Continued consideration of the Superior Court facilities component of Watsonville Civic Plaza Mixed-Use Project;
(1) requested the Chair of the Board to immediately send the letter agreement to the Watsonville City Council communicating the Board's concurrence with: (a) the recommendation of the Watsonville City Manager to extend the approval date for the Purchase Agreement for the Court component of the Watsonville Civic Plaza Project from June 30, 2004 to August 10, 2004, and (b) the non-refundable deposit if the County does not proceed with a purchase by August 10, 2004; and
(2) directed the County Administrative Officer to return on or before August 10, 2004 with the Court's determination regarding the County's request for $2 million in financing for the Watsonville Civic Plaza Project;
(3) with additional direction to include the following amendment at the end of the second paragraph in the letter from the Board of Supervisors to the Watsonville City Council dated June 30, 2004: "and the County will release any interest in the project".