September 12, 2000
VOTING KEY: A = Almquist, B = Beautz, C = Campos;
S = Symons, W = Wormhoudt; first initial indicates maker
of motion, second initial indicates the "second"; upper
case letter = "yes" vote; lower case letter = "no" vote;
() = abstain; // = absent
1. All Supervisors present
Moment of Silence and Pledge of Allegiance
2. Consideration of Late Additions to the Agenda
3. Additions and Deletions to Consent Agenda
4. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS - Thirteen people addressed the
5. Additions and Deletions to Regular Agenda
6. APPROVED claims as submitted by the Auditor-Controller
7. APPROVED minutes of August 15, 2000 and August 22,
2000 as recommended by the Clerk of the Board
8. ACCEPTED AND FILED notification of continuing
contracts received during the period of August 21,
2000 through September 8, 2000 and approved upon
adoption of the 2000/01 continuing agreements list to
comply with Section 300 of the County's Procedures
Manual, Title 1, as recommended by the Clerk of the
9. ADOPTED ORDINANCE NO. 4595 repealing Chapter 2.108 and
adding Chapter 2.110 to the Santa Cruz County Code
relative to the Workforce Investment Board
10. ACCEPTED AND FILED reports on audits of Transient
Occupancy Tax Audits for Chaminade at Santa Cruz and
for Seascape Resort, and directed the Tax Collector to
issue refunds or credits to Chaminade for $1,315 and
to Seascape Resort for $763, as recommended by the
11. APPROVED the issuance of replacement warrant in the
amount of $17.51, as recommended by the Auditor-
12. ADOPTED RESOLUTION NO. 293-2000 ordering the elections
called by the school districts, special districts and
cities be consolidated with the November 7, 2000
general election, as recommended by the County Clerk
13. REJECTED the claim of David Wayne Sims, No. 001-010,
and referred to County Counsel
14. APPROVED the settlement of Swanson v. County of Santa
Cruz, Ray Pike and Henry Munoz, Case No. CV 138712, in
the amounts of $94,000 to Eric Swanson and $16,000 to
Douglas C. Kane, Esq., respectively, for a total
amount of $110,000; and authorized the County Auditor
to issue checks totaling that amount, as recommended
by County Counsel
15. ADOPTED RESOLUTION NO. 294-2000 authorizing the
District Attorney's Office to reapply to the
Department of Justice for funding for the Spousal
Abuser Prosecution Program grant through fiscal year
2000-2001 and approved related actions, as recommended
by the District Attorney
16. ADOPTED RESOLUTION NO. 295-2000 authorizing the
District Attorney to reapply to the State Department
of Insurance for $67,775.26 in fiscal year 2000-2001
Automobile Insurance Fraud funds and approved related
actions, as recommended by the District Attorney
17. APPROVED $1,500 expenditure from the Domestic Violence
Commission Trust Fund, as recommended by the District
18. ADOPTED RESOLUTION NO. 296-2000 authorizing the
District Attorney to reapply to the State Board of
Control for $202,518 in fiscal year 2000-2001 Crime
Victim Compensation Program funds; adopt RESOLUTION
NO. 297-2000 accepting unanticipated revenue from
State Board of Control for Victim Witness Assistance
in the amount of $13,544; and approved related
actions, as recommended by the District Attorney
19. ACCEPTED the project to replace the HVAC and Water
Street Holding Cells as completed; approved the final
cost of $18,658 and approved related actions, as
recommended by the Director of General Services
20. APPROVED plans and specifications for the Government
Center Chiller Repair project; directed the General
Services Department to advertise for bids and set the
bid opening for 10:45 a.m. on October 24, 2000, as
recommended by the Director of General Services
23. APPROVED an agreement with the Social Security
Administration to report inmate social security
numbers and incarceration dates to allow for
suspension of Retirement, Survivor, Disability Income
and Supplemental Security Income, as recommended by
the Sheriff-Coroner
24. APPROVED agreement between the State 14th District
Agricultural Association and the Santa Cruz County
Sheriff's Office for security services at the 2000
Santa Cruz County Fair; authorized the Sheriff-Coroner
to sign the agreement; adopted RESOLUTION NO. 298-2000
accepting $3,000 in unanticipated revenue, as
recommended by the Sheriff-Coroner
25. APPROVED expenditure of funds for in-county training
session for the Victim Information and Notification
Everyday (VINE), as recommended by the Sheriff-Coroner
26. APPROVED independent contractor agreements with Law
Enforcement Psychological Services and Central Coast
Polygraph for fiscal year 2000/01, as recommended by
the Sheriff Coroner
27. APPROVED appointment of Barbara Joy Templeton to the
Mental Health Advisory Board for a term to expire
April 1, 2001, as recommended by Supervisor Beautz
28. DIRECTED the County Administrative Officer to return
to the Board with revision procedures for Conditions,
Covenants and Restrictions to anti-discrimination laws
for home owner associations, as recommended by
Supervisor Symons
30. APPROVED appointment of Kenneth Peter McLean to the
Commission on Disabilities for a term to expire April
1, 2001, as recommended by Supervisor Almquist
31. APPROVED appointment of Supervisor Beautz to serve on
the Association of Monterey Bay Area Government's
technical committee to advise the Association of
Monterey Bay Area Governments Board of Directors with
regard to the preparation of a Regional Housing Needs
Plan, and appoint Supervisor Campos as the alternate
designee, as recommended by Chair Wormhoudt
33. APPROVED process for making appointments to the Santa
Cruz County Resource Conservation District Board of
Directors, including the necessary timeline; and
directed the Clerk of the Board to post a notice of
vacancies, as outlined, as recommended by Chair
34. APPROVED appointment of Simon Dangzalan to the Mental
Health Advisory Board for a term to expire April 1,
2002, as recommended by Supervisor Wormhoudt
35. ACCEPTED nomination of Charles R. Downey as an at-
large appointee to the Long Term Care Interagency
Commission, in the category of "over age 55" for a
term to expire April 1, 2004, with final appointment
to be made September 19, 2000, as recommended by
Supervisor Wormhoudt
36. ACCEPTED AND FILED report on Fenix Services, as
recommended by the Health Services Agency
37. APPROVED master agreements for Pharmacist and Senior
Pharmacist and approved related actions, as
recommended by the Health Services Agency
38. ACCEPTED AND FILED report on the need to continue the
state of local emergency relative to transmission of
HIV through contaminated needles, as recommended by
the Health Services Agency Administrator
39. ACCEPTED AND FILED report on Hepatitis C; adopted
RESOLUTION NO. 299-2000 supporting SB 1256; and
directed the Board Chair to convey that support to
local legislators, as recommended by the Health
Services Agency Administrator
40. ADOPTED RESOLUTION NO. 300-2000 accepting and
appropriating $94,633 for HIV Early Intervention
Program; authorized creation of a new 0.50 FTE Health
Educator position; and approved fixed asset purchases
in the amount of $3,600, as recommended by the Health
Services Agency Administrator
41. ACCEPTED AND FILED report on the Housing Scholarship
Program, as recommended by the Human Resources Agency
42. ACCEPTED AND FILED report on Community Program's
responses to corrective actions, as recommended by the
Human Resources Agency Administrator
43. APPROVED the augmented Community Programs agreements
for fiscal year 2000/01, and authorized the Human
Resources Agency Administrator to sign the agreement
on behalf of the County, as recommended by the Human
Resources Agency Administrator
44. ADOPTED RESOLUTION NO. 301-2000 accepting
unanticipated revenue in the amount of $574,527 and
appropriate the funds, as recommended by the Human
Resources Agency Administrator
45. ADOPTED RESOLUTION NO. 302-2000 accepting and
appropriating unanticipated revenue in the amount of
$75,920 for a contract with the Pajaro Valley Unified
School District to support continuation and
enhancement of the after school program for low-income
students in the Freedom Elementary School area, as
recommended by the Human Resources Agency
46. APPROVED a contract with the Valley Resource Center in
the amount of $30,000 for family resource center
services, as recommended by the Human Resources Agency
47. SCHEDULED public hearing for September 26, 2000, on
the morning agenda, to consider the adoption of the
2001 Annual Population Growth Goal, as recommended by
the Planning Director
48. SCHEDULED a public hearing for October 3, 2000, on the
afternoon agenda, to consider the proposal to rezone
Assessors Parcel Numbers 106-181-08, 107-41-02 and
107-051-32 from the Special Use zone district to the
Timber Production zone district, as recommended by the
Planning Director
49. APPROVED independent contractor agreement with Paul
Howard to conduct multi-family housing recycling
assistance for the not-to-exceed amount of $8,800, and
authorized the Director of Public Works to sign the
agreement on behalf of the County; directed Public
Works to report back on March 20, 2001, with results
of the multi-family outreach pilot program; and by
consensus, the Board requested that the flier
regarding recycling procedures be resubmitted for
further review
50. ACCEPTED AND FILED report on the 30th, 32nd, and 33rd
Avenue Storm Drain, Sanitary Sewer, and Sidewalk
Improvement Project; directed Public Works to return
to the Board with a report on the Coastal Commission's
actions on or before November 7, 2000, as recommended
by the Director of Public Works
51. ACCEPTED the improvement and approved the final cost
for the Braemoor Drive Road Repair Project, County
Service Area No. 47 (3rd District); and approved
related actions, as recommended by the Director of
Public Works
53. APPROVED road closures and sixth Annual Monte
Foundation Fireworks Show; and approved related
actions, as recommended by the Director of Public
54. APPROVED the agreement with the Volunteer Centers of
Santa Cruz County for Graffiti Removal and Abatement
Services for a not-to-exceed total cost of $64,000;
authorized the Director of Public Works to sign the
agreement; and take related action, as recommended by
the Director of Public Works
55. DECLARED John Deere 401 tractor as surplus and removed
it from the Department Public Works' inventory;
transferred asset to the Parks, Open Space & Cultural
Services Department; and approved payment of $500 to
Public Works, as recommended by the Director of Public
56. AUTHORIZED the Director of Public Works to submit an
application for federal assistance/environmental
education grant to the Environmental Protection Agency
in the amount of $5,000 for vermicomposting public
education; approved amendment to agreement with Karin
Grobe in the increased amount of $13,055 for a not-to
exceed amount of $74,055 to provide for consultant
labor for the vermicomposting education project; and
authorized the Director of Public Works to sign the
agreement on behalf of the County, as recommended by
the Director of Public Works
57. ADOPTED RESOLUTION NO. 303-2000 authorizing an
agreement with the State of California to accept
federal funding for construction of the Soquel Drive
Roadway Improvement Project at Cabrillo College;
approved Program Supplement in the amount of $750,000;
authorized the Director of Public Works to sign the
agreement; authorized payment to Cabrillo College in
the amount of $750,000 upon receipt of federal funds;
and approved related actions, as recommended by the
Director of Public Works
58. APPROVED request to Pacific Gas and Electric Company
to include funding for individual property owners in
conjunction with all future applicable underground
utility projects in the County of Santa Cruz and
approved related actions, as recommended by the
Director of Public Works
59. ACCEPTED the low bid of Cimarron Construction for
storm damage repair projects on Hazel Dell Road in the
amount of $200,920; Reber Construction on Granite
Creek Road in the amount of $165,413.76; J. Randolph,
Inc., on North Rodeo Gulch Road in the amount of
$217,460.16; and Reber Construction on Swanton Road in
the amount of $298,361.13; authorized transfer of
reserve revenues; authorized award of contracts; and
authorized the Director of Public Works to sign the
contracts, as recommended by the Director of Public
60. DEFERRED report on the draft lease with the City of
Watsonville for management of the Watsonville Veterans
Memorial Building to October 17, 2000, as recommended
by the Director of Parks, Open Space and Cultural
61. By consensus, the Board of Supervisors, CONTINUED TO
SEPTEMBER 19, 2000 consideration to accept and file
report on the use of the Live Oak Community Room;
approve the Small Room rate of $18 for the first two
hours and $9 per hour thereafter for a 1/4 of the room
during the week to facilitate increased use by small
Community and Non-profit Groups; and take related
AUTHORIZED the Agency Administrator to negotiate and
sign an amendment to the Vista Verde Financing
Agreement to increase funding in an amount up to
$215,000; and approved related actions, as recommended
by the Redevelopment Agency Administrator
SCHEDULED a closed personnel and litigation session as
Case Name/No.:County of Santa Cruz v. Camali, Santa
Cruz County Superior Court No. 133906
Agency negotiator: Personnel Director
All Employee organizations
REPORT OF COUNTY COUNSEL - The Board of Supervisors
approved settlement in the case of County of Santa
Cruz v. Camali Corporation (Santa Cruz County Superior
Court No. 133906) in the amount of $8,000 with the
condition that Camali Corporation dispose of the
subject UPS unit; the Board of Supervisors also
authorized County Counsel to dismiss the law suit with
prejudice once the settlement agreement has been
executed; and the Board of Supervisors further
ratified the County's participation and it's cost for
participation in the mediation process under Thornton
Kontz, Esq. in the amount of $400 (BSCAW)
64. Public hearing held to approve the appointment of
Thomas L. Bolich as Road Commissioner and consider
adoption of resolution appointing Thomas L. Bolich to
the position of Road Commissioner;
closed public hearing; adopted RESOLUTION NO. 304-2000
Appointing Thomas L. Bolich to the Position of Road
65. Public hearing held to consider adoption of Resolution
Amending the Boundary of Underground Utility District
17, in Davenport;
closed public hearing; adopted RESOLUTION NO. 305-2000
Amending the Boundary of Underground Utility District,
District No. 17, Davenport
66. Public hearings held to consider Federal Bureau of
Justice Assistance (BJA) Local Law Enforcement Block
Grant and State Supplemental Law Enforcement Services
closed public hearings; approved various financial
actions and additional fixed assets related to 2000-01
Bureau of Justice Assistant funds as requested by the
Sheriff-Coroner; adopted RESOLUTION NO. 306-2000
Canceling Estimated Revenues and Appropriations in the
amount of $3,334; adopted RESOLUTION NO. 307-2000
accepting and appropriating funds from State
Supplemental Law Enforcement Services for Detention
Bureau's program in the amount of $92,750; adopted
RESOLUTION NO. 308-2000 from State Supplemental Trust
Fund for Supplemental Law Enforcement program in the
amount of $69,563; and authorized the extension of the
limited-term positions of Inspector I/II and Legal
Secretary I/II in the District Attorney-Criminal
Prosecutions Index 272100 through September 30, 2001
67. Public hearing to consider adoption of amendments to
County Code Chapter 7.38 Sewage Disposal, a Coastal
implementing ordinance and related General Plan Policy
closed public hearing; approved Negative Declaration
and Notice of Determination that the proposed
amendment of County Code Chapter 7.38, Sewage Disposal
and related General Plan Policy 5.5.5 will not have a
significant effect on the environment; adopted
RESOLUTION NO. 309-2000 Adopting Amendments of Chapter
7.38 of the Santa Cruz County Code Regarding Sewage
Disposal and Related General Plan Policy 5.5.5;
adopted ORDINANCE NO. 4596 Amending Sections of
Chapter 7.38, Sewage Disposal, Relating to Parcel
Size, Easements, Leachfield Depth, Nonstandard System
Maintenance, and Other Minor Changes; with additional
direction to staff to report back on September 19,
2000 on how long it will take to amend the Felton Town
68. CONSIDERED adoption of Ordinance amending subdivisions
(a) and (c) of Section 2.52.020 and deleting
subdivision (c) of Section 2.52.030 of the Santa Cruz
County Code relating to membership on the Emergency
Medical Care Commission;
(1) read title and waived detailed reading of complete
(2) adopted ordinance "in concept: to return on September
19, 2000 for final adoption
69. CONSIDERED adoption of Ordinance amending subdivision
(b) of Section 17.10.034 of the Santa Cruz County Code
to update the affordable housing In-Lieu Fee Schedule;
read title and waived detailed reading of complete
ordinance; adopted ordinance "in concept" to return on
September 26, 2000 for final adoption; with additional
direction to staff to return at the second meeting in
January 2001 with an updated activity on the in-lieu
69.1 ADOPTED RESOLUTION NO. 310-2000 opposing the passage
of Proposition 38 on the November 7, 2000 ballot, as
recommended by Chair Wormhoudt
69.2 ACCEPTED the annual itemized report of revenues and
expenditures for the Inmate Welfare Fund; with
additional direction to report back on October 17,
2000 with a report that indicates what the actual
mark-up of commissary items and the comparison to
mark-up on items from various venues in the community;
include information on telephone charges and profit
per call, as well as expected expenditures in the
expansion program for this year and next
69.3 ACCEPTED report on the current inmate programs offered
at the Sheriff's Blaine Street Women's Minimum
Security Facility, as recommended by the Sheriff-
69.4 CONTINUED public hearing to consider proposed
ordinance repealing Chapter 7.72 of the County Code
and reenacting it as new Chapter 7.77 and adding
Chapter 7.72, the proposed County Metering Ordinance
which was scheduled for September 19,2000 until
September 26, 2000 at 7:30 p.m., as recommended by
Supervisor Symons
70. RECEIVED bids regarding North Coast Beaches Project
Phase 1, Scott Creek Beach and referred to Parks, Open
Space and Cultural Services and General Services, with
direction to return on or before September 26, 2000
with a recommendation on awarding of bid
71. RECEIVED bids regarding Watsonville Veterans Building
Painting Project No. 00C1-004 and referred to Parks,
Open Space and Cultural Services and General Services,
with direction to return on or before September 26,
2000 with a recommendation on awarding of bid
Chair, Board of Supervisors
Clerk of the Board
NOTE: This set of Board of Supervisors Minutes is scheduled to
be approved by the Board on September 26, 2000