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Board of Supervisors Minutes

                         PROCEEDINGS OF THE 
                          SANTA CRUZ COUNTY
                        BOARD OF SUPERVISORS

                         VOLUME 99, NUMBER 7
                            MARCH 9, 1999

                       ACTION SUMMARY MINUTES

           VOTING KEY: A = Almquist, B = Beautz, C = Campos;        
           S = Symons, W = Wormhoudt; first initial indicates maker
           of motion, second initial indicates the "second"; upper
           case letter = "yes" vote; lower case letter = "no" vote;
           () = abstain; // = absent

          1.  Supervisor Campos absent
              Moment of Silence and Pledge of Allegiance

          2.  Consideration of Late Additions to the Agenda

          3.  Additions and Deletions to Consent Agenda

          4.  ORAL COMMUNICATIONS - Three people addressed the Board
              (An Oral Communications sign-in sheet will be filed
              with Written Correspondence for the Board's next

          5.  Additions and Deletions to Regular Agenda


          6.  APPROVED claims as submitted by the Auditor-Controller

          7.  APPROVED minutes of February 23, 1999 as submitted by
              the Clerk of the Board

          8.  ITEM DELETED

          9.  ACCEPTED AND FILED 1997 Overall Economic Development
              Program Report Annual Update, and adopted RESOLUTION
              NO. 75-99 authorizing its submission to the federal
              Economic Development Administration, as recommended by
              the County Administrative Officer
         10.  ACCEPTED AND FILED Comprehensive Annual Financial
              Report of the County of Santa Cruz and the Single
              Audit Report for the fiscal year ended June 30, 1998,
              as recommended by the Auditor-Controller

         11.  SEE ITEM NO. 34.1, REGULAR AGENDA

         12.  SEE ITEM NO. 34.2, REGULAR AGENDA

         13.  SEE ITEM NO. 34.3, REGULAR AGENDA

         14.  AUTHORIZED disbursement of insurance proceeds related
              to electrical accident of April 22, 1998 at the County
              Government Center, as recommended by the Personnel

         15.  CONTINUED TO MARCH 16, 1999 consideration to adopt
              resolution approving property tax exchange for LAFCO
              No. 858 (Village Associates Reorganization); with an
              additional directive that the County Administrative
              Office report back at a later date regarding the road
              maintenance issues raised for review by the Board

         16.  ACCEPTED status report on outcome of bid award for the
              replacement fire station for the Loma Prieta
              Community, and directed the General Services
              Department to return on or before April 13, 1999 with
              the necessary fiscal documents, as recommended by the
              Director of General Services

         17.  ACCEPTED AND FILED report prepared by the Santa Cruz
              Regional Transportation Commission outlining
              recommendations for options for transportation to the
              Probation Center on Graham Hill Road, and directed the
              Public Works Department to report back during
              1999/2000 budget hearings regarding various public
              works projects to accommodate pedestrian and transit
              service in this area, as recommended by Chairperson

         18.  ADOPTED RESOLUTION NO. 76-99 supporting the 10th
              Annual Art and Wine Festival and Fourth of July
              Parade, and directed the Public Works Department to
              coordinate with the Boulder Creek Business Association
              to prepare and process the necessary permits and
              related documents associated with the closure of
              Forest Street and Highway 9, as recommended by
              Supervisor Almquist

         19.  ADOPTED RESOLUTION NO. 77-99 authorizing the closure
              of Highway 9 in Felton between North Big Trees Road
              and in Henry Cowell Park and the intersection of
              Highway 9 and Graham Hill Road, from 10:00 a.m. to
              11:00 a.m. on Saturday, May 29, 1999, for the purpose
              of conducting the "Felton Remembers Parade," as
              recommended by Supervisor Almquist

         20.  APPROVED appointment of Nancy Driscoll to the Women's
              Commission for a term to expire April 1, 1999, as
              recommended by Supervisor Campos

         21.  ACCEPTED AND FILED annual report of the Water Advisory
              Commission, and approved related actions, as
              recommended by Chairperson Almquist

         22.  ACCEPTED notification of at-large vacancies on the
              Building and Fire Code Appeals Board, Children's
              Commission, Emergency Medical Care Commission,
              Hazardous Materials Advisory Commission, Latino
              Affairs Commission and Water Advisory Commission, as
              outlined, with nominations for appointments to be
              received on March 23, 1999, and final appointments to
              be made April 13, 1999, as recommended by Chairperson

         23.  ACCEPTED AND FILED annual report of the Commission on
              Disabilities, and approved related action, as
              recommended by Chairperson Almquist

         23.1 SEE ITEM NO. 34.4, REGULAR AGENDA
         24.  CONTINUED TO MARCH 23, 1999 consideration to approve
              Bylaws and Conflict of Interest Code for Santa
              Cruz/Monterey Managed Medical Care Commission, adopted
              by the Commission

         25.  ACCEPTED AND FILED report on the need to continue the
              state of local emergency relative to the transmission
              of HIV through contaminated needles, as recommended by
              the Health Services Agency Administrator
         26.  ADOPTED RESOLUTION NO. 78-99 accepting and
              appropriating $6,000 in unanticipated revenue from
              Title II of the Ryan White CARE Act; authorized the
              Health Services Agency Administrator to sign the
              related amendment to the State Title II revenue
              agreement; and authorized the Health Services Agency
              Administrator to sign the $6,000 contract amendment
              with Santa Cruz AIDS Project for HIV Consortium
              services, as recommended by the Health Services Agency

         27.  ADOPTED RESOLUTION NO. 79-99 approving the sale of
              underground utility easement at the McPherson Center
              and authorized the Chairperson to sign the easement
              and quitclaim; and directed the Clerk of the Board to
              take related actions, as recommended by the Director
              of Public Works

         28.  ACCEPTED San Vicente Creek Enhancement Project Grant
              and approved related actions, as recommended by the
              Planning Director

         29.  SCHEDULED public hearing for Tuesday, April 13, 1999
              for the afternoon agenda beginning at 1:30 p.m. to
              consider Application No. 98-0665, a proposal to rezone
              APN:  064-211-72 from the Special Use zone district to
              the Timber Production zone district.  Requires a
              rezoning.  The property is located on the east side of
              Empire Grade (4150 Empire Grade) at approximately 300
              feet north of the intersection of Empire Grade and
              Smith Grade Roads, as recommended by the Planning

         30.  ACCEPTED the Santa Cruz Veterans Memorial Building
              Improvement Project, as complete; approved final cost
              of the project in the amount of $75,573; and
              authorized the Clerk of the Board to file the Notice
              of Completion, as recommended by the Director of
              Parks, Open Space and Cultural Services

         31.  ACCEPTED the Well Pump Water System at the Polo
              Grounds County Park Project, as complete; approved
              final cost of the project in the amount of $66,970;
              and authorized the Clerk of the Board to file the
              Notice of Completion, as recommended by the Director
              of Parks, Open Space and Cultural Services
              SCHEDULED a closed personnel and litigation session as
              Case Name/No.:  Charter Communications et al.v. County
              of Santa Cruz (U.S. District Court Case No. C-99-
              0464); Dumford v. County (U.S. District Court Case No.
              C-96-20748); Coastal Commission Proceeding regarding
              Timber Harvesting Regulations (LCP Amendment No. 3-98)
              Property street address (APN if no street address): 1.
              APN's: 40-221-08, 58-071-03; 2. Old Glen Arbor Road
              Negotiating parties (not agents):  1. U.S. Post
              Office; 2. Caltrans 
              REPORT OF COUNTY COUNSEL - The Board authorized a
              settlement of the case of Dumford v. County of Santa
              Cruz (U.S. District Court Case No. C-96-20748) and
              authorized a payment of $63,000 in exchange for a
              dismissal with prejudice of the action (BSW/C/A)

         32.1 ACCEPTED nominations of Carol Maurer and Alice Talnack
              as at-large appointees to the Private Industry
              Council, in the categories as indicated, for terms to
              expire June 30, 1999, with final appointments to be
              made March 16, 1999, as recommended by Chairperson


         33.  Continued public hearing to consider formation of the
              Heartwood Hill Geologic Hazard Abatement District;
              closed public hearing; adopted RESOLUTION NO. 80-99
              ordering the formation of the Heartwood Hill Geologic
              Hazard Abatement District; and appointed the Santa
              Cruz County Board of Supervisors as the Board of
              Directors of the District 

         34.  CONSIDERED adoption of an ordinance amending Chapter
              16.10 of the County Code, and various sections of the
              General Plan/Local Coastal Plan regarding geologic
              hazard regulations, by incorporating modifications
              adopted by the California Coastal Commission; 
              adopted RESOLUTION NO. 81-99 amending the County of
              Santa Cruz Local Coastal Plan Implementation Program;
              read title and waived detailed reading of complete
              ordinance; adopted ORDINANCE NO. 4518-C amending
              Section 13.10.700-D and Chapter 16.10 of the Santa
              Cruz County Code relating to Geologic Hazards; and
              directed Planning staff to submit the Resolution and
              Ordinance amendment to the California Coastal
              Commission for certification


         34.1 APPROVED a rental agreement between the Sheriff's
              Office and the County Redevelopment Agency for
              expanded office space for the Sheriff's Live Oak-
              Soquel Community Policing Service Center at the
              monthly rate of $475; authorized the Sheriff to sign
              and implement this agreement; and adopted RESOLUTION
              NO. 82-99 accepting and appropriating unanticipated
              revenue in the amount of $1,900 for Sheriff Community
              Policing Centers, as recommended by the Sheriff-


         34.2 APPROVED grant application by the Sheriff-Coroner to
              the Board of Corrections for the Adult Local Detention
              Construction Grant Program; and adopted RESOLUTION NO.
              83-99 authorizing the Sheriff-Coroner to submit the
              grant application for the total amount of $472,416, as
              recommended by the Sheriff-Coroner

         34.3 AUTHORIZED the Sheriff-Coroner to apply to the Board
              of Corrections for the Mentally Ill Offender Crime
              Reduction (MIOCR) Demonstration Grant in the
              approximate amount of $2,400,000; and adopted
              RESOLUTION NO. 84-99 appointing the Sheriff-Coroner as
              Chair of the Santa Cruz MIOCR Strategy Committee for
              purposes of this grant, along with other members of
              the committee as listed in the resolution, and
              assuring Santa Cruz County will comply with the Board
              of Corrections grant requirements, as recommended by
              the Sheriff-Coroner


         34.4 ADOPTED RESOLUTION NO. 85-99 amending salary
              Resolution No. 279-75 to implement classification and
              salary actions related to Welfare Reform
              Implementation, as recommended by the Personnel


         35.  RECEIVED bids regarding Harper Court Pedestrian Bridge
              and referred to Public Works to return with a
              recommendation on or before March 23, 1999

         36.  RECEIVED bids regarding Blaine Street Emergency Power
              and referred to General Services to return with a
              recommendation on or before April 13, 1999


         37.  RECEIVED bids regarding the Main Jail Security System
              Upgrade and referred to General Services to return
              with a recommendation on or before March 23, 1999


         38.  RECEIVED bids regarding the Seismic Retrofit at 1060
              Emeline Avenue and referred to General Services to
              return with a recommendation on or before April 13,


                  Chair, Board of Supervisors

              Clerk of the Board


NOTE:      This set of Board of Supervisors Minutes is scheduled to
           be approved by the Board on March 23, 1999