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Board of Supervisors Minutes

                         PROCEEDINGS OF THE 
                          SANTA CRUZ COUNTY
                        BOARD OF SUPERVISORS

                        VOLUME 99, NUMBER 22
                           AUGUST 24, 1999

                       ACTION SUMMARY MINUTES

           VOTING KEY: A = Almquist, B = Beautz, C = Campos;        
           S = Symons, W = Wormhoudt; first initial indicates maker
           of motion, second initial indicates the "second"; upper
           case letter = "yes" vote; lower case letter = "no" vote;
           () = abstain; // = absent

          1.  All Supervisors present
              Moment of Silence and Pledge of Allegiance

          2.  Consideration of Late Additions to the Agenda, See
              Item No. 50.1, on the Regular Agenda 

          3.  Additions and Deletions to Consent Agenda

          4.  ORAL COMMUNICATIONS - No one addressed the Board (An
              Oral Communications sign-in sheet will be filed with
              Written Correspondence for the Board's next meeting.) 
          5.  Additions and Deletions to Regular Agenda


          6.  APPROVED claims as submitted by the Auditor-Controller

          7.  APPROVED minutes of August 10, 1999, as recommended by
              the Clerk of the Board

          8.  SEE ITEM NO. 43.2, REGULAR AGENDA

          9.  APPROVED items to be surplus to County needs, as
              recommended by the Director of General Services

         10.  ACCEPTED Equipment and Services for Phase 2 - County
              Radio System Infrastructure as completed; approved the
              final cost of $681,223.57; and authorized the Clerk of
              the Board to file the Notice of Completion, as
              recommended by the Director of General Services

         11.  DENIED claim of Howard B. and Marianne Hamilton No.
              900-001 and referred to County Counsel

         12.  DENIED claim of Frederick D. Jenkins No. 900-011 and
              referred to County Counsel

         13.  DENIED claim of Mario Gallardo No. 900-012 and
              referred to County Counsel

         14.  DENIED claim of Melissa Stone No. 900-015 and referred
              to County Counsel

         15.  DEFERRED actions on the property tax exchange for
              LAFCO No. 855 (Freedom/Carey Reorganization - Phase I)
              to September 28, 1999, as recommended by the County
              Administrative Officer 

         16.  AWARDED contract to Bond Blacktop, Incorporated, in
              the amount of $48,125 for the Emeline Campus Parking
              Lot Reseal Project; authorized the General Services
              Director to sign the agreement; and approved related
              actions, as recommended by the Director of General

         17.  APPROVED agreement with the California Department of
              Food and Agriculture (CDFA) to conduct local
              inspection of establishments selling petroleum
              products under contract; and authorized the
              Agricultural Commissioner to sign the contract, as
              recommended by the Agricultural Commissioner

         18.  ADOPTED RESOLUTION NO. 370-99 authorizing the
              temporary transfer of funds to the Happy Valley
              Elementary School District, Mountain Elementary School
              District and to the various Fire Protection Districts;
              and directed the County Treasurer-Tax Collector to
              take related actions, as recommended by the Auditor-
         19.  ADOPTED RESOLUTION NO. 371-99 approving the County's
              participation in the application for Caltrans
              Transportation Enhancement Activities Program funding
              for the Sanctuary Scenic Trail; authorized the County
              Administrative Officer to submit the application on
              behalf of the Santa Cruz County Sanctuary Inter-Agency
              Task Force; and approved related actions, as
              recommended by the County Administrative Officer

         20.  ADOPTED RESOLUTION NO. 372-99 authorizing the District
              Attorney to reapply to the State Department of
              Insurance for fiscal year 1999/2000 Automobile
              Insurance Fraud Program funding in the amount of
              $66,282, as recommended by the District Attorney

         21.  ADOPTED RESOLUTION NO. 373-99 in support of Senate
              Bill 984, which would designate a holiday to be known
              as "Cesar Chavez Day"; and approved related actions,
              as recommended by Supervisors Almquist and Campos

         22.  APPROVED proposed settlement regarding Edward Oreb,
              Continental Casualty Insurance Company v. County of
              Santa Cruz (Case No. CV 134016), as recommended by
              County Counsel

         23.  APPROVED lease agreement for Challenge Grant Day
              Treatment Program Site in Watsonville; and approved
              related actions, as recommended by the Chief Probation

         24.  ADOPTED RESOLUTION NO. 374-99 fixing the 1999/2000 tax
              rates and the allowance for unsecured tax
              delinquencies, as recommended by the Auditor-

         24.1 SEE ITEM NO. 43.3, REGULAR AGENDA 
         25.  APPROVED three gross pay adjustments in the amounts of
              $184.76, $299.35 and $247.50 within the Health
              Services Agency, as recommended by the Health Services
              Agency Administrator
         26.  APPROVED addition of 1.0 FTE Payroll Clerk and
              deletion of .75 FTE Typist Clerk II; and requested
              Personnel to classify the new position, as recommended
              by the Health Services Agency Administrator

         27.  APPROVED an agreement with the HIV Education and
              Prevention Project; and authorized the Health Services
              Agency Administrator to sign certain amendments to the
              State-funded Education and Prevention agreements with
              SCAP, Salud, and the HIV Education and Prevention
              Project, as recommended by the Health Services Agency

         28.  AUTHORIZED the Auditor-Controller to make advance
              payments for September 1999 on contracts with the
              Santa Cruz Community Counseling Center, Volunteer
              Center of Santa Cruz and Front Street, Incorporated,
              as recommended by the Health Services Agency

         29.  APPROVED agreement with Merrill House, Incorporated,
              in the amount of $54,000 through June 30, 2000; and
              approved new master agreement for psychiatric nursing
              services and consultation, as recommended by the
              Health Services Agency Administrator

         30.  AUTHORIZED the Health Services Agency Administrator to
              sign the standard agreement for the AIDS Drug Program
              for July 1, 1999 through June 30, 2000; and adopted
              RESOLUTION NO. 375-99 accepting unanticipated revenue
              to help support the operation of the AIDS Drug
              Assistance Program, as recommended by the Health
              Services Agency Administrator

         31.  APPROVED the bylaws of the Santa Cruz-Monterey Managed
              Medical Care Commission, as adopted by the Commission
              on July 28, 1999, as recommended by the Health
              Services Agency Administrator

         32.  DEFERRED report on the Intrastate Funding Formula
              allocation to the local Area Agency on Aging to
              September 28, 1999, as recommended by the Human
              Resources Agency Administrator

         33.  DEFERRED report on Community Programs to September 28,
              1999, as recommended by the Human Resources Agency

              SANITATION DISTRICT, ACCEPTED low bid of Wysong
              Construction in the amount of $619,240 for the
              Davenport Oldtown Sewer Reconstruction Project;
              authorized the award of contract; approved Contract
              Change Order Policy; and authorized the District
              Engineer to sign the contract, as recommended by the
              District Engineer

         35.  ADOPTED RESOLUTION NO. 376-99 accepting Parcel "A"
              along the northwest side of Jose Avenue into the
              County Maintained Road System, as recommended by the
              Director of Public Works

         36.  APPROVED Contract Change Order No. 1 in the amount of
              $20,000 for construction services for the repair of
              storm damage at Morrell Road and Old Santa Cruz
              Highway; authorized the Chairperson to sign the
              contract change order; and approved related actions,
              as recommended by the Director of Public Works

         37.  AUTHORIZED the Director of Public Works to sign the
              California Conservation Corps Annual Pajaro Storm
              Drain Maintenance agreement in the amount of $13,950;
              and approved related actions, as recommended by the
              Director of Public Works

         38.  APPROVED the change requests for Tract 1304, Seascape
              Uplands, as recommended by the Director of Public

         39.  SEE ITEM NO. 43.1, REGULAR AGENDA 

         40.  SCHEDULED public hearing for the morning agenda of
              September 28, 1999 to consider the adoption of the
              2000 Annual Population Growth Goal, as recommended by
              the Planning Director
         41.  APPROVED agreement in the amount of $10,820 (which
              includes a $2,000 contingency) with Bowman and
              Williams to prepare construction documents,
              construction staking and construction observation
              services for repair of Valencia Creek embankment at
              Polo Grounds County Park; authorized the Director of
              County Parks to sign the agreement; and to sign Design
              Change Orders in an amount not-to-exceed $2,000, as
              recommended by the Director of Parks, Open Space and
              Cultural Services

              SCHEDULED a closed personnel and litigation session as
              Case Name/No.:  County of Santa Cruz, County Service
              Area No. 54 v. Mt. Charlie Waterworks, Incorporated
              (Santa Cruz Superior Court Case No. 133807); Pierce v.
              State of California et. al. (Santa Cruz Superior Court
              No. 133560)
              Initiation of litigation was considered pursuant to
              subdivision (c) of Government Code Section 54956.9 for
              one potential case.
              Significant exposure to litigation was considered
              pursuant to subdivision (b) of Government Code 54956.9
              for one potential case.
              Agency negotiator:  Personnel Director
              All Employee Organizations
              REPORT OF COUNTY COUNSEL - The Board approved the
              stipulated judgement to acquire the Mt. Charlie Water
              Works Inc. water system for the amount of $140,000
              payable in installments (BSWCA); The Board approved
              payment of the claim of Larry Abitbol, Bay Photo, in
              the amount of $5,800 (BSWCA)
         42.1 APPROVED plans, specifications and engineer's estimate
              for Lomond Terrace Road Improvement Project, County
              Service Area No. 28; authorized calling for bids; set
              bid opening for Tuesday, September 21, 1999; and
              approved related actions, as recommended by the
              Director of Public Works  

         42.2 AUTHORIZED the Chairperson of the Board to sign the
              claim release forms on behalf of the County for the
              repair of Old Summit Road; and adopted RESOLUTION NO.
              377-99 accepting unanticipated revenue in the amount
              of $29,157 into the Road Fund, as recommended by the
              Director of Public Works


         43.  CONTINUED TO SEPTEMBER 21, 1999 consideration of
              proposed Ordinance amending Chapter 2.84 of the Santa
              Cruz County Code reducing the Membership of the
              Alcoholism and Drug Abuse Commission

         43.1 CONTINUED TO SEPTEMBER 21, 1999 consideration to
              accept site improvements for Rio Highlands, Tract 1343
              as completed; adopt resolution accepting Parcels B and
              C into the County Maintained System; and approve
              related actions; with an additional directive that
              Public Works report back on the issue of the
              landscaping; report back on the further improvements
              being done outside of the building envelope and that a
              certified letter with a map be sent to everyone on
              that side of the street that's affected by this,
              indicting where the building envelope ends, and that
              they are not allowed to put anything else in their
              backyard; and further return with a report that
              indicates this issue of substantial compliance, this
              issue of how the tentative and the final map are in
              compliance and what happened


         43.2 ACCEPTED AND FILED notification of continuing
              contracts received during the period of August 16,
              1999 through August 20, 1999 and approved upon
              adoption of the 1999/00 continuing agreements list to
              comply with Section 300 of the County's Procedures
              Manual, Title 1, as amended, APPROVED Contract No.
              90642-01 with the Santa Cruz Art and History Museum,
              with an additional directive that the Board get a work
              plan within 30 days for this year; and henceforth in
              the budget documents for Parks, that the Board get a
              full description from now on as to how this money is
              going to be used on a year-to-year basis


         43.3 APPROVED recommendation for cancellation of the
              September 14, 1999 Board of Supervisor's meeting; and
              approved related actions; with an additional directive
              that the County Administrative Officer at the time a
              tentative agreement is ratified by SEIU and the item
              is brought back to the Board that: the Board and the
              public receive the materials no later than the
              Thursday preceding the Tuesday in which the item is to
              be considered; that the Board letter include a
              statement of the cost estimates of the various items
              that have been agreed to based on the cost information
              that's been provided to the Board in closed session;
              and that the sources of the funding for those items be
              disclosed, basically whether it's a budgeted item
              being taken out of reserve account

         44.  The Board of Supervisors recessed in order to permit
              the Board of Directors of the County of Santa Cruz
              Flood Control and Water Conservation District, Zone 5,
              to convene and carry out its regularly scheduled

         45.  CONSIDERED report on the status of Timber Harvesting
              accepted and filed staff report; authorized the
              Planning Director to file appeals on any timber
              harvest permit which fails to comply with the
              requirements of Ordinance No. 4529 or for any other
              appropriate and documented reason; scheduled public
              hearing on November 9, 1999 to consider the set of
              policy/ordinance amendments, including the
              modifications, approved by the California Coastal
              Commission and the other less restrictive
              policy/ordinance amendments; and asked that Chair
              Almquist, if appropriate, at the September 14, 1999
              Board of Forestry meeting, include in his remarks that
              the Board of Supervisors are very appreciative of the
              Agency's attempts to develop their own suggestive set
              of rules and that they are in general supportive of
              the direction in which they are going

         46.  RECEIVED bids regarding Whitehouse Creek Road Storm
              Repair Project, Whitehouse Canyon - County Service
              Area No. 18 and referred to Public Works to return
              later this day with a recommendation (see Item No.


         47.  RECEIVED bids regarding Brommer Maintenance Yard
              Roofing Project and referred to Public Works to return
              with a recommendation on or before September 21, 1999


         48.  RECEIVED bids regarding Robak Drive Tree Removal and
              Pruning Project, County Service Area No. 16 and
              referred to Public Works to return later this date
              with a recommendation (see item No. 50)

         49.  Continued consideration of options to reduce water
              quality impacts associated with Santa Cruz
              Biotechnology Biomedical Livestock Operations through
              the implementation of interim non-structural measures;
              and review of proposed issuance with conditions of
              emergency approval for existing tents;
              authorized the Planning Director to issue an emergency
              coastal zone approval for relocation of fencing and
              small structures associated with pen areas, including
              the existing tent in the vicinity of the western barn
              complex referenced in the August 17, 1999 motion, and
              relocation of a drainage pipe in the vicinity of the
              eastern barn complex including a condition pertaining
              to the timing for submission of an application for a
              regular Coastal Zone permit and a condition that the
              goats be kept out of the riparian area until there is
              an approved master plan which might better inform the
              Board on appropriate conditions for the use of that
              area; authorized the Planning Director to process an
              application for a regular Coastal Zone approval,
              requiring a noticed public hearing before the Zoning
              Administrator, for construction of a secondary
              containment facility associated with the existing
              above-ground fuel storage tank and restoration of the
              eroding gully on the property; a manure management
              program be instigated as soon as possible including a
              manure haul-away program that would be in place by
              October 1st and that this manure management program
              would include conditions for the storage of the manure
              that was to be hauled away that were environmentally
              appropriate and located in close proximity of the
              roads so that no new roads would be developed as a
              result of that; 
              amended motion regarding manure only to read: if the
              manure can be managed on site, that is fine, if not,
              the manure haul-away program would be immediately put
              in place to remove the manure from the property; 
              that the Planning Department include as a condition of
              each of these approvals, execution of a Waiver and
              Indemnification Agreement, and a statement of
              acknowledgment by the applicant that the work
              completed pursuant to these approvals is being
              undertaken at their own risk, and that subsequent
              approval of the Master Plan may require relocation or
              removal of the improvements; and that instead of
              getting into the issue of processing a new permit for
              tents which are arguably structures in the coastal
              zone, that the Board simply agree that enforcement
              will not be a priority on that issue and that matter
              will be left in abeyance until after consideration of
              the Master Plan


         50.  ACCEPTED low bid of Lewis Tree Service in the amount
              of $14,960 for County Service Area No. 16, Robak Drive
              Tree Removal and Pruning Project; and authorized the
              Director of Public Works to sign the contract on
              behalf of the County, as recommended by the Director
              of Public Works


         50.1 Accepted request to add late item to the agenda
              according to criteria as specified, that being a need
              to take action to avoid injury or detriment to the
              public or employees arose subsequent to the printed
              agenda being posted (BCSWA);
              AUTHORIZED County Counsel to sign an agreement to
              defend and indemnify The Carney Law Firm against any
              claim arising from any work performed for the County
              Counsel's Office by an attorney who is a member of the
              firm, as recommended by County Counsel


         50.2 CONTINUED TO SEPTEMBER 21, 1999 consideration of low
              bid for Whitehouse Canyon, Whitehouse Creek Road Storm
              Repair Project, County Service Area No. 18; and take
              related actions




                  Chair, Board of Supervisors

              Clerk of the Board


NOTE:      This set of Board of Supervisors Minutes is scheduled to
           be approved by the Board on September 21, 1999