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Board of Supervisors Minutes

                         PROCEEDINGS OF THE 
                          SANTA CRUZ COUNTY
                        BOARD OF SUPERVISORS

                        VOLUME 98, NUMBER 26
                           OCTOBER 6, 1998

                       ACTION SUMMARY MINUTES

           VOTING KEY: A = Almquist, B = Beautz, R = Belgard;        
           S = Symons, W = Wormhoudt; first initial indicates maker
           of motion, second initial indicates the "second"; upper
           case letter = "yes" vote; lower case letter = "no" vote;
           () = abstain; // = absent

          1.  Supervisor Almquist absent 
              Moment of Silence and Pledge of Allegiance

          2.  Consideration of Late Additions to the Agenda

          3.  Additions and Deletions to Consent Agenda

          4.  ORAL COMMUNICATIONS - No one addressed the Board (An
              Oral Communications sign-in sheet will be filed with
              Written Correspondence for the Board's next meeting.) 

          5.  Additions and Deletions to Regular Agenda


          6.  APPROVED claims as submitted by the Auditor-Controller

          7.  APPROVED minutes of September 15 and September 22,
              1998, as recommended by the Clerk of the Board

          8.  ACCEPTED AND FILED notification of continuing
              contracts received during the period of September 21,
              1998 through October 2, 1998 and approved upon
              adoption of the 1998/99 continuing agreements list to
              comply with Section 300 of the County's Procedures
              Manual, Title 1, as recommended by the Clerk of the
          9.  APPROVED agreement with the California Department of
              Pesticide Regulation to conduct pesticide residue
              sampling and authorized the Agricultural Commissioner
              to sign the contract, as recommended by the
              Agricultural Commissioner

         10.  ADOPTED RESOLUTION NO. 394-98 amending Resolution No.
              61-95 to authorize the Auditor-Controller to accept
              donations to the County of Santa Cruz for an amount up
              to $5,000, as recommended by the Auditor-Controller

         11.  ADOPTED RESOLUTION NO. 395-98 accepting and
              appropriating unanticipated revenue in the amount of
              $6,500 from the State Asset Forfeiture Trust for the
              purchase of one replacement Sheriff's Service Dog, as
              recommended by the Sheriff-Coroner

         12.  DENIED the claim of Christopher Hope Merrill, No. 899-
              032 and referred to County Counsel

         13.  DENIED the claim of Joe Ferrante for Matthew Ferrante
              (minor son) No. 899-033 Amended and referred to County

         14.  DENIED the application to file a late claim on behalf
              of Josianne N. Simmons No. 899-026 and referred to
              County Counsel

         15.  APPROVED specifications for carpet replacement at
              various County Facilities; directed the General
              Services Department to advertise for bids; and set the
              bid opening at 10:45 a.m. on November 3, 1998, as
              recommended by the Director of General Services

         16.  APPROVED Memorandum of Understanding with Loma Prieta
              Community Foundation for disaster related services;
              and authorized the County Emergency Services
              Coordinator to sign on behalf of the County, as
              recommended by the Director of General Services

              REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY, APPROVED plans and
              specifications for the 1985A Chanticleer Avenue
              Renovation; directed the General Services Department
              to advertise for bids; and set the bid opening at
              10:45 a.m. on November 10, 1998, as recommended by the
              Director of General Services

         18.  ACCEPTED status report on the Bonny Doon Fire Station
              Project, and directed General Services staff to return
              on or before January 26, 1999 with a further status
              report, as recommended by the General Services

         19.  APPROVED agreement with OnLine Electric for design and
              engineering services for the Main Jail Central Control
              Upgrade Project in the amount of $100,972; authorized
              the General Services Director to sign the agreement,
              as recommended by the General Services Director 

         20.  ADOPTED RESOLUTION NO. 396-98 to amend Salary
              Resolution No. 279-75 to establish the new class of
              Water Resources Program Manager, as recommended by the
              Personnel Director

         21.  APPROVED appointment of Susan Gilchrist to the Local
              Child Care Planning Council, public agency
              representative, for a term of office to be determined
              by lot, as recommended by Chairperson Beautz

         22.  ACCEPTED AND FILED the final report on the Santa Cruz
              County Pilot Micro Loan Program for small businesses,
              as recommended by the County Administrative Officer

         23.  SCHEDULED public hearing for November 10, 1998 on the
              morning agenda beginning at 9:00 a.m. to consider the
              Mount Madonna Park Expansion/County Boundary
              Adjustment, as recommended by the County
              Administrative Officer 

         24.  DIRECTED the County Administrative Officer to sign
              addendum to contract with DFM Associates for the
              continued use and maintenance of the Marriage License
              and Fictitious Business Name Statement system in the
              Recorder's Office; and adopted RESOLUTION NO. 397-98
              accepting and appropriating unanticipated revenue in
              the amount of $70,380; approved $58,900 for the
              purchase of a Document Archive Writer System and for
              the official records and vital statistics modules in
              the Recorder's Office, as recommended by the County

         25.  CANCELED the Board of Supervisors meeting scheduled
              for November 3, 1998 and continued these items to on
              or before November 10, 1998 in order to make more
              county employees available to work at the polling
              places on election day, with additional directive
         26.  AMENDED time line adopted for appointments to the
              Board of Directors of the Santa Cruz County Resource
              Conservation District to indicate that nominations for
              appointment will be received on October 20, 1998, and
              final appointments will be made October 27, 1998, as
              recommended by Chairperson Beautz

         27.  DEFERRED report back on Santa Cruz County Health
              Options and approved related action, with additional

         28.  SCHEDULED a public hearing for October 27, 1998, on
              the morning agenda to consider the proposed revisions
              to Chapter 7.96 (Hazardous Waste Permits) and Chapter
              7.100 (Hazardous Materials) of the Santa Cruz County
              Code, and directed the Clerk of the Board to take
              related actions, as recommended by the Health Services
              Agency Administrator

         29.  ADOPTED RESOLUTION NO. 398-98 authorizing the Health
              Services Agency Administrator to sign the 1998-99
              State Standard Agreement for the Male Involvement
              Project (MIP) in the amount of $83,500; adopted
              RESOLUTION NO. 399-98 accepting and appropriating
              unanticipated revenue; and authorized the Health
              Services Agency Administrator to sign renewal
              contracts with Salud Para La Gente in the amount of
              $14,543 and the Watsonville YWCA in the amount of
              $11,043, as recommended by the Health Services Agency

         30.  ACCEPTED AND FILED report on Mental Health Managed
              Care and approved related staffing, equipment and
              budget transfers, as recommended by the Health
              Services Agency Administrator

         31.  AUTHORIZED the Chairperson to sign the Cooperative
              Agreement with the California Department of Education
              in the amount of $40,000, as recommended by the Human
              Resources Agency Administrator
         32.  ADOPTED RESOLUTION NO. 400-98 accepting and
              appropriating unanticipated revenue in the amount of
              $116,297; approved continuing contracts for FY 98/99
              with the Youth Resources Bank in the amount of
              $29,129, Food and Nutrition Services/Family Health and
              Education Center in the amount of $7,000, Monterey Bay
              in the amount of $13,806, and Food and Nutrition
              Services/Family Health and Education Center in the
              amount of $12,250; authorized the Human Resources
              Agency Administrator to sign contracts; approved
              contracts with 15 Family Resource Center Network
              agencies in the amount of $4,800 per agency; and
              authorized the Human Resources Agency Administrator to
              sign contracts, as recommended by the Human Resources
              Agency Administrator

         33.  ADOPTED RESOLUTION NO. 401-98 accepting and
              appropriating unanticipated revenue in the amount of
              $156,431; approved continuing contracts for FY 98/99
              with Defensa de Mujeres in the amount of $57,941,
              Applied Survey Research in the amount of $10,000; and
              authorized the Human Resources Agency Administrator to
              sign contracts, as recommended by the Human Resources
              Agency Administrator

         34.  ACCEPTED AND FILED report on the General Assistance
              Program Regulations, as recommended by the Human
              Resources Agency Administrator

         35.  ACCEPTED low bid of Durden General Engineering in the
              amount of $411,400 for the County-Wide Storm Debris
              Removal Project; authorized award of the contract;
              authorized the Director of Public Works to sign the
              contract on behalf of the County, as recommended by
              the Director of Public Works 

         36.  ACCEPTED the improvement and approved the final cost
              for the Sand Dollar Beach Stairway Rehabilitation
              Project, County Service Area No. 5, and directed the
              Clerk of the Board to take related actions, as
              recommended by the Director of Public Works
         37.  APPROVED submittals to the Santa Cruz Regional
              Transportation Commission for the County's thirty-five
              percent noncompetitive STP funding for the six roadway
              rehabilitation projects, along with the three roadway
              improvement projects as the County's competitive
              submittal for STP/CMAQ funding, and adopted RESOLUTION
              NO. 402-98 approving the applications and a
              recommended priority for submittal to the Surface
              Transportation program and Congestion Mitigation and
              Air Quality Improvement Program Project, as
              recommended by the Director of Public Works

         38.  APPROVED the road closures and parade for the Soquel
              High School Homecoming Parade scheduled for October
              10, 1998; and directed the Public Works Department to
              issue the Parade Permit, as recommended by the
              Director of Public Works

         39.  ADOPTED RESOLUTION NO. 403-98 accepting unanticipated
              revenue in the amount of $306,299 from the Federal
              Emergency Management Agency and California Office of
              Emergency Services for various County Services Areas
              Storm Damage Repairs, as recommended by the Director
              of Public Works

         40.  APPROVED the Request for Proposals (RFP) for a Waste
              Characterization Study; authorized Public Works to
              issue the RFP; and directed Public Works to return
              with a proposed Contract and Scope of Work, as
              recommended by the Director of Public Works

         41.  APPROVED plans, specifications, and engineer's
              estimate for the Browns Valley Road Storm Damage
              Repair; authorized calling for bids; set bid opening
              for Tuesday, October 27, 1998 at 10:45 a.m.; and
              approved related actions, as recommended by the
              Director of Public Works
         42.  ACCEPTED improvement and approved the final cost for
              the Jose Avenue Improvements, Capitola Road to
              Rodriguez Street; and directed the Clerk of the Board
              to take related actions, as recommended by the
              Director of Public Works

         43.  AUTHORIZED award of contract for Viewpoint Drive
              Overlay Project, County Service Area No. 25, as
              recommended by the Director of Public Works

         44.  CONTINUED TO OCTOBER 20, 1998 consideration to approve
              the Request For Proposals for engineering services for
              preparation of plans, specifications and engineer's
              estimate for the Soquel Drive Bridge Replacement
              Project; and direct the Clerk of the Board to take
              related actions

         45.  DEFERRED report on the Greenwaste Diversion Programs
              until November 10, 1998, as recommended by the
              Director of Public Works

         46.  DEFERRED report on the Packaging Reduction Goals of
              Chapter 5.46 to November 10, 1998, as recommended by
              the Director of Public Works

         47.  SCHEDULED a public hearing for the morning agenda of
              October 27, 1998 to consider revisions to Chapter
              16.10 and Section 13.10.700-D of the County Code and
              to various sections of the General Plan/Local Coastal
              Program regarding geologic hazards regulations, as
              recommended by the Planning Director

         48.  SCHEDULED a public hearing for the morning agenda of
              November 10, 1998 to consider proposed General
              Plan/LCP amendments and amendments to Sections
              13.10.260, 13.10.265, 13.10.332, 13.10.342, 13.10.510,
              13.10.658, 13.10.700 and adding Sections 13.10.261 and
              13.10.262 to the County Code regarding residential
              nonconforming uses and general nonconforming use
              provisions, as recommended by the Planning Director

         49.  SEE ITEM NO. 57.1, REGULAR AGENDA

         50.  ACCEPTED AND FILED report on administrative and
              hearing procedures relating to the permitting
              associated with the rebuilding of the San Andreas
              Labor Camp; scheduled public hearing on December 8,
              1998 at 1:30 p.m.; and approved related actions, as
              recommended by the Planning Director 

         51.  SEE ITEM NO. 57.2, REGULAR AGENDA

              REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY, AUTHORIZED the purchase or
              assignment of an option to purchase a First Time Home
              Buyer home to an eligible buyer and approved related
              actions, as recommended by the Redevelopment Agency

              SCHEDULED a closed personnel and litigation session as
              Poppleton, et al. v. County of Santa Cruz (Santa Cruz
              Superior Court Case No. 132573);
              State of California ex rel. Stull v. Bank of America
              et al, (San Francisco Superior Court No. 968484)
              Property street address: Excess right-of-way Soquel
              Drive, Aptos, adjacent to APNs 039-102-47 and 039-02-
              Negotiating parties: County of Santa Cruz with Aptos
              Dental Condo Association and Dr. Popilsky
              REPORT OF COUNTY COUNSEL - No report given 


         54.  Presentation recognizing the month of October as
              Domestic Violence Awareness Month

         55.  APPROVED at-large reappointment of Martha Martinez to
              the Housing Authority Board of Commissioners (Tenant
              Representative), for a term to expire October 6, 2000


         56.  CONSIDERED award of Emergency Storm Damage Repair
              Project (Summit Road Culvert Replacement);
              accepted and filed report on the replacement of the
              Burrell Creek Culvert at Highland Way; directed Public
              Works to return on November 10, 1998 with a report on
              the progress for replacing the culvert

         57.  CONSIDERED adoption of an Interim Zoning Ordinance to
              create the farmland security zone and approved related
        (1)   read title and waived detailed reading of complete
              ordinance; adopted ORDINANCE NO. 4514 establishing
              interim zoning regulations regarding Farmland Security
        (2)   directed Planning staff to mail an informational
              letter to all existing landowners with Williamson Act
              contracts with the County which outlines the Farmland
              Security contract program and the process for
              converting from a Williamson Act contract, and which
              sets a November 2, 1998 (5:00 p.m.), cutoff date for
              1998 applications for conversion from the Williamson
              Act contract to the Farmland Security contract;
        (3)   scheduled public hearing on the morning agenda of
              Tuesday, November 10, 1998 to consider adoption of an
              extension of the Interim Zoning Ordinance;
        (4)   and directed County Counsel and Planning staff to
              implement the process and schedule discussed herein to
              enable the rapid processing of applications for
              conversion from Williamson Act contracts to Farmland
              Security contracts for those landowners who submit
              applications by the cutoff date for adoption prior to
              January 1, 1999


         57.1 APPROVED the Planning Department's Advanced Planning
              Section Work Program for fiscal year 1998/99, with
              additional directive


         57.2 ACCEPTED AND FILED status report on the processing of
              Amendments to the Forest Practice Rules and related
              topics; including a report back on October 20, 1998,
              as recommended by the Planning Director

         58.  RECEIVED bids regarding Hutchinson Road Pavement
        (1)   Repair Project, County Service Area No. 13 and
              referred to Public Works to return later this day with
              a recommendation;
        (2)   accepted low bid of Pavex Construction Company in the
              amount of $91,576.00, authorized award of contract;
              authorized the Director of Public Works to sign the
              contract on behalf of the County


         59.  RECEIVED bids regarding San Vicente Creek Stream Bank
        (1)   Protection Project and referred to Public Works to
              return later this day with a recommendation;
        (2)   accepted low bid of DK Environmental in the amount of
              $214,494, authorized award of contract; authorized the
              Director of Public Works to sign the contract on
              behalf of the County

         60.  Public hearing held to consider Application No. 98-
              0650, a proposal by the County Public Works Department
              to amend Permit No. 97-0309, now under appeal, to
              stockpile 1.25 million cubic yards of earth excavated
              from the Buena Vista landfill for a period of 20
              years, by revising some of the conditions of the
              original permit.  Project is located on the west side
              of Buena Vista Drive across the road from the County's
              Buena Vista Landfill
              APN: 046-121-03; Owner and Property Owner:  County of
              Santa Cruz Public Works Department for John and Violet
              continued public hearing to October 20, 1998, at 7:30
              p.m.; directed the County Administrative Office to
              arrange for County staff and representatives of the
              Buena Vista Community Association to meet at their
              earliest convenience; return to the Board with an
              opinion regarding the current prices of the Rocha
              property and the Miyashita property; and further
              requested that the Coastal Commission, when they
              provide a letter to the Board regarding the
              conditions, include some comments on their current
              satisfaction with the analysis of alternative sites 

                  Chair, Board of Supervisors

              Clerk of the Board


NOTE:      This set of Board of Supervisors Minutes is scheduled to
           be approved by the Board on October 20, 1998