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Board of Supervisors Minutes

                         PROCEEDINGS OF THE 
                          SANTA CRUZ COUNTY
                        BOARD OF SUPERVISORS

                        VOLUME 97, NUMBER 30
                          NOVEMBER 18, 1997

                       ACTION SUMMARY MINUTES

           VOTING KEY: A = Almquist, B = Beautz, R = Belgard;        
           S = Symons, W = Wormhoudt; first initial indicates maker
           of motion, second initial indicates the "second"; upper
           case letter = "yes" vote; lower case letter = "no" vote;
           () = abstain; // = absent

          1.  All Supervisors present
              Moment of Silence and Pledge of Allegiance

          2.  Consideration of Late Additions to the Agenda

          3.  Additions and Deletions to Consent Agenda

          4.  ORAL COMMUNICATIONS - One person addressed the Board
              (An Oral Communications sign-in sheet will be filed
              with Written Correspondence for the Board's next
          5.  Additions and Deletions to Regular Agenda


          6.  APPROVED claims as submitted by the Auditor-Controller

          7.  APPROVED minutes of October 28 and November 4, 1997,
              as recommended by the Clerk of the Board

          8.  ACCEPTED AND FILED notification of continuing
              contracts received November 3, 1997 through November
              14, 1997 and approved upon adoption of the 1997/98
              continuing agreements lists to comply with Section 300
              of the County's Procedures Manual, Title I, as
              recommended by the Clerk of the Board

          9.  DIRECTED County Counsel to return to the Board on
              January 13, 1998, with a proposed ordinance to amend
              Chapter 2.10 of the County Code to incorporate the
              revised qualification provisions of Government Code
              Section 26945 and the new continuing education
              provisions of Government Code Section 26945.1 for the
              Office of the County Auditor-Controller, as
              recommended by County Counsel

         10.  DENIED claim of Joann Wilson No. 798-047 and referred
              to County Counsel

         11.  DENIED claim of Peter Rich No. 798-048 and referred to
              County Counsel

         12.  ADOPTED RESOLUTION NO. 435-97 authorizing an
              additional $1 vehicle license fee to support the
              acquisition, installation and maintenance of automated
              fingerprint identification equipment, and approved
              related actions, including a report back on December
              16, 1997 with list of the Remote Access Network (RAN)
              Committee Members, as recommended by the Sheriff-

         13.  APPROVED a grant funded contract in the amount of
              $30,000 with GarLin Productions, L.L.C. to provide
              concept development and financial analysis for a
              Marine Discovery Center, and directed the County
              Administrative Officer to sign the contract and act on
              the County's behalf in this matter, as recommended by
              the County Administrative Officer

         14.  DEFERRED recommendation of contractor for juvenile
              dependency mediation services until December 9, 1997,
              as recommended by the Executive Officer and Clerk of
              the Superior and Municipal Courts

         15.  ACCEPTED AND FILED status report on the Compressed
              Natural Gas (CNG) Fueling Coalition Project;
              authorized the General Services Director to complete
              and return the Grant Acceptance Agreement on behalf of
              the CNG Coalition; and approved related actions,
              including a report back on February 10, 1998 with an
              updated report on the status of the Compressed Natural
              Gas (CNG) projects, as recommended by the Director of
              General Services

         16.  DEFERRED report on distribution of Proposition 172
              revenues and status of ongoing discussions with fire
              agencies representatives to January 13, 1998, as
              recommended by the Director of General Services

         17.  APPROVED revised County of Santa Cruz Health Care
              Reimbursement Plan incorporating administrative
              changes to clarify the annual enrollment period
              effective dates of the Plan, as recommended by the
              Personnel Director

         18.  APPROVED agreement with Lepore Investigations for
              Liability Investigative Services, as recommended by
              the Personnel Director

         19.  AUTHORIZED the Auditor-Controller to apply $2,149.12
              of the tax security to the first and second
              installments of 1997/98 secured taxes for Parcel No.
              010-153-01 and refund the remainder of $350.88 to
              William Stinson, as recommended by the Auditor-

         20.  ADOPTED RESOLUTION NO. 436-97 accepting and
              appropriating unanticipated revenue in the amount of
              $40,000 from the Judicial Council for the purpose of
              funding software programs for sentencing, as
              recommended by the Executive Officer and Clerk of the
              Superior and Municipal Courts

         21.  ACCEPTED Statement of Vote for the November 4, 1997
              Special District Election  held within the boundaries
              of the City of Scotts Valley, as recommended by the
              County Clerk

         22.  ACCEPTED AND FILED report of the County's Investment
              activities and holdings for the period ending
              September 30, 1997, as recommended by the Treasurer-
              Tax Collector

         23.  APPROVED a hold harmless agreement between the County
              Sheriff and City of Santa Cruz for training services
              provided by Norman Levy and authorized the Sheriff to
              sign the agreement, as recommended by the Sheriff-

         24.  ADOPTED RESOLUTION NO. 437-97 accepting and
              appropriating unanticipated revenue in the amount of
              $4,400 and authorized the Sheriff-Coroner to
              contribute this amount to the Santa Cruz County Sexual
              Assault Response Team (SART) to provide funding
              towards the purchase of two microscopes used in sexual
              assault treatment and investigations, as recommended
              by the Sheriff-Coroner

         25.  AUTHORIZED out-of-state travel for the District
              Attorney to attend the National District Attorney's
              Association Board of Directors Meeting in San Antonio,
              Texas from December 4 through 7, 1997, as recommended
              by the District Attorney

         26.  ACCEPTED notification of at-large vacancy on the Board
              of Directors of the Santa Cruz Metropolitan Transit
              District, with nominations for appointment to be
              received on December 9, 1997, and final appointment to
              be made December 16, 1997, as recommended by Chair

         27.  APPROVED appointment of Rebecca L. Northcutt to the
              Commission on Disabilities for a term to expire April
              1, 1999, as recommended by Supervisor Wormhoudt

         28.  APPROVED appointment of Jane Aiko Yokoyama to the
              Affirmative Action Commission for a term to expire
              April 1, 1999, as recommended by Supervisor Wormhoudt

         29.  ACCEPTED notification of at-large vacancy on the
              Children's Commission, for a representative of
              providers, with nominations for appointment to be
              received on December 9, 1997, and final appointment to
              be made December 16, 1997, as recommended by Chair

         30.  APPROVED reappointment of Supervisor Beautz to the
              Board of Directors of the Santa Cruz Metropolitan
              Transit District to serve until such time as the Board
              makes appointments to various agencies, committees and
              commissions for calendar year 1998, as recommended by
              Chair Wormhoudt

         31.  APPROVED appointment of Peter Axelson to the
              Commission on Disabilities for a term to expire April
              1, 1999, as recommended by Supervisor Wormhoudt
         32.  DIRECTED that changes be made to the mileage and per
              diem rates for members of the Civil Grand Jury, as
              outlined; directed the Auditor to transfer $6,631.13
              from general contingencies as a prorated share to
              provide for these changes effective February 1, 1998;
              directed County Counsel to prepare the necessary
              documents to amend County Code Section 2.20.030 to
              reflect these changes for Board consideration on
              December 16, 1997; and further directed the County
              Administrative Officer to include these rate policy
              changes in the proposed Grand Jury budget for fiscal
              year 1998-99, as recommended by Supervisor Belgard

         33.  APPROVED an agreement with Dr. Parvis Pakdaman for
              pathologist services in connection with Coroner
              investigations in the amount of $8,000, as recommended
              by the Sheriff-Coroner

         34.  DEFERRED to November 25, 1997 consideration of the
              District Attorney's request for one full time limited
              term Assistant District Attorney I/IV position and one
              full time Legal Secretary I/II position under the
              District Attorney's Family Support Division during
              fiscal year 1997-98, as recommended by the County
              Administrative Officer

         35.  ADOPTED RESOLUTION NO. 438-97 authorizing the District
              Attorney to apply to the State Office of Criminal
              Justice Planning for funding in the amount of $105,000
              to support a Violence Against Women Vertical
              Prosecution Program grant in Santa Cruz County during
              fiscal year 1997-98, and waive the requirement for
              indirect costs from the Office of Criminal Justice
              Planning Violence Against Women Vertical Prosecution
              Program grant during fiscal year 1997-98, pursuant to
              County Procedure Section 900A.3, as recommended by the
              District Attorney

         36.  AUTHORIZED the Human Resources Agency Administrator to
              sign the agreement with the University of California
              at Davis to provide staff development training, as
              recommended by the Human Resources Agency

         37.  AUTHORIZED an increase of 0.1 FTE each in two part-
              time Public Health Nurse II positions in the Perinatal
              Outreach and Education program, as recommended by the
              Health Services Agency Administrator

         38.  ADOPTED RESOLUTION NO. 439-97 accepting and
              appropriating $183,039 in unanticipated revenue for
              the HIV Early Intervention Program, and approved
              related actions, as recommended by the Health Services
              Agency Administrator

         39.  APPROVED revised master agreement for child and
              bilingual psychiatric services, as recommended by the
              Health Services Agency Administrator

         40.  ACCEPTED low bid of Bugler Construction, Incorporated,
              of Fremont in the amount of $174,793 for construction
              of Access Ramps and Soquel Drive Sidewalk Infill
              Project; authorized the award of contract; and
              authorized the Director of Public Works to sign the
              contract, as recommended by the Director of Public

         41.  ACCEPTED AND FILED report on Stop Sign Requests for
              the Live Oak Area, and directed Public Works to return
              on November 25, 1997 with a report on this item, as
              recommended by the Director of Public Works

         42.  APPROVED proposal in the amount of $8,238 from Ifland
              Engineers for engineering services and the preparation
              of plans and specifications for storm damage repair of
              a slipout on Hopkins Gulch Road, County Service Area
              No. 51; and authorized the Director of Public Works to
              sign the agreement, as recommended by the Director of
              Public Works

         43.  RATIFIED the Lompico Road Bridge Repair contract with
              Savattone Construction in the amount of $28,381.25, as
              recommended by the Director of Public Works

         44.  ACCEPTED improvements and approved final cost for the
              Bridge Street Pedestrian Bridge for $253,166.22;
              adopted RESOLUTION NO. 440-97 accepting a portion of
              Bridge Street Right-of-Way and Bridge Street
              Pedestrian Bridge into the County Maintained Road
              System and directed the Clerk of the Board to take
              related actions, as recommended by the Director of
              Public Works
         45.  SCHEDULED public hearing for the afternoon agenda on
              Tuesday, December 16, 1997 to consider a proposal to
              eliminate 28 townhome lots and increase the single
              family lots from 32 to 58 for the Heather Terrace
              Subdivision No. 1306; property located on the south
              side of Soquel Drive, approximately 300 feet west from
              State Park Drive; APN: 039-201-42, as recommended by
              the Interim Planning Director

         46.  SCHEDULED public hearing for the afternoon agenda on
              Tuesday, December 16, 1997 to consider Application No.
              97-0207, an application for a Lot Line Adjustment and
              a rezoning; property located on the southeast end of
              Woodlander Place, approximately .2 miles south from
              Northridge Drive; APN: 093-171-28, 093-171-55 and 093-
              171-31, as recommended by the Interim Planning

         47.  SCHEDULED public hearing for the afternoon agenda on
              Tuesday, December 16, 1997 to consider a proposal to
              construct a two-story, 60,000 square foot senior
              assisted care facility, located on the south side of
              Soquel Drive, approximately 300 feet west from State
              Park Drive, as recommended by the Interim Planning

              SCHEDULED a closed personnel and litigation session as
              Agency negotiator:  Personnel Director
              All Employee Organizations
              REPORT OF COUNTY COUNSEL - No report was given

         49.  Public hearing held on eminent domain proceeding for
              the Diamond Estates Subdivision Offsite Improvement
              Project (APN: 51-521-07) and consider a resolution     
              authorizing County Counsel to institute eminent domain
              proceedings to obtain immediate possession of the
              required property interests;
              closed public hearing; adopted RESOLUTION NO. 441-97
              authorizing County Counsel to institute eminent domain
              proceedings for the Diamond Estates off-site
              improvement project Lacy - APN: 051-521-07


         50.  CONSIDERED adoption of an ordinance amending Chapter
              8.42 of the Santa Cruz County Code relating to
              Security Deposits for Residential Rental Properties: 
              Tenant's Interest on Security Deposits
        (1)   read title and waived detailed reading of complete
        (2)   adopted ordinance as amended "in concept" to return
              November 25, 1997 for final adoption
              (1)  RBSAW
              (2)  BSRAW

         51.  RECEIVED bids regarding San Andreas Road Bike Lane
              Phase 3 Beach Road to Watsonville Slough and referred
              to Public Works to return with a recommendation on or
              before December 16, 1997


                  Chair, Board of Supervisors

              Clerk of the Board


NOTE:      This set of Board of Supervisors Minutes is scheduled to
           be approved by the Board on December 9, 1997