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Board of Supervisors Minutes

                         PROCEEDINGS OF THE 
                          SANTA CRUZ COUNTY
                        BOARD OF SUPERVISORS

                         VOLUME 99, NUMBER 3
                          FEBRUARY 2, 1999

                       ACTION SUMMARY MINUTES

           VOTING KEY: A = Almquist, B = Beautz, C = Campos;        
           S = Symons, W = Wormhoudt; first initial indicates maker
           of motion, second initial indicates the "second"; upper
           case letter = "yes" vote; lower case letter = "no" vote;
           () = abstain; // = absent

          1.  All Supervisors present
              Moment of Silence and Pledge of Allegiance

          2.  Consideration of Late Additions to the Agenda

          3.  Additions and Deletions to Consent Agenda

          4.  ORAL COMMUNICATIONS - Five people addressed the Board
              (An Oral Communications sign-in sheet will be filed
              with Written Correspondence for the Board's next
          5.  Additions and Deletions to Regular Agenda


          6.  APPROVED claims as submitted by the Auditor-Controller

          7.  ITEM DELETED

          8.  ITEM DELETED

          9.  ADOPTED RESOLUTION NO. 35-99 accepting and
              appropriating $17,824 in unanticipated revenue from
              the Sheriff's Federal Forfeiture Trust to fund a four
              wheel drive truck for the Sheriff's Investigations
              Division; adopted RESOLUTION NO. 36-99 reducing the
              anticipated revenue from the State Office of Criminal
              Justice Planning in the amount of $17,824; and
              approved related actions, as recommended by the

         10.  ADOPTED RESOLUTION NO. 37-99 accepting and
              appropriating unanticipated revenue in the amount of   
              $8,615.41 into fiscal year 1998/99 Sheriff-Coroner
              budget from accrued interest in the Sheriff's
              component of the State Law Enforcement Services Trust
              fund; approved transfer of funds related to the
              expenditure of 1997/98 State Law Enforcement Services
              Funds, as recommended by the Sheriff-Coroner

         11.  ACCEPTED AND FILED status report on CNG projects; and
              directed General Services to return with a further
              update on or before April 20, 1999, as recommended by
              the Director of General Services

         12.  AWARDED contract to Mike Hinson Construction for
              $41,776 to complete construction of automatic doors at
              701 Ocean Street and 1080 Emeline Avenue; authorized
              the General Services Director to sign the contract on
              behalf of the County; and approved related actions, as
              recommended by the Director of General Services

         13.  AWARDED contract to Durden Randolph, Incorporated, for
              $13,800 for the 126 Front Street Kitchen Grease
              Interceptor Project; authorized the Director of
              General Services to sign the contract on behalf of the
              County; and approved related actions, as recommended
              by the Director of General Services

         14.  APPROVED change order and increased encumbrance of
              $2,525 for the Water Street Detention Facility
              Exterior Waterproofing Project, as recommended by the
              Director of General Services

         15.  ACCEPTED AND FILED Annual Report of the Women's
              Commission; and approved related action, as
              recommended by Chairperson Almquist

         16.  ACCEPTED AND FILED Annual Report of the Alcohol and
              Drug Abuse Commission; and approved related action, as
              recommended by Chairperson Almquist

         17.  ACCEPTED AND FILED Annual Report of the Long Term Care
              Interagency Commission; and approved related action,
              as recommended by Chairperson Almquist
         18.  ACCEPTED AND FILED Annual Report of the Planning
              Commission; and approved related action, as
              recommended by Chairperson Almquist

         19.  APPROVED appointment of Betty Sue Smith to the Mental
              Health Advisory Board, as a representative of
              consumers, for a term to expire April 1, 1999, as
              recommended by Supervisor Almquist

         20.  APPROVED appointment of Maria F. Castro to the Latino
              Affairs Commission, as a representative of the City of
              Santa Cruz, for a term to expire April 1, 2001, as
              recommended by Chairperson Almquist

         21.  APPROVED appointment of Mabel Baker to the Seniors
              Commission for a term to expire April 1, 2001, as
              recommended by Supervisor Almquist

         22.  ACCEPTED AND FILED Annual Report of the Managed
              Medical Care Commission; and approved related actions,
              as recommended by Chairperson Almquist

         23.  ACCEPTED AND FILED Annual Report of the Human Services
              Commission; and approved related actions, as
              recommended by Chairperson Almquist

         24.  APPROVED changes to the fixed asset list and
              associated budget transfers to increase authorization
              for replacement of personal computers; and adopted
              RESOLUTION NO. 38-99 accepting unanticipated revenue
              in the amount of $29,375, as recommended by the
              Information Services Director

         25.  AUTHORIZED purchase of an LCD projector out of savings
              in the FAMIS allocation of the 1990 Series C
              Certificate of Participation Issue, as recommended by
              the Auditor-Controller

         26.  ACCEPTED AND FILED report on the membership of the
              State Board of Forestry, with an additional directive

         27.  ACCEPTED AND FILED report concerning process for
              developing Latino Equity funding recommendations and
              directed the County Administrative Office, in
              conjunction with the Human Resources Agency, to
              implement the revised procedures as part of the
              development of the 1999/2000 proposed budget, as
              recommended by the County Administrative Officer
         28.  ADOPTED RESOLUTION NO. 39-99 correcting the title of
              Resolution No. 441-98, regarding County General
              Plan/Local Coastal Program Land Use Plan and
              Implementing Ordinances relating to Timber Harvesting,
              as recommended by County Counsel


         29.  ACCEPTED AND FILED report on the need to continue the
              state of local emergency relative to transmission of
              HIV through contaminated needles, as recommended by
              the Health Services Agency Administrator

         30.  AUTHORIZED the Health Services Agency Administrator to
              sign the standard agreement for California Healthcare
              for Indigents Program funding for fiscal year 1998/99,
              as recommended by the Health Services Agency

         31.  ACCEPTED AND FILED interim report regarding Central
              Fire Protection District Paramedic program; and
              directed the Health Services Agency staff to report
              back on June 8, 1999, concerning the first six months
              of CFPD's paramedic program, as recommended by the
              Health Services Agency Administrator

         32.  AUTHORIZED the Health Services Agency Administrator to
              submit application for 1999/2000 Ryan White CARE Act
              Title II State funding for approximately $123,885 and
              sign the required certifications; authorized the
              Health Services Agency to negotiate and sign
              agreements with Santa Cruz AIDS Project and Food and
              Nutrition, Incorporated; authorized the Health
              Services Agency Administrator to sign the 1999/2000
              MOU with the local HIV Services Consortium; and
              authorized the Health Services Agency Administrator to
              sign the Title II agreement when received, as
              recommended by the Health Services Agency

         33.  ACCEPTED AND FILED report regarding Santa Cruz County
              Health Options (SCCHO) wheelchair repair and related
              items; and directed the Health Services Agency to
              report back on May 4, 1999 with additional information
              regarding the implementation of the Member Advocate
              Program and other matters associated with SCCHO
              services to disabled persons, as recommended by the
              Health Services Agency Administrator

         34.  DEFERRED consideration of the Buena Vista Landfill Gas
              Power Project to February 9, 1999, as recommended by
              the Director of Public Works

         35.  OBJECTED to the sale of the parcels listed in Exhibit
              "A" at public auction by the County Treasurer Tax
              Collector; adopted RESOLUTION NO. 40-99 approving and
              accepting the purchase of those parcels listed in
              Exhibit "A"; authorized the Auditor-Controller to
              charge the Real Property Management Budget $7,062 for
              purchase cost; and authorized the Chairperson to sign
              the agreement to purchase, as recommended by the
              Director of Public Works

              SANITATION DISTRICT, SCHEDULED public hearing for
              Tuesday, February 23, 1999 at 9:00 a.m. or thereafter
              to consider adoption of an ordinance amending
              Ordinance No. 13 providing for the collection of sewer
              service charges on the tax roll; and approved related
              actions, as recommended by the District Engineer

              SANITATION DISTRICT, SCHEDULED public hearing for
              Tuesday, February 23, 1999 at 9:00 a.m. or thereafter
              to consider adoption of an ordinance amending
              Ordinance No. 3569 providing for the collection of
              sewer service charges on the tax roll; and approved
              related actions, as recommended by the District

              SCHEDULED a closed personnel and litigation session as
              Case Name/No.:  Big Creek Lumber Company et al.v.
              County of Santa Cruz, et al. (Santa Cruz Superior
              Court Case No. CV 134816); California Alliance for
              Resource Conservation v. County of Santa Cruz et al.
              (Santa Cruz Superior Court Case No. CV 134748)
              REPORT OF COUNTY COUNSEL - No report given
         38.1 SEE ITEM NO. 42.1, REGULAR AGENDA



         39.  Presentation made of recommendations regarding the
              selection of artists for the public art project at
              Jose Avenue Park;
              approved the selection of Sandra Whiting and Barbara
              Abbott as the artists for the public art project for
              Jose Avenue Park; and directed the Parks Department in
              consultation with the Redevelopment Agency, to develop
              a contract in the amount of $13,000 for the creation
              of the "Great Blue Heron Walkway" and to return for
              Board approval on March 23, 1999

         40.  APPROVED at-large appointment of Celeste Graham to the
              Building and Fire Code Appeals Board as an alternate
              member, for a term to expire April 1, 2001


         41.  Public hearing held to consider adoption of a
              resolution amending the boundary of existing
              Underground Utility Districts 14B, Portola Drive;
              closed public hearing; adopted RESOLUTION NO. 41-99
              amending the boundary of existing Underground Utility
              Districts 14B, Portola Drive


         42.  Public hearing held to consider formation of Sunset
              Beach Water Main Extension Project Assessment
              closed public hearing; adopted RESOLUTION NO. 42-99 of
              Intention to Make Changes and Modifications regarding
              Sunset Beach Water Main Extension Project Assessment
              District; scheduled a new public hearing for the
              morning agenda of April 13, 1999 on formation of the
              assessment district, and directed that an increased
              assessment ballot be sent to each of the property
              owners within the assessment district to vote for or
              against the increased assessment



         42.1 APPROVED recommendations of Supervisor Almquist to
              create a task force to investigate Environmental
              Health concerns and report back with recommended
              actions on April 27, 1999, with an additional


                  Chair, Board of Supervisors

              Clerk of the Board


NOTE:      This set of Board of Supervisors Minutes is scheduled to
           be approved by the Board on February 23, 1999