
               August 28, 2008

Elena Baskin Live Oak Senior Center


COMMISSIONERS PRESENT                             Henry Cleveland, 2nd District

Mary Crowther, 4th District

Rick Halterman, 5th District

                                                                        Bonnie Lund, WMHA Representative


COMMISSIONERS NOT PRESENT:               Jean Brocklebank, 1st District

Mary L. Hanley, 3rd District

                                                                        Carol Lerno, GSMOL Representative



BOARD OF SUPERVISORS                            Janet K. Beautz



COUNTY COUNSEL:                                       Marie Costa


SECRETARY:                                                   Lee Ann Shenkman


LEGISLATIVE REPORT:                                  Jerry Bowles



Chair Henry Cleveland called the meeting to order at 9:30 A.M.  There were 11 members of the public in the audience.  The minutes of the July 24, 2008, meeting were reviewed and upon motion by Commissioner Crowther seconded by Commissioner Halterman, the July 24, 2008, minutes were approved. 


No additions or deletions.

II.         BUSINESS

A.         Commissioner Reports

Commissioner Halterman recommended that the Commission discuss at its September or October meeting sending a letter of appreciation to Assemblymember John Laird.  Also Commissioners Halterman and Crowther are working together with the City of Watsonville discussing the possibility of Watsonville passing a sham conversion ordinance similar to Santa Cruz County’s ordinance and the City of Capitola’s ordinance.  On Saturday, September 27, 2008, at 10:00 A.M. there will be a GSMOL (Golden State Mobilehome Owner’s League) meeting at Capitola City Hall in the City Council Chambers.  The guests at this meeting will be John Leopold and Betty Danner.  Anyone is welcome to come to this meeting, but the focus will be on parks in the first supervisorial district.  At the end of February 2009, there will be another more general mobilehome meeting focusing on legislation. Will Constantine and a GSMOL representative will be in attendance at the February meeting. 



Commissioner Cleveland discussed four programs available through the County which include: first time mobilehome purchase program; park purchase program; rehabilitation program for mobilehomes; and the mobilehome replacement program for singlewide mobilehomes.  Brochures on these programs are available on the Planning Department website (http://www.sccoplanning.com/html/housing/index_housing.htm) and a link on our Mobilehome Commission website.  If anyone has questions about these programs, they should call Eric Schapiro at 454-5166 or Patrick Heisinger at 454-2322 of the County Planning Department.


B.         Legislative Report 


Jerry Bowles informed the Commission that out of 27 bills the Commission has been following this year, six bills have been enrolled to the Governor, but not yet signed by the Governor.  Six other bills are dead, and five bills had already been signed into law before the budget problems. None of the bills have changed much since the legislative report at last month’s Mobilehome Commission meeting.  To check the status of the bills, go to http://www.sen.ca.gov/mobilehome/.



C.                 County Counsel Report


The Alimur Park litigation has been stayed by the court at the request of the park owner because they indicated they would like to try to comply with the County ordinance.


Snug Harbor Mobilehome Park residents have been notified by HCD that the residents should stop paying rent because the park owner’s permit to operate the park has been suspended due to safety violations at the park.     




A.      Letter to the Board of Supervisors Recommending Reasonable Rate of Return for Qualified Mobilehome Park Capital Improvements Remain at 12%


B.     Notice to Mobilehome Park Owners Regarding Consumer Price Index Rent Adjustment for 2009 Mobilehome Space Rents


C.     Notice to Recreational Vehicle Park Owners Regarding Consumer Price Index Rent Adjustment for 2009 Recreational Vehicle Space Rents 




            A member of the public from Snug Harbor explained that the permit to operate Snug Harbor was suspended effective Tuesday, August 26, 2008, by HCD.  It was recommended to the residents that:  (a) they send a notice to the park owner that they will not be paying rent in accordance with the HCD notice, and (b) the park residents contact Terry Hancock for his recommendation. 


            A resident of San Lorenzo Valley Mobilehome Park reported that the park owner and residents continue to attempt to agree on the amount to use as base rent.  The resident was informed that GSMOL has two legal funds to help enforce the mobilehome residency law. Jerry Bowles will provide information, regarding the use of these funds, at the September 27, 2008, GSMOL meeting. 


            A resident of Blue Pacific updated the Commission on the status of the residents’ purchase of the park.   The residents have not yet received a signed draft settlement agreement.   


            A resident of El Rio Mobilehome Park Cooperative explained various problems within that park. It was recommended that he speak with Will Constantine or talk to CRLA (California Rural Legal Assistance), or go to small claims court and access the help of Monterey College of Law students on how to present his case.


            A member from the public asked about specific zoning for mobilehome parks and he was referred to the County Planning Department and the Assessor’s Office.




The meeting was adjourned at 10:15 A.M.  The next meeting will be September 25, 2008, at 9:30 AM.


Respectfully submitted,




                                                            Lee Ann Shenkman, Staff Secretary to the

Mobilehome Commission


