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Board of Supervisors Minutes

                         PROCEEDINGS OF THE 
                          SANTA CRUZ COUNTY
                        BOARD OF SUPERVISORS

                       VOLUME 2000, NUMBER 13
                             May 9, 2000

                       ACTION SUMMARY MINUTES

           VOTING KEY: A = Almquist, B = Beautz, C = Campos;        
           S = Symons, W = Wormhoudt; first initial indicates maker
           of motion, second initial indicates the "second"; upper
           case letter = "yes" vote; lower case letter = "no" vote;
           () = abstain; // = absent

          1.  All Supervisors present
              Moment of Silence and Pledge of Allegiance

          2.  Consideration of Late Additions to the Agenda

          3.  Additions and Deletions to Consent Agenda

          4.  ORAL COMMUNICATIONS - One person addressed the Board
              (An Oral Communications sign-in sheet will be filed
              with Written Correspondence for the Board's next
          5.  Additions and Deletions to Regular Agenda


          6.  APPROVED claims as submitted by the Auditor-Controller

          7.  APPROVED minutes of April 25, 2000, as recommended by
              the Clerk of the Board

          8.  ACCEPTED AND FILED notification of continuing
              contracts received during the period of May 1, 2000
              through May 5, 2000 and approved upon adoption of the
              1999/00 continuing agreements list to comply with
              Section 300 of the County's Procedures Manual, Title
              1, as recommended by the Clerk of the Board

          9.  ACCEPTED AND FILED statement of count of money in the
              treasury on March 9, 2000, as recommended by the

         10.  ADOPTED RESOLUTION NO. 121-2000 accepting and
              appropriating unanticipated revenue in the amount of
              $8,150 from the California Department of Pesticide
              Regulation and approved related actions, as
              recommended by the Agricultural Commissioner

         11.  ADOPTED RESOLUTION NO. 122-2000 authorizing the Chief
              Probation Officer to apply to the Office of Criminal
              Justice Planning for continuation funding for the Gang
              Violence Suppression Multi-Component Program for
              fiscal year 2000/01, as recommended by the Chief
              Probation Officer

         12.  REJECTED claim of Jeff Samuel Rodrigs No. 900-128A and
              referred to County Counsel

         13.  REJECTED claim of Eugene Schoenfeld, M.D. No. 900-128B
              and referred to County Counsel

         14.  REJECTED claim of Mark Adam Law No. 900-129 and
              referred to County Counsel

         15.  APPROVED agreement with the Union Labor Life Insurance
              Company to implement an alternate medical plan that
              provides for domestic partner medical coverage, as
              recommended by the Personnel Director

         16.  APPROVED CalLease agreement; and adopted RESOLUTION
              NO. 123-2000 accepting and appropriating unanticipated
              revenue in the amount of $51,811.92 to reimburse the
              County for capital expenditures, as recommended by the
              Director of General Services
         17.  APPROVED reappointment of J.T. Mark Schaeffer to the
              Housing Authority Board of Commissioners, as an at-
              large member representing the City of Santa Cruz, for
              a term to expire May 9, 2004, as recommended by Chair

         18.  SEE ITEM NO. 39.3 REGULAR AGENDA

         19.  APPROVED an agreement with International Automation
              Associates in the amount of $30,000 for network
              infrastructure services, and authorized the
              Information Services Director to sign the agreement,
              as recommended by the Information Services Director

         20.  ACCEPTED report on financial risk sharing for septic
              system repairs, as recommended by the Health Services
              Agency Administrator

         21.  ACCEPTED AND FILED report on Septic System Disclosure,
              and directed Environmental Health Services to continue
              refining its process for septic disclosure, as
              recommended by the Health Services Agency

         22.  ACCEPTED AND FILED report on implementation of
              Environmental Health Task Force recommendations, as
              recommended by the Health Services Agency

         23.  AUTHORIZED deletion of a vacant Clerk II position and
              creation of a Typist Clerk III position (both 1.0
              full-time equivalent) in the Jail Medical Unit and
              referred to County Personnel for classification, as
              recommended by the Health Services Agency

         24.  ADOPTED RESOLUTION NO. 124-2000 approving the $22,973
              funding application for 2000/01 Dental Disease
              Prevention Program and authorized the Health Services
              Agency Administrator to sign the related State revenue
              agreement when received, and directed the Clerk of the
              Board to take related actions, as recommended by the
              Health Services Agency Administrator

         25.  APPROVED agreement with Carnaghe and Gibbs Business
              Solutions in the amount of $45,050 for the information
              systems technical assistance effective April 1, 2000,
              and authorized the Health Services Agency
              Administrator to sign, as recommended by the Health
              Services Agency Administrator

         26.  APPROVED the $5,000 agreement with Salud Para La Gente
              for clinical services to EIP clients and authorized
              the Health Services Agency Administrator to sign the
              agreement, as recommended by the Health Services
              Agency Administrator
         27.  APPROVED an amendment to the agreement with Santa Cruz
              Community Counseling Center for the Answers Benefiting
              Children program increasing the contract by $10,000 to
              a total of $235,174; and adopted RESOLUTION NO. 125-
              2000 accepting and appropriating unanticipated revenue
              in the amount of $10,000, as recommended by the Human
              Resources Agency Administrator

         28.  ADOPTED RESOLUTION NO. 126-2000 accepting and
              appropriating unanticipated revenue in the amount of
              $15,000; approved the Substance Abuse Services Master
              Agreement; and authorized the Human Resources Agency
              Administrator to sign the agreement and each
              individual agreement, as recommended by the Human
              Resources Agency Administrator

         29.  APPROVED special provisions and engineer's estimate
              and authorized calling for bids for the Roy Wilson
              Maintenance Yard Well Replacement Project; scheduled
              bid opening for Tuesday, June 13, 2000 at 10:45 a.m.;
              and approved related actions, as recommended by the
              Director of Public Works

         30.  APPROVED specifications and engineer's estimate and
              authorized calling for bids for the Old Summit Road
              Pavement Repair Project; set bid opening for Tuesday,
              June 13, 2000 at 10:45 a.m.; and approved related
              actions, as recommended by the Director of Public

         31.  APPROVED specifications and engineer's estimate and
              authorized calling for bids for the Braemoor Drive,
              County Service Area No. 47 Road Repair Project; set
              bid opening for Tuesday, June 13, 2000 at 10:45 a.m.;
              and approved related actions, as recommended by the
              Director of Public Works

         32.  APPROVED the Joint Powers Facilities Construction
              Agreement between the County of Santa Cruz and
              Cabrillo College and authorized the Chairperson to
              sign the agreement; directed Public Works to continue
              to coordinate the Soquel Drive Improvement Project and
              the Cabrillo College Realignment Project; and report
              back to the Board upon completion of the work, as
              recommended by the Director of Public Works

         33.  DEFERRED TO MAY 23, 2000 consideration to adopt
              resolution accepting and appropriating unanticipated
              revenue in the amount of $10,548 from the Federal
              Emergency Management Agency for County Service Area
              No. 2, Place De Mer 

         34.  SEE ITEM NO. 39.2 REGULAR AGENDA

         35.  APPROVED the independent contractor agreement with
              Bowman and Williams Consulting Civil Engineers for the
              Highland Way Road repair in the amount of $38,100 and
              authorized the Director of Public Works to sign the
              agreement, as recommended by the Director of Public

         36.  CONTINUED TO MAY 23, 2000 consideration to approve     
              agreement with Santa Cruz Mountains Summit West,
              Incorporated, for the operation of County Service Area
              No. 54 water system; accept assignment of Department
              of Water Resources' loan contract; authorized the
              County Administrative Officer to sign necessary
              documents to enter into assignments and agreements
              with Redwood Mutual, Stagecoach Mutual and Ridge
              Mutual water companies for the purchase and transport
              of water 

         37.  SCHEDULED public hearing for Tuesday, June 13, 2000 at
              1:30 p.m. or thereafter to consider the proposal to
              rezone APN's:  089-011-41 and 43 from the Special Use
              zone district to the Timber Production zone district. 
              Requires a rezoning.  The property is located 400 feet
              north of Logan Creek, approximately 1/4 mile from
              Kings Creek Road, as recommended by the Planning
         38.  AUTHORIZED the Parks Director to enter into a contract
              with Reed Cripe for $2,000 and any prize money won for
              the fabrication, installation and staffing for Santa
              Cruz County's 2000 California State Fair Display; and
              approved the 2000 Santa Cruz County State Fair
              Statement of Purpose, as recommended by the Director
              of Parks, Open Space and Cultural Services

              SCHEDULED a closed personnel and litigation session as
              Case Name/No.:  Big Creek Lumber Company v. County of
              Santa Cruz (Superior Court Case No. 134816)
              Case Name/No.: Bazar v. County of Santa Cruz
              (Santa Cruz Superior Court Case Nos. 134334 and
              137070); Smith v. Rio Highlands, et. al (California
              Court of Appeal No. H020802)
              Significant exposure to litigation was considered
              pursuant to subdivision (b) of Government Code Section
              54956.9 for one potential case
              Initiation of litigation was considered pursuant to
              subdivision (c) of Government Code Section 54956.9 for
              one potential case
              Continued Consideration of PUBLIC EMPLOYEE
              Position title/description: County Counsel
              REPORT OF COUNTY COUNSEL - In the matter of Big Creek
              Lumber Company v. County of Santa Cruz (Superior Court
              Case No. 134816), the Board of Supervisors approved
              the filing of an appeal with the State Board of
              Forestry regarding the approval by the California
              Department of Forestry THP 1-99-492 Ramsey Gulch

         39.1 APPROVED agreement with Dwight Herr for County Counsel
              services at the rate of $75.00 per hour for the period
              of May 1, 2000 through June 14, 2000; and approved
              agreement with Dwight Herr to provide expertise in
              specific cases at the rate of $125.00 per hour,
              effective July 1, 2000, as recommended by the County
              Administrative Officer


         39.2 ADOPTED RESOLUTION NO. 127-2000 authorizing the
              Department of Public Works to submit to the Department
              of Conservation Division of Recycling's City/County
              Funding Request Form for promoting the collection and
              recycling of beverage containers; and authorized the
              Director of Public Works to sign the request, as
              recommended by the Director of Public Works


         39.3 DIRECTED the County Administrative Officer to provide
              a report and recommendation to the Board, in
              connection with fiscal year 2000/01 budget hearings,
              regarding the distribution of the funds currently
              available from the allocation of Santa Cruz County's
              portion of the tobacco litigation funds, as
              recommended by Chair Wormhoudt


         40.  CONSIDERED recommendations and proposed ordinance
              regarding Design Review requirements for development
              conceptually approved proposed ordinance and directed
              staff to look at the additional comments regarding
              alternate process of design review at different times
              (two processes, one basically dealing with the
              topography of the land, vegetation and lot placements
              and when a house is proposed deal with the design
              issues in relation to the house); to review the
              subdivision process relating to ability to make minor
              improvements to houses without having to receive
              approval; delineate boundaries of the subdivision that
              adjoin pre-existing housing; focus on doing a 3
              dimensional envelope rather than requiring all the
              architectural work to be done; issue regarding the
              selling of individual lots that would come back
              through the Planning Commission as a separate process
              after the creation of the lots; issues regarding
              privacy; review Planning Director waiver process;
              clarify projects that receive design review; clarify
              minor variation v. design amendments; clarify deletion
              of requirement for Assessor's Parcel Maps



                       Chair, Board of Supervisors

                       Clerk of the Board


NOTE:     This set of Board of Supervisors Minutes is scheduled to   
          be approved by the Board on May 23, 2000 

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