Tuesday, February 28, 2012
VOTING KEY: P = Pirie, Co = Coonerty, Ca = Caput, S = Stone; first initial indicates maker of motion, second initial indicates the "second"; upper case letter = "yes" vote; lower case letter = "no" vote; () = abstain; // = absent
6. ACCEPTED claims as approved by the Auditor-Controller
7. APPROVED minutes of February 7, 2012 and February 14, 2012, as recommended by the Clerk of the Board
9. APPROVED the reading by Title of all ordinances considered for adoption that may appear on this agenda and further waived a detailed reading of said ordinances, as recommended by County Counsel
10. REJECTED the claim of the Estate of Joey Dellamora (Steve Dellamora/father, Tara Rigby & Ali Richardson/sisters), Claim No. 112-055, and referred to County Counsel
11. REJECTED the claim of Allied Interstate, Subrogee for Zurich, Claim No. 011-088AZ, and referred to County Counsel
12. REJECTED the claim of Allstate, Subrogee for Nazar Turkish Imports, Claim No. 011-088AAA, and referred to County Counsel
17. ACCEPTED AND FILED the Latino Affairs Commission report for calendar years 2010 and 2011, and approved related action, as recommended by Chair Leopold
21. APPROVED modifications to the CalHome Owner-Occupied Rehabilitation Program Guidelines, as recommended by the Planning Director
28. APPROVED the road closures for the Fortieth Annual Wharf-to-Wharf Race on July 22, 2012, and directed staff to issue the race permit, as recommended by the Director of Public Works
29. APPROVED the road closures for the 2012 Santa Cruz Marathon on May 20, 2012, and directed staff to issue the race permit, as recommended by the Director of Public Works
30. ADOPTED RESOLUTION NO. 28-2012 authorizing the Cultural Council of Santa Cruz County to be the designated representative to the California Arts Council, as recommended by the Director of Parks
34. PRESENTATION of awards and proclamations to those employees who achieved excellence in the execution of their duties and responsibilities
36. PRESENTATION made by the Auditor-Controller on the Mid-Year Financial Update Report and presentation made by the County Administrative Officer on the Mid-Year Report on the County Budget