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Tuesday, August 23, 2011



VOTING KEY: P = Pirie, Co = Coonerty, Ca = Caput, S = Stone; first initial indicates maker of motion, second initial indicates the "second"; upper case letter = "yes" vote; lower case letter = "no" vote; () = abstain; // = absent

1.   All Supervisors present
2.   Moment of Silence and Pledge of Allegiance
3.   ADDED to the Consent Agenda: Item No. 60.1
4.   Action on the Consent Agenda
5.     ORAL COMMUNICATIONS - eighteen people addressed the Board


6.   ACCEPTED claims as approved by the Auditor-Controller

7.   APPROVED minutes of August 2, 2011 and August 9, 2011, as recommended by the Clerk of the Board

8.   ACCEPTED AND FILED notification of continuing contracts received during the period of August 4, 2011 through August 17, 2011 and approved upon adoption of the 2011-2012 continuing agreements list to comply with Section 300 of the County's Procedures Manual, Title 1, as recommended by the Clerk of the Board
(P)LCoCaS  (Supervisor Pirie abstained on the Senior Citizens Legal Services contract becasue her husban is employed there)

9.   APPROVED the reading by Title of all ordinances considered for adoption that may appear on this agenda and further waived a detailed reading of said ordinances, as recommended by County Counsel

10.   ADOPTED ORDINANCE NO. 5100 of the Board of Supervisors of the County of Santa Cruz, California, determining it will comply with the Alternative Voluntary Redevelopment Program Pursuant to Part 1.9 of Division 24 of the continued existence and operation of the Redevelopment Agency of the County of Santa Cruz, subject to the conditions set forth herein

11.   REJECTED the claim of Janet Cameron and Elouise Wilson (Joint Owners), Claim No 011-088T, and referred to County Counsel

12.   REJECTED the claim of Crystal Davenport and Matthew Davenport, Claim No 112-013, and referred to County Counsel

13.   GRANTED the application to file a late claim, Claim No 112-014A, on behalf of Karen Egan and referred to County Counsel

14.   REJECTED the claim of Karen Egan, Claim No. 112-014 and referred to County Counsel

15.   REJECTED the claim of Juan Manuel and Ludivina Ramirez, Claim No. 112-015 and referred to County Counsel

16.   REJECTED the claim of Raquel M. Barreto, Claim No. 112-004, and referred to County Counsel

17.   REJECTED the claim of Erika Guido, Claim No. 112-006, as insufficiently filed and referred to County Counsel

18.   REJECTED the claim of Denhoy-Snug Harbor LLC - c/o Thomas M. Downey, Claim No. 112-008, and referred to County Counsel

19.   REJECTED the claim of Y. Zena Corby, Claim No. 112-009, and referred to County Counsel

20.   REJECTED the claim of Nelson Bonilla, Claim No. 112-010, and referred to County Counsel

21.   REJECTED the claim of Vern Ballantyne/Robert Ballantyne (son), Claim No. 011-088N, and referred to County Counsel

22.   REJECTED the claim of Foremost Insurance Company subrogee David Drivon, Claim No. 011-088O, and referred to County Counsel

23.   REJECTED the claim of Theresa Viola and Dee Viola, Claim No. 011-088P, and referred to County Counsel

24.   REJECTED the claim of Ann Schroedel, Claim No. 011-088Q, and referred to County Counsel

25.   REJECTED the claim of Randall and Janet Howard, Claim No. 011-088R, and referred to County Counsel

26.   REJECTED the claim of Mark D. Cameron Sr., Claim No. 011-088S, and referred to County Counsel

27.   REJECTED the claim of Carola Cuenca, Claim No. 012-011, and referred to County Counsel

28.   DIRECTED the Auditor Controller to transfer stale dated and uncashed warrants in the amount of $3,625.75 to the General Fund, as recommended by the Auditor-Controller

29.   ACCEPTED District Attorney's Federal Annual Financial Certification Report for equitable sharing of funds for fiscal year 2010-2011; authorized the District Attorney and County Administrative Officer to sign and submit the Federal Annual Certification Report to the United States Department of Justice, as recommended by the District Attorney

30.   APPROVED lease agreement with Monterey College of Law for a one year period and authorized the General Services Director to sign and implement the agreement, as recommended by the Director of General Services


32.   APPROVED position changes to restore a Clerk II and Duplicating Equipment Operator II to full time positions, as recommended by the Information Services Director

33.   ADOPTED RESOLUTION NO. 264-2011 supporting the California Emergency Technology Fund's Get Connected! Public Awareness Campaign, as recommended by the Director of Information Services

34.   APPROVED appointment of Richard J. Jevons to the Mental Health Advisory Board, representing consumers, for a term to expire April 1, 2012, as recommended by Supervisor Pirie

35.   APPROVED nomination of Denise M. O'Laughlin for appointment to the Workforce Investment Board, as an at-large representative of business, for a term to expire June 30, 2014, with final appointment to be considered on September 13, 2011, as recommended by Supervisor Pirie

36.   ACCEPTED AND FILED report on the Central California Alliance for Health and directed staff to return with the next 6-month progress report at the last meeting in February 2012, as recommended by the Director of Health Services

37.   ADOPTED RESOLUTION NO. 265-2011 authorizing the use of an additional thirty day involuntary psychiatric hold as allowed under Welfare and Institutions Code 5270.10-5270.65, as recommended by the Director of Health Services

38.   APPROVED agreement between the Health Services Agency (HSA) and Environmental Restoration Services for Fish Passage and Stream Habitat Adaptive Management Services in the amount of $62,300 and approved project agreement between HSA and the Department of Fish and Game for the Shingle Mill Fish Passage project and authorized the Health Services Agency Director to finalize, execute and sign any related documents, as recommended by the Directors of Health Services and Public Works

39.   APPROVED revenue agreement with First 5 of Santa Cruz County in the amount of $571,112 for the Families Together Program in 2011-2012; adopted RESOLUTION NO. 266-2011 accepting and appropriating unanticipated revenue in the amount of $8,180 for Transitional Housing Program-Plus (THP-Plus); approved amendment to agreement with Santa Cruz Community Counseling Center, increasing the contract amount by $8,180 for THP-Plus and approved related actions, as recommended by the Director of Human Services

40.   APPROVED the Community Programs fiscal year 2011-2012 contract with Family Service Agency in the reduced amount of $47,905; approved the budgeted allocation of $23,000 to the Health Services Agency to provide a local match for the Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnostic, and Treatment program, and approved related actions, as recommended by the Director of Human Services

41.   APPROVED the Community Programs fiscal year 2011-2012 contract with Community Bridges, incorporating Familia Center's Community Programs allocation of $57,776 for a combined contract total of $908,078; approved the transfer of budget appropriations in the amount of $57,776 and approved related actions, as recommended by the Director of Human Services

42.   ADOPTED RESOLUTION NO. 267-2011 accepting and appropriating unanticipated revenue in the amount of $737,158 from the State of California; approved contracts with the County Office of Education in the amount of $816,275, effective July 1, 2011 to June 30, 2012, to operate Workforce Investment Act (WIA) youth Suenos services; with Cabrillo College for Fast Track to Work Services in the amount of $160,136 to operate WIA Adult, Dislocated Worker, and CalWORKS services through June 30, 2012; and with Shoreline Workforce Development Services in the amount of $139,030, effective July 1, 2011 through June 30, 2012, to operate WIA Adult, Dislocated Worker and the Governor's Discretionary Grant On-The-Job Training services; and approved related actions, as recommended by the Director of Human Services

43.   SCHEDULED public hearing on Tuesday, September 20, 2011 at 9:00 a.m. or thereafter, to consider Application No. 111074, a proposal to develop a new County Behavioral Health Unit Facility and an Evaluation Services unit, rezone Assessor's Parcel Number 026-011-06 (property is located on the corner of Soquel Avenue and Capitola Road Extension at 2220-2280 Soquel Avenue) from Service Commercial (C-4) to Public Facility (PF) and Community Commercial (C-2) to Public Facility/Institutional (PF) and Community Commercial (C-C), as recommended by the Planning Director

44.   SCHEDULED public hearing on Tuesday, September 20, 2011 at 9:00 a.m. or thereafter, to consider Application No. 111070 (Larry Holmes for Lester T. and Mildred M. Holmes) a proposal to rezone Assessor's Parcel Number 087-054-04 (property located at the end of an unamed right-of-way approximately 1/4 mile east of Highway 9 in Boulder Creek), from Special Use to Timber Production, as recommended by the Planning Director

45.   SCHEDULED public hearing on Tuesday, September 20, 2011 at 9:00 a.m. or thereafter, to consider Application No. 111066 (Dean E. Mc Daniel) a proposal to rezone Assessor's Parcel Number 103-011-08 (property located at the end of an unnamed right-of-way about 1.500 feet north of its intersection with Laurel Glen Road at about 950 feet north of the intersection of Laurel Glen Road and Breckenridge Lane) from Special Use to Timber Production, as recommended by the Planning Director

46.   SCHEDULED public hearing on Tuesday, September 13, 2011 at 9:00 a.m. or thereafter, to consider the 2012 Growth Goal, as recommended by the Planning Director

47.   ACCEPTED AND FILED annual report of the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System, Phase II Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System Permit and authorized staff to submit the report to the Central Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board, as recommended by the Director of Public Works

48.   ACCEPTED AND FILED report on the proposed Coolidge Drive roadway improvements and directed staff to return on or before December 13, 2011 with a status report, as recommended by the Director of Public Works

49.   ACCEPTED a grant in the amount of $55,954.76 from the Ambassador Bill Lane Charitable Remainder Unitrust for the Park Naturalist salary at Quail Hollow Ranch; adopted RESOLUTION NO. 268-2011 accepting and appropriating unanticipated revenue in the amount of $55,954.76 from the Ambassador Bill Lane Charitable Remainder Unitrust, as recommended by the Interim Director of Parks, Open Space and Cultural Services

50.   APPROVED independent contractor agreement with Ecology Action of Santa Cruz, in the not-to-exceed amount of $16,000 for fiscal year 2011-2012, to provide public awareness services to promote used motor oil recycling through June 30, 2015, and approved related actions, as recommended by the Director of Public Works

51.   APPROVED amendment to agreement with Geosyntec Consultants, Inc., increasing compensation by $49,034 for a not-to-exceed total of $459,034, amending the scope of work to provide engineering and technical services for the Roy Wilson Yard Site Conceptual Model Report and extending the term of contract to June 30, 2013; approved the one-time payment of $7,770.32 to Geosyntec Consultants, Inc. for environmental work performed on the Roy Wilson Yard in fiscal year 2010-2011; authorized transfer of funds in the amount of $36,192 between budget indexes as specified and approved related actions, as recommended by the Director of Public Works

52.   ACCEPTED the improvements and approved the final cost of $30,799.53 for the County Service Area No. 34, Larsen Road Roadside Turnouts and Widening Project, and approved related actions, as recommended by the Director of Public Works

53.   APPROVED permit for the 2011 Surf City AIDS Bicycle Ride Event and approved related actions, as recommended by the Director of Public Works

54.   APPROVED Program Supplement to County-State Agreement and adopted RESOLUTION NO. 269-2011 authorizing execution of an agreement between the State of California and the County of Santa Cruz for the funding of the Green Valley Road Bridge Replacement Project, as recommended by the Director of Public Works

55.   APPROVED plans and specifications and engineer's estimate for the 2011 County Service Area Resurfacing Project and authorized calling for bids; set the bid opening for 2:15 p.m. on September 8, 2011 in the Department of Public Works conference room; directed Public Works to return on September 20, 2011 with a recommendation for award of contract and approved related action, as recommended by the Director of Public Works

56.   SCHEDULED public hearing on Tuesday, September 20, 2011 at 9:00 a.m. or thereafter, to consider adoption of an ordinance adding Chapter 7.39 to the Santa Cruz County Code regarding requirement, use, permits fees, and regulation of public sewers and approved related action, as recommended by the Director of Public Works

57.   AS THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE DAVENPORT COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICT, SCHEDULED public hearing on Tuesday, September 20, 2011 at 9:00 a.m. or thereafter, to consider adoption of an ordinance amending District Code Sections 4.04.030 and 4.04.270 and adding Sections 4.04.445, 4.04.446 and 4.04.447 regarding Definitions, Plans, Specifications and Construction, Private Sanitary Sewer System Maintenance and Repair, and Enforcement Response and Fines, and approved related action, as recommended by the District Engineer

58.   AS THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE FREEDOM COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICT, SCHEDULED a public hearing on Tuesday, September 20, 2011 at 9:00 a.m. or thereafter, to consider adoption of an ordinance amending District Code Sections 1.04.010 and 3.04.280 and adding Sections 3.04.465, 3.04.545, and 3.04.547 regarding Definitions, Plans, Specifications and Construction, Private Sanitary Sewer System Maintenance and Repair, and Enforcement Response and Fines, and approved related action, as recommended by the District Engineer

59.   AS THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE FREEDOM COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICT, ACCEPTED low bid from Nor-Cal Contractor in the amount of $332,725 for the Los Arboles Lift Station Project, authorized award of contract and approved related actions, as recommended by the District Engineer

59.1.   AS THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE FREEDOM COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICT, ADOPTED RESOLUTION NO. 270-2011 approving and accepting terms and conditions for the property acquisition agreement for Los Arboles Lift Station Project and approved payment of claims, as recommended by the District Engineer

60.   AS THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SANTA CRUZ COUNTY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY, ADOPTED an Enforceable Obligation Payment Schedule for the Redevelopment Agency obligations through December 2011, as recommended by the Executive Director of the Santa Cruz County Redevelopment Agency

60.1.   ADOPTED RESOLUTION NO. 271-2011 establishing the Santa Cruz County Community Corrections and Reentry Partnership, appointing members and the executive committee, as recommended by the Chief Probation Officer

61.   AS THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS AND THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY, SCHEDULED a closed personnel and litigation session as follows:


Initiation of litigation was considered pursuant to subdivision (c) of Government Code Section 54956.9 for one potential case



In Home Supportive Services Public Authority Negotiator: Director of Human Services and Director of Personnel

Employee Organization: In Home Supportive Services Public Authority Employees



62.   CONSIDERED presentation concerning Community Choice Aggregation Programs; authorized the General Services Director to represent the County in exploratory efforts in this regard

63.   Public hearing held to consider adoption of ordinance adding Chapter 5.48 to the Santa Cruz County Code Relating to the Reduction of Single-Use Plastic and Paper Carry-out Bags;

1) opened public hearing, to hear public testimony on the proposed single-use bag ordinance; and

2) continued the public hearing to September 13, 2011

64.   Public hearing held to considered Redistricting of Supervisorial Boundaries;

1) accepted and filed report on the Redistricting of Supervisorial Boundaries;

2) opened the public hearing to hear public testimony on the Redistricting of Supervisorial Boundaries;

3) continued the public hearing to September 13, 2011 and a second public hearing on September 20, 2011

65.   CONSIDERED Actuarial Study for Reduction to Other Post Employment Benefits (OPEB) for General Representation employees represented by Service Employees International Union 521;

ACCEPTED AND FILED actuarial study and directed the Personnel Director to return on or before September 20, 2011 with the MOU

65.1.   AWARDED contract to Vanir Construction Management in the amount of $632,884 for project and construction management services for the repair of the Santa Cruz Veterans Memorial Building and approved related actions, as recommended by the Director of General Services