(Series Specification)
Job Specification
Under general direction, to plan, organize, supervise and review
the work of social workers; and to do other work as
Supervises social
work unit staff providing the most difficult, sensitive and specialized casework services.
A distinct difference in the work
of Social Work Supervisor IIs in other programs and FCS/APS is that the latter
are held to higher State and Federal mandates to protect the life and wellbeing of children, older adults, and persons with disabilities, including administering a complexity of associated duties, and rotation
to work a legally mandated on-call, after hours adult and child abuse/neglect
hotline system.
A Social Work Supervisor II in FCS/APS
could be tasked
with any of the
duties listed below based on
which program they are assigned.
- Plans, assigns, reviews and evaluates the work of subordinate staff;
- Supervises and trains subordinate staff;
- Reviews and approves case summaries and service plans;
- Assesses subordinates development, learning patterns and performance;
- Assists subordinates to develop and improve social work skills;
- Assigns work consistent with departmental policies and priorities, and subordinates capabilities;
- Determines procedures for solving problems in using sound casework practices and departmental policy;
- Evaluates potential clients for program eligibility and makes difficult decisions to accept and/or terminates clients from the program;
- Develops controls to accomplish work within framework of established laws, policies, procedures and priorities;
- Holds group and individual conferences with unit staff to discuss assignments, cases in progress, rules, regulations, policies, and laws;
- Maintains quality and quantity work records; evaluates performance;
- Schedules vacation and work hours;
- Issues warnings;
- Participates in selection of subordinates;
- Coordinates unit's work and activities with other departmental units;
- Prepares correspondence and reports;
- Represents unit or department in dealings with other departments, agencies and organizations;
- Evaluates policies and procedures and makes recommendations to supervisors;
- Participates in the development of community resources and services;
- Trains new workers in casework techniques;
- Schedules emergency and on call coverage and provides back up response;
- May direct research studies and prepare reports;
- May provide vacation or other temporary relief for other classes as required.
Thorough Knowledge
- Social casework objectives, principles and methods of the particular area of
specialization, and casework management and organization;
- Community resources;
- Interviewing techniques and problem solving
- The scope and nature of current
problems in the field of social work;
- The principles of human behavior and development and psychological defense mechanisms;
- The functions of public social
service agency;
- The laws, policies and procedures of County social
service programs;
- The principles of supervision and training.
Working Knowledge of:
- Principles of diversity, equity,
inclusion, and leadership.
Ability to:
- Plan, organize, supervise and evaluate the work
of subordinate staff performing the most difficult, sensitive and complex
casework services;
- Assess employee development and provide training
in casework techniques and practices;
- Establish and maintain effective working relations with others;
- Evaluate case problems and provide leadership and consultation to social workers
in the development and implementation of case plans;
- Understand, interpret and apply regulations and departmental policies
and procedures;
- Coordinate and integrate the work of subordinates;
- Plan, schedule and conduct
individual and group meetings;
- Prepare and present effective written, statistical and oral reports.
Training and Experience:
Any combination of training
and experience which
would provide the required knowledge and abilities is qualifying. A typical way to obtain these knowledge
and abilities would be:
- A
Master's Degree in Social Work.
- A
Master's Degree from a two-year
counseling program from an accredited college.
Two years of social casework experience comparable to a Senior
Social Worker in Santa Cruz County.
- Positions in this class require a
valid California Class C Driver License or the employee must be able to provide
suitable transportation which is approved
by the appointing authority.
Previous Title: Social Service
Supervisor Bargaining Unit: 41
EEOC Job Category: 02 Occupational
Grouping: 65 Workers' Compensation Code: 0053