PROCEEDINGS OF THE SANTA CRUZ COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS VOLUME 97, NUMBER 25 SEPTEMBER 23, 1997 ******************************************************************** ACTION SUMMARY MINUTES VOTING KEY: A = Almquist, B = Beautz, R = Belgard; S = Symons, W = Wormhoudt; first initial indicates maker of motion, second initial indicates the "second"; upper case letter = "yes" vote; lower case letter = "no" vote; () = abstain; // = absent 1. All Supervisors present Moment of Silence and Pledge of Allegiance 2. Consideration of Late Additions to the Agenda 3. Additions and Deletions to Consent Agenda 4. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS - No one addressed the Board (An Oral Communications sign-in sheet will be filed with Written Correspondence for the Board's next meeting.) 5. Additions and Deletions to Regular Agenda CONSENT AGENDA SBRAW 6. APPROVED claims as submitted by the Auditor-Controller 7. DELETED ITEM 8. ACCEPTED AND FILED notification of continuing contracts received September 15, 1997 through September 19, 1997 and approved upon adoption of the 1997/98 continuing agreements list to comply with Section 300 of the County's Procedures Manual, Title 1, as recommended by the Clerk of the Board 9. APPROVED project agreement for the Habitat Conservation Fund Program Grant in the amount of $492,500 for the south ridge sand parkland of Quail Hollow Quarry and authorized the County Administrative Officer to sign the agreement, as recommended by County Counsel 10. ACCEPTED AND FILED report regarding Internet Access; and directed the Information Services Director to return with a further report on the Internet Access Rollout Plan on November 4, 1997, as recommended by the Information Services Director 11. ACCEPTED AND FILED report on the Board of Supervisors Agenda materials on the world wide web and approved related actions, including a report back on January 27, 1998, as recommended by the Information Services Director 12. ACCEPTED AND FILED report on Juvenile Hall Community Supervision Program; and approved contract with Fenix Services, Incorporated, in the amount of $154,000, including a report back at 1998/99 budget hearings, as recommended by the Chief Probation Officer 13. AUTHORIZED addition of .50 limited-term Transportation Planner for the Regional Transportation Commission and approved related actions, as recommended by the Executive Director of the Transportation Commission 14. DECLARED various items to be surplus to County needs and directed the Director of General Services to arrange for their disposition, as recommended by the Director of General Services 15. DENIED claim of Larry Weber No. 798-020 and referred to County Counsel 16. DENIED claim of Harry Furlong No. 798-024 and referred to County Counsel 17. DENIED claim of Gary Michael Shults No. 798-028 and referred to County Counsel SBR(A)W 18. DENIED claim of Natalie M. Adams No. 798-029 and referred to County Counsel 19. ADOPTED RESOLUTION NO. 374-97 supporting Assembly Bill 1362, and directed the Chair to send a letter to the Governor urging that the legislation be signed into law, as recommended by the County Administrative Officer SBrAW 20. ACCEPTED AND FILED report on Central Collections Activities for the fiscal year 1996/97, as recommended by the Treasurer-Tax Collector 21. APPROVED transfer of funds in the amount of $220,000 which realigns budgeted appropriations within the County Library Fund Budget to provide for the acquisition of APN: 39-102-21 which will provide land for the expansion of the parking lot at the Aptos Library, as recommended by the County Administrative Officer 22. SEE ITEM NO. 58.1, REGULAR AGENDA 23. DEFERRED report on Performance Management to October 21, 1997, as recommended by the County Administrative Officer 24. AUTHORIZED purchase of a kettle in the amount of $14,500 and approved transfer of funds in the amount of $4,500, as recommended by the Sheriff-Coroner 25. AUTHORIZED pay for an employee who began work before appointment processing, as recommended by the Personnel Director 26. SEE ITEM NO. 62.1, REGULAR AGENDA 27. DEFERRED to October 7, 1997 the Auditor Controller's audit of the Electronic Mapping Information System (EMIS), as recommended by the County Administrative Officer 28. ACCEPTED status report on development of the Bonny Doon Fire Station, approved contract with Teall Messer, Architect, for design and associated services in an amount not to exceed $40,000; and directed General Services staff to return on or before February 3, 1998 with plans and specifications, as recommended by the Director of General Services 29. APPROVED contract with Family Mediation Services for child custody mediation in the amount of $65,468 for the period of October 1, 1997 through June 30, 1998, as recommended by the Executive Officer and Clerk of the Superior and Municipal Courts 30. ADOPTED RESOLUTION NO. 375-97 authorizing the District Attorney to apply to the State Department of Insurance for $50,947 in fiscal year 1997/98 Automobile Insurance Fraud Funds; adopted RESOLUTION NO. 376-97 authorizing the District Attorney to apply to the State Department of Insurance for $100,000 in fiscal year 1997/98 Workers Compensation Insurance Fraud Funds; and approved the District Attorney's request to the State Department of Insurance to expend $16,400 in Automobile Insurance Fraud Trust Funds during fiscal year 1997/98, as recommended by the District Attorney 31. ADOPTED RESOLUTION NO. 377-97 authorizing the District Attorney to apply to the State Office of Criminal Justice Planning for funding in the amount of $225,000 to support a Drug Endangered Children Response Team Program in Santa Cruz County during grant year November 1, 1997 through October 31, 1998; and waive the requirement for the recovery of indirect costs for the Office of Criminal Justice Planning Drug Endangered Response Team Program Grant during grant year November 1, 1997 through October 31, 1998, pursuant to County Procedure Section 900A.3, as recommended by the District Attorney 31.1 ADOPTED RESOLUTION NO. 378-97 supporting the passage of Assembly Bill 1100, insurance parity, and approved related actions, as recommended by Supervisor Wormhoudt 31.2 APPROVED appointment of Kirk Mehus to the Fire Department Advisory Commission, as the representative of the Santa Cruz County Volunteer Firefighter's Association, as recommended by Chair Wormhoudt 31.3 ACCEPTED AND FILED report on the electric utility service deregulation; adopted RESOLUTION NO. 379-97 authorizing participation in the Association of Bay Area Governments Power Purchasing Program and approved related actions, as recommended by the Director of General Services 32. ACCEPTED AND FILED report and approved related actions concerning mitigation measures for County property at 126 Front Street, including a report back on October 7, 1997, as recommended by the Health Services Agency Administrator 33. SCHEDULED public hearing for November 4, 1997 at 7:30 p.m. to receive testimony regarding proceeding with a sewer project for all or part of the Greater Pasatiempo area, and approved related actions, as recommended by the Health Services Agency Administrator and the Public Works Director 34. ACCEPTED AND FILED report on the need to continue the state of local emergency relative to transmission of HIV through contaminated needles, as recommended by the Health Services Agency Administrator 35. AUTHORIZED the Health Services Agency Administrator to sign the Standard Agreement for AIDS Drug Assistance Program for July 1, 1997 through September 30, 1997; and adopted RESOLUTION NO. 380-97 canceling estimated revenue and appropriations related to the State discontinuing the County's financial responsibility for operating AIDS Drug Assistance, as recommended by the Health Services Agency Administrator 36. ACCEPTED report on Mental Health Managed Care and directed the Health Services Agency Administrator to return with the budget and updated implementation program report on or before October 21, 1997, as recommended by the Health Services Agency Administrator 37. ADOPTED RESOLUTION NO. 381-97 in support of the 1997 Hands Off Halloween Responsible Merchants Campaign, and directed the Chair to write a letter during the week of September 28, 1997, to each off-sale beer retailer encouraging their participation in the campaign, with additional directive 38. ACCEPTED AND FILED report on a potential Mental Health housing preservation project, directed staff to continue working with the Redevelopment Agency to develop final recommendations regarding the project and report back on or before November 25, 1997, as recommended by the Health Services Agency Administrator 39. ACCEPTED AND FILED report concerning the Family Violence Response Team; adopted RESOLUTION NO. 382-97 accepting unanticipated revenue in the amount of $99,303; approved various contracts to implement the program; and approved related actions, including a report back on March 10, 1998, as recommended by the Human Resources Agency Administrator 40. ACCEPTED AND FILED report concerning the Family Preservation and Support Programs; adopted RESOLUTION NO. 383-97 accepting unanticipated revenue of $104,704; approved various contracts to implement the program; and approved related actions, including a report back on September 22, 1998, as recommended by the Human Resources Agency Administrator 41. ACCEPTED AND FILED report on citizenship assistance efforts, as recommended by the Human Resources Agency Administrator 42. SEE ITEM NO. 58.2, REGULAR AGENDA 43. ACCEPTED AND FILED report on Welfare Reform and deferred the Human Resources Agency's further report on welfare reform to a study session on Assembly Bill 1542, the California Welfare-to-Work Act, to be held on October 7, 1997, as recommended by the Human Resources Agency Administrator 44. ADOPTED RESOLUTION NO. 384-97 consummating purchase of property for expansion of the parking lot at the Aptos Library, as recommended by the Director of Public Works 45. APPROVED installation and purchase of a Heating, Ventilating and Air Conditioning (HVAC) unit for an amount not to exceed $4,500 for the Buena Vista Landfill scale house; and approved transfer of $4,500 from Buena Vista Landfill Maintenance and Operations to Buena Vista Landfill Maintenance Fixed Assets, as recommended by the Director of Public Works 46. ADOPTED RESOLUTION NO. 385-97 authorizing the Department of Public Works to nominate the Buena Vista Drive Railroad Crossing to be included in the 1998/99 and 1999/2000 Grade Separation Priority List, as recommended by the Director of Public Works 47. APPROVED the Independent Contractor Agreement with Granite Construction Company for the purchase and delivery of up to 30,000 cubic yards of low permeability clay soil for the Buena Vista Landfill liner system for a not-to-exceed amount of $90,000; authorized the Director of Public Works to sign the agreement; and directed the Clerk of the Board to take related actions, as recommended by the Director of Public Works 48. APPROVED funding supplementals for on-system storm damage to various County roads; adopted RESOLUTION NO. 386-97 and authorized agreements between the State of California and the County for funding various projects; and approved related actions, as recommended by the Director of Public Works 49. ADOPTED RESOLUTION NO. 387-97 for Right-of-Way Acquisition for the Mesa Drive Storm Drain Improvement Project; authorized the Director of Public Works to sign the Right-of-Entry; and approved payment of claim, as recommended by the Director of Public Works 50. APPROVED amendment with Wesson Construction Company for $940 for the installation of an additional 44' of post and cable fence associated with the Bonny Doon Beach Parking Improvement Project, and authorized the Director of County Parks to sign the amendment, as recommended by the Director of Parks, Open Space and Cultural Services 51. DECLINED consideration of the acquisition of APN: 077- 104-01 located at 9570 Mill Street in Ben Lomond for inclusion into the County Park system as envisioned in the Ben Lomond Town Plan, as recommended by the Director of Parks, Open Space and Cultural Services 52. APPROVED a contract amendment in the amount of $840 with First Alarm Security and Patrol to provide a security officer at Pinto Lake Park, and authorized the Director of County Parks to sign the amendment on behalf of the County, as recommended by the Director of Parks, Open Space and Cultural Services 53. SEE ITEM NO. 58.3, REGULAR AGENDA 54. CONTINUED TO OCTOBER 21, 1997 consideration to accept and file report on the Historic Resource Designation of the Toll House Resort; adopt a resolution clarifying previous historic resolution designation; and approve related actions 55. AS THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SANTA CRUZ COUNTY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY, ACCEPTED the Anna Jean Cummings Park (O'Neill Ranch) Status Report, as recommended by the Redevelopment Agency Administrator 56. AS THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS AND REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY, SCHEDULED a closed personnel and litigation session as follows: CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL - EXISTING LITIGATION Case Name/No.: Hillsboro Properties et al. v. County of Santa Cruz (U.S. District Court No. C-96-20376); Abed v. County of Santa Cruz (S. C. Superior Court Case No. 131551) CONFERENCE WITH LABOR NEGOTIATOR Agency negotiator: Personnel Director Various employee organizations REPORT OF COUNTY COUNSEL - No report was given 56.1 AS THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SANTA CRUZ FLOOD CONTROL AND WATER CONSERVATION DISTRICT, ZONE 6, ACCEPTED low bid of Detrick Corporation in the amount of $64,942 for the Mesa Drive Storm Drain Improvement Project; authorized award of contract; and authorized the Director of Public Works to sign the contract, as recommended by the District Engineer 56.2 APPROVED minutes of September 9, 1997, as submitted by the Clerk of the Board REGULAR AGENDA 57. The Board of Supervisors recessed in order to permit the Board of Directors of the County of Santa Cruz Flood Control and Water Conservation District, Zone 5, to convene and carry out its regularly scheduled meeting 58. Continued consideration to write Congress Member Farr requesting him to propose an amendment to the federal Byrne Memorial Program, which provides funding for the CAMP Program, to allow local governments the option of using marijuana suppression monies to combat drugs they find pose the most significant threat to the public health; approved recommendation and requested that the letter include specific language regarding the involvement of local government in discussions and decisions regarding these resources SABRW 58.1 APPROVED recommendations relative to landslide and stream clearing mitigation efforts in prevention of possible winter disasters, as outlined, with a report to the Board on or before November 4, 1997, as recommended by Supervisors Belgard and Symons SRBAW 58.2 APPROVED changes to the General Assistance Program regulations and directed the Human Resources Agency Administrator and County Mental Health Director to continue coordination of efforts regarding eligibility issues for clients with a dual diagnosis of substance abuse and mental illness, including a report back on October 7, 1997, with additional directive BASRW 58.3 CONSIDERED adoption of the Public Art and Design Guidelines for the Santa Cruz County Arts Commission; continued matter to November 18, 1997, with additional directives RBSAW 59. Continued consideration of report and recommendations regarding inclusionary housing requirements; directed Planning, with County Counsel and RDA to prepare draft ordinance revisions and guidelines to amend County Code Chapter 17.10 to accomplish the following: to continue the on-site inclusionary units without revisions, to revise the in-lieu fee to apply to market rate housing developers as well as lot subdividers and to adopt pricing guidelines to encourage inclusionary units, to revise the off-site unit option to allow market rate developers to work with affordable housing developers to meet the inclusionary requirement and to require Level VII approval of off-site construction, to specify criteria for calculating affordable off-site units based on the total number of units, assuring that off- site units be of similar quality to inclusionary units and that off-site units will be built on a bedroom for bedroom basis, and to deposit fee revenue in the Housing Fund with its use to be determined by the Board, and to incorporate a "use it or lose it" provision for the use of funds generated by the inclusionary housing fees; directed Planning to forward these draft ordinance revisions and guidelines to the Housing Advisory Commission for review at its November meeting and to return to the Board with proposed ordinance amendments and guidelines on or before January 27, 1998 BSRAW 60. Public hearing held to consider adoption of the 1998 Growth Goal and Building Permit Allocation; closed public hearing; referred matter to Planning Commission; continued public hearing to November 25, 1997 RBSAW 61. CONSIDERED adoption of a resolution approving the final budget for fiscal year 1997/98 as compiled by the Auditor-Controller for the County Funds and Special Districts governed by the Board of Supervisors and an associated resolution establishing the 1997/98 appropriation limitations; and approved related actions; adopted RESOLUTION NO. 388-97 adopting final budget (Exhibit A); adopted RESOLUTION NO. 389-97 establishing fiscal year 1997-98 appropriation limit under Article XIII B of the California Constitution, and establishing period for contesting such limits for the County and Board of Supervisors governed special districts; and cancelled various appropriations due to insufficient funding BSRAW (with Supervisor Symons voting "no" on Exhibit A) 62. RECEIVED bids regarding re-roof of the Watsonville Veterans Memorial Building and awarded contract to the lowest responsible bidder RABSW 62.1 ACCEPTED AND FILED report on PC replacement program and equipment maintenance; and directed Information Services to report back on January 27, 1998 with equipment end-of-lease procedures, with additional directive ASBRW 63. Public hearing held to consider the Planning Commission's recommendation regarding proposed amendments to the Santa Cruz County General Plan/Local Coastal Program and to the Santa Cruz County Code to include the raising of livestock for biomedical purposes as a conditionally allowed use in the agricultural zones; (1) adopted RESOLUTION NO. 390-97 adopting amendments to the County General Plan/Local Coastal Program Land Use Plan and implementing ordinances regarding the raising of livestock for biomedical purposes in the agricultural zone districts; adopted ORDINANCE NO. 4474, as amended, amending County code section 13.10.312 relating to agricultural uses, section 13.10.700-L relating to definitions, and adding section 13.10.647 relating to biomedical livestock operations; certified the conditional negative declaration; directed Planning to submit the amendments to the County General Plan/Local Coastal Program and implementing ordinances to the California Coastal Commission in the next available round of amendments; and (2) approved interim use at Santa Cruz Biotechnology, Inc.'s operation on the north coast, pending approval of its master plan, to the development of structures for which the Planning Department has current applications and to limit the goat population to a 10% increase over the current number (1) ABSRW (2) ABRAw Approved: Chair, Board of Supervisors Attest: Clerk of the Board Date: NOTE: This set of Board of Supervisors Minutes is scheduled to be approved by the Board on October 21, 1997