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Board of Supervisors Minutes

                         PROCEEDINGS OF THE 
                          SANTA CRUZ COUNTY
                        BOARD OF SUPERVISORS

                       VOLUME 2000, Number 10
                           April 11, 2000


                       ACTION SUMMARY MINUTES

          VOTING KEY: A = Almquist, B = Beautz, C = Campos, S =
          Symons, W = Wormhoudt; first initial indicates maker of
          motion, second initial indicates the "second"; upper case
          letter = "yes" vote; lower case letter = "no" vote; () =
          abstain; // = absent

         1.   All Supervisors present
              Moment of Silence and Pledge of Allegiance

         2.   Consideration of Late Additions to the Agenda

         3.   Additions and Deletions to Consent Agenda

         4.   ORAL COMMUNICATIONS - Three persons addressed the
              Board (An Oral Communications sign-in sheet will be
              filed with Written Correspondence for the Board's next

          5.  Additions and Deletions to Regular Agenda


          6.  APPROVED claims as submitted by the Auditor-Controller

          7.  DELETED ITEM

          8.  DELETED ITEM

          9.  ADOPTED RESOLUTION NO. 99-2000 accepting and
              appropriating unanticipated revenue in the amount of
              $50,000 for the heating, ventilation and air
              conditioning related projects at 1080 Emeline;
              approved independent contractor agreement with Salas
              O'Brien Engineers, Incorporated, for engineering
              services and project support for a not-to-exceed
              amount of $10,780; and authorized the Director of
              General Services to sign the agreement, as recommended
              by the Director of General Services 

         10.  AUTHORIZED the Sheriff-Coroner to enter into and
              implement a permittee agreement between the
              Watsonville Fly-In and Air Show and the Santa Cruz
              County Sheriff's Office, permitting the Sheriff's
              Office to staff a booth at the Annual Watsonville Fly-
              In and Air Show, as recommended by the Sheriff-Coroner

         11.  ADOPTED RESOLUTION NO. 100-2000 determining the
              Disability Retirement status of Donald Deitrich, a
              safety employee, as recommended by the Personnel

         12.  ADOPTED RESOLUTION NO. 101-2000 determining the
              Disability Retirement status of Rachelle Salinas
              Ortiz, a safety employee, as recommended by the
              Personnel Director

         13.  ACCEPTED the Statement of Vote for the March 7, 2000
              Presidential Primary Election, as recommended by the
              County Clerk-Recorder 

         14.  ACCEPTED AND FILED report of transfer of $61,763.33 to
              the Tax Loss Reserve Fund, as recommended by the

         15.  ACCEPTED nomination of Donald Curtis Hopper as an at-
              large appointee to the Children's Commission, in the
              category of "under age 18," for a term to expire April
              1, 2003, with final appointment to be made April 25,
              2000, as recommended by Supervisor Wormhoudt

         16.  APPROVED appointment of Jo Ann Allen as the
              representative of the County Superintendent of Schools
              on the Domestic Violence Commission, as recommended by
              Chair Wormhoudt

         17.  SEE ITEM NO. 55.3, REGULAR AGENDA
         18.  APPROVED AND FILED report on the local emergency
              management plan development; and directed the General
              Services Department - Emergency Services Division to
              return on or before August 1, 2000 with the
              recommended plan document, as recommended by the
              Director of General Services 
         19.  AUTHORIZED expenditure of $7,500 to Emergency Training
              Services for paramedic training for the EMS Manager;
              approved the transfer of funds in the amount of
              $7,500; and authorized the Health Services Agency
              Administrator to sign the training agreement with the
              EMS Manager, as recommended by the Health Services
              Agency Administrator

         20.  AUTHORIZED fixed asset purchases in the amount of
              $72,135 to address office and equipment needs and
              approved realignment of budgeted appropriations in the
              amount of $269,635, as recommended by the Health
              Services Agency Administrator

         21.  DEFERRED TO APRIL 25, 2000 consideration to approve
              transfer of funds in the amount of $50,000 from
              Services and Supplies to Fixed Assets to cover cost of
              heating, ventilation and air conditioning system in
              the 1080 Emeline Avenue building

         22.  AUTHORIZED the creation of a 1.0 full-time equivalent
              Mental Health Client Specialist position for the grant
              funded HIV Drop In Center in Watsonville and approved
              related actions, as recommended by the Health Services
              Agency Administrator

         23.  ADOPTED RESOLUTION NO. 102-2000 in support of Senate
              Bill 1764 (Chesbro) relating to coverage for treatment
              of alcohol and drug abuse or dependency, as
              recommended by the Health Services Agency

         24.  SEE ITEM NO. 55.1, REGULAR AGENDA
         25.  DEFERRED the Health Services Agency report on
              Certification of Medi-Cal Providers to May 2, 2000, as
              recommended by the Health Services Agency

         26.  AUTHORIZED Environmental Health to charge
              $.0425/gallon for septage disposal at Santa Cruz City
              Wastewater Treatment Plant, as recommended by the
              Health Services Agency Administrator

         27.  ACCEPTED AND FILED report on the need to continue the
              state of local emergency relative to transmission of
              HIV through contaminated needles, as recommended by
              the Health Services Agency Administrator

         28.  DEFERRED reports on financial risk sharing and septic
              system disclosure; directed Health Services Agency and
              Environmental Health to provide the reports in
              conjunction with a report on implementation of the
              Environmental Health Task Force recommendations on May
              9, 2000, as recommended by the Health Services Agency

         29.  ACCEPTED AND FILED update on Workforce Investment Act
              Youth Services and Initiatives; and accepted and filed
              the letter from the Workforce Investment Board
              Chairperson to Senator Diane Einstein supporting
              Emergency Supplemental Funding for Youth Services, as
              recommended by the Human Resources Agency

         30.  ADOPTED RESOLUTION NO. 103-2000 accepting and
              appropriating $100,000 in unanticipated revenue from a
              Job Access/Reverse Commute grant; ADOPTED RESOLUTION
              NO. 103A-2000 authorizing the Human Resources Agency
              Administrator to execute and file an application for
              Federal assistance on behalf of the Human Resources
              Agency of Santa Cruz County with the Federal Transit
              Administration and approved related actions, as
              recommended by the Human Resources Agency

         31.  AUTHORIZED the Human Resources Agency Administrator to
              issue Requests for Proposals for the Child Abuse
              Prevention, Intervention and Treatment Program and the
              Title IV-E Child Welfare Services Program, and to
              return to the Board on June 13, 2000 with
              recommendations for the award of contracts, as
              recommended by the Human Resources Agency

         32.  APPROVED agreement with the County Department of
              Education/Child Development Resource Center in the
              amount of $19,373 and authorized the Human Resources
              Agency Administrator to sign the agreement, as
              recommended by the Human Resources Agency

         33.  APPROVED gross pay adjustment in the amount of 426.74;
              reset employee's hours to include the 160 hours worked
              from January 22, 2000 through February 18, 2000, as
              recommended by the Human Resources Agency
              SANITATION DISTRICT, APPROVED transfer of funds in the
              amount of $24,000 from the Davenport Water Structures
              and Improvement account and in the amount of $24,000
              from the Davenport Sewer Structures and Improvement
              account to Maintenance and Operations, as recommended
              by the Director of Public Works

         35.  AUTHORIZED the Director of Public Works to make a
              partial release of the Faithful Performance Security
              submitted for Tract 1304, Seascape Uplands, Phase III
              in the amount of $252,100, as recommended by the
              Director of Public Works

         36.  APPROVED road closures and event for the San Lorenzo
              Valley Chamber of Commerce Chili Cook-Off scheduled
              for April 15, 2000 and directed the Public Works
              Department to issue a road closure permit, as
              recommended by the Director of Public Works

         37.  ADOPTED RESOLUTION NO. 104-2000 in support of the
              "Felton Remembers Parade" for May 27, 2000 at 10:00
              a.m., and approved related actions, as recommended by
              the Director of Public Works

         38.  ACCEPTED the improvement and approved final cost for
              the Teilh Drive Bridge Replacement; directed the Clerk
              of the Board to file the Notice of Completion; and
              approved related actions, as recommended by the
              Director of Public Works

         39.  SEE ITEM NO. 55.2, REGULAR AGENDA

         40.  APPROVED a grant agreement with the California
              Department of Fish and Game for the Road-Related
              Erosion Prevention Planning Project in the amount of
              $51,008; adopted RESOLUTION NO. 105-2000 accepting
              unanticipated revenue in the amount of $51,008 from
              the California Department of Fish and Game; and
              authorized the Director of Public Works to sign the
              grant agreement, as recommended by the Director of
              Public Works

         41.  APPROVED contribution in the not-to-exceed amount of
              $3,500 toward the Central Coast Recycling Media
              Coalition in solid waste public eduction funds for
              regional public education in fiscal year 1999/00, as
              recommended by the Director of Public Works
         42.  ACCEPTED AND FILED report on the Buena Vista Landfill
              Gas Power Project; and directed Public Works to return
              on or before June 13, 2000 with a further status
              report, as recommended by the Director of Public Works

         43.  APPROVED recommendations related to the California
              State Fair display for Santa Cruz County; and directed
              the Parks Director to report back with the contract
              for approval on or before May 9, 2000, as recommended
              by the Director of Parks, Open Space and Cultural

         44.  ACCEPTED the Quail Hollow Ranch Roofing Project as
              completed; approved final cost of the project in the
              amount of $25,226; and authorized the Clerk of the
              Board to file the Notice of Completion, as recommended
              by the Director of Parks, Open Space and Cultural
         45.  CONTINUED TO APRIL 25, 2000 consideration to adopt
              resolution accepting the offers of dedication in order
              to be eligible to receive a grant for construction
              along East Cliff Drive; and direct the Clerk of the
              Board to take related actions

         46.  APPROVED allocation of an additional $5,167 out of the
              Off Road Vehicle Fund for the Polo Grounds Great
              Meadow Restoration Project; approved agreement with
              Community Action Board of Santa Cruz County,
              Incorporated, Natural Resources and Employment
              Program; and authorized the Director of Parks to  sign
              the agreement and change orders, as recommended by the
              Director of Parks, Open Space and Cultural Services

         47.  ADOPTED RESOLUTION NO. 106-2000 concurring with the
              Redevelopment Agency's acquisition of APN: 026-261-13,
              property located on 7th Avenue and Brommer Street in
              Live Oak, as recommended by the Redevelopment Agency

              accepting unanticipated revenue totaling $840,000;
              ADOPTED RESOLUTION NO. 108-2000 for the acquisition of
              APN: 026-261-13, property located on 7th Avenue and
              Brommer Street in Live Oak; approved Notice of
              Determination for the purchase of APN: 026-261-13 and
              directed Clerk of the Board to take related actions,
              as recommended by the Redevelopment Agency

              SCHEDULED a closed personnel and litigation session as
              Case Name/No.:  Buena Vista Community Association v.
              County of Santa Cruz (Court of Appeal No. H021206)
              Initiation of litigation was considered pursuant to
              subdivision (c) of Government Code Section 54956.9 for
              two potential cases.
              Position title/description:  County Counsel
              Agency Negotiator: Personnel Director
              All Employee Organizations
              REPORT OF COUNTY COUNSEL - the Board of Supervisors
              authorized the filing of an amicus brief in the case
              of EPIC, et al v. California Department of Forestry,
              et al (United States District Court No. C00-0713)
         49.1 APPROVED  submission of concept paper to the
              Department of Health and Human Services for a
              demonstration grant to address issues related to
              domestic violence and child maltreatment; authorized
              the Chairperson to sign a letter of support for
              inclusion with concept paper, as recommended by the
              Human Resources Agency Administrator

         49.2 ACCEPTED nomination of Anita Henri as an at-large
              appointee to the Domestic Violence Commission, as a
              representative in the category of "survivor of
              domestic violence," with final appointment to be made
              April 25, 2000, as recommended by Supervisor Beautz


         50.  APPROVED at-large appointments of Luanne Caffee and
              Janet Heien to the Private Industry Council (which has
              also been designated as the Interim Workforce
              Investment Board), as representatives of Industry, for
              terms to expire June 30, 2000


         51.  APPROVED at-large reappointments of Cecilia Espinola,
              Rama Khalsa and Maria Castro to the Children and
              Families Commission, in the categories indicated, for
              terms to expire April 1, 2001


         52.  Jurisdictional hearing held to consider the Planning
              Commission's decision to deny Application No. 97-0352,
              a proposal to construct a two story single-family
              dwelling with attached carport on Assessor's Parcel
              Number 041-181-20; requiring a Riparian Exception and
              Variances to reduce the required 20 foot front yard
              setback to about 3 feet from the edge of the right-of-
              way and a required 8 foot side yard setback to about 5
              feet.  The property is located on the north side of
              Polo Avenue approximately 50 feet west of the
              intersection of North and South Drives, Aptos.  
              Application No.: 97-0352; APN: 041-181-20; Appellant:
              Richard Klein; Owner:  Namvar and Shirin Dinyari;
        (1)   motion made to take jurisdiction of appeal of
              Application No. 97-0352; motion failed
        (2)   motion made that a new application be submitted with
              all appropriate material, but that it go directly to
              the Planning Commission and skip the Zoning

              (1) SCbaw (motion failed 3 to 2)
              (2) SBCAW

         53.  REJECTED bids regarding kitchen flooring at the
              Watsonville Detention Facility and referred matter to
              the Director of General Services to return on or
              before May 2, 2000 with a negotiated agreement

         54.  CONSIDERED Progress Report on Water Resources
              Management and take related action:
              accepted and filed report on Water Resources
              Management; directed staff to schedule the draft
              Ordinance Requiring Installation And Use Of Metering
              Equipment On Groundwater Extraction Facilities In
              Critical Areas for consideration by the Environmental
              Review Committee; directed staff to prepare a report
              and recommendations for Board consideration, that
              addresses both the merits of metering existing wells
              in critical areas and of metering surface water
              diversions; authorized the Planning Director to pay
              the County's share of $10,000 as a contribution
              towards legal and consulting services in the creation
              of a Replenishment District in the Santa Margarita
              Groundwater Basin, contingent upon commitments by the
              other participating jurisdictions; directed staff to
              report back on Water Resources Management on or before
              November 14, 2000 with an additional direction that
              when staff reports back on the proposed conservation
              measures that it include the report back on the
              proposal to adopt a County Wide Conservation Program
              and the merits of feasibility of doing that; and have
              staff of the Water Advisory Commission to work with
              the City of Santa Cruz to develop a coordinated
              approach with the City to include water conservation
              plans in the unincorporated areas served by the City's
              water system

         55.  CONSIDERED adoption of an ordinance  amending Chapter
              9.28 relating to stop intersections by adding a stop
              intersection on Byer Court at Byer Road; consider site
              improvements as complete on Byer Road and Byer Court,
              Tract 1410, Alexandria Gardens, adopted resolution
              accepting Byer Road and Byer Court into the County
              maintained system and related actions;
        (1)   accepted the site improvements as complete in
              accordance with previously approved plans; adopted
              RESOLUTION NO. 109-2000 accepting Byer Road and Byer
              Court into the County maintained system; directed the
              Clerk of the Board to release the Faithful Performance
              and Inspection Securities and retain sufficient funds
              from the Faithful Performance Security to provide for
              the Guarantee, Warranty and Maintenance of Work
              Security; and if, at the end of three months, a search
              of the records by the Auditor-Controller's Office
              reveals no posted liens against the project,
              authorized the Clerk of the Board to release the Labor
              and Materials Security. The Guarantee, Warranty, and
              Maintenance of Work will be released at the end of
              twelve months provided there are no problems with the
        (2)   read title and waived detailed reading of complete
              ordinance; and approved ordinance "in concept" to
              return on April 25, 2000 for final adoption

              (1) BCSAW
              (2) BASCW
         55.1 DIRECTED Environmental Health Services and the
              Planning Department Staff to evaluate the
              comprehensive pollution control plan under development
              by Santa Cruz Biotechnology and develop
              recommendations for your consideration on May 23,
              2000; directed Planning and Environmental Health staff
              to initiate cost recovery through the master plan
              permit fees for Environmental Health activities
              relative to water quality evaluation and protection;
              requested the Planning Commission to exercise its
              discretion pursuant to County Code section
              18.10.124(b) to refer pending Coastal Development
              Application 99-0419 to the Board for consideration;
              and scheduled public a hearing for Tuesday, May 23,
              2000 agenda to consider Application 99-0419, along
              with any additional measures which may be appropriate
              for inclusion in this permit, based on staff's
              evaluation of the comprehensive pollution control
              plan; with an additional direction that the Board be
              given a complete cost accounting on May 23, 2000 of
              the amounts in arrears on the part of Santa Cruz


         55.2 APPROVED final map of Tract 1328, Capitola Gardens;
              authorized the Director of Public Works to sign the
              Subdivision Agreement, as amended, on behalf of the
              County; and approved related actions


         55.3 DIRECTED the County Administrative Officer to provide
              a report and recommendation to the Board, on or before
              May 2, 2000, in response to the request of the Law
              Library for financial assistance in the current fiscal
              year, and further directed the County Administrative
              Office to provide a report at budget hearings as to
              the County's ability to provide ongoing funding to the
              Law Library in fiscal year 2000/01 and beyond, as
              recommended by Chair Wormhoudt


                         Chair, Board of Supervisors

                         Clerk of the Board


Note:         This set of Board of Supervisors Minutes is scheduled
           to be approved by the Board on April 25, 2000
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