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Monday, June 20, 2011



VOTING KEY: P = Pirie, Co = Coonerty, Ca = Caput, S = Stone; first initial indicates maker of motion, second initial indicates the "second"; upper case letter = "yes" vote; lower case letter = "no" vote; () = abstain; // = absent

1.   All Supervisors present

2.   Moment of Silence and Pledge of Allegiance
3.   Consideration of Late Additions to the Agenda; additions and deletions to Consent and Regular Agendas
5.     ORAL COMMUNICATIONS - one person addressed the Board

6.   CONSIDERED status report on the East Cliff Drive Improvements at Twin Lakes State Beach and related action;

1) accepted and filed status report on the East Cliff Drive Improvements at Twin Lakes State Beach; and

2) directed Redevelopment Agency staff to continue to work with Department of Public Works and the Planning Department to prepare a permit application for a Coastal Development Permit for the road improvements for East Cliff Drive at Twin Lakes Beachfront

7.   CONSIDERED approval of various capital improvement agreements, including: the Psychiatric Health Facility Funding Agreement with Catholic Healthcare West; a Purchase and Sale and Indemnification Agreements with Green Valley Corporation DBA Barry Swenson Builder for the Center for Public Safety Project; the agreement with the Live Oak School District for a Youth Center; and the Public Improvements Development Agreement with the Community Benefit Project Foundation for the Heart of Soquel, Twin Lakes Beachfront and Upper Porter Street Improvements; authorize the County Administrative Officer to negotiate and execute the agreements and to make necessary changes in a form acceptable to County Counsel and related actions;

(1) approved the Psychiatric Health Facility Agreement with Catholic Healthcare West, and authorized the Director of the Health Services Agency to execute the agreement;

(a) approved the Purchase and Sale and Indemnification Agreements with Green Valley Corporation DBA Barry Swenson Builder for the Center for Public Safety Project, authorized the County Administrative Officer to modify the agreement as necessary in a form acceptable to County Counsel, and authorized the County Administrative Officer to execute the agreement;

(b) approved the Youth Center Agreement with the Live Oak School District, authorized the County Administrative Officer to modify the agreement as necessary in a form acceptable to County Counsel, and authorized the County Administrative Officer to execute the agreement; and

(c) approved the Public Improvements Development Agreement with the Community Benefit Project Foundation, authorized the County Administrative Officer to modify the agreement as necessary in a form acceptable to County Counsel, and authorized the County Administrative Officer to execute the agreement;

2) authorized the County Administrative Officer and the Auditor-Controller to increase existing contracts and allocate any funds remaining in the various projects budgets from 2010-2011 to assure that all available funds are included in the proposed agreements
(1) LCoPCaS  
(2) LPCoCaS  

8.   CONSIDERED award of contract to R.C. Benson & Sons, Inc., in the amount of $117,422 for the 522 Capitola Road Extension Accessory Dwelling Unit Conversion and Repair Project and related actions;

1) awarded contract to R.C. Benson & Sons, in the amount of $117,422 for the 522 Capitola Road Extension Accessory Dwelling Unit conversion and Repair Project;

2) authorized the General Services Director to notify the contractor and sign the contract agreements and associated documents; and

3) authorized the Planning Director to approve change orders and encumber $5,871 in addition to the contract amount to cover change order expenditures, as required

9.   CONSIDERED authorizing the County Administrative Officer to negotiate and enter into various agreements and approve related actions for programs and projects utilizing the Santa Cruz County Low/Moderate Income Housing Funds: MidPen Housing Corporation for the Aptos Blue Affordable Housing Project; the Erlach Property Affordable Housing Project; the St. Stephens Affordable Housing Project; the Atkinson Lane Affordable Housing Project; South County Housing for Canterbury Park Affordable Housing Project and Purchase Agreement; Santa Cruz County Community Counseling Center for the Harper Street Purchase Agreement and Affordable Housing Project; Habitat for Humanity Santa Cruz County for the Rodriguez Street Purchase Agreement and Affordable Housing Project; Swan Lake Condominiums LLC Purchase Agreements to preserve 20 Measure J Units; and various continuing agreements as specified and related actions;

1) authorized the County Administrative Officer to negotiate and enter into various agreements and approved related actions for programs and projects utilizing the Santa Cruz County Low/Moderate Income Housing Funds (excluding the Atkinson Lane Affordable Housing Project): MidPen Housing Corporation for the Aptos Blue Affordable Housing Project; the Erlach Property Affordable Housing Project; the St. Stephens Affordable Housing Project; South County Housing for Canterbury Park Affordable Housing Project and Purchase Agreement; Santa Cruz County Community Counseling Center for the Harper Street Purchase Agreement and Affordable Housing Project; Habitat for Humanity Santa Cruz County for the Rodriguez Street Purchase Agreement and Affordable Housing Project; Swan Lake Condominiums LLC Purchase Agreements to preserve 20 Measure J Units; and various continuing agreements as specified and related actions;

2) authorized the County Administrative Officer to negotiate and enter into various agreements and take related actions for programs and projects utilizing the Santa Cruz County Low/Moderate Income Housing Funds: Atkinson Lane Affordable Housing Project; and

3) authorized the County Administrative Officer and the Auditor-Controller to increase existing contracts and allocate any funds remaining in the various projects budgets from 2010-2011 to assure that all available funds are included in the proposed agreements
(1) PCoLCaS  
(2) PLCocaS  
(3) LPCoCaS  

10.   CONSIDERED adoption of resolutions accepting and appropriating unanticipated revenue for affordable housing projects and programs per the Second Payment Schedule for the Amended and Restated Cooperation Agreement and direct the County Administrative Officer and the Auditor-Controller to take all actions to immediately accept and appropriate these funds;

1) ADOPTED RESOLUTION NO.s 209a-2011 and 209b-2011 accepting and appropriating unanticipated revenue per the Second Payment Schedule for Affordable Housing Projects and Programs of the Amended and Restated Cooperation Agreement in the amount of $34,660,452, with the exception of the Aktinson Lane Affordable Housing Project, and directed the County Administrative Officer and the Auditor-Controller to take all necessary actions to immediately accept and appropriate these funds; and

a) authorized the Auditor-Controller to make minor adjustments as may be required, subject to written approval by the County Administrative Officer and the Redevelopment Agency Administrator

2) approved the inclusion of the Atkinson Lane Affordable Housing Project in Resolution No.s 209a-2011 and 209b-2011
(1) CaPLCoS  
(2) PLCocaS  

11.   AS THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SANTA CRUZ COUNTY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY, CONSIDERED close out report on the Pleasant Acres Mobile Home Park and related action;

1) accepted and filed report on the Pleasant Acres Mobile Home Park; and

2) authorized the Planning Director to modify the terms of Coach Acquisition Loan for Space No. 33 as described in the letter of the Planning Director, dated June 16, 2011

12.   AS THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SANTA CRUZ COUNTY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY, CONSIDERED approving funding in the amount of $117,422 for the Gemma House Improvement Project;

APPROVED Agency funds totaling $117,422 for the cost of the construction contract for the Gemma House Improvement Project

13.   AS THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SANTA CRUZ COUNTY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY, CONSIDERED approving expenditure of funds to finance Affordable Housing Projects and Programs per the Second Payment Schedule of the Amended and Restated Cooperation Agreement; adopt resolution accepting and appropriating unanticipated revenue into the Live Oak-Soquel Redevelopment Agency Tax Increment Low and Moderate Income Housing Fund and related actions;

1) approved expenditure of funds to finance Affordable Housing Projects and Programs per the Second Payment Schedule of the Amended and Restated Cooperation Agreement (excluding the Atkinson Lane Affordable Housing Project); a) ADOPTED RESOLUTION NO. 209c-2011 accepting and appropriating unanticipated revenue into the Live Oak-Soquel Redevelopment Agency Tax Increment Low and Moderate Income Housing Fund and related actions;

2) approved expenditure of funds to finance Affordable Housing Projects and Programs per the Second Payment Schedule of the Amended and Restated Cooperation Agreement, including the Atkinson Lane Affordable Housing Project in Resolution No.209c-2011

(1) CaPLCoS  
(2) LCoPcaS  

14.   This item is a placeholder only - due to system limitations, the Budget Hearings that immediately followed this Special Meeting were not able to be entered into the County's Case Management System. To view materials for the Budget Hearing of June 20, 2011, begin with Invenum #_________________.