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DECEMBER 5, 2000



VOTING KEY: A = Almquist, B = Beautz, C = Campos;

S = Symons, W = Wormhoudt; first initial indicates maker of motion, second initial indicates the "second"; upper case letter = "yes" vote; lower case letter = "no" vote; () = abstain; // = absent

1. All Supervisors present

Moment of Silence and Pledge of Allegiance

2. Consideration of Late Additions to the Agenda

3. Additions and Deletions to Consent Agenda

4. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS - Three people addressed the Board

5. Additions and Deletions to Regular Agenda



6. APPROVED claims as submitted by the Auditor-Controller

7. APPROVED minutes of November 14, 2000 and November 21, 2000, as recommended by the Clerk of the Board

8. ACCEPTED AND FILED notification of continuing contracts received during the period of November 20, 2000 through December 1, 2000 and approved upon adoption of the 2000/01 continuing agreements list to comply with Section 300 of the County's Procedures Manual, Title 1, as recommended by the Clerk of the Board

9. ACCEPTED AND FILED the Final 2000-01 Capital Improvement Program document and directed the County Administrative Officer to return on or before May 22, 2001 with proposed 2001-02 Capital Improvement Program document, as recommended by the County Administrative Officer

10. REJECTED claim of Mark Bauer, No. 001-042 and referred to County Counsel

11. ADOPTED RESOLUTION NO. 391-2000 authorizing Probation Department to apply for Schiff-Cardenas Crime Prevention Act of 2000 funds, and re-authorized the Juvenile Justice Coordinating Council through June 30, 2003, as recommended by the Chief Probation Officer


13. ACCEPTED nomination of Eddie Marquez for appointment as an at-large representative of business interests on the Workforce Investment Board, for a term to be staggered by lot, with final appointment to be made December 12, 2000, as recommended by Supervisor Almquist



16. APPROVED contract amendment with David M. Griffith and Associates for SB90 Claims Administration; adopted RESOLUTION NO. 392-2000 accepting unanticipated revenue in the amount of $17,500 from the State of California for SB 90 State Mandated Activities program, as recommended by the County Administrative Officer

17. APPROVED modifications to the County Procedures Manual and directed the Clerk of the Board to make the identified changes, as recommended by the County Administrative Officer

18. DEFERRED status report on the Inmate Welfare Fund, as recommended by the County Administrative Officer

19. ACCEPTED County Counsel's report on the status and operation of the Mobilehome Commission trust fund, as recommended by County Counsel

20. APPROVED the purchase of a Laptop Computer for the Santa Cruz County Automobile Recovery Unit and authorized the transfer of funds, as recommended by the District Attorney

21. ACCEPTED the Statement of Vote for the November 7, 2000 Presidential General Election and declared the winners for each office under your jurisdiction, as recommended by the County Clerk

22. DIRECTED the General Services Department to return on or before March 6, 2001 with a recommendation on the 1080 Emeline Pre-Cooling and Lab Chiller Project, as recommended by the General Services Director

23. ACCEPTED the Watsonville Court Waterline and Walkway Repair project as completed; approved the final cost of $18,784 and directed the Clerk of the Board to file the Notice of Completion, as recommended by the Director of General Services

24. ADOPTED RESOLUTION NO. 393-2000 accepting and appropriating unanticipated revenue in the amount of $80,274 for Superior Court Security Services, as recommended by the Sheriff-Coroner

25. AUTHORIZED the Human Resources Agency Administrator to sign contract for the establishment of a Transitional Housing Program with the Santa Cruz Community Counseling Center, in an amount not-to-exceed $78,078 for Fiscal Year 2000-2001, as recommended by the Human Resources Agency Administrator

26. ACCEPTED AND FILED quarterly report from Central Coast Alliance for Health with the next report due on or before April 17, 2001, as recommended by the Health Services Agency Administrator

27. AUTHORIZED the Health Services Agency Administrator to sign the agreement with the City of Santa Cruz which designates the City of Santa Cruz Fire Department as an approved paramedic service provider for the entire City of Santa Cruz, as recommended by the Health Services Agency Administrator

28. DEFERRED the report back concerning Medical and MediCruz patient access to local hospitals until January 23, 2001, as recommended by the Health Services Agency Administrator

29. DEFERRED report on Public Outreach Program for new road standards until February 27, 2001 and directed staff to present a report on February 27, 2001 regarding the road standards and the concerns of the Fire Chief's Association, as recommended by the Planning Director


31. APPROVED allocation of $5,000 from the County Fish and Game Commission to fund a sea lion deterrent study to be prepared by the Fishermen's Alliance, as recommended by the Planning Director

32. AWARDED contract to Bustichi Construction, Incorporated in the amount of $38,290 for the Greyhound Rock Restoration Project; authorized the Director of Parks to sign the contract and associated documents on behalf of the County; and approved change orders up to $3,829, as recommended by the Director of Parks, Open Space and Cultural Services

33. APPROVED the 2000/01 Public Art Plan as presented by the Arts Commission, as recommended by the Director of Parks, Open Space and Cultural Services

34. APPROVED amendment to the contract for the Santa Cruz Veterans Memorial Building Basement Remodel Project and authorized the Director of Parks to sign the contract amendment and associated change orders, as recommended by the Director of Parks, Open Space and Cultural Services

35. ACCEPTED AND FILED report on Planning Department Automation projects and various procedural issues; directed the County Administrative Office and Information Services to report back on December 12, 2000 with a contract with Book Publishing Company for placing and maintaining Volume I and Volume II of the County Code on the internet; and directed the Planning Department in conjunction with Information Services to provide a report on application information availability on the internet on January 9, 2001, as recommended by the Planning Director

36. AUTHORIZED the Director of Public Works to sign the agreement between Ecology Action and the County of Santa Cruz for use of the AB2766 Grant Funding for an Electric Bike Commuter Incentive Program, as recommended by the Director of Public Works

37. AS THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SANTA CRUZ COUNTY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY, APPROVED actions to support interim transitional housing for emancipated foster youth, as recommended by the Redevelopment Agency Administrator

38. AS THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS AND DEVELOPMENT AGENCY SCHEDULED a closed personnel and litigation session as follows:

CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL - ANTICIPATED LITIGATION Initiation of litigation was considered pursuant to subdivision (c) of Government Code Section 54956.9 for one potential case(s)


Case Name/No: Save Our Agricultural Land and Sierra Club v. County of Santa Cruz, et al. (Sixth District Court of Appeal, No. H020709); Save Our Agricultural Land and Friends of the North Coast v. County of Santa Cruz, et al. (Santa Cruz County Superior Court No. 138614)


Position title(s): County Counsel

County Administrative Officer


Position title/description: Director of Child Support Services


38.1 DEFERRED report on the selection of contractors for the resident engineer, on-site archaeologist and the environmental consultant for the North Coast Beaches Project Phase I, Scott Creek Beach until December 12, 2000, as recommended by the Director of Parks, Open Space and Cultural Services


39. 9:15 A.M. Scheduled Item

The Board of Supervisors recessed in order to permit the Board of Directors of the County of Santa Cruz Flood Control and Water Conservation District, Zone 5, to convene and carry out its regularly scheduled meeting

40. Public hearing held to consider the proposal to rezone Assessor's parcel Numbers 058-021-01, 03 and 07, 058-022-11, 058-042-01, 058-121-01, 02, 058-122-09, 12, 059-011-03, 04,05, 06, 10, 11 and 13, 059-021-02, 03 and 04 to add the Agricultural Preserve("-P") combining district to the present Commercial Agriculture ("CA") zone district and combine Assessor's Parcel Numbers 058-051-05 and 07 with Assessor's Parcel Number 058-042-01 and rezone Assessor's Parcel Numbers 058-051-05 and 07 from the Residential Agriculture ("RA") zone district to the Commercial Agriculture - Agriculture Preserve ("CA-P") zone district and rezone Assessor's Parcel Number 059-151-01 from the Special Use ("SU") zone district to the Agriculture - Agricultural Preserve ("A-P") zone district. Requires a Rezoning and a Coastal Development Permit. The properties are located adjacent to both sides of Highway 1, beginning at Laguna Creek and extending north to Molino Creek to a pumping station, excluding the RMC Cement Plant and the community of Davenport. Application Number: 98-0869. Applicant: Coast Dairies Land Company, Attention: Edith Pepper. Owner: Coast Dairies Land Company;

closed public hearing; approved the determination that the project is categorically exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act; approved Coastal Development Permit 98-0869 and adopted ORDINANCE NO. 4605 amending Chapter 13.10 of the Santa Cruz County Code that Conditionally rezones Assessor's Parcel Numbers 058-021-01, 03, and 07, 058-022-11, 058-042-01, 058-121-01, 02, 058-122-09, 12, 059-011-03, 04, 05, 06, 10, 11 and 13,059-021-02, 03 and 04 to add the Agricultural Preserve ("-P") combining district to the present Commercial Agriculture ("CA") zone district, and to combine Assessor's Parcel Numbers 058-051-05 and 07 with Assessor's Parcel Number 058-042-01 and rezone APNs 058-051-05 and 07 from the Residential Agriculture ("RA") zone district to the Commercial Agriculture - Agricultural Preserve ("CA-P") zone district and to rezone Assessor's Parcel Number 059-151-01 from the Special Use ("SU") zone district to the Agriculture - Agricultural Preserve ("A-P") zone district


41. Public hearing held to consider Planning Commission recommendation to approved amendments to the Ben Lomond Town Plan (a portion of the General Plan) to delete prohibitions of sewage disposal facilities on commercial parcels in the Community Commercial District that are "less than one acre in size" or are "in Class I areas as defined by the Regional Water Quality Control Board No. 82.10"

closed public hearing; adopted RESOLUTION NO. 394-2000 amending the Ben Lomond Town Plan


42. Public hearing held to consider the Planning Commission's recommendation regarding Application No. 99-0044, by Joseph and Donna Edward, to amend the Ben Lomond Town Plan and to construct a Commercial and Residential Building on APN 077-102-01

closed public hearing; adopted RESOLUTION NO. 395-2000 approving amendments to the Ben Lomond Town Plan; approved Commercial Development Application No. 99-0044, to construct a 4,000 square foot residential/commercial building, including a variance to construct a deck and walkway within the front yard setback, subject to the findings and conditions of approval; and certified the Revised Negative Declaration


43. Continued Public hearing to establish the 2001 Growth Goal;

closed public hearing; adopted RESOLUTION NO. 396-2000 establishing a population growth goal of 0.50% for 2001, with an additional direction that the pre-existing non-used allocated building permits be carried over but not used without further action by the County Board of Supervisors


44. CONSIDERED adoption of proposed ordinance amending Chapter 2.44 of the Santa Cruz County Code to rename the Children's Commission as the Children and Youth Commission;

read title and waived detailed reading of the complete ordinance; adopted ordinance "in concept" to return on January 9, 2001 for final adoption


44.1 ACCEPTED AND FILED progress report on On-going Activities to Mitigate Overdraft in the Pajaro Valley; directed staff to establish a nitrate screening program for individual and small water distribution systems in the Pajaro Valley groundwater basin; directed Planning Staff to return on or before March 20, 2001 with a report on land use, housing and water resource policy issues raised by the new Watsonville City Water Policy and a complete report back on or before May 29, 2001 on On-going Activities to Mitigate Overdraft in the Pajaro Valley; with an additional direction that the report back on or before March 20, 2001 include very specific information concerning what impact the City's policies have in relation to County land use policies including current zoning in the area, and staff evaluation of conflict in current County and City policies, including the effect of the City policy on affordable housing


44.2 DEFERRED consideration of the Glassy-winged Sharpshooter workplan until December 12, 2000, with an additional direction to release the report to the Toxic Action Coalition no later than 5 pm on Wednesday, December 6, 2000


45. REFERRED bids regarding remodels at Main Jail and 90 Rountree Lane Detention Facility to General Services to re-advertise for bids and set bid opening date for January 9, 2001


45.1 APPROVED contract for services with Native Animal Rescue and directed the County Administrative Officer to take related actions, as recommended by the County Administrative Officer



Chair, Board of Supervisors


Clerk of the Board


NOTE: This set of Board of Supervisors Minutes is scheduled to be approved by the Board on January 9, 2001