June 12, 2001
VOTING KEY: A = Almquist, B = Beautz, C = Campos,
P = Pirie, W = Wormhoudt; first initial indicates maker of motion, second initial indicates the
"second"; upper case letter = "yes" vote; lower case letter = "no" vote; () = abstain; // = absent
1. All Supervisors present
Moment of Silence and Pledge of Allegiance
2. Consideration of Late Additions to the Agenda
3. Additions and Deletions to Consent Agenda; See Item Nos. 41.1 and 41.2
4. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS - Five people addressed the Board
5. Additions and Deletion to Regular Agenda
6. APPROVED claims as submitted by the Auditor-Controller
7. APPROVED minutes of May 22, 2001, as recommended by the Clerk of the Board
9. APPROVED the reading by Title of all ordinances considered for adoption that may appear on
this agenda and further waived detailed reading of said ordinances, as recommended by County
10. REJECTED the claim of Tom and Iriss Ferr, No. 001-102 and referred to County Counsel
11. ACCEPTED AND FILED Annual Crop Production Values Report for 2000, as
recommended by the Agricultural Commissioner
12. ACCEPTED AND FILED Volume II Departmental Line Item Budget Detail for the 2001-02
Proposed Budget, as recommended by the County Administrative Officer
13. ACCEPTED AND FILED report on the redistricting of Supervisorial boundaries and
approved related actions, as recommended by the County Administrative Officer
14. ACCEPTED AND FILED 2000-01 Annual Environmental Progress Report, as recommended
by the County Administrative Officer
15. DEFERRED consideration of certified wood in County contracting until August 28, 2001, as
recommended by the County Administrative Officer
16. APPROVED the submittal of the County's interest in participating in the Association of
Monterey-Bay Area Governments' (AMBAG) application for video conferencing equipment, as
recommended by the County Administrative Officer
17. DEFERRED consideration of report back on the process related to County acquisition of
future County parks until August 28, 2001, as recommended by the County Administrative
18. ACCEPTED AND FILED report on the implementation of a South County Office for the
Department of Child Support Services; approved the lease agreement with Westridge 125, LLC
for the site at 165 Westridge Drive in Watsonville and approved related action, as recommended
by the Director of the Department of Child Support Services
19. APPROVED amendment to the Independent Contractor Agreement with Salas O'Brien for
engineering and design of the heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) units at 9
Crestview, for a not-to-exceed increase of $7,891 and authorized the General Services Director to
sign the amended agreement, as recommended by the Director of General Services
20. APPROVED contract with Technical Roof Services, Inc. in the amount of $15,600. for
roofing consultant services in connection with the re-roofing of the County Health Clinic located
at 9 Crestview Lane, Watsonville and authorized the General Services Director to sign the
agreement, as recommended by the Director of General Services
21. APPROVED award of contract to California Roofing Systems, Incorporated in the amount of
$171,900 for the re-roof of the Watsonville Health Clinic; authorized the General Services
Director to sign the contract agreements and associated documents on behalf of the County; and
authorized the General Services Director to approve change orders and encumber $17,190, as
recommended by the Director of General Services
22. APPROVED appointment of Ralph Miljanich to the Water Advisory Commission for a term
to expire April 1, 2003, as recommended by Supervisor Campos
23. DIRECTED the County Administrative Officer to provide a report and recommendation
during 2001-02 budget hearings regarding the request for County funding in the amount of
$5,000 in connection with the provision of shuttle bus services associated with the National
Guard homeless shelter program, as recommended by Chairman Campos
25. APPROVED agreement with IBM Global Services for information systems technical
assistance; approved amendment to the 2000-2001 agreement with, increasing
the maximum hourly rate from $85 to $100; and authorized the Health Services Agency
Administrator sign, as recommended by the Health Services Agency Administrator
27. APPROVED amendments to agreements with Santa Cruz Community Counseling Center and
Janus; and authorized the Health Services Agency Administrator to sign, as recommended by the
Health Services Agency Administrator
28. APPROVED the State Standard Agreement for Medi-Cal Alcohol and Drug Program
Services for fiscal years 2001-02 through 2003-04 and authorized the Health Services Agency
Administrator to take related actions, as recommended by the Health Services Agency
29. APPROVED funding application for $348,598 in State Funds for the Healthy
Families/Medi-Cal for Children Outreach Project and authorized the Health Services Agency to
submit the proposal to the State; with an additional direction to report back at budget hearings
2002/2003 with a status report regarding the program and how many additional children have
been enrolled
30. ADOPTED RESOLUTION NO. 257-2001 approving the submission of an application for
the 2001-04 Dental Disease Prevention Program in the amount of $51,050 per year for a
three-year total funding amount of $153,150; authorized the Health Services Agency
Administrator to sign the related agreement; and directed Clerk of the Board to take related
actions, as recommended by the Health Services Agency Administrator
31. APPROVED request for transfer of appropriations in the amount of $26,880 within the
Health Services Agency budget and authorized the purchase of a vehicle, an exam table and
computer monitors by the Health Services Agency, as recommended by the Health Services
Agency Administrator
32. APPROVED Independent Contractor Agreements with various service providers to provide
services to Multipurpose Senior Services Program (MSSP) clients; adopted RESOLUTION NO.
258-2001 authorizing the Human Resources Agency Administrator to sign the agreements on
behalf of the County; and approved related actions, as recommended by the Human Resources
Agency Administrator
33. DIRECTED the Human Resources Agency to return to your Board on or before August 28,
2001 for approval of an agreement with an independent consultant to conduct a study as provided
in the previously approved Facility and Infrastructure Work Plan, as recommended by the Human
Resources Agency Administrator
34. APPROVED allocations of funds recommended by the Fish and Game Commission, as
recommended by the Planning Director
35. APPROVED amendment to agreement with Waste Management of Santa Cruz County
regarding Refuse Recycling and Yardwaste Services increasing the contract not-to-exceed
amount to a total of $545,000; authorized the Director of Public Works to sign the agreement on
behalf of the County; and approved related action, as recommended by the Director of Public
36. APPROVED plan line for Seventh Avenue between Eaton Street and Capitola Road and
directed Public Works staff to include the plan line for Seventh Avenue in the Master Plan Line
file, as recommended by the Director of Public Works
37. ADOPTED RESOLUTION NO. 259-2001 scheduling a public hearing for August 7, 2001 on
the morning agenda, at 9:00 a.m. or thereafter regarding the proposed benefit assessment/service
charges and the proposed 2001-2002 Assessment/Service Charge Reports for County Service
Area No. 9E, Streetscape Maintenance and directed the Clerk of the Board to take related actions,
as recommended by the Redevelopment Agency Administrator
38. AUTHORIZED the Department of Public Works to accept the State Department of Fish and
Games' grant funding for the replacement of the Bonny Doon Road culvert crossing at Liddell
Creek; adopted RESOLUTION NO. 260-2001 authorizing Public Works to accept Coastal
Salmon Recovery Funds for replacement of Bonny Doon Road culvert crossing at Liddell Creek;
authorized the Director of Public Works to sign the grant funding agreement and directed the
Clerk of the Board to take related action, as recommended by the Director of Public Works
39. APPROVED amendment to agreement with Bridgette Land Surveying to include the
additional monumentation work on Mattison Lane and Maciel Avenue in the increased amount
of $10,000 and authorized the Director of Public Works to sign the agreement, as recommended
by the Director of Public Works
REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY, APPROVED contract for Design Services for the Live Oak
Library Expansion project in the amount of $59,334 and approved related actions, as
recommended by the Redevelopment Administrator
Case Name/No.:County of Santa Cruz v. E.A. Hathaway & Company, et al. Santa Cruz County Superior Court Case No. CV 138598
Case Name/No.:Griffith v. County Utility Tax, Court of Appeal, Sixth Appellate District, Case No. H019505
Case Name/No.:Robert Budda v. County of Santa Cruz, WCAB # SAL 77949
Significant exposure to litigation was considered pursuant to subdivision (b) of Government Code Section 54956.9 for one potential case
Agency negotiator:Personnel Director
Employee organization:All
REPORT OF COUNTY COUNSEL - In the matter of Robert Budda v. County of Santa Cruz,
WCAB #SAL77949 the Board of Supervisors approved settlement by way of comprising the
lease in the grand total sum of $25,000 in the above entitled matter
41.1 AUTHORIZED a waiver of disposal fees to be incurred by Waste Management of Santa
Cruz County in connection with the Mesa Village Spring Neighborhood Cleanup Day, as
recommended by Supervisor Campos
41.2 ACCEPTED AND FILED report on status of Deputy Sheriff negotiations, as recommended
by the Personnel Director and the County Administrative Officer
42. Public hearing held to consider recommendation of the Historic Resources Commission regarding additions and revisions to the County's Historic Resources Inventory;
closed public hearing; (1) adopted RESOLUTION NO. 261-2001 amending the County Historic
Resources Inventory, with an additional directive to remove from the resolution's List of Affected
Properties, Section B, Item 3; (2) certified the California Environmental Quality Act exemption;
and (3) directed the Planning Department to rezone those properties added to the Historic
Resources Inventory to add the "L" overlay designation
43. Public hearing held on proposed Assessment Rates and Assessment Rate Report for Mosquito Abatement/Vector Control County Service Area No. 53;
closed public hearing; adopted RESOLUTION NO. 262-2001
establishing Assessment rates for Mosquito Abatement/Vector Control County Service Area No.
53; and adopted RESOLUTION NO. 263-2001 confirming Assessment/Report for the 2001/02
fiscal year for Mosquito Abatement/Vector Control County Service Area No. 53
44. Continued consideration of a draft ordinance regulating wireless communication facilities, consideration of an interim ordinance regarding wireless communication facilities and continued public hearing to consider applications Nos. 99-0828, 00-0319 and 00-0352 (to construct wireless communication facilities including towers and accessory buildings);
closed public hearing; approved the draft wireless Communication Facilities Ordinance and
directed Planning Staff to process the ordinance amendment, and return to the Board with a final
ordinance for consideration following environmental review and action by the Planning
Commission; continued consideration of the Interim Ordinance until June 26, 2001; and
continued application Nos. 99-0828,00-0319 and 00-0352 (to construct Wireless Communication
Facilities Including Towers and Accessory Buildings) to June 26, 2001, with the intent to remand
these applications for review by the Planning Commission under the requirements of the interim
ordinance to be adopted on June 26, 2001; with additional directives that the interim ordinance
come back with the following changes: (1) the ordinance include all residential districts; (2) the
words "within the Bonny Doon and North Coast Planning Areas" on page 17, Section 3 be
stricken, so it is clear that the provision between the first road and the coastline is applicable
throughout the entire county; (3) include in all the applicable sections of the ordinance
definitions for "feasible alternative" that make clear it is limited to consideration of
environmental and technical factors; (4) a definition be included for "visually intrusive"; (5)
photo simulation would be required for all sites under consideration; (6) addition of a coma after
the words "or similar devices" on page 13, under section (d) definitions, item number 4; (7)
include in the list of various types of wireless communication facilities on page 15, item number
20, wireless internet providers; (8) under visual impact, item number 19 on page 20, change the
words "could be" to "is"; (9) delete the exemption for wireless communication facilities used
solely for public safety purposes on page 16; (10) add to (xi) on page 23 "schools", after the
words "residential uses"; and planning staff report back on June 26, 2001 regarding the issue of
blinking lights and when they are or are not required and whether or not the NICER standards
include a requirement that radiation be measured at various distances from the facility
45. RECEIVED bids for Capitola Road Improvements Project and referred to Public Works
Department to return on or before June 26, 2001 with a recommendation on awarding bid
45.1 APPROVED amendment to the 2000/2001 agreement with Food and Nutrition Services for
respite services, increasing the contract by $4,000 for a new contract maximum of $14,000;
authorized the Health Services Administrator to sign; approved amendment to the 2000-2001
agreement with Santa Cruz Community Counseling Center, Incorporated for housing and care
management services, increasing the contract by $198,500 for a new contract maximum of
$353,500 and authorized the Health Services Administrator to sign, as recommended by the
Health Services Agency Administrator
46. Public hearing held to consider the proposal to rezone Assessor's Parcel Number 079-421-01 (formerly APN 079-121-12) from the Special Use ("SU") zone district to the Timber Production ("TP") zone district. Requires a Rezoning. The property is located on the northwest side of Roberts Road (beyond the Harley Road sign), about 1 mile up Roberts Road from the intersection of Roberts and Love Creek Roads, Ben Lomond. Application No. 98-0604. Applicant: Dennis Kehoe. Owner: Charles and Rebecca Aalfs;
continued public hearing to June 26, 2001 at 1:30 p.m.
Chair, Board of Supervisors
Clerk of the Board
NOTE: This set of Board of Supervisors Minutes is scheduled to be approved by the Board on June 26, 2001