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Board of Supervisors Minutes

                         PROCEEDINGS OF THE 
                          SANTA CRUZ COUNTY
                        BOARD OF SUPERVISORS

                        VOLUME 97, NUMBER 11
                            APRIL 8, 1997

                       ACTION SUMMARY MINUTES

           VOTING KEY: A = Almquist, B = Beautz, R = Belgard;        
           S = Symons, W = Wormhoudt; first initial indicates maker
           of motion, second initial indicates the "second"; upper
           case letter = "yes" vote; lower case letter = "no" vote;
           () = abstain; // = absent

        001.  All Supervisors present
              Moment of Silence and Pledge of Allegiance

        002.  Consideration of Late Additions to the Agenda

        003.  Additions and Deletions to Consent Agenda

        004.  ORAL COMMUNICATIONS - One person addressed the Board
              (An Oral Communications sign-in sheet will be filed
              with Written Correspondence for the Board's next
        005.  Additions and Deletions to Regular Agenda


        006.  APPROVED claims as submitted by the Auditor-Controller

        007.  APPROVED minutes of March 18 and 25, 1997, as
              recommended by the Clerk of the Board

        008.  ACCEPTED AND FILED notification of continuing
              contracts received March 31, 1997 through April 4,
              1997 and approved upon adoption of the 1996/97
              continuing agreements list to comply with Section 300
              of the County's Procedures Manual, Title 1, as
              recommended by the Clerk of the Board

        009.  CONTINUED TO APRIL 15, 1997 consideration to accept
              and file report on Transient Occupancy Tax Audit

        010.  DENIED claim of William Whitman No. 697-102 and
              referred to County Counsel

        011.  DENIED claim of John and Janet Massey No. 697-105 and
              referred to County Counsel

        012.  DENIED claim of William Fischette and Camie Rudeen No.
              697-106 and referred to County Counsel

        013.  DENIED claim of Bruce and Maria Zimmer No. 697-110 and
              referred to County Counsel

        014.  DECLARED various items to be surplus to County needs
              and directed the Director of General Services to
              arrange for their disposition, as recommended by the
              Director of General Services

        015.  ADOPTED RESOLUTION NO. 107-97 acknowledging and
              approving the Judicial Council grant in the amount of
              $20,000 to Court Appointed Special Advocate program of
              Santa Cruz and delegating administration of the funds
              to the Judicial Council, as recommended by the
              Executive Officer of the Courts

        016.  DELETED ITEM

        017.  APPROVED agreement to purchase tax defaulted property
              by the City of Watsonville for $114 and authorized the
              Chair to sign the agreement; adopted RESOLUTION NO.
              108-97 approving and accepting the purchase of three
              parcels by the County; and authorized the Auditor-
              Controller to charge the Real Property Management
              budget $2,247 for the purchase cost and authorized the
              Chair to sign the agreement, as recommended by the
              Treasurer-Tax Collector

        018.  APPROVED Letter of Understanding with the Live Oak
              School District regarding the use of Mello-Roos
              Community Facilities Districts for the construction or
              reconstruction of school facilities and approved use
              of the letter of understanding with other school
              districts, as recommended by County Counsel

        019.  APPROVED plans and specifications for the Bonny Doon
              Beach Parking Improvements; directed the General
              Services Department to advertise for bids; and set bid
              opening for Tuesday, May 6, 1997 at 10:45 a.m., as
              recommended by the Director of General Services

        020.  ACCEPTED status report on the development of fire
              station facilities in the Bonny Doon and Loma Prieta
              communities, as recommended by the Director of General

        021.  SEE ITEM NO. 69.1, REGULAR AGENDA
        022.  APPROVED appointment of Mara Woodworth Elliott to the
              Latino Affairs Commission (as a representative of the
              City of Santa Cruz) for a term to expire April 1,
              2001, as recommended by Chair Wormhoudt

        023.  APPROVED reappointment of Lisa Angell to the Emergency
              Medical Care Commission for a term to expire April 1,
              2001, as recommended by Supervisor Almquist

        024.  ACCEPTED AND FILED Annual Report of the Commission on
              Disabilities, and approved related actions, as
              recommended by Chair Wormhoudt

        025.  ADOPTED RESOLUTION NO. 109-97 in support of Assembly
              Bill 1000, The Clean Coastal Waters and Rivers Bond
              Act of 1998, and approved related actions, as
              recommended by Supervisor Wormhoudt


        026.  APPROVED reappointment of Second District
        (1)   representatives to various County advisory bodies, as
              outlined, for terms to expire April 1, 2001, as
              recommended by Supervisor Symons;
        (2)   reconsidered item;
        (3)   approved expiration date of April 1, 2000 regarding
              the term of appointment to the Mental Health Advisory

              (1) RSBAW
              (2) BASRW
              (3) SABRW

        027.  APPROVED appointment of Cheri M. Hrapoff to the
              Children's Commission for a term to expire April 1,
              2001, as recommended by Supervisor Almquist
        028.  APPROVED appointment of Yolanda Perez-Logan to the
              Latino Affairs Commission for a term to expire April
              1, 2001, as recommended by Supervisor Almquist
        029.  APPROVED appointment of Ira Lubell to the Emergency
              Medical Care Commission for a term to expire April 1,
              2001, as recommended by Supervisor Symons

        030.  APPROVED reappointment of Daniel Dodge to the Latino
              Affairs Commission, as a representative of the City of
              Watsonville, for a term to expire April 1, 2001, as
              recommended by Chair Wormhoudt

        031.  APPROVED reappointment of Fifth District
              representatives to various County advisory bodies, as
              outlined, for terms to expire April 1, 2001, as
              recommended by Supervisor Almquist

        032.  DIRECTED the Planning Department and Redevelopment
              Agency to review their policies and regulations in
              allowing continued planting of naturally infected
              species in the County with regard to pine pitch canker
              and to report back with their findings and
              recommendations on or before May 6, 1997; directed the
              Public Works Department to issue a report to the Board
              indicating their operations and policies in the
              removal of pine pitch canker trees and the handling of
              the trees at the landfills on or before May 6, 1997;
              and further directed the Planning Department to
              develop informational handouts to be distributed with
              over-the-counter permits issued for removal of pine
              pitch canker trees informing the permittee of the
              proper way to remove and dispose of the diseased
              trees, as recommended by Supervisor Symons

        033.  ACCEPTED AND FILED report on Earthquake Preparedness
              Month and encouraged all Santa Cruz County residents
              to increase their knowledge and awareness of proper
              safety measures to follow during and after an
              earthquake, as recommended by the Emergency Services

        034.  SEE ITEM NO. 69.2, REGULAR AGENDA

        035.  CONTINUED TO APRIL 15, 1997 consideration to approve
              plans and specifications for the construction of a
              warehouse at 100 Rountree Lane in Watsonville; direct
              the General Services Department to advertise for bids;
              and set bid opening for May 6, 1997 at 10:45 a.m.
        036.  DIRECTED the Chair to write to the Public Utilities
              Commission to convey the Board's opposition to the
              application submitted by "MHC Acquisition One"
              relative to water and sewer utility services for
              customers at DeAnza Santa Cruz Mobile Estates, as
              recommended by Chair Wormhoudt

        037.  APPROVED reappointment of First District
              representatives to various County advisory bodies, for
              terms to expire April 1, 2001, as recommended by
              Supervisor Beautz

        038.  DIRECTED the Chair to send a letter to Congress
              Members Sam Farr and Tom Campbell advocating for
              federal funding on behalf of Santa Cruz Metropolitan
              Transit District, as recommended by Supervisor Beautz

        039.  CONTINUED TO MAY 6, 1997 consideration to refer
              recommended changes to the County's Affordable Housing
              Ordinance to the Planning Department, in coordination
              with the Redevelopment Agency and County Counsel, to
              develop a draft Ordinance for consideration by the
              Housing Advisory Commission, with a report back on
              June 24, 1997; approve transfer of the administration
              of the Paloma del Mar Credits Program as outlined;
              approve shifting administration of the Transfer of
              Credit Program to the Redevelopment Agency; and direct
              the Redevelopment Agency to develop program guidelines
              for Board consideration on June 24, 1997 

        040.  AUTHORIZED the District Attorney to sign agreements
              with consultants on unlawful business practice
              violations in an amount not to exceed $10,000, and
              approved related actions, as recommended by County

        041.  ACCEPTED AND FILED report on the need to continue the
              state of local emergency relative to the transmission
              of HIV through contaminated needles, as recommended by
              the Health Services Agency Administrator

        042.  SEE ITEM NO. 69.3, REGULAR AGENDA
        043.  APPROVED multi-year $33,157 revenue agreement with
              Salud Para La Gente to participate in teen pregnancy
              prevention project; adopted RESOLUTION NO. 110-97
              accepting and appropriating unanticipated revenue in
              the amount of $5,717; and approved related actions, as
              recommended by the Health Services Agency

        044.  ACCEPTED report on mental health managed care and
              directed the Health Services Agency to return with a
              further report on April 15, 1997, as recommended by
              the Health Services Agency Administrator

        045.  DEFERRED consideration of purchase of defibrillators
              to coincide with the reports regarding the extension
              of the ambulance contract in June at budget hearings,
              as recommended by the Health Services Agency

        046.  AUTHORIZED the Health Services Agency Administrator to
              sign a Memorandum of Understanding with the State
              Water Resources Control Board for establishment of a
              linked deposit program to implement upgrades of
              individual onsite sewage disposal systems in the San
              Lorenzo River Watershed; and approved related actions,
              as recommended by the Health Services Agency

        047.  APPROVED various accounting adjustments within the
              Health Services Agency to provide for acquisition of
              computer equipment authorized as part of the 1996/97
              budget; adopted RESOLUTION NO. 111-97 accepting
              unanticipated revenue; and approved related actions,
              as recommended by the Health Services Agency

        048.  ADOPTED RESOLUTION NO. 112-97 in support of Assembly
              Bill 242 and Senate Bill 255 to continue the use of
              National Guard armories as winter homeless shelters
              and maintain State funding for the armory shelter
              program, as recommended by the Human Resources Agency

        049.  APPROVED relocation assistance claim for owner-
              occupant of 7272 Empire Grade, Bonny Doon Fire Station
              Site subject to various conditions, as recommended by
              the Director of Public Works 

        050.  ACCEPTED and approved the engineer's report for the
              proposed services for County Service Area No. 55,
              Riverdale Park; adopted RESOLUTION NO. 113-97 of
              intention to authorize and levy an assessment for road
              maintenance and operation; approved notice of public
              hearing, ballot procedure, and ballot for the proposed
              1997/98 assessment; set Tuesday, June 3, 1997 for a
              public hearing; and directed the Clerk of the Board to
              take related actions, as recommended by the Director
              of Public Works

              SANITATION DISTRICT, adopted RESOLUTION NO. 114-97
              approving removal of Code 096, "Freedom County
              Sanitation District Bond Levy Only" from the County
              tax rate area records; and directed Public Works to
              take related actions, as recommended by the Director
              of Public Works

        052.  GRANTED permission for the Boulder Creek Elementary
              School and Redwood Elementary School to hold a parade
              in Boulder Creek on Saturday, May 17, 1997; and
              adopted RESOLUTION NO. 115-97 requesting that the
              California Department of Transportation allow the
              parade, as recommended by the Director of Public Works

        053.  ACCEPTED the improvements and approved the final cost
              for the Airport Boulevard at Loma Prieta Traffic
              Signal; and directed the Clerk of the Board to take
              related actions, as recommended by the Director of
              Public Works

        054.  APPROVED amendment to agreement between Public Works
              and CH2M Hill for additional engineering design
              services for the Murphy Crossing Permanent Low Water
              Structure for a not-to-exceed amount of $12,500; and
              authorized the Director of Public Works to sign the
              amendment, as recommended by the Director of Public

        055.  ACCEPTED AND FILED status report on Highland Way Road
              Repair Project concerning FEMA funding appeal and
              directed Public Works to return on or before September
              16, 1997 with a report back on FEMA reimbursement, as
              recommended by the Director of Public Works
        056.  ACCEPTED report from Public Works on results of sealed
              bids received on April 7, 1997 for emergency repairs
              to Valencia Road Culvert and Soquel-San Jose Road
              slipout; adopted RESOLUTION NO. 116-97 accepting
              unanticipated revenue; and approved related actions,
              as recommended by the Director of Public Works

        057.  APPROVED an agreement in the amount of $14,450 with
              Bowman and Williams Engineering for design and
              construction inspection services associated with the
              Dolphin/Sumner Trail Project; and authorized the Parks
              Director to sign the agreement, as recommended by the
              Director of Parks, Open Space and Cultural Services

        058.  APPROVED expenditure of $4,988 for a salmon/marine
              mammal interactions project; and approved related
              actions, as recommended by the Planning Director

        059.  ACCEPTED AND FILED status report on the disposition of
              affordable housing credits in the Paloma Del Mar
              senior housing development, as recommended by the
              Planning Director

              REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY, adopted RESOLUTION NO. 117-97 in
              support of and authorizing submittal of 1997/98,
              Assembly Bill 2766, Motor Vehicle Emissions Reduction
              Program Grant Applications; and approved related
              actions, as recommended by the Redevelopment Agency
              SCHEDULED a closed personnel and litigation session as
              Case Name/No.:  Granite Rock Company et al. v. County
              of Santa Cruz (Superior Court Case No. 113495); City
              and County of San Francisco v. Phillip Morris, et al.;
              People of the State of California, et al. v. Phillip
              Morris, et al.; Mangini v. R.J. Reynolds Tobacco
              Company, et al.
              Property street address:  excess Soquel Drive right-
              of-way adjacent to APN: 37-097-28
              Negotiating parties:  Sun and Karin Lai and Scott
              Position title/description:  Human Resources Agency
              Agency negotiator:  Personnel Director
              All employee organizations
              REPORT OF COUNTY COUNSEL - The Board of Supervisors
              unanimously ratified approval of a litigation contract
              in the case of Mangini v. R.J. Reynolds Tobacco
              Company, et al. (Superior Court Case No. 93959 in the
              City and County of San Francisco); and unanimously
              approved the appointment of Cecilia Espinola as the
              Human Resources Agency Administrator at Step L of the
              salary range in accordance with Section 161 G.2.C of
              the Personnel Rules 

        061.1 ACCEPTED nomination of Mary McCann-Jenni for
              reappointment as an at-large representative to the
              Area Developmental Disabilities Board VII for a term
              to expire January 1, 2000, with final appointment to
              be made April 15, 1997, as recommended by Chair


        062.  Presentation of Surface Mining and Reclamation Act
              Award for 1996 by the Chairman of the State Mining and
              Geology Board
        063.  CONSIDERED status report on Juvenile Hall Population
              Management and Reduction Programs;
              accepted and filed status report; and directed the
              County Administrative Office to report back during
              1997-98 budget hearings with an additional status
              report on the Juvenile Hall Population Management and
              Reduction Programs
        064.  Public hearing held to consider adoption of a
              resolution consummating purchase of real property at
              7272 Empire Grade, APN: 80-251-31, Bonny Doon Fire
              Station Site;
              closed public hearing; adopted RESOLUTION NO. 118-97
              consummating the purchase of real property at 7272
              Empire Grade, APN:  80-251-31, Bonny Doon Fire Station


        065.  CONSIDERED adoption of a resolution terminating the
              Fire Department Advisory Committee upon establishment
              of the Fire Department Advisory Commission; and
              ordinance establishing the Fire Department Advisory
        (1)   read title and waived detailed reading of complete
        (2)   adopted RESOLUTION NO. 119-97 terminating the Fire
              Department Advisory Committee; approved ordinance "in
              concept" to return April 15, 1997 for final adoption

              (1) RBSAW
              (2) RABSW
        066.  CONSIDERED adoption of an emergency ordinance amending
              Subsection (f) relating to Mobile Home Rent
              Adjustments of Section 13.32.030;
        (1)   read title and waived detailed reading of complete
        (2)   adopted ORDINANCE NO. 4451 amending Chapter 13.32 of
              the Santa Cruz County Code relating to Mobilehome Rent
              Adjustment Notices

              (1) RSBAW
              (2) BSRAW
        067.  CONSIDERED adoption of an ordinance amending Section
              9.28.030 of the Santa Cruz County Code relating to
              stop intersections;
        (1)   read title and waived detailed reading of complete
        (2)   approved ordinance "in concept" to return April 15,
              1997 for final adoption

              (1) RABSW
              (2) SBRAW

        068.  RECEIVED bids regarding 1997 remodeling at 1020 and
              1040 Emeline Avenue for the Santa Cruz County Human
              Resources Agency and referred to General Services to
              return with a recommendation on or before May 6, 1997


        069.  Continued consideration to adopt resolution amending
              the County Local Coastal Program Implementing
              Ordinances; adopt ordinance amending Chapter 13.10 of
              the County Code relating to residential uses,
              accessory structures and accessory dwelling units; and
              related actions;
        (1)   motion made to approve staff recommendations including
              adoption of an ordinance, as amended;
        (2)   reconsidered item;
        (3)   approved continued consideration on May 6, 1997

              (1) BsrAw (motion failed)
              (2) RBSAw
              (3) RBSAw

        069.1 ADOPTED RESOLUTION NO. 120-97 accepting and
              appropriating unanticipated revenue in the amount of
              $60,059 to meet financial obligations within the
              General Services budget; and approved related actions,
              as recommended by the Director of General Services


        069.2 CONTINUED TO APRIL 15, 1997 consideration to adopt
              resolution approving property tax exchange for LAFCO
              No. 832 (Village Associates/Burgstrom Reorganization) 

        069.3 APPROVED contract with Sonoma County in the amount of
              $292,162 for Sonoma to act as fiscal
              intermediary/administrative entity for a regional
              skilled nursing facility with a specialized mental
              health therapeutic rehabilitation program operated by
              Hermitage Health Care, Incorporated; authorized
              payment of monthly claims against the contract
              effective April 1, 1997; and approved related actions,
              as recommended by the Health Services Agency



                  Chair, Board of Supervisors

              Clerk of the Board


NOTE:      This set of Board of Supervisors Minutes
 is scheduled to be approved by the Board on May 6, 1997