Tuesday, August 10, 2004
VOTING KEY: B = Beautz, P = Pirie, W = Wormhoudt, Ca = Campos, S = Stone; first initial indicates maker of motion, second initial indicates the "second"; upper case letter = "yes" vote; lower case letter = "no" vote; () = abstain; // = absent
6. ACCEPTED claims as approved by the Auditor-Controller
7. APPROVED minutes of July 27, 2004, as recommended by the Clerk of the Board
9. APPROVED the reading by Title of all ordinances considered for adoption that may appear on this agenda and further waived a detailed reading of said ordinances, as recommended by County Counsel
10. ADOPTED ORDINANCE NO. 4768 Amending Chapter 9.56 of the Santa Cruz County Code Relating to Abandoned and Wrecked Vehicles
11. REJECTED the claim of Russell John Miller and Joy Elaine Miller, No. 304-113A, Amended, and referred to County Counsel
13. REJECTED the claim of Chris Perro, No. 304-138, and referred to County Counsel
14. REJECTED the claim of Daniel Herbert Christiansen, No. 304-139, and referred to County Counsel
15. REJECTED the claim of David Turner, No. 405-005, and referred to County Counsel
16. ACCEPTED AND FILED Statement of Assets in the County Treasury at June 30, 2004, as recommended by the Auditor-Controller
17. APPROVED recommendation to extend the position of Child Support Investigator II until September 30, 2004, as recommended by the Director of Child Support Services
18. APPROVED response to 2003/2004 Grand Jury Interim Final Report and approved related actions, as recommended by the County Administrative Officer
19. CONTINUED TO AUGUST 24, 2004 report on the Above-the-Line Group Home Society project on Freedom Boulevard
21. APPROVED staffing changes in the General Services Department and approved related administrative actions, as recommended by the Director of General Services
23. DEFERRED elimination of specified positions until September 24, 2004, as recommended by the Personnel Director
24. AUTHORIZED the Probation Department to participate in the application of the Federal Safe Schools Grant, as recommended by the Chief Probation Officer
25. APPROVED appointment of Joseph Quigg to the Commission on Disabilities for a term to expire April 1, 2005, as recommended by Supervisor Stone
29. CONTINUED TO AUGUST 17, 2004 report on possible Volume II revisions