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Board of Supervisors Minutes

                         PROCEEDINGS OF THE 
                          SANTA CRUZ COUNTY
                        BOARD OF SUPERVISORS

                         VOLUME 98, NUMBER 6
                            MARCH 3, 1998


                       ACTION SUMMARY MINUTES

           VOTING KEY: A = Almquist, B = Beautz, R = Belgard;        
           S = Symons, W = Wormhoudt; first initial indicates maker
           of motion, second initial indicates the "second"; upper
           case letter = "yes" vote; lower case letter = "no" vote;
           () = abstain; // = absent

          1.  All Supervisors present
              Moment of Silence and Pledge of Allegiance

          2.  Consideration of Late Additions to the Agenda

          3.  Additions and Deletions to Consent Agenda

          4.  ORAL COMMUNICATIONS - No one addressed the Board (An
              Oral Communications sign-in sheet will be filed with
              Written Correspondence for the Board's next meeting.) 
          5.  Additions and Deletions to Regular Agenda


          6.  APPROVED claims as submitted by the Auditor-Controller

          7.  DELETED ITEM

          8.  ACCEPTED AND FILED notification of continuing
              contracts received during the period of February 23,
              1998 through February 27, 1998 and approved upon
              adoption of the 1997/98 continuing agreements list to
              comply with Section 300 of the County Procedures
              Manual, Title 1, as recommended by the Clerk of the

          9.  ADOPTED RESOLUTION NO. 43-98 transferring historical
              records for preservation purposes to the University of
              California at Santa Cruz, as recommended by the Clerk
              of the Board and the County Administrative Officer

         10.  ACCEPTED AND FILED statement of count of money in the
              Treasury on December 23, 1997, as recommended by the

         11.  ADOPTED RESOLUTION NO. 44-98 establishing a Job
              Training Task Force, directed the County
              Administrative Officer to request nominations from the
              specified participants, and return on April 14, 1998
              with a list of appointments for consideration; and on
              April 21, 1998 for final appointments; adopted
              RESOLUTION NO. 45-98 authorizing the County
              Administrative Officer to apply to the California
              Trade and Commerce Agency for $60,304 in grant funds
              from the Job Creation Investment Fund program under
              Assembly Bill 1452; and approved related actions,
              including a report back on September 14, 1999, as
              recommended by the County Administrative Officer

         12.  SCHEDULED public hearing for the afternoon agenda on
              Tuesday, March 24, 1998, at the request of Supervisor
              Belgard, for special consideration of the Planning
              Commission's decision regarding Application No. 94-
              0007, by Peter Fryn; property located at 426 Edenvale
              Lane in Watsonville, as recommended by the Clerk of
              the Board

         13.  DIRECTED Public Works to apply for a standard
              encroachment permit to display a publicity banner
              above Highway 9 on behalf of the fourth annual San
              Lorenzo Valley Gym Jam event, as recommended by
              Supervisor Almquist

         14.  APPROVED appointment of Patricia D. Peterson to the
              Women's Commission for a term to expire April 1, 2001,
              as recommended by Supervisor Symons

         15.  ACCEPTED AND FILED annual report of the Children's
              Commission, and approved related action, as
              recommended by Chairperson Beautz

         16.  ACCEPTED AND FILED annual report of the Emergency
              Medical Care Commission, and approved related action,
              as recommended by Chairperson Beautz

         17.  DIRECTED County Counsel, the Planning and Public Works
              Departments to prepare reports relating to waiver of
              tree removal permit fees for consideration on or
              before March 17, 1998, with an additional directive

         18.  APPROVED plans and specifications for the Quail Hollow
              Ranch House Remodel Phase I; directed the General
              Services Department to advertise for bids; set bid
              opening for Tuesday, April 14, 1998 at 10:45 a.m.; and
              approved related actions, as recommended by the
              Director of General Services

         19.  CONTINUED TO MARCH 10, 1998 request to approve
              emergency purchase of a laptop computer for use in
              diagnosing radio equipment problems and authorize the
              General Services Department to complete payment in the
              amount of $1,739.34

         20.  ACCEPTED status report on the replacement of the
              County radio infrastructure (Phase Two) and directed
              the General Services Department to return with a final
              agreement and financing plan on or before May 5, 1998,
              as recommended by the Director of General Services

         21.  ACCEPTED and FILED report on the need to continue the
              state of local emergency relative to transmission of
              HIV through contaminated needles, as recommended by
              the Health Services Agency Administrator

         22.  APPROVED amendment to MediCal managed care contract
              with Santa Cruz County Health Options related to the
              Healthy Families program and other contract revisions,
              and directed the Clerk of the Board to take related
              actions, as recommended by the Health Services Agency

         23.  SEE ITEM NO. 43.2, REGULAR AGENDA

         24.  SCHEDULED public hearing for March 24, 1998 on the
              morning agenda to consider revisions to County Code
              Chapter 7.38, Sewage Disposal, and a related Negative
              Declaration; and directed the Clerk of the Board to
              take related actions, as recommended by the Health
              Services Agency Administrator

         25.  AUTHORIZED the Health Services Agency Administrator to
              sign the standard agreement for California Healthcare
              for Indigents Program funding for fiscal year 1997/98,
              as recommended by the Health Services Agency

         26.  APPROVED grant funded out-of-state travel for Senior
              Public Health Program Manager to attend the National
              Immunization Conference in Atlanta, Georgia, July 21
              through 26, 1998, at an estimated cost of $1,000, as
              recommended by the Health Services Agency

         27.  DEFERRED report on the Public Guardian conservatorship
              fees to March 24, 1998, as recommended by the Human
              Resources Agency Administrator

         28.  APPROVED Contract Change Order No. 1 in the amount of
              $17,370 for County Service Area No. 23, Old Ranch Road
              Storm Damage Repair Project and authorized the
              Chairperson to sign; and directed the Clerk of the
              Board to take related actions, with an additional

         29.  APPROVED amendments to agreements for Waste Reduction
              Grant Program projects with Santa Cruz Recycling
              Alliance Program to extend the term of the agreement
              and increase the contract amount by $7,000, and with
              Ecology Action of Santa Cruz to modify and extend the
              term of the agreement at no additional cost; and
              authorized the Director of Public Works to sign the
              agreements, as recommended by the Director of Public

         30.  APPROVED final cost of Tract 1288, Gera Estates;
              authorized the Director of Public Works to sign the
              subdivision agreement; and directed the Clerk of the
              Board to take related actions, as recommended by the
              Director of Public Works
         31.  APPROVED agreement with Haro-Kasunich and Associates
              of Watsonville for geotechnical engineering services
              in the amount of $15,000; and authorized the Director
              of Public Works to sign the agreement, as recommended
              by the Director of Public Works

         32.  APPROVED independent contractor agreement with T. Y.
              Lin International for engineering design services for
              eight bridges of the Seismic Retrofit Program for a
              not-to-exceed amount of $613,266.02; and authorized
              the Director of Public Works to sign the agreement, as
              recommended by the Director of Public Works

         33.  ACCEPTED AND FILED Public Work's report on the 1998
              Regional Transportation Improvement Plan, as
              recommended by the Director of Public Works

         34.  ADOPTED RESOLUTION NO. 46-98 establishing the 1998
              Affordable Housing Guidelines, as recommended by the
              Planning Director

         35.  SCHEDULED public hearing for the morning agenda of
              March 24, 1998 to consider a proposal to amend County
              Code Title 12 (Building Regulations), Title 13 (Zoning
              Regulations), Title 14 (Subdivision Regulations),
              Title 15 (Community Facilities), Title 16
              (Environmental and Resource Protection), and Title 18
              (Permit and Approval Procedures) to correct errors and
              inconsistencies, as recommended by the Planning

         36.  SCHEDULED public hearing for the morning agenda of
              March 24, 1998 to consider a proposal to amend County
              Code Sections 12.02.020, 13.10.312, 13.10.322,
              13.10.323, 13.10.681 and 13.10.700 to change the term
              "Accessory Dwelling Unit" to "Second Unit" and to
              correct internal inconsistencies regarding second
              units, as recommended by the Planning Director

         37.  SEE ITEM NO. 43.1, REGULAR AGENDA

         38.  APPROVED lease agreement between the County Parks
              Department and the San Lorenzo Valley Little League
              for use of the concession stand at Highlands County
              Park, and authorized the Parks Director to sign the
              agreement, as recommended by the Director of Parks,
              Open Space and Cultural Services

         39.  SCHEDULED public hearings on the proposed parking
              maintenance and operation charges for the Soquel
              Village Parking and Business Improvement Area for the
              1998/99 fiscal year for the morning agenda of Tuesday,
              March 24, 1998 and April 21, 1998; and directed the
              Clerk of the Board to take related actions, as
              recommended by the Redevelopment Agency Administrator

         40.  APPROVED proposed route concept for Portola Drive and
              approved related actions, as recommended by the
              Redevelopment Agency Administrator and the Director of
              Public Works

              SCHEDULED a closed personnel and litigation session as
              Significant exposure to litigation was considered
              pursuant to subdivision (b) of Government Code Section
              54956.9 for one potential case
              REPORT OF COUNTY COUNSEL - The Board of Supervisors
              approved payment of a claim of Woodward-Clyde,
              Consultants, in the amount of $39,808.63 regarding
              engineering design services (SWRAB)

         41.1 CONTINUED TO MARCH 10, 1998 request to adopt
              resolution in opposition to Proposition 227, the
              "English As Required Language of Instruction"

         42.  Presentation made by Maggie Ivy, Executive Director of
              the Santa Cruz County Conference and Visitors Council
              (CVC) on the work of the CVC
         43.  CONSIDERED conceptual review of proposed amendments to
              County Code Chapter 7.70, Water Wells; 
        (1)   continued to April 14, 1998 consideration of
              conceptual review of proposed amendments to County
              Code Chapter 7.70, Water Wells; with additional
              direction to Environmental Health staff to notify each
              of the water districts in the County of the Board's
              consideration of this matter and ask to have any
              comments submitted to the Board; further directed
              Environmental Health to return to the Board with
              information on the process of declaring a groundwater
              emergency and the financial and organizational aspects
              of a long term approach to responding to groundwater
              crises in various basins, including how to recast
              existing agencies to have more regulatory authority
              and what the financial implications would be to have a
              more active resource planning role in regard to the
              various water basins that are having difficulty; 
        (2)   deferred report on the application of General Plan
              Policy 5.8.2 regarding groundwater recharge to April
              14, 1998; and
              accepted and filed status on water resources
              monitoring and management and directed Planning,
              Public Works, and Environmental Health to submit the
              revised draft of the Evaluation of Water Resources
              Monitoring in Santa Cruz County no later than April
              14, 1998

              (1) WASRB
              (2) ARSWB
         44.  Presentation made by Auditor-Controller regarding the
              Quarterly Financial Update for Second Fiscal Quarter
              accepted and filed quarterly report; directed the
              Auditor-Controller to report back on the total number
              of non-Public Defender cases for fiscal year 1996/97
              regarding felonies, misdemeanors, juveniles, probation
              and other statistics; further directed the Auditor-
              Controller to report back with actual number of
              Campaign Against Marijuana Planting (CAMP) helicopter
              flight hours in 1997 rather than the sixty hours


         45.  RECEIVED bids regarding 1998 remodel of 1020 Emeline
              Avenue, Santa Cruz; accepted bid proposals and awarded
              contract to the lowest responsible bidder

         46.  Departmental Workshop Presentation made by the Santa
              Cruz Trial Courts
         47.  Departmental Workshop Presentation made by the Public



                  Chair, Board of Supervisors

              Clerk of the Board


NOTE:      This set of Board of Supervisors Minutes is scheduled to
           be approved by the Board on March 17, 1998