Tuesday, August 4, 2009
VOTING KEY: P = Pirie, Co = Coonerty, Ca = Campos, S = Stone; first initial indicates maker of motion, second initial indicates the "second"; upper case letter = "yes" vote; lower case letter = "no" vote; () = abstain; // = absent
6. ACCEPTED claims as approved by the Auditor-Controller
7. APPROVED minutes of June 15, 2009, June 16, 2009, June 17, 2009, June 18, 2009, June 19, 2009, June 22, 2009, June 23, 2009, and June 25, 2009, as recommended by the Clerk of the Board
9. APPROVED the reading by Title of all ordinances considered for adoption that may appear on this agenda and further waived a detailed reading of said ordinances, as recommended by County Counsel
10. REJECTED the claim of Edward Garner, Claim Number 809-093, and referred to County Counsel
11. REJECTED the claim of Lorraine Helene Coppolino, Claim Number 809-094, and referred to County Counsel
12. REJECTED the claim of Mattison Fitzgerald, Claim Number 809-095, and referred to County Counsel
13. REJECTED the claim of Yvonne E. Feather, Claim Number 910-002, and referred to County Counsel
14. ADOPTED ORDINANCE NO. 5054 amending section 8.34.030 of the Santa Cruz County Code relating to an enhanced penalty for the possession of an open container of alcohol
17. APPROVED various position restorations and extensions from the Voluntary Time Off savings for 2009-2010, as recommended by the County Administrative Officer
18. DEFERRED report on County advisory bodies and directed the County Administrative Officer to return on September 15, 2009, as recommended by the County Administrative Officer
19. ACCEPTED the Statement of the Vote for the May 19, 2009 Special Statewide Election, as recommended by the County Clerk
27. APPROVED restoration of the Information Center Systems Analyst position, as recommended by the Director of Information Services
30. ACCEPTED AND FILED the Treasurer's monthly Cash Report and Investment Transaction Report for the period ending June 30, 2009, as recommended by Treasurer-Tax Collector
32. APPROVED appointment of Paula Tanner to the Commission on Disabilities for a term to expire April 1, 2011, as recommended by Supervisor Campos
38. APPROVED appointment of Monica Galvan to the Latino Affairs Commission for a term to expire April 1, 2013, as recommended by Supervisor Leopold
39. APPROVED appointment of Ariel Serre to the Women's Commission for a term to expire April 1, 2013, as recommended by Supervisor Pirie
49. ACCEPTED AND FILED report on the Solar Santa Cruz program and approved related actions, as recommended by the Planning Director
54. APPROVED the permit for the Surf City Aids Bicycle Ride Event and approved related actions, as recommended by the Director of Public Works
55. APPROVED change order to the contract with Granite Construction Company in the amount of $134,319.12 for the 2009 Road Reconstruction and Overlay Project and approved related actions, as recommended by the Director of Public Works
PL(Ca)/S/Co Supervisor Campos abstained due to a conflict of interest