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Santa Cruz County

Please Note:

Santa Cruz County

Board of Supervisors Agenda

Governmental Center Building

701 Ocean Street, Room 525, Santa Cruz, CA

December 12, 2000


9:00 Roll Call

Consent Agenda

Oral Communications




Scheduled and Regular Departmental Items

10:00 Scheduled and Regular Departmental Items 3:15 Recess



Scheduled and Regular Departmental Items

The Board will adjourn after the completion of all scheduled items.

  1.   Roll Call Listen

    Moment of Silence and Pledge of Allegiance

  2.   Consideration of Late Additions to the Agenda Listen

  3.   Additions and Deletions to the Consent Agenda; and Action on the Consent Agenda Listen

  4.   ORAL COMMUNICATIONS - Any person may address the Board during its Oral Communications period. Presentations must not exceed three minutes in length, and individuals may speak only once during Oral Communications. All Oral Communications must be directed to an item not listed on today's Agenda, and must be within the jurisdiction of the Board. Board members will not take actions or respond immediately to any Oral Communications presented, but may choose to follow up at a later time, either individually. Or on a subsequent Board of Supervisor's Agenda. Oral Communications will normally be received by the Board for a period not to exceed thirty (30) minutes. If, at the end of this period, additional persons wish to address the Board under Oral Communications. The Oral Communications period may be continued to the last item on the Regular Agenda. Listen

  5. Additions and Deletions to Regular Agenda.


Spanish language translation is available on an as needed basis. Please make advance arrangements with the Clerk of the Board, in Room 500, or by telephone at (831) 454-2323.

Traducciones del ingles al espanol y del espanol al ingles estan disponibles en las sesiones de la Mesa Directiva. Por favor hagan arreglos por anticipo con la Secretaria de la Mesa Directiva, en cuarto numero 500, o por telefono al numero (831) 454-2323.

The County complies with the Americans With Disabilities Act. As a courtesy to those who are affected, please attend the meetings smoke and scent free. Questions regarding accommodation under the ADA should be directed to the office of the Clerk of the Board at 454-2323.Note: The Board of Supervisors meetings are broadcast live on AT&T Cable Services, Channel 26.

******CONSENT AGENDA******


6. Approve claims as submitted by the Auditor-Controller

7. Item deleted

8. Item deleted

9. Reject the claim of Teresa Silva, No.-001-040 and refer to County Counsel

10. Reject the claim of Eric Bellis, No. 001-041 and refer to County Counsel

11. Reject the claim of Jonathan Huneke, No-001-043 and refer to County Counsel

12. Reject the claim of Connie Lester, No. 001-047 and refer to County Counsel

13. Reject the claim of Hilda Bravo, No. 001-048 and refer to County Counsel

14. Reject the claim of Alexis Root, No. 001-049 and refer to County Counsel

15. Reject the claim of Ian Sanderson, No. 001-052, as insufficiently filed and refer to County Counsel

16. Reject the claim of Mount Hermon Association, Incorporated, No. 001-055 and refer to County Counsel

17. Reject the claim of Adam Scott Penniman, No. 001-056 and refer to County Counsel

18. Reject the claim of Michele McNees, No. 001-057 and refer to County Counsel

19. Reject the claim of Ralph Amolsch and Marilyn Amolsch, No. 001-059 and refer to County Counsel

20. Accept and file report on Distribution of Unclaimed Property, Fees and Investment Awards, as recommended by the Auditor-Controller

21. Accept and file report on the Review of Grant Timekeeping in the District Attorney's Office for the years ending June 30, 1998 and 1999 and take related actions, as recommended by the Auditor-Controller

22. Accept and file Statement of Count of Money in Treasury on September 6, 2000, as recommended by the Auditor-Controller and the County Administrative Officer

23. Authorize the County Administrative Officer to submit the Santa Cruz County Customer Services Plan for the Child Support program and provide a further report on January 9, 2001, as recommended by the County Administrative Officer

24. Approve financing for cable television litigation including approval of a transfer of funds realigning appropriations within the County Administrative Office Budget in the amount of $135,936 and authorizing the use of savings from prior year encumbrances in the County Administrative Office Budget in the amount of $189,220 and take related actions as recommended by the County Administrative Officer

25. Accept and file report on Community Television request for supplemental equipment funding, as recommended by the County Administrative Officer

26. Approve the 2001 County Legislative Program and subsequent to your Board's review and approval, forward the program to our State and Federal Representatives and to our State and Federal Associations for their consideration, as recommended by the County Administrative Officer

27. Approve agreement with Book Publishing Company (BPC) for the conversion of Volume I and Volume II of the County Code into a hard copy and on-line format for Internet access and take related action, as recommended by the County Administrative Officer

28. Defer report on Community Service Agency facility needs to January 9, 2001, as recommended by the County Administrative Officer

29. Accept and file status report on the County's Integrated Pest Management Policy, as recommended by the County Administrative Officer

30. Adopt resolution to establish a 2.0% per annum simple interest rate on tenants rental security deposits, effective January 1, 2001 and take related actions, as recommended by the County Administrative Officer

31. Defer consideration of the transfer of County Service Area 54 (formerly Mt. Charlie Waterworks) water system to January 23, 2001; direct the County Administrative Officer, County Counsel, the Public Works Director and the Auditor-Controller to return with options for designation by your Board of an operator, should the Summit West Group fail to provide the necessary documentation to take over the system and loans, as recommended by County Counsel

32. Award contract to the Central Sierra Electric Company, Incorporated, in the amount of $54,600; adopt resolution accepting unanticipated revenue in the amount of $24,600; and take related actions, as recommended by the Director of General Services

33. Accept the Watsonville Veterans Building Painting project as complete; approve the final cost of $21,500; and take related actions, as recommended by the Director of General Services

34. Approve lease amendment in the amount of $1,025.40 per month with the California Senate Rules Committee for legislative office space in the County Government Center and authorize the General Services Director to sign the amendment, as recommended by the Director of General Services

35. Approve lease amendment in the amount of $997 per month with the California Assembly Rules Committee for legislative office space in the County Government Center and authorize the General Services Director to sign the amendment on behalf of the Board, as recommended by the Director of General Service

36. Accept the Installation of the Automatic Doors project at the Government Center and 1080 Emeline as complete; approve the final cost of $45,544; and take related actions, as recommended by the Director of General Services

37. Adopt resolution accepting unanticipated revenue in the amount of $6,279 and appropriate funds into the Capital Projects Budget; authorize the Director of General Services to ratify a change order with ReHak Construction in the amount of $16,219.82 for roof repairs to 1110 Emeline; accept the 1110 Emeline Roof project as complete; approve the final cost of $31,278.82; and take related actions, as recommended by the Director of General Services

38. Award contract to MKM General Engineering Contractors in the amount of $14,500 for the Information Services Department Underground Conduit Trenching project; authorize the Director of General Services to approve change orders and appropriate $1,450, in addition to the contract amount, to cover change order expenditures; and take related actions, as recommended by the Director of General Services

39. Adopt amendment to resolution No. 247-76 amending the Civil Service Rules regarding a reason for employee termination, as recommended by the County Civil Service Commission and the Personnel Director

40. Approve grant award to purchase two vans for the Sheriff's Activity League; adopt resolutions accepting unanticipated revenue in the not-to-exceed amount of $68,950; and take related actions, as recommended by Supervisor Campos and the Sheriff-Coroner

41. Adopt resolution accepting and appropriating $188,122 in unanticipated revenue from the California Law Enforcement Technology Equipment Purchase Program and take related actions, as recommended by the Sheriff-Coroner

42. Approve reappointment of Judy Jones to the Civil Service Commission for a term to expire December 31, 2004, as recommended by Supervisor Beautz

43. Authorize the Public Works Department to install road bumps on Maciel Avenue, as recommended by Supervisor Beautz

44. Accept notification of two vacancies on the Board of Law Library Trustees, with nominations for appointment to be received on January 9, 2001, and final appointment to be made January 23, 2001, as recommended by Chair Wormhoudt

45. Direct the General Services Department to provide a response to the recommendations of the Energy Commission on or before January 23, 2001 regarding the inclusion of plans to address gasoline shortages during times of local emergency as part of the County's Emergency Management Plan, as recommended by Chair Wormhoudt


46. Accept and file the report on the need to continue the state of local emergency relative to the transmission of HIV through contaminated needles, as recommended by the Health Services Agency Administrator

47. Defer the report on the Mental Health Division of the Health Services Agency to January 23, 2001, as recommended by the Personnel Director and the Health Services Agency Administrator

48. Approve agreement between the County and Easter Seals Central California to provide reimbursement services for California Children's Services (CCS) medical care and take related actions, as recommended by the Health Services Agency Administrator

49. Approve the time change and wording changes within the Local Mental Health Board Bylaws, as recommended by the Health Services Agency Administrator

50. Accept report on proposed implementation of the Environmental Cleanup Revolving Fund, as recommended by the Health Services Agency Administrator

51. Defer report on development of a Memorandum of Understanding with the Scotts Valley Fire Protection District for hazardous materials response capability until March 13, 2001, as recommended by the Health Services Agency Administrator

52. Approve gross pay adjustment in the amount of $510.40; reset employee's hours to include 400 hours worked from September 2, 2000 through November 10, 2000 for evaluation and step increase purposes, as recommended by the Human Resources Agency Administrator

53. Approve agreement for the period of December 15, 2000 through September 30, 2001 with Familia Center for the Family Preservation and Support Program in the amount of $14,496 and authorize the Human Resources Agency Administrator to sign the agreement, as recommended by the Human Resources Agency Administrator

54. Authorize the Human Resources Agency Administrator to sign the contract with HomeBase for development of a long term strategic plan to address homelessness in an amount not-to-exceed $40,000; authorize the Human Resources Agency Administrator to sign a Memorandum of Understanding with the City of Santa Cruz for joint responsibility with funding and monitoring the contract, as recommended by the Human Resources Agency Administrator

55. Approve the Children's Emergency Shelter Care Program; adopt resolution accepting and appropriating $116,882 in unanticipated revenue and take related actions, as recommended by the Human Resources Agency Administrator

56.   Approve contract with HandsNet, Incorporated in the amount of $225,000 for administration of the Technology Enhancement Program for County funded non-profit organizations for the period of December 12, 2000 through June 30, 2001 and authorize the Human Resources Agency Administrator to sign the contract, as recommended by the Human Resources Agency Administrator Listen


57. Approve transfer of appropriations realigning funds within the Planning Department budget to facilitate proper accounting of Department remodeling projects, as recommended by the Planning Director

58.   Approve extension of Abandoned Vehicle Abatement Towing Contract with Coast Counties from January 1, 2001 through June 30, 2001, as recommended by the Planning Director Listen

59. Approve amendment to agreement with Waste Management of Santa Cruz County providing for language corrections to approve Waste Management's corporate merger and miscellaneous service fees; authorize the Director of Public Works to sign the agreement on behalf of the County; and approve new services and rates added to the customer rate schedule for refuse, recycling and yardwaste collection services, as recommended by the Director of Public Works

60. Approve proposed plan line (on file with the Clerk) for Alice Street between 17th Avenue and Corcoran Avenue and direct Public Works to include the plan line for Alice Street in the Master Plan Line file, as recommended by the Director of Public Works

61. Adopt resolution authorizing the submittal of a report to request $1,500,000 in State Transportation Improvement Program funding and direct the Department of Public Works to report back on or before March 20, 2001 regarding the Amesti Road Reconstruction Project, as recommended by the Director of Public Works

62. Approve independent contractor agreement with Peterson Tractor Company for a total not-to-exceed amount of $200,000 for heavy equipment parts supply; authorize the Director of Public Works to sign the agreement on behalf of the County; and take related actions, as recommended by the Director of Public Works

63. Adopt resolution accepting unanticipated revenue in the amount of $23,253 in Fisheries Restoration Grant funding from the California Department of Fish and Game; approve independent contractor agreement with Salix Applied Earthcare for technical training for erosion control for a not-to-exceed amount of $22,021; and authorize the Director of Public Works to sign the agreement, as recommended by the Director of Public Works

64. Approve agreement with GeoSyntec Consultants for Solid Waste Consultant Engineering Services for a not-to-exceed amount of $429,868 and authorize the Director of Public Works to sign the agreement, as recommended by the Director of Public Works

65. Approve independent contractor agreement with Elkhorn Native Plan Nursery for a not-to-exceed amount of $25,000 and Shangrila Incorporated for a not-to-exceed amount of $25,000 for revegetation, landscape, and maintenance services for the Department of Public Works and authorize the Director of Public Works to sign the agreements, as recommended by the Director of Public Works

66. Accept and file report on the 30th, 32nd and 33rd Avenue Storm Drain, Sanitary Sewer and Sidewalk Improvement project and direct Public Works to return on or before February 6, 2001 with a further report regarding the appeals of the project to the Coastal Commission, as recommended by the Director of Public Works

67. Adopt resolution for right of way acquisition for the Browns Valley Road Bridge Replacement project and authorize the Director of Public Works to sign the contracts and approve payment of claims, as recommended by the Director of Public Works

68. Approve amendment to agreement with Martin, Rivett & Olson, Incorporated for the amount of $33,815, for engineering design services for the Browns Valley Bridge Replacement project and authorize the Director of Public Works to sign the agreement, as recommended by the Director of Public Works

69. Accept the improvements and approve the final cost in the amount of $37,341 for the Storm Drain Improvement project (Franky Court) and take related actions, as recommended by the Director of Public Works

70. Object to the sale of parcels listed in Exhibit A at public auction by the Santa Cruz County Tax Collector; adopt resolution approving and accepting the purchase of those parcels listed in Exhibit A; authorize the Auditor-Controller to charge the Real Property Management budget $27,950 for the purchase cost; and authorize the Chair to sign the copies of the Agreement to Purchase, as recommended by the Director of Public Works

71. Direct Public Works to return on or before February 27, 2001 with a contract agreement to hire Sandis Humber Jones for the Graham Hill Road Improvement Project, as recommended by the Director of Public Works

72. Defer recommendations from the Parks Commission regarding the utilization of the Proposition 12 Funds until February 27, 2001, as recommended by the Director of Parks, Open Space and Cultural Services

73. Accept donation of the surrey from Bill Lane for use at Quail Hollow Ranch and request the Chair of the Board send Mr. Lane a thank you letter for his generous donation, as recommended by the Director of Parks, Open Space and Cultural Services

74. Approve contracts for the North Coast Beaches Project Phase I, Scott Creek with Swanson Hydrology for $48,960, Archaeological Resource Management for $6,000 and with Frey Environmental for $6,000; adopt resolution accepting unanticipated revenue in the amount of $48,500 from State Coastal Conservancy; adopt resolution accepting unanticipated revenue in the amount of $51,500 from the Parks Department Budget as recommended by the Director of Parks, Open Space and Cultural Services

75. Defer return of a draft agreement with the City of Watsonville for the leasing of the Watsonville Veterans Memorial Building until February 6, 2001, as recommended by the Director of Parks, Open Space and Cultural Services

76. Accept and file the Annual Financial Reports of the Santa Cruz County Redevelopment Agency (on file with the Clerk) for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2000, as recommended by the Redevelopment Agency Administrator




Case Name/No.: Sumner, et al. v. County of Santa Cruz, et al., Santa Cruz County Superior Court Case No. CV 137784

Case Name/No.: Big Creek, et al., v. County of Santa Cruz Santa Cruz County Superior Court Case No. CV 134816

Case Name/No.: Charter Communications, et al. v. County of Santa Cruz, N.D. Federal Court Case No. C-99-1874EAL

Case Name/No.: Palazzolo v. State of Rhode Island, 746 A2d 707

Case Name/No.: California Coastal Commission Appeal, No. A-3-SCO-0076 of Santa Cruz County, DPW Application 99-0842

Case Name/No.: In re Butler, Santa Cruz County Superior Court Case No. ME-26


Position title/description: Director Child Support Services


Position title(s): County Administrative Officer


Agency negotiator: Personnel Director

Employee organization: All units

REPORT OF COUNTY COUNSEL - will be given at the conclusion of the closed session on any reportable action(s) taken in the closed session



78.   Presentation honoring Walter J. Symons as a member of the Santa Cruz County Board of Supervisors Listen

79.   Consider appointment of Eddie Marquez to the Workforce Investment Board, as an at-large appointee representing business, in accordance with County Code Chapter 2.110, Section 30, for a term to be staggered by lot Listen

a. Letter of Supervisor Almquist of November 17, 2000

b. Application

c. Statement of Eddie Marquez

80.   Consider comments related to the draft strategic plan of the Children and Families Commission Listen

a. Letter of the Health Services Agency Administrator and the Human Resources Agency Administrator of December 4, 2000

b. Summary

81.   Consider request to designate the Agricultural Commissioner as the local public entity to conduct a Glassy-Winged Sharpshooter/Pierce's Disease control program and authorize the Agricultural Commissioner to submit a revised workplan to the California Department of Food and Agriculture for the control program Listen 

a. Letter of the Agricultural Commissioner

b. Attachment

c. Complete workplan on file with the Clerk

82. 10:45 A.M. Scheduled Item

Bid opening regarding Juvenile Hall Door Replacement Project

a. Letter of the Director of General Services of November 7, 2000

83. 10:45 A.M. Scheduled Item

Bid opening regarding Assessor/Tax Collector Remodel

a. Letter of the Director of General Services of November 3, 2000

84. 10:45 A.M. Scheduled Item

Bid opening regarding Plumbing Access Door Replacement

a. Letter of the Director of General Services of November 1, 2000

NOTE: Agenda documents may be reviewed at the Office of the Clerk of the Board, Room 500, Governmental Center, and at the Santa Cruz Main Library..

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