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Tuesday, August 27, 2013



VOTING KEY: L = Leopold, F = Friend, Co = Coonerty, Ca = Caput, M = McPherson; first initial indicates maker of motion, second initial indicates the "second"; upper case letter = "yes" vote; lower case letter = "no" vote; () = abstain; // = absent

1.   All Supervisors present
2.   Moment of Silence and Pledge of Allegiance
3.   Consideration of Late Additions to the Agenda; additions and deletions to Consent and Regular Agendas
4.   Action on the Consent Agenda
5.     ORAL COMMUNICATIONS - Eleven people addressed the Board


6.   ACCEPTED claims as approved by the Auditor-Controller

7.   APPROVED minutes of June 28, 2013 and August 6, 2013, as recommended by the Clerk of the Board


9.   APPROVED the reading by Title of all ordinances considered for adoption that may appear on this agenda and further waived a detailed reading of said ordinances, as recommended by County Counsel

10.   REJECTED the claim of Scott S. Cole, Claim No. 314-006, and referred to County Counsel

11.   REJECTED the claim of John M. Guluarte, Jr., Claim No. 314-007, and referred to County Counsel

12.   REJECTED the claim of Ronald W. Campbell, Claim No. 314-008, and referred to County Counsel

13.   ADOPTED RESOLUTION NO. 179-2013 supporting the passage of Assembly Bill 483, which provides legislative clarification of tourism and business "Specific Benefit" Assessments related to Proposition 26 and approved related action, as recommended by the County Administrative Officer


15.   DEFERRED proposed ordinance to regulate medical marijuana dispensaries to September 24, 2013, as recommended by the County Administrative Officer

16.   APPROVED amendment to the lease agreement between the City of Scotts Valley and the County of Santa Cruz regarding the Scotts Valley Public Library and designate the Santa Cruz County Library Joint Powers Authority as the County designee pursuant to the 1990 Agreement; with the additional direction that the Chairperson of the Board write a letter to the Scotts Valley City Council encouraging the Council to consider a long term commitment to the library system by entering into a longer lease for Scotts Valley library

17.   ACCEPTED the District Attorney's Office Federal Annual Financial Certification Report for equitable sharing funds for fiscal year 2012-13; and authorized the District Attorney and County Administrative Officer to sign and submit the Federal Annual Certification Report to the U.S. Department of Justice, as recommended by the District Attorney

18.   ADOPTED RESOLUTION NO. 180-2013 and ratified the authorization for the District Attorney to submit an application to the California Department of Insurance in the amount of $104,194 for the 2013-14 Automobile Insurance Fraud Program, as recommended by the District Attorney

19.   RATIFIED the authorization for the District Attorney to sign a Certification of Assurance of Compliance, and submit an application to the California Emergency Management Agency (CalEMA) in the amount of $192,303 for the 2013-14 Victim/Witness Assistance Program, as recommended by the District Attorney

20.   ACCEPTED AND FILED the District Attorney's annual report for 2012-13 Real Estate Fraud Program, as recommended by the District Attorney

21.   APPROVED memorandum of understanding with the County of Santa Cruz Superior Court for custodial, warehouse, minor maintenance, ergonomic and parking attendant services for fiscal year 2013-2014 and approved related actions, as recommended by the Director of General Services

22.   APPROVED the revised 2013-2014 budget and activities plan for Community Television and the amendment to agreement between Community Television, the City of Santa Cruz, and the County of Santa Cruz and approved related actions, as recommended by the Director of Information Services

23.   APPROVED an agreement with Gregory A. Goza dba Gregory Goza Associates in the amount of $28,000 for State mandated probation officer training, as recommended by the Chief Probation Officer

24.   APPROVED agreements for AB109 client intervention and re-entry services, including Community Action Board, in the amount of $103,099 for workforce and employment services; Janus of Santa Cruz in the amount of $44,000 for family involvement reentry services; Barrios Unidos in the amount of $80,000 for gang desistance services; Santa Cruz Community Counseling in the amount of $144,650 for housing and mental health services; Volunteer Center in the amount of $288,000 for reentry planning, benefits assistance, CBT curriculum and educational services; and Watsonville Law Center in the amount of $42,303 for re-entry legal support services, and approved related actions, as recommended by the Chief Probation Officer

25.   APPROVED an agreement with CGL, Incorporated, in the amount of $122,937 for SB 1022 Adult Local Criminal Justice Facilities Construction Financing Program Proposal (on file with the Clerk of the Board); adopted RESOLUTION NO. 181-2013 accepting unanticipated revenue and approved related actions, as recommended by the Sheriff-Coroner

26.   APPROVED gross pay adjustments for a total amount of $10,637.70, as recommended by the Sheriff-Coroner

27.   AUTHORIZED payment for a total amount of $168.01 for prior year invoices, as recommended by the Sheriff-Coroner

28.   AUTHORIZED payment in the amount of $1,000 to United Way of Santa Cruz for prior year invoice related to the 211 program, as recommended by the Sheriff-Coroner

29.   ACCEPTED nomination of Eric Herrick and Robin Towse for reappointment to the first panel of the Assessment Appeals Board, as at-large members, for terms to expire September 5, 2016, with final appointments to be considered on September 10, 2013, as recommended by Supervisor Friend

30.   APPROVED appointment of Danny Keith to the Human Services Commission for a term to expire April 1, 2017, as recommended by Supervisor Friend

31.   ADOPTED RESOLUTION NO. 182-2013 opposing the passage of Senate Bill 594, which would amend the Government Code relating to campaign activities, and approved related action, as recommended by Supervisor McPherson

32.   APPROVED appointment of Dr. Marc Yellin to the Emergency Medical Care Commission, as the representative of the Santa Cruz County Medical Society, for a term to expire April 1, 2015, as recommended by Chairperson Coonerty

33.   ACCEPTED AND FILED Central California Alliance for Health progress report and directed Health Services to return with an annual report at the last meeting of February 2014, as recommended by the Director of Health Services


35.   AUTHORIZED the Director of Human Services to sign the Medi-Cal Data Privacy and Security agreement on behalf of the County, as recommended by the Director of Human Services

36.   APPROVED contract in the amount of $33,700 with Arc Tec, Inc. for design and engineering services for the 1020 Emeline Customer Service Lobby Remodel, as recommended by the Director of Human Services

37.   APPROVED contract with the Family Service Agency in the reduced amount of $65,528; approved the budgeted allocation of $23,000 to the Health Services Agency to provide a local match for the Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnostic, and Treatment program and approved related actions, as recommended by the Director of Human Services

38.   APPROVED contract with Community Bridges, incorporating Children's Center of the San Lorenzo Valley, Elder Day, supplemental program funds for Meals on Wheels and Elder Day, and the cost of living adjustment for a combined total of $1,166,447; approved the transfer of budget appropriations in the amount of $61,283 from Children's Center of San Lorenzo Valley to Community Bridges; approved contract in the amount of $4,100 with Conflict Resolution Center for meeting facilitation services and approved related actions, as recommended by the Director of Human Services

39.   APPROVED contracts with Women's Crisis Support~Defensa de Mujeres in the amount of $30,375 and with El Pajaro Community Development Corporation in the amount of $20,800, to provide services to CalWORKs Welfare-to-Work participants and approved related actions, as recommended by the Director of Human Services

40.   APPROVED agreements with Santa Cruz Community Counseling Center in the amount of $97,300 to provide intensive case management and support services to youth in Extended Foster Care; and in the amount of $796,954 to provide Families Together child abuse prevention services to families with children ages birth to 12 and approved related actions, as recommended by the Director of Human Services

41.   APPROVED contract in the amount of $213,328 with Second Harvest Food Bank for CalFresh outreach, education and application assistance and approved related actions, as recommended by the Director of Human Services

42.   SCHEDULED public hearing on Tuesday, September 24, 2013 at 9:00 a.m. or thereafter to consider Application No. 121206 to rezone a 1.2 acre portion of a 374.4 acre parcel (Assessor's Parcel Number 106-131-49), located on Buzzard Lagoon Road approximately one-quarter mile north of its intersection with Vaca del Sol, from the Residential Agriculture (RA) zone district to the Timber Production (TP) zone district to result in a 374.4 acre TP-zoned parcel, as recommended by the Planning Director

43.   SCHEDULED a public hearing on September 24, 2013 at 9:00 a.m. or thereafter to consider the 2014 Growth Goal, as recommended by the Planning Director

44.   ACCEPTED AND FILED report on the Green Valley Road Storm Damage Repair project, and directed staff to return on or before September 24, 2013 with a final project update, as recommended by the Director of Public Works


46.   ACCEPTED subdivision site improvements for Tract 1555 Harbor Town Homes as complete in accordance with previously approved plans and approved related actions, as recommended by the Director of Public Works

47.   ADOPTED RESOLUTION NO. 183-2013 requesting the California Department of Transportation permit the 2013 Big Kahuna Triathlon and approved related action, as recommended by the Director of Public Works

48.   APPROVED amendment to agreement with Community Action Board of Santa Cruz County, Inc., for supervison of the Youth Community Services Program to include Medi-Cal Administrative Activities language and approved related actions, as recommended by the Director of Public Works

49.   APPROVED amendment to agreement with Quincy Engineering, Inc., for the Cabrillo College Pedestrian Overcrossing Bridge Project, extending the term of the agreement to December 31, 2014 and approved related actions, as recommended by the Director of Public Works

50.   APPROVED Lease Agreement with Masterman Family Partnership for the San Lorenzo Valley Community Service Center to be located at 6062 Graham Hill Road and approved related actions, as recommended by the Director of Public Works

51.   ADOPTED RESOLUTION NO. 184-2013 accepting and appropriating unanticipated revenue in the total amount of $44,350 from the State Transportation Improvement Program Transportation Enhancement; approved contract change order in the amount of $84,622.92 for the Calabasas Road Improvements-Brandford Road to Buena Vista Drive Project; and approved related actions, as recommended by the Director of Public Works

52.   ADOPTED RESOLUTION NO. 185-2013 rescinding original rejection and accepting the dedication of Granite Way as a public right-of-way without responsibility for construction or maintenance of any improvements in the right-of-way, as recommended by the Director of Public Works

53.   APPROVED amendment to agreement with Save Our Shores for the Green Schools Program by amending the scope of work to include additional clean-up events, increasing compensation by $13,355 for a not-to-exceed amount of $66,250 for fiscal year 2013-14, and extending the term to June 30, 2014; and approved related action, as recommended by the Director of Public Works

54.   APPROVED permit for 2013 California Coast Classic bike event, and approved related action, as recommended by the Director of Public Works

54.1.   APPROVED annual report of the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System Permit and approved related action, as recommended by the Director of Public Works

55.   APPROVED the permit for the 2013 Mermaid Triathlon, and directed Public works to issue the event permit, as recommended by the Director of Public Works

56.   APPROVED permit for the 2013 Muscular Dystrophy Association and CalFire Fill-the-Boot Drive fundraiser event, and approved related action, as recommended by the Director of Public Works

57.   APPROVED permit for the 2013 Surf City Aids Bicycle Ride Event, and approved related action, as recommended by the Director of Public Works

58.   AS THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE DAVENPORT COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICT, AUTHORIZED transfer of funds in the amount of $14,000 from Davenport Sewer M & O to Sewer Lab Work; and authorized payment of $14,008 to the City of Santa Cruz for testing of effluent samples, as recommended by the District Engineer

59.   AS THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE DAVENPORT COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICT, APPROVED amendment to agreement with Kestrel Consulting, Inc. for grant funding management by increasing compensation by $4,193.25 for a not-to-exceed amount of $51,500.25; and approved related actions, as recommended by the District Engineer


61.   AS THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS, SCHEDULED a closed personnel and litigation session as follows:


Agency Negotiator: Director of Personnel

Employee organization: All Bargaining Units


Catherine Bramanti v. County of Santa Cruz Workers' Compensation Appeals Board Claim No. ADJ7818721



62.   PRESENTATION MADE honoring Kathy Sokolik, Director of Child Support Services

63.   The Board of Supervisors recessed in order to permit the Board of Directors of the County of Santa Cruz Flood Control and Water Conservation District, Zone 5 to convene and carry out a regularly scheduled meeting


(1) APPROVED the Zone 6 Drainage Master Plan which updates and supercedes all previous Master Plans for this zone;

(2) DIRECTED Public Works to report back on or before June 14, 2014 with possible funding sources and a schedule for execution of the prioritized Master Plan improvements and mechanisms to develop sustainable funding sources to implement and maintain water quality and flood control projects

65.   CONTINUED TO OCTOBER 29, 2013 public hearing on the Special Consideration Appeal of Application 111108, a proposal to construct a clubhouse at the Los Altos Rod and Gun Club, located at 14750 Skyline Boulevard

66.   PUBLIC HEARING HELD to consider approval in concept of an ordinance amending Santa Cruz County Code Chapter 13.20, the County's Coastal Regulations and other related amendments, and adoption of a resolution adopting a Negative Declaration; Chapter 13.20 and related chapters are coastal implementing ordinances;

closed public hearing;

(1) MOTION made to amend main motion to include additional

direction to staff that Section 13.20.061, Improvements to existing

single-family residences exemption, be modified to retain language

that provides for exemption for improvements to single family

residences that include additions or structures of less than 500 square

feet outside the appeal jurisdiction of the Coastal Commission;

(2) APPROVED in concept resolution adopting a negative declaration

for amendments to County Code Chapter 13.20, the County's Coastal

Regulations, and related County Code Provisions;

(a) APPROVED in concept ordinance changes to County Code

Chapter 13.20 and related County Code chapters, sections and

subsections; with the following modifications: the first sentence of

Section 13.20.020 (C) shall read, For the purposes of regulating

development in the Coastal Zone, the regulations of this Chapter and

Chapter 13.10, the Zoning Ordinance, shall both be applied, as well as

all other applicable provisions of County Code; the first sentence of

Section 13.20.063 Replacement after disaster shall read, Subject to

Section 13.20.060, no Coastal Development Permit is required for the

replacement of any legal structure (including associated landscaping

and erosion control structures/devices) that existed prior to the

occurrence of a disaster, other than a public works facility, that is

destroyed by a disaster (i.e. any situation in which the force or forces

which destroyed the structure to be replaced were beyond the control

of its owner) provided the replacement structure will...; the first

sentence of Section 13.20.080 (E) shall read: The County's computer

system contains information on development and building permit

applications within the Coastal Zone, which identifies which

applications do not involve Coastal Development Permits due to being

exempt, and upon request a list of those applications will be

generated; the sentence beginning, 'Continued operation of the

Biomedical Livestock use...' located in Subsection (G) (1) of Section

13.10.647 is amended to read: Continued operation of the Biomedical

Livestock use shall be subject to permit renewal process as an

administrative approval according to the procedures set forth in

Chapter 18.10 except that if a Coastal Development Permit is involved,

then the processing requirements of Section 13.20.100 (A) shall apply.

A request to renew a Biomedical Livestock use Coastal Development

Permit shall not be considered a minor development as defined in

Chapter 13.20 or a permit extension; and the additional direction that

the first sentence of Section 13.20.145, East Cliff Village tourist area

special community design criteria, Subsection B shall read, New

development shall maintain the one and two story scale of the area;

with the additional direction that Section 13.20.061, Improvements to

existing single-family residences exemption, be modified to retain

language that provides for exemption for improvements to single family

residences that include additions or structures of less than 500 square

feet outside the appeal jurisdiction of the Coastal Commission;

(b) DIRECTED Clerk of the Board to schedule the resolution and the

ordinance for final reading on the September 10, 2013 agenda;

(c) DIRECTED the Planning Director to submit the proposed

amendments to the California Coastal Commission for certification;


(d) DIRECTED the Planning Department to pursue a Coastal

Development Permit Exclusion for soil dependent greenhouses/hoop

houses that is appropriate to Santa Cruz County
(1) LCafMco  
(2) FMLCaCo  

67.   APPROVED appointment of Valerie Custodio to the Workforce Investment Board, as an at-large representative of business, for a term to expire June 30, 2016

68.   CONSIDERED report on the Santa Cruz Public Libraries system and Facilities Master Plan;

(1) ACCEPTED AND FILED report on the Facilities Master Plan for the

Santa Cruz Public Libraries System;

(2) DIRECTED the Director of Libraries and Gene Bergman to return

on September 10, 2013 with information on the library funding poll


68.1.   ACCEPTED AND FILED report and approved the recommended process and timeline for determining supplemental Community Programs funding priorities and allocation of such funds; with the additional direction to correct the funding cycle dates listed in the Timeline for Recommended Process for Community Programs Funding Determination as follows: 2) Present date to the Board and

identify supplemental funding priorities (November 2014); 3) Board determines those safety net service/programmatic areas that should be given priority consideration for supplemental funding in the upcoming three year funding cycle (November 2014); 4) Funding priorities updated in Contract Management Center (December 2014); 5) Staff evaluation of existing funded Community Programs (January-February 2015); 6) Staff provide evaluation of existing funded Community Programs to the Board (May 2015)

68.2.   ACCEPTED AND FILED status report on the Behavioral Health Unit

Construction Project (BHU); adopted RESOLUTION 187-2013

accepting and approriating unanticipated revenue in the amount of

$445,815 from various trust funds; authorized an increase in the

construction contingency for the BHU from $415,855 to a total amount

of $768,000; approved independent contractor agreement in the

not-to-exceed amount of $25,000 with Axiom Engineers for building

commissioning services and approved related actions; with the

additional direction that Public Works provide montly reports to the

Board of Supervisors regarding the status of the BHU construction


68.3.   ADOPTED RESOLUTION 188-2013 approving the issuance of the

Santa Cruz County Redevelopment Successor Agency's 2013 Tax

Allocation Refunding Bonds and approved related action, as

recommended by the County Administrative Officer



RESOLUTION NO. 189-2013 approving the issuance of the Santa

Cruz County Redevelopment Successor Agency's 2013 Tax Allocation

Refunding Bonds and approved related actions, as recommended by

the County Administrative Officer

999.   WRITTEN CORRESPONDENCE LISTING: The Written Correspondence Listing is established to act as a report of materials received by the Board as a whole but may also include items requested for inclusion by individual Supervisors. Upon completion of any actions deemed necessary (i.e. acknowledgment, referral, etc.), these items are included in the Written Correspondence Listing under the appropriate heading. While these items are not part of the official record of meetings of the Board of Supervisors, they will be maintained by the Clerk of the Board for a period of two years, after which time they may be destroyed after the County's Historic Resources Commission has been provided an opportunity for review.