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Board of Supervisors Minutes

                         PROCEEDINGS OF THE 
                          SANTA CRUZ COUNTY
                        BOARD OF SUPERVISORS

                         VOLUME 98, NUMBER 9
                           MARCH 24, 1998

                       ACTION SUMMARY MINUTES

           VOTING KEY: A = Almquist, B = Beautz, R = Belgard;        
           S = Symons, W = Wormhoudt; first initial indicates maker
           of motion, second initial indicates the "second"; upper
           case letter = "yes" vote; lower case letter = "no" vote;
           () = abstain; // = absent

          1.  All Supervisors present
              Moment of Silence and Pledge of Allegiance

          2.  Consideration of Late Additions to the Agenda, See
              Item No. 71, Consent Agenda

          3.  Additions and Deletions to Consent Agenda

          4.  ORAL COMMUNICATIONS - Three people addressed the Board
              (An Oral Communications sign-in sheet will be filed
              with Written Correspondence for the Board's next
          5.  Additions and Deletions to Regular Agenda


          6.  APPROVED claims as submitted by the Auditor-Controller

          7.  APPROVED minutes of March 10, 1998, as submitted by
              the Clerk of the Board 

          8.  ACCEPTED AND FILED notification of continuing
              contracts received during the period of March 16, 1998
              through March 20, 1998 and approved upon adoption of
              the 1997/98 continuing agreements list to comply with
              Section 300 of the County's Procedures Manual, Title
              1, as recommended by the Clerk of the Board

          9.  APPROVED appointment of Gail Groves to the Community
              Television, Incorporated, Board of Directors, as
              recommended by the County Administrative Officer

         10.  AUTHORIZED the Trial Courts to submit a proposal to
              the U.S. Department of Justice for $200,000 per year
              for two years to fund drug court treatment services,
              as recommended by the Executive Officer of the Trial

         11.  DIRECTED the Auditor-Controller and Information
              Services Department to take necessary account actions
              for implementation of the PC lease program for Board
              of Supervisors' computer upgrades, and approved
              transfer of funds, as recommended by the Information
              Services Director

         12.  APPROVED the transfer of $6,500 in prior year
              encumbrance liquidation savings for the purchase of a
              microprinter, as recommended by the Auditor-Controller

         13.  ACCEPTED AND FILED report on the implementation
              activities associated with the Sanctuary Inter-Agency
              Task Force Action Plan, adopted RESOLUTION NO. 79-98
              accepting unanticipated revenue in the amount of
              $38,000, adopted RESOLUTION NO. 80-98 authorizing the
              County Administrative Officer to enter into and sign
              an agreement with the California Resources Agency, and
              approved related actions, including a report back on
              or before October 20, 1998 as recommended by the
              County Administrative Officer

         14.  SEE ITEM NO. 77.1, REGULAR AGENDA

         15.  ACCEPTED AND FILED report and approved implementation
              of advanced phone features in the Auditor-Controller's
              Office, as recommended by the Auditor-Controller and
              the County Administrative Officer

         16.  DENIED claim of Christopher McDougall No. 798-093 and
              referred to County Counsel

         17.  DENIED claim of Cheryl Annette Gorski No. 798-094 and
              referred to County Counsel

         18.  DENIED claim of Janice Gaylene Rudy No. 798-098 and
              referred to County Counsel

         19.  DENIED claim of David Allen Meyers No. 798-102 and
              referred to County Counsel

         20.  DENIED claim of Robert and Denise Runneals No. 798-103
              and referred to County Counsel

         21.  DENIED claim of Henry Souza, Jr., No. 798-105 and
              referred to County Counsel

         22.  DENIED claim of Ronald James McCormack No. 798-106 and
              referred to County Counsel

         23.  ACCEPTED report of the 1998 winter storms and adopted
              RESOLUTION NO. 81-98 confirming the continuation of a
              state of emergency for Santa Cruz County, as
              recommended by the Deputy Director of Emergency

         24.  ACCEPTED quote from the CSAC-Excess Insurance
              Authority and authorized Risk Management to renew the
              County's property insurance policy with the CSAC-
              Excess Insurance Authority effective March 1, 1998
              with the premium to be paid after the approval of the
              1998/99 Liability/Property budget and authorized the
              Personnel Director to sign the associated agreement,
              as recommended by the Personnel Director

         25.  APPROVED appointment of Roger W. Stevens to the Long
              Term Care Interagency Commission for a term to expire
              April 1, 2001, as recommended by Supervisor Beautz

         26.  APPROVED appointment of Ellen Ortiz to the Local Child
              Care Planning Council, for a term of office to be
              determined by lot, as recommended by Supervisor Beautz

         27.  APPROVED appointment of Michael Merrithew to the
              Alcohol and Drug Abuse Commission for a term to expire
              April 1, 2001, as recommended by Supervisor Almquist

         28.  APPROVED appointment of Thomas Ferr to the Commission
              on Disabilities for a term to expire April 1, 2001, as
              recommended by Supervisor Almquist

         29.  APPROVED appointment of Larry Scroggins to the
              Children's Commission for a term to expire April 1,
              1999, as recommended by Supervisor Belgard

         30.  APPROVED appointment of Carol Bowie to the Arts
              Commission for a term to expire April 1, 1999, as
              recommended by Supervisor Belgard

         31.  APPROVED appointment of Tobin Keller to the Arts
              Commission for a term to expire April 1, 1999, as
              recommended by Supervisor Belgard

         32.  ACCEPTED nomination of Larry Friedman as an at-large
              appointee to the Long Term Care Interagency
              Commission, in the category of "person who has
              demonstrated an interest in alternatives to
              institutional long term care," for a term to expire
              April 1, 2002, with final appointment to be made April
              14, 1998, as recommended by Supervisor Wormhoudt

         33.  APPROVED appointment of Vic Marani to the Parks and
              Recreation Commission for a term to expire April 1,
              1999, as recommended by Supervisor Belgard

         34.  ACCEPTED nomination of Karen Martin for reappointment
              as an at-large appointee to the Environmental Health
              Appeals Commission, in the category of person with
              knowledge of soils and/or groundwater hydrology, for a
              term to expire April 1, 2002, with final appointment
              to be made April 14, 1998, as recommended by
              Chairperson Beautz

         35.  ACCEPTED nominations of Lenore Wilkerson, Alice
              Ritchie, Thom Onan, Vicki West, and Elizabeth Sparks
              for reappointment as at-large appointees to the Long
              Term Care Interagency Commission, in the categories
              indicated, for terms to expire April 1, 2002, with
              final appointments to be made April 14, 1998, as
              recommended by Chairperson Beautz

         36.  ACCEPTED nomination of Patty Damron as an at-large
              appointee to the North Coast Beaches Advisory
              Committee, in the category of North Coast resident or
              representative who lives in or owns property in
              Davenport Landing or Coast Road residential area, for
              a term to expire December 31, 1998, with final
              appointment to be made April 14, 1998, as recommended
              by Supervisor Wormhoudt

         37.  APPROVED reappointment of Richard Genge and Gillian
              Dowling to the Mental Health Advisory Board for terms
              to expire April 1, 2001, as recommended by Supervisor

         38.  APPROVED two Family Support Officer positions to co-
              locate at the Human Resources Agency Santa Cruz and
              Watsonville offices at no net County cost, as
              recommended by the District Attorney

         39.  ADOPTED RESOLUTION NO. 82-98 amending Salary
              Resolution   No. 279-75 to establish the class of
              Hydrologist and adopted RESOLUTION NO. 83-98 amending
              Resolution No. 247-76 to establish an Agricultural
              Biologist Aide Supervisory Differential, as
              recommended by the Personnel Director

         40.  ACCEPTED AND FILED report on Needle Exchange Program
              and the declaration of a local emergency, as
              recommended by the Health Services Agency

         41.  APPROVED agreement with Desert Hills of New Mexico in
              the amount of $23,920 for mental health child
              placement services, as recommended by the Health
              Services Agency Administrator

         42.  ADOPTED RESOLUTION NO. 84-98 canceling $25,456 of
              estimated revenue in the 1997/98 Alcohol and Drug
              Program budget to be funded by the cancellation of
              prior year encumbrances, as recommended by the Health
              Services Agency Administrator

         43.  DEFERRED report regarding Mental Health Managed Care
              and related actions to April 21, 1998, as recommended
              by the Health Services Agency Administrator

         44.  APPROVED agreement with Alameda County to provide HIV
              specimen testing, and directed the Clerk of the Board
              to take related actions, as recommended by the Health
              Services Agency Administrator

         45.  APPROVED appointment of three individuals to the
              Winter Shelter Advisory Committee for a term to end on
              June 30, 1999, or until the Committee is dissolved by
              resolution of the Board, whichever occurs first, as
              recommended by the Human Resources Agency

         46.  ACCEPTED AND FILED report on the $156,000 grant from
              the California Endowment and the $50,000 grant from
              the Foundation Consortium for the Family Resource
              Center Network; approved associated agreements;
              adopted RESOLUTION NO. 85-98 accepting unanticipated
              revenue in the amount of $24,470; and approved related
              actions, as recommended by the Human Resources Agency

         47.  ACCEPTED AND FILED report on Public Guardian
              conservatorship fees;  approved proposed changes to
              fees; and approved related actions, as recommended by
              the Human Resources Agency Administrator

         48.  ADOPTED RESOLUTION NO. 86-98 approving the sale of
              utility easement to San Lorenzo Valley Water District;
              authorized the Chair to sign the easement; and
              directed the Clerk of the Board to take related
              actions, as recommended by the Director of Public

         49.  APPROVED amendment to agreement for household
              hazardous waste transportation and disposal with
              Philip Services Corporation for an amount not-to-
              exceed $92,500; and authorized the Director of Public
              Works to sign the agreement, as recommended by the
              Director of Public Works

         50.  ADOPTED RESOLUTION NO. 87-98 of intention to establish
              County Service Area No. 56 (Felton Grove); adopted
              RESOLUTION NO. 88-98 of intention to authorize and
              levy an assessment; scheduled public hearing for
              Tuesday, May 19, 1998 for the morning agenda regarding
              the establishment and proposed assessment rates for
              County Service Area No. 56; and approved related
              actions, as recommended by the Director of Public

         51.  ADOPTED RESOLUTION NO. 89-98 authorizing the
              Department of Public Works to submit an application
              for the 1998 Bicycle Lane Account/East Cliff Drive
              Bicycle and Pedestrian Pathway Project, as recommended
              by the Director of Public Works

         52.  APPROVED transfer of funds from the Road Fund Reserve
              to the Department of Public Works Services-Road Money
              to repay the State excess advance funds for the 1982
              Storms, as recommended by the Director of Public Works

         53.  AUTHORIZED the installation of a street light on Paul
              Minnie Avenue, County Service Area No. 9, Zone A, and
              directed the Clerk of the Board to take related
              actions, as recommended by the Director of Public

         54.  AUTHORIZED additional street lighting at intersection
              of Capitola Road and El Dorado Avenue, Highway Safety
              County Service Area No.9; and directed the Clerk of
              the Board to take related actions, as recommended by
              the Director of Public Works

         55.  APPROVED closure of Aldridge Lane and Blake Avenue for
              the Second Annual Apple Blossom Run in Corralitos on
              Saturday, May 2, 1998, subject to the conditions of
              the race permit, as recommended by the Director of
              Public Works

         56.  APPROVED proposed plan line for Seventh Avenue between
              Bostwick Lane and Soquel Avenue; and directed Public
              Works to include this plan line segment in the Master
              Plan Line File, as recommended by the Director of
              Public Works

         57.  ADOPTED RESOLUTION NO. 90-98 approving an agreement
              with the State of California Department of Boating and
              Waterways to provide funding in the amount of $960,000
              for the East Cliff Drive Bluff Restoration Project;
              authorized the Chairperson to sign the agreement; and
              approved related actions, as recommended by the
              Director of Public Works

         58.  DELETED ITEM

         59.  ACCEPTED AND FILED report on the Federal Emergency
              Management Agency funds, as recommended by the
              Director of Public Works

         60.  ADOPTED RESOLUTION NO. 91-98 for Right-of-Way
              Acquisition for the Jose Avenue Sidewalk Infill
              Project and approved payment of claim, as recommended
              by the Director of Public Works

         61.  APPROVED agreement between the County and the
              Resources Agency of California to provide funding in
              the amount of $25,000 for the East Cliff Drive Coastal
              Access Project and approved related actions, as
              recommended by the Director of Public Works

         62.  APPROVED closure of a portion of Church Street,
              adjacent to the St. Vincent De Paul Church, from
              Marine View Avenue North a distance of 300 feet, to
              hold the Cinco de Mayo Celebration in Davenport on
              Sunday, May 3, 1998, and directed Public Works to
              issue the celebration permit, as recommended by the
              Director of Public Works

         63.  APPROVED Contract Change Order No. 1 in the amount of
              $12,274 for the Mt. Charlie Road Storm Damage Repair,
              as recommended by the Director of Public Works

         64.  APPROVED closure along Highway 9 and Highway 236 in
              Boulder Creek for the Boulder Creek Elementary School
              (Home Club) and Redwood Elementary School
              (R.U.S.T.L.E.R.S.), to hold a parade on Saturday, May
              16, 1998; and adopted RESOLUTION NO. 92-98 requesting
              CALTRANS allow the parade to be held, as recommended
              by the Director of Public Works

         65.  SCHEDULED public hearing for the morning agenda on
              April 21, 1998 to consider a proposal to amend County
              Code Sections 12.12.020, 18.10.131, 18.10.320,
              18.10.330 and 18.10.340 to change the length of appeal
              periods from ten calendar days to fourteen calendar
              days, as recommended by the Planning Director

         66.  DIRECTED the Planning Department to post notices in
              the Assessor's Office, the Recorder's Office, and in
              the Planning Department indicating that parcel-based
              information regarding the existence of specific
              natural hazards may be obtained by phoning the
              Planning Department "zoning information" line, in
              conformance with recently enacted State law, as
              recommended by the Planning Director

         67.  DEFERRED consideration of an ordinance amending
              Chapter 17.10 of the Santa Cruz County Code relating
              to Affordable Housing Requirements to April 28, 1998,
              as recommended by the Planning Director

         68.  APPROVED transfer of funds in the amount of $15,000
              from the utilities account to the equipment account,
              for the purchase of a replacement tractor, as
              recommended by the Director of Parks, Open Space and
              Cultural Services

         69.  ACCEPTED AND FILED report regarding a skate facility
              at the Polo Grounds, as recommended by the Director of
              Parks, Open Space and Cultural Services

              REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY, APPROVED financing totaling
              $4,150 for acquiring rights-of-way for the Jose Avenue
              Improvement Project; adopted RESOLUTION NO. 93-98
              accepting unanticipated revenue in the amount of
              $4,150 from the Redevelopment Agency Capital Projects
              Bond Proceeds Reserves; and approved related actions,
              as recommended by the Redevelopment Agency

              SCHEDULED a closed personnel and litigation session as
              People v. Beilin  (Santa Cruz Superior Court Case No.
              Accepted late item for consideration according to
              criteria specified, that being that a need to take
              action to avoid injury or detriment to the public or
              employees arose subsequent to the printed agenda being
              posted (RASWA)
              Case Name/No.: People v. Letterman, et al.; Letterman
              v. Ponza Brothers, et al., (Santa Cruz Superior Court
              Case No. 124269 and 128319)
              Significant exposure to litigation was considered
              pursuant to subdivision (b) of Government Code Section
              54956.9 for one potential case.
              Agency negotiator:  Personnel Director
              All employee organizations
              REPORT OF COUNTY COUNSEL - The Board of Supervisors
              approved settlement agreement in the case of People v.
              Letterman, et al.; Letterman v. Ponza Brothers, et
              al., (Santa Cruz Superior Court Case Nos. 124269 and
              128319) (SWRAB); and approved executing relinquishment
              of a deed of trust in the case of People v. Beilin,
              (Santa Cruz Superior Court Case No. 131766) (SWRAB)

              8, ADOPTED RESOLUTION NO. 94-98 accepting
              unanticipated revenue in the amount of $21,000 for
              construction of the Fernwood Avenue Homes Streambank
              Protection; adopted RESOLUTION NO. 95-98 accepting
              unanticipated revenue in the amount of $391,140 from
              the Natural Resources Conservation Service; adopted
              RESOLUTION NO. 96-98  accepting unanticipated revenue
              in the amount of $83,145 from the State Office of
              Emergency Services; and approved transfer of funds, as
              recommended by the District Engineer


         72.  CONSIDERED report on Commission schedules;
              accepted and filed report on Commission Meetings and

         73.  CONSIDERED the annual and administrative report on the
              Soquel Village Parking and Business Improvement Area;
              closed public hearing; accepted and filed annual
              report of the Soquel Village Parking and Business
              Improvement Area Advisory Board; adopted RESOLUTION
              NO. 97-98 of intention to establish annual parking
              maintenance and operation charges for Zone B of the
              Soquel Village Parking and Business Improvement Area
              for the 1998-1999 Fiscal Year 

         74.  Public hearing held to consider a proposal to amend
              County Code Sections 12.02.020, 13.10.312, 13.10.322,
              13.10.323, 13.10.681 and 13.10.700 to change the term
              "Accessory Dwelling Unit" to "Second Unit" and to
              correct internal inconsistencies regarding second
        (1)   closed public hearing; adopted RESOLUTION NO. 98-98
              adopting an ordinance amending the County Local
              Coastal Program Implementing Ordinances;
        (2)   read title and waived detailed reading of complete
              ordinance and adopted ORDINANCE NO. 4495 Amending
              Sections 12.02.020, 13.10.312, 13.10.322, 13.10.323,
              13.10.681, 13.10.700 of the County Code to change the
              term "Accessory Dwelling Unit" to "Second Unit" and to
              correct internal inconsistencies regarding Second
              Units; certified the Environmental Determination
              Notice of Exemption; and directed Planning Staff to
              submit this ordinance amendment to the California
              Coastal Commission for certification as part of the
              next round of 1998

              (1)  WASRB
              (2)  RWSAB (Supervisor Symons votes "no" only on       
                          13.10.681 (E)(1,2,3,4,5,6,7)
         75.  Public hearing held to consider a proposal to amend
              County Code Title 12 (Building Regulations), Title 13
              (Zoning Regulations), Title 14 (Subdivision
              Regulations), Title 15 (Community Facilities), Title
              16 (Environmental and Resource Protection), and Title
              18 (Permit and Approval Procedures) to correct errors
              and inconsistencies;
        (1)   closed public hearing; adopted RESOLUTION NO. 99-98
              adopting an ordinance amending the County Local
              Coastal Program Implementing Ordinances;
        (2)   read title and waived detail reading of complete
              ordinance and adopted ORDINANCE NO. 4496 amending
              Santa Cruz County Code Title 12 (Building
              Regulations), Title 13 (Zoning Regulations), Title 14
              (Subdivision Regulations), Title 15 (Community
              Facilities), Title 16 (Environmental and Resource
              Protection) and Title 18 (Permit and Approval
              Procedures) to correct errors and inconsistencies;
              certified the Environmental Determination Notice of
              Exemption; and directed Planning Staff to submit this
              ordinance amendment to the California Coastal
              Commission for certification as part of the next round
              of 1998

              (1)  WASRB
              (2)  RWSAB
         76.  Public hearing held to consider amendments to County
              Code Chapter 7.38 (Sewage Disposal), approval of
              Negative Declaration and related actions;
              closed public hearing; approved the negative
              declaration and determination that the proposed
              amendments of the Local Coastal Program and County
              Code will not have a significant impact on the
              environment; adopted RESOLUTION NO. 100-98 adopting
              amendments to the Santa Cruz County Code Chapter 7.38,
              Individual Sewage Disposal Systems; adopted ORDINANCE
              NO. 4497 amending Sections of Chapter 7.38, Sewage
              Disposal, relating to reutilization of existing
              systems, findings of compliance, soils tests, and
              other minor amendments; directed Planning staff to
              submit these amendments to the California Coastal
              Commission as Round No. 1 of the 1998 package; and
              directed the Environmental Health Director to develop
              policy guidelines for determining occupancy status of


         77.  Presentation made by Jack Mackie on the proposed
              vessel fence line for the Simpkins Family Swim Center;
              approved the working drawings of the vessel fence line
              for the Simpkins Family Swim Center and directed the
              fabrication of the actual vessels; approved contract
              amendment to change the final number of vessels
              produced from 9 to 8 total vessels; and authorized the
              Director of Parks Department to sign the amendment on
              behalf of the County


         77.1 ACCEPTED AND FILED report on Year 2000 compliance
              project, approved end-of-lease procedures for the PC
              Replacement Program, authorized expenditure of $10,369
              from the Information Services budget for the purchase
              of equipment to place agenda materials on the web site
              and approved related actions, with additional


         78.  CONSIDERED report on 1998/99 Animal Control Services
              accepted and filed report on the status of animal
              control services; adopted RESOLUTION NO. 101-98
              adopting the provisions of California Penal Code
              Section 597.1 relating to the care for animals and
              declaring that Penal Code Section 597f shall not be
              operative; directed the County Administrative Officer
              to include the SPCA's request for a three percent
              increase in the development of the CAO's Proposed
              Budget, and directed the County Administrative Officer
              to return on May 19, 1998, with a recommended contract
              for the Board's consideration, as amended, with an
              additional directive to County Administrative Office
              to submit in writing the rule for interpreting Penal
              Code 597.1 (A) to distinguish between the County
              Ordinance regarding animal at-large; clarify the
              policy for responding to calls in beach areas; clarify
              physically fit animal; and request Netcom to submit a
              memorandum explaining procedure for handling animal
              complaint calls during off-hours

         79.  Public hearing held for special consideration of the
              Planning Commission's denial of an appeal of the
              Zoning Administrator's decision on a proposal to
              recognize the conversion of a 12,000 square foot barn
              for use as a Home Occupation.  Applicant:  Richard
              Beale, Land Use Planning, Incorporated; Applicant: 
              Peter and Esther Fryn, Application No. 94-007, APN:
              closed public hearing; directed Planning staff to take
              the necessary steps to remove the Agricultural
              Resources designation from APN 109-201-21, Application
              No. 94-007; and directed Planning staff to suspend
              enforcement activities regarding this project at the
              present time and further review the Agricultural
              Services establishment regulations to make the
              necessary ordinance amendments to allow the broadening
              of locations where these uses may be located and
              perhaps include it in the 1998/99 Work Program

         80.  CONSIDERED actions regarding timber harvest policies
              in Special Use Zones;
              The Board took action to state that its interpretation
              of Special Use (SU) zoning is that it requires a Level
              5 hearing for logging unless the parcel has a timber 
              overlay; directed that public hearings will focus only
              on whether the parcel meets the criteria for timber
              overlay and should receive that designation;
              directed the Planning Department to return on April
              14, 1998 with clear criteria for determining whether
              Special Use (SU) parcels meet timber overlay
              standards.  The criteria will address the issue of
              timber stand density, suitability of slopes and an
              absence of natural hazards as well as the yearly board
              foot production.  This shall be consistent with the
              timber policies contained in the 1972 Parks, Open
              Space and Cultural Services Plan; directed the
              Planning Department to return on June 2, 1998 with a
              recommendation for a permanent ordinance addressing
              and eliminating the inconsistencies in the Special Use
              (SU) zone regarding timber harvesting as well as the
              recommended rule change package to be submitted to CDF
              and all other items previously authorized by the Board
              of Supervisors; with an additional directive to return
              April 14, 1998 with an appropriate resolution to
              change the Unified Fee Schedule to charge a maximum of
              $300 for rezoning to Timber Production zone property
              only for the period between when the interim ordinance
              expires and June 2, 1998 


                  Chair, Board of Supervisors

              Clerk of the Board


NOTE:      This set of Board of Supervisors Minutes is scheduled to
           be approved by the Board on April 14, 1998