Tuesday, December 16, 2008
VOTING KEY: B = Beautz, P = Pirie, Co = Coonerty, Ca = Campos, S = Stone; first initial indicates maker of motion, second initial indicates the "second"; upper case letter = "yes" vote; lower case letter = "no" vote; () = abstain; // = absent
6. ACCEPTED claims as approved by the Auditor-Controller
7. APPROVED minutes of November 25, 2008, as recommended by the Clerk of the Board
9. APPROVED the reading by Title of all ordinances considered for adoption that may appear on this agenda and further waived a detailed reading of said ordinances, as recommended by County Counsel
10. ADOPTED ORDINANCE NO. 5029 amending section 2.18.010 of the Santa Cruz County Code regarding appointment of land surveyor
11. ADOPTED ORDINANCE NO. 5030 amending section 2.14.010 of the Santa Cruz County Code regarding powers and duties of the Director of Public Works
12. ADOPTED ORDINANCE NO. 5031 amending section 2.18.020 of the Santa Cruz County Code regarding record of survey examination fee
14. REJECTED claim of Alonzo A. Eversole, Claim No. 809-035, as insufficiently filed and referred to County Counsel
15. REJECTED claim of Alonzo A. Eversole, Claim No. 809-035A, and referred to County Counsel
16. REJECTED claim of David Bell, Claim No. 809-037, and referred to County Counsel
17. REJECTED claim of Mary-Margaret Bierbaum and Patrick Ginty, Claim No. 809-038, and referred to County Counsel
18. REJECTED claim of Keith and Sherry Chastain, Claim No. 809-038, and referred to County Counsel
19. REJECTED claim of Vincent Pastore, Claim No. 809-038, and referred to County Counsel
20. REJECTED claim of Diana and Ronald Wohnoutka, Claim No. 809-038, and referred to County Counsel
21. REJECTED claim of Gertrude Wohnoutka, Claim No. 809-038, and referred to County Counsel
22. REJECTED claim of Francie Byrnes, Claim No. 809-038, and referred to County Counsel
23. REJECTED claim of Marc and Denise Kraft, Claim No. 809-038, and referred to County Counsel
24. REJECTED claim of Farmers Insurance Exchange re: Stacey Payne, Claim No. 809-040, and referred to County Counsel
25. REJECTED claim of Fire Insurance Exchange re: Martin Velasco, Claim No. 809-040A, and referred to County Counsel
26. REJECTED claim of Fire Insurance Exchange re: Frank and Naomi Bloss, Claim No. 809-040B, and referred to County Counsel
27. REJECTED claim of Fire Insurance Exchange re: Joseph and Jane Amaral, Claim No. 809-040C, and referred to County Counsel
28. REJECTED claim of Fire Insurance Exchange re: Lloyd and Sherry Van Zante, Claim No. 809-040D, and referred to County Counsel
29. REJECTED claim of Mid Century Insurance Company re: Guy Richards, Claim No. 809-040E, and referred to County Counsel
30. REJECTED claim of Fire Insurance Exchange re: Thomas Griffin and Jennifer Marks, Claim No. 809-040F, and referred to County Counsel
31. REJECTED claim of Fire Insurance Exchange re: Frances Henderson, Claim No. 809-040G, and referred to County Counsel
32. REJECTED claim of Fire Insurance Exchange re: Travis and Stephanie Smith, Claim No. 809-040H, and referred to County Counsel
33. REJECTED claim of Fire Insurance Exchange re: Heather Mickerson and Jose Ramos, Claim No. 809-040I, and referred to County Counsel
34. REJECTED claim of Fire Insurance Exchange re: Jose Ramos, Claim No. 809-040J, and referred to County Counsel
35. REJECTED claim of Fire Insurance Exchange re: John and Glenda Harrington, Claim No. 809-040K, and referred to County Counsel
36. REJECTED claim of Mid Century Insurance Company re: Derek and Sarah Fisher, Claim No. 809-040L, and referred to County Counsel
44. APPROVED the gross pay adjustment of $141 for one employee to be paid for a shift differential from June 2, 2008 through October 27, 2008, as recommended by the Chief Probation Officer
47. ACCEPTED AND FILED the Treasurer's monthly Cash Report and Transaction Report for the period ending November 30, 2008, as recommended by the Treasurer-Tax Collector
49. APPROVED the reappointment of Albert Aramburu to the Planning Commission for a term to expire January 7, 2013, as recommended by Supervisor Pirie
51. APPROVED the reappointment of Renee Shepherd to the Planning Commission for a term to expire January 7, 2013, as recommended by Supervisor Stone
52. APPROVED the reappointment of Myrna Britton as the Fifth District Alternate to the Planning Commission for a term to expire January 7, 2013, as recommended by Supervisor Stone
53. APPROVED appointment of Charles A. "Cap" Pennell to the Emergency Management Council, as the representative of ARES/RACES (Amateur Radio), as recommended by Chairperson Pirie
54. APPROVED appointment of Jeff Hartley to the Emergency Management Council, as the representative of the City of Watsonville, as recommended by Chairperson Pirie
55. APPROVED appointment of Ciro Aguirre as the Santa Cruz Metropolitan Transit District's representative to the Emergency Management Council, as recommended by Chairperson Pirie
59. AUTHORIZED the Chairperson of the Board to sign the 2008-09 Public Health Emergency Preparedness Non-Supplantation form, as recommended by the Director of Health Services
69. ADOPTED RESOLUTION NO. 314-2008 certifying the County maintained road mileage, and approved related action, as recommended by the Director of Public Works
83. Presentation made honoring First District Supervisor Jan Beautz
84. Presentation made honoring Thomas L. Bolich, Public Works Director
85. Presentation made honoring Pat Busch, Assistant County Administrative Officer
91.3. APPROVED reappointment of Terry Hancock as the Second District Alternate to the Planning Commission for a term to expire January 7, 2013, as recommended by Supervisor Pirie