Elena Baskin Live
I. Call to Order/Roll Call/Approval of September Minutes/Agenda Additions
II. Business
a. Commissioner Reports
b. Legislation
c. Discussion
of 2007
d. Schedule of Commission Meeting Date for November/December
e. Draft Letter to Board of Supervisors Requesting Legislation Regarding the Impact of Park Residents Signing a Lease Greater Than 12 Months
f. County Counsel Report
III. Correspondence
Reminder Letter to
IV. Community Input
V. Adjournment
As a courtesy to those persons affected, please attend the
meeting smoke and scent free. Please
turn off cell phones.
Mobilehome Commission By-Laws, Paragraph 7, Agenda
states: Public participation in
Commission meetings shall be allowed as follows:
1. An
opportunity for members of the public to directly address the Commission on any
item on the agenda of interest to the public shall be provided before or during
the Commission’s consideration of the item.
2. In
addition, the agenda will provide for community oral communication on the items
not on the agenda, which are within the subject matter jurisdiction of the
Commission, at the end of each regular meeting agenda.
For further
information, please contact the office of the