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Tuesday, August 21, 2007



VOTING KEY: B = Beautz, P = Pirie, Co = Coonerty, Ca = Campos, S = Stone; first initial indicates maker of motion, second initial indicates the "second"; upper case letter = "yes" vote; lower case letter = "no" vote; () = abstain; // = absent

1.   All Supervisors present
2.   Moment of Silence and Pledge of Allegiance
3.   ADDED to the Consent Agenda: Item No. 28.1
4.   Action on the Consent Agenda
5.     ORAL COMMUNICATIONS - seven people addressed the Board


6.   ACCEPTED claims as approved by the Auditor-Controller

7.   APPROVED minutes of August 7, 2007, as recommended by the Clerk of the Board

8.   ACCEPTED AND FILED notification of continuing contracts received during the period of August 9, 2007 through August 15, 2007 and approved upon adoption of the 2007/2008 continuing agreements list to comply with Section 300 of the County's Procedures Manual, Title 1, as recommended by the Clerk of the Board

9.   APPROVED the reading by Title of all ordinances considered for adoption that may appear on this agenda and further waived a detailed reading of said ordinances, as recommended by County Counsel

10.   REJECTED the claim of Mark Notley, Claim No. 708-001, and referred to County Counsel

11.   REJECTED the application to file a late claim on behalf of Marvin F. Spott, Claim No. 708-002, and referred to County Counsel

12.   REJECTED the claim of Jeanne Langridge, Claim No. 708-006, and referred to County Counsel

13.   DEFERRED consideration of report on the Proposed 2007/2008 Plant Acquisition Budget until August 28, 2007, as recommended by the County Administrative Officer

14.   APPROVED a contract with Bay City Tow in the amount of $60,000 and a revenue contract with Pick-N-Pull for the Abandoned Vehicle Program, as recommended by the Sheriff-Coroner

15.   ACCEPTED AND FILED for the period ending July 31, 2007 the Treasurer's monthly Cash Report and Transaction Report, as recommended by the Treasurer-Tax Collector

16.   ACCEPTED nomination of Robin Towse and Eric Herrick for reappointment to the Assessment Appeals Board, as at-large regular members, and accepted nomination of Lee Slaff for reappointment as the alternate member, for terms to expire September 3, 2010, with final appointment to be considered on August 28, 2007, as recommended by Supervisor Pirie

17.   ADOPTED RESOLUTION NO. 240-2007 in support of Senate Bill 70; adopted RESOLUTION NO. 241-2007 in support of Assembly Bill 35; adopted RESOLUTION NO. 242-2007 in support of Assembly Bill 527; adopted RESOLUTION NO. 243-2007 in support of Assembly Bill 609; adopted RESOLUTION NO. 244-2007 in support of Assembly Bill 888; adopted RESOLUTION NO. 245-2007 in support of Assembly Bill 1058; adopted RESOLUTION NO. 246-2007 in support of Assembly Bill 1103; adopted RESOLUTION NO. 247-2007 in support of Assembly Bill 1506; and adopted RESOLUTION NO. 248-2007 in support of Assembly Bill 1560, related to energy issues, as requested by the County Energy Commission and recommended by Chairperson Beautz

18.   ACCEPTED AND FILED report on the need to continue the state of local emergency relative to transmission of HIV through contaminated needles, as recommended by the Health Services Agency Director

19.   APPROVED amendment to the agreement with OCHIN to incorporate electronic medical records system implementation, TeleVox services and related changes; and authorized the Health Services Agency Director to sign, as recommended by the Health Services Agency Director

20.   APPROVED amendment to the Shoreline Workforce Development Services Job Search Workshop contract in the amount of $234,055 in fiscal year 2007/2008; approved the amendment to the Shoreline Workforce Development Work Experience Contract in the amount of $195,900 in fiscal year 2007/2008; approved amendment to the El Pajaro Community Development Corporation contract in the amount of $30,000 in fiscal year 2007/2008; approved amended contract with the Watsonville Law Center in the amount of $45,000 in fiscal year 2007/2008; and authorized the Human Resources Agency Director to execute the associated amendments, as recommended by the Human Resources Agency Director

21.   APPROVED amended service agreement with the Santa Cruz County Office of Education to provide Workforce Investment Act (WIA) Youth Services at a cost not to exceed $1,006,388, as well as to provide Youth Employment Program (YEP) services to current and former foster youth at a cost not to exceed $202,653; and authorized the Human Resources Agency Director to sign the contract amendment with the Santa Cruz County Office of Education, as recommended by the Human Resources Agency Director

22.   APPROVED amendment to the Victorian Home Care, Incorporated contract for respite care services to support clients served by the Multipurpose Senior Services Program and authorized the Human Resources Agency Director to sign the contract amendment, as recommended by the Human Resources Agency Director

23.   APPROVED lease agreement with Allen/DeMontigny for property at 119 West Beach Street, Watsonville for the Human Resources Agency Benefits Program and approved related actions, as recommended by the Human Resources Agency Director


25.   APPROVED specifications and engineer's estimate for the Riverdale Park, County Service Area No. 55, 2007 Overlay Project and authorized calling for bids; set the bid opening for 2:15 p.m. on September 13, 2007, in the Department of Public Works conference room; directed Public Works to return on September 25, 2007, with a recommendation for award of contract; and approved related actions, as recommended by the Director of Public Works

26.   APPROVED final map of Tract 1471 Cabrillo Commons; authorized the Director of Public Works to sign the Subdivision Agreement; and approved related action, as recommended by the Director of Public Works

27.   ACCEPTED low bid of Pavex Construction in the amount of $1,519,235 for the 2007 RDA Overlay Project, and authorized the award of the contract; adopted RESOLUTION NO. 249-2007 accepting and appropriating unanticipated revenue in the amount of $60,522 from the City of Santa Cruz Water Department; adopted RESOLUTION NO. 250-2007 accepting and appropriating unanticipated revenue in the amount of $18,722 from the Soquel Creek Water District; approved reimbursement agreement between the City and the County of Santa Cruz in the amount of $60,522 for costs related to the water system items on the above project; approved reimbursement agreement between the Soquel Creek Water District and the County in the amount of $18,627 for costs related to the water system items on the above project; authorized the Director of Public Works to sign the contract on behalf of the County, as recommended by the Director of Public Works

28.   AS THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SANTA CRUZ COUNTY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY, APPROVED Agency funds totaling $1,849,228 for the cost of construction for the 2007 Overlay Project and approved related actions, as recommended by the Redevelopment Agency Administrator

28.1.   ACCEPTED nomination of Barri Boone for appointment to the In-Home Supportive Service Advisory Commission, as an at-large representative of independent providers, for a term to expire April 1, 2011, with final appointment to be considered on August 28, 2007, as recommended by Supervisor Pirie

29.   AS THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS AND REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY, SCHEDULED a closed personnel and litigation session as follows:


Claim Name/No.: City of Scotts Valley v. County of Santa Cruz, et al., Santa Cruz Superior Court No. CV 157460

Claim Name/No.: Hope Carter v. County of Santa Cruz, Et al., United States District Court, Northern District, Case No. C07-00570 JW



29.1.   APPROVED proposed revisions to land use decision appeal fees and approved related actions; with the change that the applicant appeal fees be reduced as is proposed for the non-applicant; and that staff report back at Budget Hearings 2008/2009 on the cost, implications, and evidence that the filing of appeals has increased or decreased