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Tuesday, June 23, 2015



VOTING KEY: L = Leopold, F = Friend, Co = Coonerty, Ca = Caput, M = McPherson; first initial indicates maker of motion, second initial indicates the "second"; upper case letter = "yes" vote; lower case letter = "no" vote; () = abstain; // = absent

1.   All Supervisors present
2.   Moment of Silence and Pledge of Allegiance
3.   Added to the Consent Agenda: Item Numbers 91.1 and 91.2
4.   Action on the Consent Agenda
5.     ORAL COMMUNICATIONS - twenty-two people addressed the Board


6.   ACCEPTED claims as approved by the Auditor-Controller- Treasurer-Tax Collector

7.   CONTINUED TO AUGUST 4, 2015 minutes of June 9, 2015

8.   APPROVED the reading by Title of all ordinances considered for adoption that may appear on this agenda and further waived a detailed reading of said ordinances, as recommended by County Counsel

9.   REJECTED claim of Wanda Conaway-Knight, Claim No. 415-086, and referred to County Counsel

10.   REJECTED claim of Ellen Palmer Kane, Claim No. 415-089, and referred to County Counsel

11.   ADOPTED ORDINANCE NO. 5205 amending Chapter 8.30.010 of the Santa Cruz County Code, relating to Noise

12.   ADOPTED RESOLUTION NO. 180-2015 authorizing the temporary transfer of funds to various school districts, and requested the Auditor-Controller-Treasurer-Tax Collector to make the necessary transfer of funds from the County Treasury, as recommended by the Auditor-Controller-Treasurer-Tax Collector

13.   ADOPTED RESOLUTION NO. 181-2015 authorizing the temporary transfer of funds to various fire districts, and requested the Auditor-Controller-Treasurer-Tax Collector to make the necessary transfer of funds from the County Treasury, as recommended by the Auditor-Controller-Treasurer-Tax Collector

14.   AUTHORIZED the Auditor-Controller-Treasurer-Tax Collector to distribute excess proceeds from the March 29-April 4, 2014 Public Auction, and requested the Auditor-Controller-Treasurer-Tax Collector to notify all claimants, as recommended by the Auditor-Controller-Treasurer-Tax Collector

15.   ACCEPTED AND FILED the Treasurer's monthly Investment Transaction Report, as recommended by the Auditor-Controller-Treasurer-Tax Collector

16.   APPROVED various documents to secure the proceeds to fund the Alternative Method of Tax Distribution ("Teeter") plan, as recommended by the Auditor-Controller-Treasurer-Tax Collector

17.   AS THE BOARD OF THE SANTA CRUZ COUNTY PUBLIC FINANCING AUTHORITY, adopted RESOLUTION NO. 182-2015 approving documents and official actions relating to the refunding of Certificates of Participation, as recommended by the County Administrative Officer

18.   AS THE BOARD OF THE SANTA CRUZ COUNTY CAPITAL FINANCING AUTHORITY, adopted RESOLUTION NO. 183-2015 approving changes to the list of officers, documents, and official actions relating to the refunding of Certificates of Participation, as recommended by the County Administrative Officer

19.   APPROVED revisions for County’s Independent Contractor Agreement forms, as recommended by County Counsel

20.   APPROVED plans and specifications for the 1400 Emeline Reception Area Remodel Project, directed the General Services Department to advertise for bids and set the bid opening for 3:00 p.m. on July 21, 2015, as recommended by the Director of General Services

21.   ACCEPTED status report and directed staff to return to your Board on or before October 27, 2015, with the status of a long-term compensation agreement between South Santa Clara County Fire Projection and County Fire for emergency response into the Loma Prieta-Hicks Road-Uvas area of Santa Clara County, as recommended by the General Services Director

22.   APPROVED plans and specifications for the Medium Security Facility Courtyard Repair Project; directed the General Services Department to advertise for bids and set the bid opening for 3:00 p.m. on July 22, 2015, as recommended by the Director of General Services

23.   APPROVED extending the term of the existing agreement with Staples through September 29, 2015; authorized the Director of General Services to sign the agreement; authorized the Purchasing Agent to approve purchase orders in excess of $35,000 for office supplies with Staples in consultation with the County Administrative Office to ensure budgetary control; and with additional direction that the General Services Director return on or before September 29, 2015, to recommend a possible piggyback program with Office Depot and Palace, as well as the possibility of a new RFP for office supplies

24.   ACCEPTED AND FILED report on the annual pesticide use and Integrated Pest Management activities, and approved related actions, as recommended by the Director of General Services

25.   ACCEPTED Notice of Completion for the Main Jail Concrete Flooring Project in Santa Cruz, approved the final cost of $73,564, and authorized the Clerk of the Board to take related action, as recommended by the Director of General Services

26.   ACCEPTED Notice of Completion for the Government Center Disability Access Improvement Project, approved the final cost of $94,171.50, and authorized the Clerk of the Board to take related action, as recommended by the Director of General Services

27.   ADOPTED RESOLUTION NO. 184-2015 accepting and appropriating unanticipated revenue in the amount of $13,000 from the Cafeteria Trust Fund, as recommended by the Director of General Services

28.   APPROVED amendment to agreement with Crane Pest Control, Inc., for Fiscal Year 2014-15 by increasing the contract in the amount of $2,200 for a total contract amount of $20,200 for pest management services in County facilities, as recommended by the Director of General Services

29.   APPROVED amendment to agreement with First Alarm for Fiscal Year 2014-15 by increasing the contract in the amount of $2,400 for a total of $58,950 for maintenance, repair, testing and monitoring of fire alarm systems in County facilities, as recommended by the Director of General Services

30.   APPROVED amendment to agreement with Elevator Service Co., Inc., for Fiscal Year 2014-15 by increasing the contract in the amount of $1,500 for a total contract amount of $35,040 for maintenance and repair to elevators in County facilities, as recommended by the Director of General Services

31.   AWARDED contract to Earthworks Paving Contractors, Inc., in the amount of $140,972 for the Brommer Park Groundwater Recharge Enhancement Project, approved the transfer of funds in the amount of $30,000 within the Parks, Open Space and Cultural Services budget; adopted RESOLUTION NO. 185-2015 accepting unanticipated revenue in the amount of $30,000 and approved related actions, as recommended by the Director of General Services and the Director of Health Services

32.   APPROVED the recommended revisions to the County Procedures Manual (Title III, Section 100, Purchasing Procedures) and directed the Clerk of the Board to make the identified changes, as recommended by the Director of General Services

33.   APPROVED lease renewal with the City of Watsonville; and approved lease renewal with Verizon and authorized the Director of Information Services to sign the lease renewals, as recommended by the Director of Information Services

34.   APPROVED tentative agreement with the Physician's Representation Unit, and approved related actions, including a report back on or before August 18, 2015, as recommended by the Director of Personnel

35.   AUTHORIZED the renewal of various insurance policies, as recommended by the Risk Manager and the Director of Personnel

36.   ADOPTED RESOLUTION NO. 186-2015 determining industrial disability retirement for a safety member, as recommended by the Director of Personnel

37.   AUTHORIZED the Probation Department to submit a grant application for funding to the U.S. Department of Justice for the FY 2015 Supporting Male Survivors of Violence grant in an amount of up to $1,000,000 over a three-year period, as recommended by the Chief Probation Officer

38.   APPROVED revenue agreement with the Board of State and Community Corrections in an amount of $119,285 for the Proud Parenting Program Grant in FY 2015-16; approved a contract with Encompass Community Services in the amount of $104,863 for PAPAS Proud Parenting Program services; and approved related actions, as recommended by the Chief Probation Officer

39.   ADOPTED RESOLUTION NO. 187-2015 authorizing the Chief Probation Officer to submit a grant application to the Board of State and Community Corrections for the Title II Juvenile Delinquency Prevention and Intervention Grant Program in an amount of up to $871,200 for four years, and authorized the Chief Probation Officer to sign all documents required for submission, as recommended by the Chief Probation Officer

40.   APPROVED award of the Community Recidivism Reduction Grant to the Community Action Board of Santa Cruz County, approved a two-year contract in the amount of $50,000 for new Partners to Peace Program services, and authorized the Chief Probation Officer to sign the contract, pending approval of the Probation Department's 2015-16 budget; with the additional direction to add specific targeted outcomes for recidivism and employment

41.   APPROVED contract with ISI Controls, Ltd. (Argyle Security) for maintenance and repair services at the Santa Cruz County Correctional Facilities for FY 2015-16 in the amount of $340,000, as recommended by the Sheriff-Coroner

42.   ACCEPTED AND FILED report regarding COPS Hiring Program grant, and approved related actions, as recommended by the Sheriff-Coroner

43.   APPROVED application for Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Program funds for Fiscal Year 2015 in the amount of $23,233; adopted RESOLUTION NO. 188-2015 accepting and appropriating unanticipated revenue in the amount of $23,233; and approved purchase of laptop computers, as recommended by the Sheriff-Coroner

44.   ACCEPTED an information update on the Federal Aviation Administration's (FAA) Next Generation Air Transportation System (NextGen), directed the Chairman of the Board to write a letter to the FAA outlining the concerns of Santa Cruz County concerning the NextGen Program, and designated Supervisors Leopold and McPherson as the Board's representatives to discuss remedies that do not impose a hardship on other Santa Cruz County residents and address concerns surrounding the new flight paths

45.   ACCEPTED nomination of Sean Hebard for appointment to the Workforce Investment Board, as an at-large representative of labor organizations, for a term to expire June 30, 2018, with final appointment to be considered on August 4, 2015, as recommended by Supervisor Friend

46.   DIRECTED the Chairman of the Board to write to the County's federal representatives and to the President expressing the Board's support of the name Cotoni-Coast Dairies National Monument and encouraging use of this name when drafting legislation and/or a proclamation designating the Coast Dairies property as a National Monument, as recommended by Supervisor Coonerty

47.   APPROVED appointment of Antonia O. Franco to the Latino Affairs Commission for a term to expire April 1, 2019, as recommended by Supervisor Coonerty

48.   AUTHORIZED the Third District Supervisor, Fifth District Supervisor, and District Attorney to nominate the Bob Lee Community Partnership for Accountability, Connection and Treatment (PACT, formerly the Downtown Accountability Program) for the California State Association of Counties 2015 Challenge Awards Competition, authorized the Chairman of the Board to sign a Letter of Endorsement nominating the PACT program for the award, and approved related action, as recommended by Supervisors Coonerty and McPherson, and the District Attorney

49.   APPROVED appointment of Judi Lazenby as the Fourth District representative to the Planning Commission, and Martin Garcia as the Alternate, effective July 1, 2015, for terms to expire January 7, 2019, as recommended by Supervisor Caput

50.   APPROVED appointment of Martine Watkins to the Child Care Planning Council, as a representative of consumers (Category 1), for a term to expire April 1, 2017, as recommended by Supervisor McPherson

51.   APPROVED appointment of James Anderson to the Alcoholism and Drug Abuse Commission, for a term to expire April 1, 2017, as recommended by Supervisor McPherson

52.   AUTHORIZED the issuance of a Proclamation honoring Patsy McPartland, to be signed by all members of the Board, as recommended by Chairman Caput

53.   DEFERRED Health Services Agency report on recommendations for use of California Proposition 63 (2004) Mental Health Services Act FY 2015-16 funds until August 18, 2015, as recommended by the Director of Health Services

54.   ACCEPTED AND FILED report on the status of local hospital services and compliance with the County access to care agreements, and directed the Health Services Agency to report back in June 2016 on the hospital services and data collected for access to care agreements for 2014, as recommended by the Director of Health Services

55.   APPROVED amendment to an expenditure agreement with Second Harvest Food Bank, for a new contract total of $64,000; and approved amendment to an agreement with United Way of Santa Cruz County, for a new contract total of $37,297 for provision of the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Education program services, and authorized the Health Services Agency Director to sign, as recommended by the Director of Health Services

56.   ADOPTED RESOLUTION NO. 189-2015 authorizing the Health Services Agency Director to sign ongoing standard agreements with the State of California included on the fiscal year 2015-16 Continuing Agreements List, as well as amendments to those agreements and any successor agreements for the same services; and directed the Clerk of the Board to provide 30 certified copies of the resolution to the Health Services Agency for processing to the State, as recommended by the Director of Health Services

57.   ADOPTED RESOLUTION NO. 190-2015 accepting and appropriating unanticipated revenue in the amount of $186,746 from California Department of Social Services into the FY 2014-15 Human Services Department Budget, approved FY 2014-15 contract amendments with Homeless Services Center, Monarch Services/Servicios Monarca, Walnut Avenue Women's Center, and Goodwill Central Coast for Employment and Benefits Services Division related activities, and authorized the Human Services Department Director to sign those contract amendments; with additional direction that the CAO meet with the Homeless Services Center (HSC) program, relevant County staff and the City and return by August 18, 2015, with a report on the status of services at the HSC and a strategy for managing the funding crisis confronting the program and the services they provide, as well as the County's investment in the services for the homeless

58.   APPROVED agreement with Santa Cruz County Office of Education for FY 2015-16 in the amount of $85,000 for education services to children in the child welfare system; approved amendment to FY 2014-15 Miller Maxfield, Inc., extending the term; directed Human Services Department Director to return with contracts for services funding by Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment fund; and authorized the Human Services Department Director to sign the agreements on behalf of the Human Services Department, as recommended by the Director of Human Services

59.   APPROVED contract in the amount of $136,950 with Baker Crew Consulting, Inc., to enhance and improve the Planning Department’s Community Development and Regulatory (CDR) permit tracking system, authorized the Planning Director to sign the contract and to take related actions, and adopted RESOLUTION NO. 191-2015 accepting and appropriating unanticipated revenue in the amount of $86,950 from the department’s Technology Update and Maintenance Fund, as recommended by the Planning Director

60.   APPROVED grant agreement with the State Strategic Growth Council and approved contract with Pacific Energy Advisors, Inc., in the amount of $123,015 to prepare the Community Choice Aggregation Study, as recommended by the Planning Director

61.   SCHEDULED a public hearing on Tuesday, August 4, 2015 at 9:00 a.m. or thereafter, to consider the draft Housing Element for 2015-2023, as recommended by the Planning Director

62.   SCHEDULED a public hearing on Tuesday, August 18, 2015 at 9:00 a.m. or thereafter, to consider amendments to the County's Wireless Communication Facilities (WCG) ordinance (SCCC Sections 13.10.660-669), a Local Coastal Program Implementing ordinance, as recommended by the Planning Director

63.   APPROVED contract with Stericycle Environmental Solutions, Inc., to provide transportation, recycling and disposal services for the County’s Household Hazardous Waste Collection Program in the not-to-exceed amount of $165,000 per fiscal year through June 30, 2019, and approved related action, as recommended by the Director of Public Works

64.   APPROVED contract with Eurofins Calscience, Inc., to provide environmental laboratory analytical services for the Buena Vista Landfill and Ben Lomond Transfer Station for a not-to-exceed amount of $33,000, and approved related actions, as recommended by the Director of Public Works

65.   ACCEPTED AND FILED progress report on the Monterey Bay Sanctuary Scenic Trail Network implementation and approved related actions, including a report back on or before January 31, 2016, as recommended by the Director of Public Works

66.   APPROVED contract with Geosyntec Consultants, Inc. for the Buena Vista Landfill, Ben Lomond Transfer Station and Landfill and Roy Wilson Corporate Yard storm water pollution prevention plan implementation in the not-to-exceed amount of $67,000 for the term of July 1, 2015 through June 30, 2016, and approved related actions, as recommended by the Director of Public Works

67.   APPROVED the amendments to the agreements with Dokken Engineering, Quincy Engineering, Inc., and Mesti-Miller Engineering, Inc., for civil engineering design services on storm damage road repair projects by extending the term of the contracts through June 30, 2016, and approved related actions, as recommended by the Director of Public Works

68.   APPROVED amendment to the agreement with O’Neill Sea Odyssey increasing compensation by $5,000 for a not-to-exceed amount of $30,000 per fiscal year through June 30, 2017, to provide environmental education to Green Schools, and approved related actions, as recommended by the Director of Public Works

69.   APPROVED transfer of funds in the amount of $68,000 within the County Service Area No. 9C, Recycling and Solid Waste Services budget for waste disposal services, as recommended by the Director of Public Works

70.   ACCEPTED status report regarding Rountree Rehabilitation and Re-Entry Design-Build Project, authorized application for a Coastal Development Permit Amendment, and directed the Department of Public Works and the Sheriff’s Office to return on August 4, 2015, with the Request for Proposal, as recommended by the Director of Public Works

71.   ADOPTED RESOLUTION NO. 192-2015 approving grant application for funding from the Assembly Bill 2766 grant program for construction of Twin Lakes Beachfront Roundabout, and approved related actions, as recommended by the Director of Public Works

72.   APPROVED the plans, specifications and engineer’s estimate, and authorized the Director of Public Works to modify plans and specifications as may be required by the California Coastal Commission; authorized the calling for bids for the East Cliff Drive at Twin Lakes Beachfront Improvement Project 5th to 7th Avenue, and approved related actions, including a report back on or before September 29, 2015, as recommended by the Director of Public Works

73.   ACCEPTED AND FILED report on the PG&E LED streetlight conversion program, as recommended by the Director of Public Works

74.   AS THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SANTA CRUZ COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL AND CONSERVATION DISTRICT-ZONE 7A, AUTHORIZED Zone 7A to assess impervious area fees based on the date of improvements for those who voluntarily participate in the Legalization Permit Program through August 30, 2016, as recommended by the Director of Public Works

75.   AS THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SANTA CRUZ COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL AND CONSERVATION DISTRICT-ZONE 8, AUTHORIZED Zone 8 to assess impervious area fees based on the date of improvements for those who voluntarily participate in the Legalization Permit Program through August 30, 2016, as recommended by the Director of Public Works

76.   AS THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SANTA CRUZ COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL AND CONSERVATION DISTRICT-ZONE 6, AUTHORIZED Zone 6 to assess impervious area fees based on the date of improvements for those who voluntarily participate in the Legalization Assistance Permit Program through August 30, 2016, as recommended by the Director of Public Works

77.   ACCEPTED improvements and approved the final cost of $339,195.07 for the 2014 Mowing and Tree Trimming project; and approved related action, as recommended by the Director of Public Works

78.   ACCEPTED the low bid from Cal West Construction General Building, Inc. in the amount of $85,335.00, authorized award of contract for the Graham Hill Road Bridge Storm Damage Repair Project and approved related actions, as recommended by the Director of Public Works

79.   APPROVED permit for the 2015 Muscular Dystrophy Association and CalFire C2U fill-the-Boot Drive fundraiser event scheduled for August 19, 2015, and approved related actions, as recommended by the Director of Public Works

80.   APPROVED the amendment to agreement with Geosyntec Consultants, Inc. for providing solid waste engineering and environmental services for Buena Vista Landfill Module 5 construction by increasing the contract by $36,500 for a not-to-exceed amount of $206,339 and authorized the Director of Public Works to sign the agreement on behalf of the County, as recommended by the Director of Public Works

81.   ADOPTED RESOLUTION NO. 193-2015 requesting that the California Department of Transportation permit the 2015 Ironman Santa Cruz Triathlon scheduled for September 13, 2015, and approved related actions, as recommended by the Director of Public Works

82.   APPROVED amendments to the agreements with ICF Jones and Stokes, Inc., and Environmental Science Associates, for future road and bridge projects extending the term of the contracts through June 30, 2016 to provide archaeological services for road and bridge projects, and approved related actions, as recommended by the Director of Public Works

83.   ADOPTED RESOLUTION NO. 194-2015 approving submission of application for funds from the Highway Safety Improvement Program for two new guardrail on La Madrona Drive, and approved related actions, as recommended by the Director of Public Works

84.   AS THE SANTA CRUZ COUNTY REDEVELOPMENT SUCCESSOR AGENCY, AUTHORIZED the County Administrative Officer to execute quit claim deeds and related documentation required to transfer the real properties commonly known as APNs 026-081-49, 037-621-06, 037-621-10, 037-082-53, and 027-401-08 from the Redevelopment Successor Agency to the County of Santa Cruz, and approved related actions, as recommended by the Director of Public Works

85.   ACCEPTED the real properties commonly known as APNs 026-081-49, 037-621-06, 037-621-10, 027-401-08 from the Redevelopment Successor Agency, authorized the Chairperson of the Board of Supervisors to execute Certificates of Acceptance for the property transfers, and approved related actions, as recommended by the Director of Public Works

86.   APPROVED amendments to agreements with Rincon Consultants, Inc., Ecosystems West Consulting Group, and Sycamore Environmental Consultants, Inc, extending the term of the contracts through June 30, 2016, to provide biological, wetland delineation, and hazardous waste assessment services for road and bridge projects, and approved related actions, as recommended by the Director of Public Works

87.   APPROVED grant agreement in the amount of $250,000 with the California Coastal Conservancy for the Twin lakes Beachfront Improvement Project, and adopted RESOLUTION NO. 195-2015 authorizing execution of the grant agreement and amendments; and adopted RESOLUTION NO. 196-2015 accepting and appropriating unanticipated revenue of $250,000, as recommended by the Director of Public Works

88.   ACCEPTED low bid from Granite Construction Company in the amount of $544,544, and authorized award of the contract contingent upon approval of the 2015/16 Budget, and approved related actions, as recommended by the Director of Public Works

89.   APPROVED road closures for the 43rd Annual Wharf-to-Wharf Race scheduled for July 26, 2015, and directed the Public Works Department to issue the race permit, as recommended by the Director of Public Works

90.   AUTHORIZED the Director of Public Works to execute real property lease of 245 Westridge Drive for the Human Services Department's office for a term of nine years, five months; as recommended by the Director of Public Works

91.   APPROVED Real Property Purchase and Sale Agreement in the total amount of $180,000 for the Felton Library Project, acknowledge and accept donation of property from the Verutti Family to discount the purchase price by $130,000, and approved related actions, as recommended by the Director of Public Works

91.1.   ADOPTED RESOLUTION NO. 197-2015 establishing the Cannabis Cultivation Choices Committee, accept notification of three at-large vacancies on the Committee, with nomintions for appointment to be received on August 4, 2015, and final appointments to be considered on August 18, 2015, and approved related actions, as recommended by Supervisors Leopold and Friend

91.2.   DIRECTED the Chairman of the Board to write a letter of support to the California Public Utilities Commission for the grant application being submitted by Surfnet Communications to study the feasibility of providng fiber service to residents in the Las Cumbres area, as recommended by Supervisor McPherson

92.   AS THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS, SCHEDULED a closed personnel and litigation session as follows:


Melissa Mann Kent v. County of Santa Cruz, Workers' Compensation Appeals Board Case Numbers ADJ9163430 and ADJ7750984



93.   Public Hearing held to consider adoption of resolution authorizing the issuance of Taxable Lease Revenue Bonds, Series 2015 A, in an amount not-to-exceed $15,000,000; lease Revenue Bonds, Series 2015 B, in an amount not to exceed $12,000,000 by the Santa Cruz County Capital Financing Authority; approval of the Preliminary Official Statement, and related actions;

closed public hearing; and

ADOPTED RESOLUTION NO. 198-2015 approving the Preliminary Official Statement

94.   AS THE BOARD OF THE SANTA CRUZ COUNTY CAPITAL FINANCING AUTHORITY, CONSIDERED adoption of resolution authorizing the issuance of Taxable Lease Revenue Bonds, Series 2015 A, in an amount not-to-exceed $15,000,000; Lease Revenue Bonds, Series 2015 B, in an amount not to exceed $12,000,000 by the Santa Cruz County Capital Financing Authority; approval of the Preliminary Official Statement, and related actions;

ADOPTED RESOLUTION NO. 199-2015 approving the Preliminary Official Statement

95.   Beilenson noticed public hearing held to receive public input on redesign of pharmacy services, including closure of the County pharmacy, and contracting with local community pharmacies to ensure access for indigent patients of the Health Services Agency, and to consider approval of the Health Services Agency's planned redesign of pharmacy services;

(1) opened and conducted the public hearing;

(2) closed the public hearing;

(3) APPROVED the Health Services Agency's planned redesign of pharmacy services; and

(4) with the additional direction that staff return in one year with a report on the status of financial operations and impact of the pharmacy redesign

96.   Public hearing held to consider adoption of an urgency ordinance amending Chapter 7.69 of the Santa Cruz County Code, Water Conservation, requiring further restrictions on water use and declaring a state of drought emergency; and approve "in concept" ordinance amending Section 7.71 of the Santa Cruz County Code, Water Systems, requiring water use measurement and reporting by Small Water Systems with 5 to 199 connections;

closed the public hearing;

(1) ADOPTED ORDINANCE NO. 5206, as an urgency, amending Chapter 7.69 of the Santa Cruz County Code, Water Conservation, requiring further restrictions on water use and declaring a state of drought emergency; and

(2) APPROVED "in concept" ordinance amending Section 7.71 of the Santa Cruz County Code, Water Systems, requiring water use measurement and reporting by Small Water Systems with 5 to 199 connections to return August 4, 2015, for final adoption; with the following directions to:

(a) exclude systems of 14 or fewer connections from the requirement to have individual meters;

(b) take an active role in helping small water systems find financing; and

(c) staff to return - if needed - to request a time extension, if they find that due diligence is happening and it’s just not a realistic timeline

97.   Public Hearing held to consider approval in concept of ordinance amending Santa Cruz County Code Chapter 4.24, related to the Uniform Transient Occupancy Tax;

(1) Opened public hearing, to hear public comment on the proposed ordinance amending the Uniform Transient Occupany Tax;

(2) Closed the public hearing;

(3) Approved "in concept" ordinance amending Chapter 4.24 of the Santa Cruz County Code relating to the Transient Occupancy Tax to return on August 4, 2015 for final adoption

98.   Public Hearing held to consider proposed Recycling and Solid Waste Franchise Agreement Request for Proposals and related actions;

closed the public hearing;

(1) APPROVED the Request for Proposals documents for recyclables, organics, and solid waste collection and recyclables processing services;

(2) DIRECTED the Department of Public Works to notify potential proposers of the release of the Request for Proposals; and

(3) DIRECTED the Department of Public Works to return on or before March 2016 with the results of the request for proposals process and vendor(s) recommendation; and with the additional direction that the Director of Public Works have the opportunity to work with County Counsel on refining language in the RFP instructions that might reflect the comments heard today

99.   The Board of Supervisors recessed in order to permit the Board of Directors of the County of Santa Cruz Flood Control and Water Conservation District, Zone 5, to convene and carry out a regularly scheduled meeting

100.   CONSIDERED presentation on the Youth Violence Prevention Strategic Plan;

(1) ADOPTED RESOLUTION NO. 200-2015 supporting the Youth Violence Prevention Strategic Plan and County Participation in plan implementation, and encouraging County Departments to align youth violence prevention and intervention efforts with the plan and collaborate with other agencies throughout the County; and

(2) Directed the Probation Department to return with a status report on the first six months of plan implementation by December 15, 2015

999.   WRITTEN CORRESPONDENCE LISTING: The Written Correspondence Listing is established to act as a report of materials received by the Board as a whole but may also include items requested for inclusion by individual Supervisors. Upon completion of any actions deemed necessary (i.e. acknowledgment, referral, etc.), these items are included in the Written Correspondence Listing under the appropriate heading. While these items are not part of the official record of meetings of the Board of Supervisors, they will be maintained by the Clerk of the Board for a period of two years, after which time they may be destroyed after the County's Historic Resources Commission has been provided an opportunity for review.