PROCEEDINGS OF THE SANTA CRUZ COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS VOLUME 99, NUMBER 16 JUNE 8, 1999 ******************************************************************** ACTION SUMMARY MINUTES VOTING KEY: A = Almquist, B = Beautz, C = Campos; S = Symons, W = Wormhoudt; first initial indicates maker of motion, second initial indicates the "second"; upper case letter = "yes" vote; lower case letter = "no" vote; () = abstain; // = absent 1. All Supervisors present Moment of Silence and Pledge of Allegiance 2. Consideration of Late Additions to the Agenda 3. Additions and Deletions to Consent Agenda 4. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS - Five people addressed the Board (An Oral Communications sign-in sheet will be filed with Written Correspondence for the Board's next meeting.) 5. Additions and Deletions to Regular Agenda CONSENT AGENDA WSBCA 6. APPROVED claims as submitted by the Auditor-Controller 7. APPROVED minutes of May 18 and 25, 1999, as recommended by the Clerk of the Board 8. ACCEPTED AND FILED notification of continuing contracts received during the period of May 24, 1999 through June 4, 1999 and approved upon adoption of the 1998/99 continuing agreements list to comply with Section 300 of the County's Procedures Manual, Title 1, as recommended by the Clerk of the Board 9. ADOPTED ORDINANCE NO. 4547 amending Chapter 12.10 of the Santa Cruz County Code relating to the adoption of the 1997 Uniform Building Code, 1997 Uniform Mechanical Code, 1997 Uniform Plumbing Code, and the 1996 National Electrical Code, as amended by Title 24, of the California Code of Regulations; and adopted RESOLUTION NO. 202-99 making findings for modifications of uniform codes 10. APPROVED contracts with the law firms of Page, Salisbury, and Dudley, and Walraff and Gilman for Public Defender Conflict of Interest Services for the period of July 1, 1999 through June 30, 2002; and authorized the County Administrative Officer to sign on behalf of the County, as recommended by the County Administrative Officer 11. ACCEPTED AND FILED status report on Census 2000 activities; and approved a one-time contribution in the amount of $1,705 to the Association of Monterey Bay Area Governments (AMBAG) for Census 2000 activities, as recommended by the County Administrative Officer 12. APPROVED a three-year contract with Vargas, Lopez and Company to provide audit services for fiscal years 1998/99 through 2000/01 in the amount of $155,000; and authorized the Auditor-Controller to sign the contract, as recommended by the Auditor-Controller 13. ACCEPTED Treasurer's monthly cash report and transaction report for the periods ending March 31, 1999 and April 30, 1999, as recommended by the Treasurer-Tax Collector 14. ACCEPTED Exterior Waterproofing project at the Water Street Jail, as complete; approved final cost of the project in the amount of $15,175; and authorized the Clerk of the Board to file the Notice of Completion, as recommended by the Director of General Services 15. DIRECTED the General Services Department to notify the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection of our intention to contract for the same level of fire services in fiscal year 2000/2001, as recommended by the Director of General Services 16. APPROVED change in Civil Service Rules adding two classes to the list of those with twelve month probation periods; and adopted RESOLUTION NO. 203-99 amending Resolution No. 247-76 to amend the Personnel Regulations, as recommended by the Chair of the County Civil Service Commission and the Personnel Director 17. ADOPTED ORDINANCE NO. 4548 amending Sections 13.32.020, 13.32.030, 13.32.040 and 13.32.060, and adding Sections 13.32.075 and 13.32.102 to the Santa Cruz County Code relating to rental adjustment procedures for mobilehome parks, with an additional directive to incorporate the following changes to the Ordinance: to Page 1, Section I, 13.32.020, Base Rent, fifth sentence, after the word charged, insert the words "as of January 1, 1999", and delete the words, "when the park owner initially received written notice from the County that the space was subject to the provisions of this Chapter"...; to Page 33, Section VI, 13.32.102, Recreational Vehicle/Trailer Park Spaces, fifth sentence, after the word charged, insert the words, "as of January 1, 1999", and delete the words, "when the park owner initially received written notice from the County that the space was subject to the provisions of this Chapter"... 18. ACCEPTED AND FILED report on an audit of the Courts for the period of July 1, 1994 through June 30, 1996, as recommended by the Auditor-Controller 19. ACCEPTED AND FILED status report on the local emergency plan development; and directed the General Services Department to return on or before September 21, 1999 with the recommended plan document, as recommended by the Director of General Services 20. ACCEPTED AND FILED Volume II, Departmental Line Item Budget Detail, for the 1999/00 proposed budget, as recommended by the County Administrative Officer 21. DENIED claim of Richard Quigley No. 899-132 and referred to County Counsel 22. DENIED claim of Brenda and Richard Pease No. 899-140 and referred to County Counsel 23. DENIED claim of Patty McFadden et. al. No. 899-142 and referred to County Counsel 24. DENIED the application to file a late claim on behalf of Harold Ralph Abrahamson No. 899-143 and referred to County Counsel 25. DENIED the application to file a late claim on behalf of Michael Lee Williams No. 899-144 and referred to County Counsel 26. APPROVED an increase in encumbrances for the County's self-funded Dental program, as recommended by the Personnel Director 27. AUTHORIZED the Chairperson to forward a letter to the Director of FEMA, Senator Feinstein, Senator Boxer, Congress Member Farr and Congress Member Campbell urging a delay in the publication of the proposed regulations in the Federal Register to allow sufficient time for all affected parties to research and analyze the impact of the proposed changes regarding insurance provisions and provide these comments to FEMA, as recommended by the Personnel Director 28. APPROVED appointment of Dorothy Simmers to the Long Term Care Interagency Commission for a term to expire April 1, 2001, as recommended by Supervisor Almquist 29. APPROVED appointment of C. Jean Poulos, Ph.D., to the Public Health Commission for a term to expire April 1, 2001, as recommended by Supervisor Beautz 30. ACCEPTED notification of various at-large vacancies on the Private Industry Council, in the categories outlined, with nominations for appointment to be received on June 15, 1999, and final appointments to be made August 3, 1999, as recommended by Chairperson Almquist 31. APPROVED appointment of Ana Espinoza to the Children and Families First Commission, as a representative of community-based organizations that have the goal of promoting nurturing and early childhood developments, for a term to expire April 1, 2000, as recommended by Supervisor Wormhoudt 32. APPROVED appointment of Robert A. Dwyer to the Committee for Economic Vitality for a term to expire June 30, 1999, as recommended by Supervisor Campos 33. APPROVED appointment of Erica Padilla to the Children's Commission for a term to expire April 1, 2003, as recommended by Supervisor Campos 34. ACCEPTED nomination of Kathleen Johnson as an at-large appointee to the Long Term Care Interagency Commission, in the category of "person with a demonstrated interest in nursing home care," for a term to expire April 1, 2000, with final appointment to be made June 15, 1999, as recommended by Supervisor Symons 35. ADOPTED RESOLUTION NO. 204-99 supporting the passage of Assembly Bill 1055, relating to playground equipment, with an additional directive to add to the distribution list the local school superintendents and the recreation districts 36. AUTHORIZED $4,000 increase in encumbrance for the contract with Shook and Hardy for litigation services, as recommended by County Counsel 37. APPROVED appointment of Maria Castro to the Children and Families First Commission, as a representative of educators specializing in early childhood development, for a term to expire April 1, 2000, as recommended by Supervisor Symons 37.1 APPROVED contract with Robert Olson Associates in the amount of $15,000 for the preparation of the County Fire Master Plan; authorized the Director of General Services to sign the contract; and directed General Services and County Fire to return on or before January 25, 2000 with a final draft plan for Board approval, as recommended by the Director of General Services 38. ADOPTED RESOLUTION NO. 205-99 authorizing the Health Services Agency Administrator to sign the 1999/2000 State revenue agreement for immunization services and to sign administrative amendments adjusting line items up to $10,000; and directed the Clerk of the Board to take related actions, as recommended by the Health Services Agency Administrator 39. ACCEPTED AND FILED report on the need to continue the state of local emergency relative to the transmission of HIV through contaminated needles, as recommended by the Health Services Agency Administrator 40. APPROVED the First Amendment to the sewer system connection agreement with the City of Santa Cruz to allow a developed parcel to connect to the City's sewer system; and authorized the County Administrative Officer to sign amendment, as recommended by the Health Services Agency Administrator 41. APPROVED contract amendment with Sonoma County for access to sub-acute psychiatric care through a regional mental health rehabilitation program, as recommended by the Health Services Agency Administrator 42. DEFERRED the matter of Bylaws and Conflict of Interest Code of the Santa Cruz-Monterey Managed Medical Care Commission to August 10, 1999, as recommended by the Health Services Agency 43. APPROVED multi-year agreement with Sandra Vaughn for license purchase, installation, training, maintenance and technical assistance related to Drug Court Client Tracking System software; and authorized the Health Services Agency Administrator to sign agreement, as recommended by the Health Services Agency Administrator 44. ACCEPTED AND FILED report on the first six months of Central Fire District's paramedic program, as recommended by the Health Services Agency Administrator 45. APPROVED agreement in the amount of $70,000 with the Cabrillo Community College District for LADDERs Project services in Santa Cruz County; and authorized the Human Resources Agency Administrator to sign the agreement; as recommended by the Human Resources Agency Administrator 46. APPROVED contract amendment extending the length of the lease agreement with Pajaro Valley Unified School District for the Cal-Learn program; and authorized the Human Resources Agency Administrator to sign amendment, as recommended by the Human Resources Agency Administrator 47. APPROVED 1998-99 contract in the amount of $60,000 with United Way of Santa Cruz County for the Community Assessment Project; adopted RESOLUTION NO. 206-99 accepting unanticipated revenue in the amount of $25,000 from DDS, MAC-CP, for Community Assessment Project; and authorized the Human Resources Agency Administrator to sign the contract on behalf of the County, as recommended by the Human Resources Agency Administrator 48. APPROVED the amendments to the County's contracts with Familia Center, Senior Citizens Legal Services and Legal Aid of the Central Coast for FY 98/99 to allow Medi-Cal Administrative Activities claiming; and authorized the Human Resources Agency Administrator to sign the amendments, as recommended by the Human Resources Agency Administrator 49. APPROVED lease agreement with the State of California for a Mid-County Workforce Career Center; authorized the Human Resources Agency Administrator to sign the lease and to act on behalf of the County in all matters pertaining to the lease; and approved related actions, as recommended by the Human Resources Agency Administrator 50. APPROVED contract with SOLUTIONSWest to assist in the implementation of the redesigned service delivery system for the new Human Resources Agency Careerworks division, contingent upon the approval of the recommended fiscal year 1999/2000 Human Resources Agency budget; and authorized the Human Resources Agency Administrator to sign contract, as recommended by the Human Resources Agency Administrator 51. ACCEPTED certification of results regarding County Service Area No. 13, Zone B, County Service Area No. 18, Whitehouse Canyon, County Service Area No. 34, Larsen Road, County Service Area No. 36, Baker Road Zone, County Service Area No. 43, Bonita Encino and County Service Area No. 55, Zone B, balloting and directed the Public Works Department to take related actions; and adopted RESOLUTION NO. 207-99 authorizing and levying an assessment for road maintenance and operations within CSA No. 13-Zone B, lower Hutchinson Road for 1999-00 and each year following; adopted RESOLUTION NO. 208-99 authorizing and levying an assessment for road maintenance and operations within CSA No. 18, White House Canyon for 1999-00 and each year following; adopted RESOLUTION NO. 209-99 authorizing and levying an assessment for road maintenance and operations within CSA No. 34, Larsen Road for 1999-00 and each year following; adopted RESOLUTION NO. 210-99 authorizing and levying an assessment for road maintenance and operations within CSA No. 36, Baker Road Zone for 1999-00 and each year following; adopted RESOLUTION NO. 211-99 authorizing and levying an assessment for road maintenance and operations within CSA No. 43, Bonita Encino for 1999- 00 and each year following; adopted RESOLUTION NO. 212-99 authorizing and levying an assessment for road maintenance and operations within CSA No. 55 - Zone B, Riverdale Blvd. for 1999-00 and each year following, as recommended by the Director of Public Works 52. ACCEPTED improvements for the Countywide Storm Debris Removal Project; approved final cost of $433,251; and authorized the Clerk of the Board to file the Notice of Completion, as recommended by the Director of Public Works 53. ADOPTED RESOLUTION NO. 213-99 for right-of-way acquisition for Valencia Road Storm Damage Repair; authorized the Director of Public Works to sign the contracts; and approved payment of the claim, as recommended by the Director of Public Works 54. DEFERRED award of contract for the Sunset Beach Water Main Extension Project to June 22, 1999, as recommended by the Director of Public Works 55. APPROVED engineer's report for County Service Area No. 26, Hidden Valley, Zones B through G; adopted RESOLUTION NO. 214-99 of intention to authorize and levy an assessment for road maintenance operation; approved notice of public hearing, ballot procedure, and ballots for the proposed increased 1999/2000 assessment; set Tuesday, August 3, 1999 for a public hearing on the proposed increased assessment rates; and approved related actions, as recommended by the Director of Public Works 56. AS THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE DAVENPORT COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICT, SCHEDULED public hearing for August 3, 1999 at 9:00 a.m. or thereafter to consider adoption of a resolution confirming the sewer service charge report for the 1999/00 tax roll; and approved related actions, as recommended by the District Engineer 57. AS THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE FREEDOM COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICT, SCHEDULED public hearing for August 3, 1999 at 9:00 a.m. or thereafter to consider adoption of a resolution confirming the sewer service charge report for the 1999/00 tax roll; and approved related actions, as recommended by the District Engineer 58. ADOPTED RESOLUTION NO. 215-99 approving and accepting the terms and conditions of contracts for Soquel Drive Road Slope Repair Project; authorized the Director of Public Works to sign the contracts; and approved payment of claims, as recommended by the Director of Public Works 59. ADOPTED RESOLUTION NO. 216-99 approving terms and conditions of contracts for right-of-way acquisition of Soquel Creek Bridge/Soquel Drive seismic retrofit project; authorized the Director of Public Works to sign the contracts; and approved payment of claims, as recommended by the Director of Public Works 60. ACCEPTED low bid of William Young Construction in the amount of $1,103,357 for the Conference Drive Bridge; adopted RESOLUTION NO. 217-99 accepting unanticipated revenue in the amount of $111,000, Seismic Retrofit and Painting Project; authorized award of contract; and authorized the Director of Public Works to sign the contract, as recommended by the Director of Public Works 61. APPROVED Federal Funding Program Supplement with the State of California in the amount of $630,000 for the Conference Drive Bridge seismic retrofit and painting project; adopted RESOLUTION NO. 218-99 authorizing agreement with the State of California for funding constructing and construction engineering; authorized the Director of Public Works to sign the agreement; and approved related actions, as recommended by the Director of Public Works 62. ADOPTED RESOLUTION NO. 219-99 approving and accepting terms and conditions for the agreements for Trout Gulch Road Improvement Project at Cathedral Drive; authorized the Director of Public Works to sign the contracts; and approved payment of claims, as recommended by the Director of Public Works 63. ACCEPTED Shore Trail and Dolphin Sumner Trail Improvement Projects, as complete; approved final cost of the project in the amount of $219,927; and authorized the Clerk of the Board to file the Notice of Completion, as recommended by the Director of Parks, Open Space and Cultural Services 64. APPROVED additional funding to the Valencia Hall Drainage Project; and authorized the Parks Director to approve change orders, as recommended by the Director of Parks, Open Space and Cultural Services 65. APPROVED contract amendment with EcoSystems West Consulting Group in the amount of $9,420 for additional biotic consulting services and to allow for future encumbrance increases to be authorized by the County Administrative Officer, as recommended by the Planning Director 66. ACCEPTED AND FILED report on restoration options for the Redman House, as recommended by the Planning Director 67. SEE ITEM NO. 86.1, REGULAR AGENDA 68. ADOPTED RESOLUTION NO. 220-99 accepting a grant in the amount of $10,000 from the Department of Fish and Game for reimbursement of costs related to participation in the Federal Spill Contingency Area Planning Process; authorized the Planning Director to sign the Standard Agreement with the State Fish and Game; and authorized the Planning Director to sign the Administrative Services Agreement with Monterey County, as recommended by the Planning Director 69. ACCEPTED AND FILED report on enforcement of ordinance regulating tobacco advertising, as recommended by the Planning Director 70. DEFERRED report on office lease for the Planning Department and Sheriff's Office to June 15, 1999, as recommended by the Planning Director and the Sheriff- Coroner 71. DEFERRED report on Capitola Road Plan Line to September 21, 1999, as recommended by the Redevelopment Agency Administrator 72. AS THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS AND REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY, SCHEDULED a closed personnel and litigation session as follows: CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL - EXISTING LITIGATION Case Name/No.: Pease v. County (Santa Cruz Superior Court Case No. 134304); Save Our Agricultural Land, et al. v. County of Santa Cruz, et al. (Santa Cruz Superior Court Case No. 133523) REPORT OF COUNTY COUNSEL - No report given 72.1 ACCEPTED AND FILED report on audit of the Office of Criminal Justice Planning grants for Statutory Rape and Anti-Drug Abuse Programs for fiscal year ended June 30, 1998; requested that the District Attorney implement the recommendations in the report and return on or before August 10, 1999 with a response, as recommended by the Auditor-Controller 72.2 ADOPTED RESOLUTION NO. 221-99 amending salary Resolution No. 279-75 to complement various employee classifications and compensation actions, as recommended by the Personnel Director 72.3 ACCEPTED AND FILED report on Community Television; and approved the Community Television 1999-2000 activities plan and budget, as recommended by the County Administrative Officer WsBCA REGULAR AGENDA 73. CONSIDERED conceptual ordinance to permit the conversion of recreational vehicle/travel trailer parks to permanent occupancy; considered initial public comments on the proposed ordinance; conceptually approved ordinance and referred it to Environmental Review, the Housing Advisory Commission and Planning Commission for consideration; scheduled the ordinance for formal consideration by the Board on November 9, 1999; with additional directives to add the following changes to the ordinance: (1) page 676, on No. 9, under standards, end sentence with "sewage disposal system, approved by Environmental Health Services."; (2) page 677, on No. 4, add language to end of sentence to clarify what the Health and Safety Code Section 18604 is; (3) page 677, under (G) exceptions, add language to clarify that sewage disposal and water requirements are not eligible for exception, and that tenant organizations have the right to request exceptions; (4) page 680, under (iii), add language on controlling the storage of hazardous materials; and further directed that the County Administrative Office return with a report on what options the Board has on how to address the current problems that are resulting for residents as a result of decreasing occupancy by attrition BWSCA 74. CONSIDERED report regarding the Planning Commission's study session to consider design review waiver procedures; considered comments provided by the Planning Commission; with an additional directive regarding the waiver process to be a noticed public hearing before the Zoning Administrator BSWca 75. Public hearing held to consider adoption of an ordinance amending Chapter 7.92 of the Santa Cruz County Code regarding proposed amendments to the Santa Cruz County Fire Code; closed public hearing; adopted urgency ORDINANCE NO. 4549 adopting the Uniform Fire Code, 1997 Edition and prescribing regulations governing conditions hazardous to life, the environment and property from panic, fire, explosion or release and providing for the issuance of permits and establishing certain fees; adopted RESOLUTION NO. 222-99 finding modification of state housing law by Ordinance No. 4549, reasonably necessary because of local conditions; with an additional directive that the Resolution be modified by adding language to Item No. 5 to read: The "limited" water supply... WCBSA 76. Public hearing held to consider proposed assessment rates for the 1999/2000 fiscal year for Mosquito Abatement/Vector Control, County Service Area No. 53, and the proposed assessment report; closed public hearing; adopted RESOLUTION NO. 223-99 establishing assessment rates for Mosquito Abatement/Vector Control County Service Area No. 53; adopted RESOLUTION NO. 224-99 confirming assessment report for the 1999/00 fiscal year for Mosquito Abatement/Vector Control County Service Area No. 53 SCBWA 77. Public hearing held to consider proposed benefit assessments/service charges and the proposed 1999/2000 assessment/service charge reports for County Service Area No. 12, Wastewater Management; closed public hearing; adopted RESOLUTION NO. 225-99 establishing benefit assessment/service charges for County Service Area No. 12: septic system maintenance, San Lorenzo wastewater management (Zone A), and inspection and monitoring of nonstandard systems; adopted RESOLUTION NO. 226-99 confirming assessment/service charge reports for the 1999-2000 fiscal year for County Service Area No. 12: septic system maintenance (CSA 12), San Lorenzo wastewater management (CSA 12A), and inspection and monitoring of nonstandard sewage disposal systems (CSA 12N) WSBCA 78. Public hearing held to consider 1999/2000 proposed benefit assessment/service charge rates for various County Service Areas and on the proposed benefit assessment/service charge reports; closed public hearing; adopted RESOLUTION NO. 227-99 confirming benefit assessment/service charge reports for the 1999/00 fiscal year for various County Service Areas; adopted RESOLUTION NOS. 228-99 THROUGH 268-99 establishing benefit assessment/service rates for various County Service Areas WBSCA 79. Public hearing held to consider the annual progress report on Measure C Implementation; accept Measure C 1998/99 status report; and direct staff to return on or before September 21, 1999 with an "End of Decade" Report on Measure C implementation; closed public hearing; accepted the Measure C 1998- 1999 status report; and directed staff to return on or before September 21, 1999 with an "End of Decade" report on Measure C implementation; with an additional directive that the September 21, 1999 report include information needed to continue Measure C beyond its expiration date and other environmental issues that should be addressed that were not an issue ten years ago WBSCA 80. RECEIVED bids regarding Buena Vista Landfill - Module 6 Expansion Project and referred to Public Works to return with a recommendation on or before June 22, 1999 WSBCA 81. RECEIVED bids regarding Mount Hermon Road Bridge and Bear Creek Road Bridge seismic retrofit project and referred to Public Works to return with a recommendation on or before June 22, 1999 BCSWA 82. CONSIDERED adoption of a local hire ordinance to encourage the hiring of local workers on capital construction projects; (1) read title and waived detailed reading of complete ordinance; (2) approved ordinance "in concept" to return June 15, 1999 for final adoption; and accepted and filed report of Redevelopment Agency (1) BWSCA (2) WCBSA 83. Hearing held on the proposed eminent domain action for Trout Gulch Road Improvement Project; adopt resolution authorizing County Counsel to institute eminent domain; and take related actions; closed hearing; adopted RESOLUTION NO. 269-99 authorizing County Counsel to institute eminent domain proceedings for the Trout Gulch Road Improvement Project Kenneth G. Carlson - APN 041-021-04 and -05; and approved related actions SBWCA 84. CONTINUED consideration to accept report on the formation of a technical advisory committee for onsite sewage disposal; (1) accepted report on the formation of a Technical Advisory Committee for onsite sewage disposal with the additional designation that the Committee act under the Brown Act; (2) directed the County Administrative Officer and County Counsel to return June 22, 1999 with a policy discussion regarding the formation of committees and commissions (1) ACBSw (2) BASWC 85. CONTINUED TO JUNE 15, 1999 recommendation to accept site improvements for Pacific Pointe, Tract 1400; adopt resolution accepting Samuel Place, Parcel "A" and Parcel "C" into the County Maintained Road System; adopt ordinance amending Chapter 9.28 of the County Code relating to one-way designation and stop signs; and take related actions BCSWA 86. CONSIDERED adoption of an ordinance repealing Chapter 2.50 of the Santa Cruz County Code relating to the Ambulance Contract Compliance Commission and associated report of the Health Services Agency Administrator; (1) read title and waived detailed reading of complete ordinance; (2) approved ordinance "in concept" to return June 15, 1999 for final adoption; directed the Health Services Agency Administrator and County Counsel to pursue discussions to result in the deletion of references to the Ambulance Contract Compliance Commission in the existing agreement for the provision of Ambulance Services between the County and American Medical Response West and return to the Board with a proposed modified agreement; directed the Health Services Agency Administrator to report at least quarterly to the Emergency Medical Care Commission on ambulance performance and related matters; directed the Health Services Agency Administrator to report annually to the Board of Supervisors at their first meeting in March on the performance of the ambulance contractor for the previous contract year ending November 30; with an additional directive that the Health Services Agency Administrator report to the Board any time during the year when changes in services or fees are made in the contract (1) WBSCA (2) WBSCA 86.1 REFERRED proposal to rezone APN: 095-270-01 (located on the east side of Highway 17 just north of Jarvis Road) to the Planning Commission for consideration of consistency with County Visual Resource Protection Policies; with an additional directive that the memorandum of Supervisor Beautz dated June 1, 1999 regarding clarification of watershed issues raised for Application No. 98-0461, APN 095-271-01, Special Use rezoning to Timber Production hearing before the Board of Supervisors be addressed BWSCA 87. Study session held with the Pajaro Valley Water Management Agency Board of Directors regarding ongoing activities to mitigate overdraft in the Pajaro Valley Approved: Chair, Board of Supervisors Attest: Clerk of the Board Date: NOTE: This set of Board of Supervisors Minutes is scheduled to be approved by the Board on June 22, 1999