. APPROVED the reading by Title of all ordinances considered for adoption that may appear on this agenda and further waived a detailed reading of said ordinances, as recommended by County Counsel
10. REJECTED the claim of Granite Construction Company, No. 304-074, and referred to County Counsel
P(C)BSW (Supervisor Campos abstained because he owns stock in Granite Construction)
11. REJECTED the claim of Madeline K. Elsea Lee, No. 304-075, and referred to County Counsel
12. APPROVED gross pay adjustment in the amount of $708.22 for an employee in the Assessor's Office, as recommended by the County Assessor
13. ACCEPTED AND FILED Comprehensive Annual Financial Report and Single Audit Report for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2003, as recommended by the Auditor-Controller
18. APPROVED transfer of grant funds in the amount of $2,723.26 and authorized the purchase of one public safety mobile radio, as recommended by the Emergency Services Administrator
19. CONTINUED TO MARCH 9, 2004 consideration to approve and adopt the revised General Services Department Conflict of Interest Code/Statement of Incompatible Activities
20. APPROVED gross pay adjustment of $754.58 for a Sheriff's Correctional Officer, as recommended by the Sheriff-Coroner
22. ACCEPTED Treasurer's Monthly Cash Report and Transaction Report for the period ending January 1, 2004 and approved related action, as recommended by the Treasurer-Tax Collector
24. APPROVED appointment of Donna Ziel as the Alternate to Supervisor Stone on the Santa Cruz County Regional Transportation Commission, as recommended by Supervisor Stone
26. APPROVED amended bylaws of the Treasury Oversight Commission, as recommended by Chair Wormhoudt
27. ACCEPTED AND FILED annual report of the Seniors Commission, and approved related action, as recommended by Chair Wormhoudt
28. ACCEPTED AND FILED annual report of the Public Health Commission, and approved related action, as recommended by Chair Wormhoudt
29. ACCEPTED AND FILED annual report of the Latino Affairs Commission, and approved related action, as recommended by Chair Wormhoudt
30. ACCEPTED AND FILED annual report of the On-Site Sewage Disposal Technical Advisory Committee, as recommended by Chair Wormhoudt
31. ACCEPTED AND FILED annual report of the Environmental Health Appeals Commission, as recommended by Chair Wormhoudt
34. ACCEPTED AND FILED report on the need to continue the state of local emergency relative to transmission of HIV through contaminated needles, as recommended by the Health Services Agency Director
35. ACCEPTED AND FILED By-Law change for the Public Health Commission, as recommended by the Health Services Agency Director
39. ACCEPTED AND FILED report on status of Green Valley Area Planning Issues and approved related action, as recommended by the Planning Director
40. ACCEPTED AND FILED report on the Building and Fire Code Appeals Board Annual Report and approved related actions, as recommended by the Planning Director
41. ACCEPTED AND FILED report on the status of the Planning Commission's review of RMC Pacific Materials/Davenport Cement Plant operating permit No. 88-0188, as recommended by the Planning Director
45. DEFERRED TO MARCH 16, 2004 report on alternative traffic calming devices
52.1. ACCEPTED AND FILED report on the design of the Ben Lomond Dam Fish Passage and approved related actions, as recommended by the Director of Parks, Open Space and Cultural Services
60. CONTINUED TO MARCH 2, 2004 report on public inebriates and related actions
62. Presented Employee Recognition Awards and Proclamations to the Year 2003 Employee Award Winners
63. RECEIVED bids regarding Felton Covered Bridge Park Play Area and referred to the General Services Department to return on or before March 16, 2004 with recommendation on awarding of bid
64. RECEIVED bids regarding Mesa Village Park-Play Area Improvements and referred to the General Services Department to return on or before March 16, 2004 with recommendation on awarding of bid
BP(C)SW (Supervisor Campos abstained because he owns stock in Granite Construction)
65. RECEIVED bids regarding Calabasas Road Sewer Replacement Project and referred to the Department of Public Works to return on or before March 23, 2004 with recommendation on awarding of bid
PPB(C)SW (Supervisor Campos abstained because he owns stock in Granite Construction)
65.2. ACCEPTED AND FILED report on formation of Volume II Task Force; with an additional direction for a report back on August 10, 2004