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Board of Supervisors Minutes

                         PROCEEDINGS OF THE 
                          SANTA CRUZ COUNTY
                        BOARD OF SUPERVISORS

                         VOLUME 97, NUMBER 9
                           MARCH 18, 1997

                       ACTION SUMMARY MINUTES

           VOTING KEY: A = Almquist, B = Beautz, R = Belgard;        
           S = Symons, W = Wormhoudt; first initial indicates maker
           of motion, second initial indicates the "second"; upper
           case letter = "yes" vote; lower case letter = "no" vote;
           () = abstain; // = absent

          1.  All Supervisors present
              Moment of Silence and Pledge of Allegiance

          2.  Consideration of Late Additions to the Agenda

          3.  Additions and Deletions to Consent Agenda

          4.  ORAL COMMUNICATIONS - Eleven people addressed the
              Board (An Oral Communications sign-in sheet will be
              filed with Written Correspondence for the Board's next
          5.  Additions and Deletions to Regular Agenda


          6.  APPROVED claims as submitted by the Auditor-Controller

          7.  APPROVED minutes of March 4, 1997, as submitted by the
              Clerk of the Board

          8.  DELETED ITEM
          9.  APPROVED agreement with General Representation Unit
              regarding new classes in the Health Services Agency;
              adopted RESOLUTION NO. 77-97 amending Resolution     
              No. 279-75; and authorized the Personnel Director to
              sign the agreement, as recommended by the Personnel

         10.  ADOPTED RESOLUTION NO. 78-97 amending Resolution No. 
              297-75 to implement classification actions in the
              Public Works Department, as recommended by the
              Personnel Director

         11.  DENIED claim of William and Michelle Lang No. 697-086
              and referred to County Counsel

         12.  DENIED claim of Erika Lundholm No. 697-085 and
              referred to County Counsel

         13.  REJECTED claim of Patricia Hansen No. 697-088 as
              insufficiently filed and referred to County Counsel

         14.  ACCEPTED AND FILED status report on activities of the
              Animal Control Working group and directed the County
              Administrative Officer to return on April 15, 1997,
              with a further status report and with the annual
              review of the County Code related to Regulation of
              Animal Breeding, with additional directive for a
              workshop to be scheduled on April 15, 1997

         15.  APPROVED amendment to Article 9.1 of Law Enforcement
              Middle Management Memorandum of Understanding and
              adopted RESOLUTION NO. 79-97 to make PERS health plans
              available to employees in this representation unit;
              and approved agreement regarding domestic partner
              eligibility for various law enforcement units under
              the Operating Engineers Public Employees Health and
              Welfare Trust, as recommended by the Personnel

         16.  CONTINUED TO MARCH 25, 1997 consideration to adopt
              ordinance, as amended, adding Chapter 8.23 to the
              Santa Cruz County Code relating to skating and
              skateboarding regulations 

         17.  ACCEPTED AND FILED report on the audit of the
              Probation Department California Youth Authority
              Proposition 86 for the period of May 1, 1992 through
              June 30, 1995, as recommended by the Auditor-

         18.  APPROVED appointment of Rachel Haskell to the Seniors
              Commission for a term to expire April 1, 1997, as
              recommended by Supervisor Almquist
         19.  APPROVED appointment of Donna Stewman to the Housing
              Advisory Commission for a term to expire April 1,
              1997, as recommended by Supervisor Almquist

         20.  APPROVED request for the Chair of the Board to write
              to the Governor conveying the Board's support of the
              Judges' request to convert Municipal Court Judgeships
              to Superior Court Judgeships under the provisions of
              Government Code Section 68083 should a Municipal Court
              vacancy occur, as recommended by the Presiding Judge
              of the Municipal and Superior Courts

         21.  ADOPTED RESOLUTION NO. 80-97 supporting the Welfare
              Reform Redesign Proposal prepared by the California
              State Association of Counties and the California
              Welfare Directors Association, and directed the Clerk
              of the Board to take related actions, as recommended
              by Chair Wormhoudt

         22.  ADOPTED RESOLUTION NO. 81-97 accepting and
              appropriating $356,000 in unanticipated revenue for
              the Health Services Agency's Pharmacy, as recommended
              by the Health Services Agency Administrator
         23.  ACCEPTED AND FILED report on the need to continue the
              state of local emergency relative to the transmission
              of HIV through contaminated needles, as recommended by
              the Health Services Agency Administrator

         24.  ADOPTED RESOLUTION NO. 82-97 accepting unanticipated
              revenue in the amount of $7,368 into the Human
              Resources Agency Homeless Assistance budget, as
              recommended by the Acting Human Resources Agency

         25.  ACCEPTED the Porter Street Bridge Mitigation Project
              improvements; approved final cost and authorized the
              Clerk of the Board to file the Notice of Completion;
              and approved related actions, as recommended by the
              Director of Public Works

         26.  APPROVED road closures for the First Annual Apple
              Blossom Run in Corralitos on Saturday, April 26, 1997
              subject to the conditions on the race permit, and
              directed Public Works to take related actions, as
              recommended by the Director of Public Works
         27.  ADOPTED RESOLUTION NO. 83-97 of intention to purchase
              real property located at 7272 Empire Grade (APN: 80-
              251-31) for the Bonny Doon Fire Station site;
              scheduled public hearing for consideration of proposed
              purchase on Tuesday, April 8, 1997 at 9:00 a.m.; and
              directed the Clerk of the Board to take related
              actions, as recommended by the Director of Public

         28.  ADOPTED RESOLUTION NO. 84-97 authorizing acceptance of
              Department of Conservation, Division of Recycling
              Market Development; approved the Independent
              Contractor Agreement with Musgrave Marketing and
              Design in the amount of $27,385.63; and authorized the
              Director of Public Works to sign the agreement, as
              recommended by the Director of Public Works

         29.  APPROVED 1996 Live Oak Parking Program Report and
              Recommendations; directed the Public Works Department
              to initiate the 1997 Live Oak Parking Program; and
              adopted RESOLUTION NOS. 85-97 THROUGH 87-97
              implementing the 1997 Live Oak Parking Program, as
              recommended by the Director of Public Works

         30.  ACCEPTED low bid of B and B Concrete Construction in
              the amount of $285,155.23 for the Hazard Elimination
              Safety Program Project on Lompico Road; and authorized
              the Director of Public Works to sign the contract, as
              recommended by the Director of Public Works

         31.  APPROVED plans, specifications and engineer's estimate
              and authorized the calling for bids for the Burrell
              Creek Culvert Replacement project; set bid opening for
              Tuesday, April 15, 1997 at 10:45 a.m.; adopted
              RESOLUTION NO. 88-97 accepting unanticipated revenue;
              and approved related actions, as recommended by the
              Director of Public Works

         32.  ACCEPTED AND FILED report on federal listing on Coho
              salmon and approved related actions, as recommended by
              the Planning Director

         33.  APPROVED agreement with Capitola Realty, Incorporated,
              to provide real estate marketing services for the
              County's affordable housing program, and authorized
              the Planning Director to sign the contract, as
              recommended by the Planning Director 
         34.  ADOPTED RESOLUTION NO. 89-97 accepting and
              appropriating unanticipated revenue in the amount of
              $2,000 from Bill Lane, to be used for additional
              natural resource education programs and projects at
              Quail Hollow Ranch, as recommended by the Director of
              Parks, Open Space and Cultural Services

         35.  APPROVED appointment of Don Nielsen to the North Coast
              Beaches Advisory Committee as the representative of
              the Davenport Volunteer Fire and Rescue Team with a
              term to expire December 31, 1997, as recommended by
              the Director of Parks, Open Space and Cultural

         36.  APPROVED lease with the California Conservation Corps
              (CCC) for use of the house located at Pinto Lake
              County Park, in exchange for 1500 hours of CCC work
              crew hours annually, and authorized the Director of
              County Parks to sign the agreement, as recommended by
              the Director of Parks, Open Space and Cultural

         37.  DELETED ITEM regarding standard public artist contract
              format; added a directive to report back with specific
              review and recommendation from the Arts Commission
              SCHEDULED a closed personnel and litigation session as
              Case Name/No.: Forbus v. County of Santa Cruz (WCAB
              SJC 175424)
              Significant exposure to litigation was considered
              pursuant to subdivision (b) of Government Code Section
              54956.9 for one potential case
              Initiation of litigation was considered pursuant to
              subdivision (c) of Government Code Section 54956.9 for
              one potential case
              Agency negotiator:  Personnel Director
              All Employee Organizations
              REPORT OF COUNTY COUNSEL - The Board of Supervisors
              accepted Worker's Compensation Appeals Board findings
              of award in the matter of Donald Forbus v. County of
              Santa Cruz (WCAB SJC 175424)  (BSRAW);
              authorized and directed County Counsel to participate
              in the legal action filed by Keith A. Sugar on behalf
              of the Citizens for Responsible Forest Management and
              Lawrence Prater challenging the approval of Timber
              Harvest Plan No. 1-96-247 SCR submitted by Gregory
              Koppala/Eel River Sawmills, Gary Urdahl and Lawrence
              Ratto, with the understanding that Keith A. Sugar will
              be lead counsel  (BsrAW)

         38.1 SEE ITEM NO. 42.1, REGULAR AGENDA

         39.  Public hearing held to consider adoption of a
              resolution to increase the fee for a certified copy of
              a birth certificate from $15 to $18 for the purpose of
              funding dependency mediation services in the juvenile
              closed public hearing; adopted RESOLUTION NO. 90-97
              increasing the fee for a certified copy of a birth
              certificate to fund dependency mediation program

                    40.  APPROVED at-large appointments of Charles Moody,
              Cecilia Espinola, Carol Parker, RN; Alvin Karp and
              Christine Griger, M.D. to the Managed Medical Care
              Commission, in the categories indicated, for terms to
              expire March 31, 2001

         41.  APPROVED at-large appointments of Michael Molesky,
              Betsy McCarty, Ellen Ortiz, Chief Ron Prince, Sister
              Julie Hyer, Don Cooper, Carlos Walker, Ben Evans, Tony
              Warman, Marilyn Hummel, Stephen Douglas, Helen
              Herrington, and Betty Petersen to various County
              advisory bodies, as outlined, for terms to expire
              April 1, 2001

         42.  CONSIDERED resolution, ordinance and related actions
              to initiate a contract amendment with Public
              Employees' Retirement System to move certain Probation
              Department classes to safety retirement and to permit
              a second opportunity for certain safety members to
              elect to purchase 1959 survivors benefits, including
              amendments to General and Middle Management
              Representation Unit Memoranda of Understanding;
        (1)   read title and waived detailed reading of complete
        (2)   approved amendment to Article 9 of the General
              Representation Unit Memorandum of Understanding and
              Article 32 of the Middle Management Representation
              Unit Memorandum of Understanding and authorized the
              Personnel Director to sign these agreements; directed
              that employees in classes designated as Executive
              Management who are moved to Safety membership be
              treated in the same manner as Middle Management Unit
              employees, including all provisions for such employees
              to pay the associated costs; adopted RESOLUTION NO.
              91-97 of intention to approve an amendment to contract
              between the Board of Administration of the Public
              Employees' Retirement System and the Board of
              Supervisors of the County of Santa Cruz; adopted
              ordinance "in concept" to return April 15, 1997 for
              final adoption; directed Clerk of the Board to publish
              a public notice regarding the adoption of the
              ordinance "in concept"; directed Personnel to conduct
              a secret ballot election; and directed Personnel to
              return with PERS documents necessary to execute the

              (1) BRSAW
              (2) ABSRW

         42.1 CONSIDERED Memorandum of Understanding for Detention
              Officer Representation Unit;
              approved Memorandum of Understanding for the Detention
              Officer Representation Unit for the period March 22,
              1997 through March 17, 2000; authorized the Personnel
              Director to sign the agreement; and adopted RESOLUTION
              NO. 92-97 amending Resolution No. 279-75 to implement
              the agreement, as recommended by the Personnel

         43.  CONSIDERED proposed ordinance amending the County Arts
              Commission ordinance (Chapter 2.42 of the Santa Cruz
              County Code) relating to membership and term of
        (1)   read title and waived detailed reading of complete
        (2)   adopted ordinance, as amended, "in concept" to return
              April 15, 1997 for final adoption; and directed Clerk
              of the Board to publish a Notice of Intention to Adopt

              (1) SBRAW
              (2) ABSRW

         44.  The Board of Supervisors recessed in order to permit
              the Board of Directors of the County of Santa Cruz
              Flood Control and Water Conservation District, Zone 7,
              to convene and carry out its regularly scheduled
              meeting to be held in the Watsonville City Counsel

                  Chair, Board of Supervisors

              Clerk of the Board


NOTE:      This set of Board of Supervisors Minutes is scheduled to
           be approved by the Board on April 8, 1997