October 3, 2000
VOTING KEY: A = Almquist, B = Beautz, C = Campos;
S = Symons, W = Wormhoudt; first initial indicates maker
of motion, second initial indicates the "second"; upper
case letter = "yes" vote; lower case letter = "no" vote;
() = abstain; // = absent
1. All Supervisors present
Moment of Silence and Pledge of Allegiance
2. Consideration of Late Additions to the Agenda
3. Additions and Deletions to Consent Agenda
4. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS - Four people addressed the Board
5. Additions and Deletions to Regular Agenda
6. APPROVED claims as submitted by the Auditor-Controller
7. APPROVED minutes of September 19, 2000 as recommended
by the Clerk of the Board
8. ACCEPTED AND FILED notification of continuing
contracts received during the period of September 25,
2000 through September 29, 2000 and approved upon
adoption of the 2000/01 continuing agreements list to
comply with Section 300 of the County's Procedures
Manual, Title 1, as recommended by the Clerk of the
9. ADOPTED ORDINANCE NO. 4600 adopting specific parking
restrictions for areas adjacent to the Bonny Doon
Ecological Reserve and adopted RESOLUTION NO. 335-2000
amending Resolution No. 606-93 Establishing Parking
10. REJECTED claim of Samuel H. Vaught, No. 900-137, and
referred to County Counsel
11. DENIED application to file a late claim on behalf of
Lane C. Moller, No. 001-018, and referred to County
12. REJECTED claim of Jim Bunnell, Valerie Bunnell c/o
Gary Paul, No. 001-024, and referred to County Counsel
13. REJECTED claim of David Turner, No. 001-025A, and
referred to County Counsel
14. REJECTED claim of David Turner, No. 001-025B, as
insufficiently filed and referred to County Counsel
15. DENIED application to file a late claim on behalf of
Farmer's Insurance Exchange, No. 001-026, and referred
to County Counsel
16. ADOPTED RESOLUTION NO. 336-2000 providing for a zero
property tax exchange for Local Agency Formation
Commission No. 875 Trout Farm Annexation to the San
Lorenzo Valley Water District as recommended by the
County Administrative Officer
17. ACCEPTED AND FILED report on changes to the County's
Child Support Program; approved the Transition Plan
and Budget; adopted RESOLUTION NO. 337-2000 accepting
unanticipated revenue in the amount of $68,191; and
approved related actions, as recommended by the
District Attorney and County Administrative Officer
18. ACCEPTED Treasurer's Cash Report for the months of
July and August 2000, as recommended by the Treasurer-
Tax Collector
19. APPROVED a three year Federal Equitable Sharing
Agreement for the Santa Cruz District Attorney's
Office and authorized the County Administrative
Officer to sign the agreement, as recommended by the
District Attorney
20. APPROVED extension of the award of contract period for
the Pajaro Dunes Fire Station Emergency Power Project
to ninety (90) days, and directed the General Services
Department to report back on the recommendation of
award on or before December 12, 2000, as recommended
by the Director of General Services
23. ACCEPTED AND FILED report on the proposed Monterey and
Santa Cruz County Farmworker Health and Housing Survey
and Needs Assessment for the Pajaro Valley; approved a
$27,000 community programs contract with the Community
Action Board of Santa Cruz County, Incorporated (CAB)
to provide project management services; and approved
related actions, as recommended by Supervisor Campos
24. DIRECTED Public Works to waive the landfill fees for
any debris collected as a result of the Slough Cleanup
Day to be held on October 14, 2000, as recommended by
Supervisor Campos
25. REAPPOINTED Supervisor Beautz as the Board's
representative to the California State Association of
Counties Board of Directors, and reappointed
Supervisor Campos as the alternate, as recommended by
Chair Wormhoudt
26. ADOPTED RESOLUTION NO. 338-2000 accepting and
appropriating $800,000 of unanticipated state and
federal funds; approved agreements for information
systems technical assistance effective July 1, 2000,
and authorize the Health Services Administrator to
sign; and authorized addition of 1.0 FTE Senior
Departmental Analyst within the Mental Health Division
of the Health Services Agency, as recommended by the
Health Services Agency Administrator
27. ACCEPTED AND FILED report on Long Term Care
Integration Project; ADOPTED RESOLUTION NO. 339-2000
accepting and appropriating $25,000 in grant revenues
for actuarial analysis; approved contract with Pacific
Health Consulting Group for $50,000 for financial
analysis services; and approved related actions, as
recommended by the Health Services Agency
28. DEFERRED report on development of a Memorandum of
Understanding for hazardous materials response
capability until December 12, 2000, as recommended by
the Health Services Agency Administrator
29. APPROVED the contract with Employment Development
Department (EDD) for reception services at various
career centers for a total cost of $126,005;
authorized the Human Resources Agency Administrator to
sign the contract and approved related actions, as
recommended by the Human Resources Agency
30. APPROVED a contract in the amount of $125,058 with
Shoreline Occupational Services for the Post
Employment Career Advancement Project and authorized
the Human Resources Agency Administrator to sign the
contract on behalf of the County, as recommended by
the Human Resources Agency Administrator
31. ACCEPTED AND FILED report on permits for parking lot
alterations and directed the Planning Department to
report back on November 21, 2000 with a
recommendation, as recommended by the Planning
33. APPROVED transfer of funds within the Fish and Game
budget and authorized the Planning Department to
purchase equipment for the Santa Cruz office of the
Department of Fish and Game, as recommended by the
Planning Director
34. DEFERRED final consideration of the Solid Waste
Consultant Engineering Services selection process to
November 21, 2000, as recommended by the Director of
Public Works
35. APPROVED the plans, specifications, and engineer's
estimate for the Highland Way Erosion Control Project;
authorized calling for bids; set bid opening for 10:45
a.m. on October 24, 2000; and approved related
actions, as recommended by the Director of Public
36. APPROVED the proposed revised plan line for Soquel
Drive between Daubenbiss Avenue and Main Street and
directed Public Works staff to include the plan line
in the Master Plan Line file, as recommended by the
Director of Public Works
37. APPROVED the realignment of fixed assets in the Public
Works' budget for the purchase of an emission test
analyzer, as recommended by the Director of Public
38. ACCEPTED AND FILED the progress report on the Amesti
Road Landslide Dewatering Project and directed
Planning, Environmental Health and Public Works to
return on or before the last meeting in April 2001, to
report on progress toward funding repairs, as
recommended by the Director of Public Works
39. ADOPTED RESOLUTION NO. 340-2000 proclaiming October 21
to October 29, 2000, Second Chance Week in Santa Cruz
County and directed Public Works to coordinate a
county-wide garage sale, as recommended by the
Director of Public Works
40. APPROVED independent contractor agreements to carry
out motor oil recycling and public awareness services
with Ecology Action of Santa Cruz for a not-to-exceed
amount of $30,000 and with Bayside Oil II for a not-
to-exceed amount of $9,900, and authorized the
Director of Public Works to sign the agreements on
behalf of the County, as recommended by the Director
of Public Works
Chapin Company Incorporated, in the amount of $171,800
for the Trembley Lane Pump Station Replacement;
authorized the award of contract; authorized the
District Engineer to sign the contract and approved
change order policy, as recommended by the District
42. ACCEPTED the Valencia Hall Renovation and Addition
Project as completed; approved the final cost of the
project in the amount of $182,596; authorized the
Clerk of the Board to file the Notice of Completion,
as recommended by the Director of Parks, Open Space
and Cultural Services
43. AUTHORIZED the Parks Director to sign the amendment to
the Pinto Lake County Park Farming Lease Agreement
with Richard Peixoto reducing the acreage to be farmed
from 25 to 20 acres and reducing the associated costs,
as recommended by the Director of Parks, Open Space
and Cultural Services
43.1 APPROVED contracts for community programs with the
O'Neill Sea Odyssey, the Community Action Board, the
Monte Foundation, and the Children's Center for the
San Lorenzo Valley; and authorized the Parks Director
to sign the contracts, as recommended by the Director
of Parks, Open Space and Cultural Services
43.2 APPROVED delegation of authority to County
Administrator relating to Alcohol Beverage Control
licenses and approved related actions, as recommended
by the County Administrative Officer
43.3 DIRECTED the Chair to write to the County's State
representatives regarding property taxes affecting
resident-owned mobile home parks, as outlined, as
recommended by Supervisor Beautz
SCHEDULED a closed personnel and litigation session as
Agency negotiator: Personnel Director
All Employee organizations
45. APPROVED at-large appointment of Tim Powers to the
Workforce Investment Board, representing labor
organizations, for a term to be staggered by lot
46. CONSIDERED report on the Buena Vista Landfill Soil
Management Project;
directed staff to meet with the Coastal Commission to
ascertain their opinions of the environmental issues
for removal and storage of soil from the Buena Vista
landfill, including the issue of the effects of the
use of diesel or electric power as presented by the
following options: 1) move soil, via 6,500 foot
conveyor belt system, to the adjacent farm property
southwest of the Watsonville Landfill expansion site
2) return to the original project as proposed on the
adjacent Rocha property while all permits and
permitting activities are still being held in abeyance
with the various permitting agencies 3) consider use
of the Miyashita and Love properties immediately north
of the Buena Vista Landfill, as previously recommended
by the Buena Vista Community Homeowners Association
members; report back to the Board of Supervisors on
October 17, 2000 with the results of the meeting
46.1 ACCEPTED AND FILED report on Juvenile Ranch/Camps
utilized in the Care of Court Wards Budget; and
directed staff to forward the report to the Juvenile
Court Judge relaying the Board of Supervisors'
comments on the high cost and relatively low
effectiveness of these placements
46.2 AUTHORIZED the Planning Director to file an appeal on
behalf of the County of the determination to certify
the Coyote Valley Research Park Environmental Impact
Report, should the San Jose City Planning Commission
take such an action; with additional directions to
authorize expenditure of funds for the appeal fee if
required; and authorize staff to prepare comments for
the October 24, 2000 City Council meeting if the
Environmental Impact Report is certified and the
project is recommended; and authorize Chair
Wormhoudt, representing the Board of Supervisors and
Supervisor Campos, representing the Association of
Monterey Bay Area Governments (AMBAG), to testify
before the committee
46.3 DIRECTED the County Administrative Officer to
establish a Department Advisory Group to implement an
Integrated Pest Management Policy for County property
and agencies; and to add two community members as at-
large appointees to the Integrated Pest Management
Policy Board; and delete the following language:
"Establish the termination date for the Integrated
Pest Management Advisory Group as June 30, 2001, and "
from recommendation Number 4 of Supervisor Almquist's
letter of September 21, 2000
47. Public hearing held to consider proposal to rezone
Assessor's Parcel Numbers 106-181-08, 107-041-02 and
107-051-32 from the Special Use ("SU") zone district
to the Timber Production ("TP") zone district.
Requires a rezoning. Property is located on the West
side of Browns Valley Road at 809 Browns Valley about
four miles north of the intersection of Browns Valley
Road and Eureka Canyon Road. Application No.: 99-0790.
Applicant/Owner: Land Trust of Santa Cruz County;
closed public hearing; approved staff recommendation
based on the Findings and Conditions which: approved
the determination that the project is statutorily
exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act;
and adopted ORDINANCE NO. 4601 amending Chapter 13.10
of the Santa Cruz County Code that Conditionally
Rezones Assessor's Parcel Numbers 106-181-08, 107-041-
02, and 107-051-32 from the Special Use (SU) zone
district to the Timber Production (TP) zone district
Chair, Board of Supervisors
Clerk of the Board
NOTE: This set of Board of Supervisors Minutes is scheduled to
be approved by the Board on October 17, 2000