Number:  II.8
Date Issued: Nov. 15, 1990
Date Revised: Oct. 7, 1991, 
Dec 18, 1992, 
March 28, 1994
Sept. 1999


To provide for coordination of key Equal Employment Opportunity functions with appropriate departmental representatives.


It is the policy of Santa Cruz County to identify Departmental Equal Employment Opportunity Liaisons for the purpose of coordinating:

· Equal Employment Opportunity-Non-Discrimination issues
· Sex Based Discrimination issues
· Targeted Outreach/Recruitment
· Issues related to employment of persons with disabilities

This is typically one or two individuals that have the authority to assign departmental resources and coordinate key actions for the department. The Equal Employment Opportunity Office staff will coordinate through these individuals although some activities will require work with other staff in the department. All departmental Liaisons will have access to PROFS and Information Center functions.


I. The Equal Employment Opportunity Office on an annual basis will request departments to identify the correct Departmental Liaisons. The Equal Employment Opportunity Office will publish this to all personnel staff which will be instructed to coordinate activities through that individual.

II. In general, information in relation to Equal Employment Opportunity matters will be forwarded to this individual.

III The Equal Employment Opportunity Office staff will take instruction from these individuals as to who within the department is the appropriate per on to work with on various projects.

IV. All Departmental Liaisons will act as a neutral party for the department to coordinate specific activities and projects.

V. Equal Employment Opportunity Liaisons' Responsibilities

A. Assignment

The Department Head shall assign a high level manager as the EEO Liaison to coordinate the Department's Equal Employment Opportunity Program. For an effective Departmental Equal Employment Opportunity Plan the EEO liaison job must be more than a figurehead position or an assignment for a minority or a woman. Choose an employee with proven ability to accomplish major program goals and make the position directly responsible to the Department Head. The liaison's identity should appear on all internal and external communications related to the Department's Equal Employment Opportunity Program and s/he must be given the necessary administrative support to carry out his or her responsibilities.

B. Responsibility

1. The development of the Departmental EEO policy statement, written Departmental Equal Employment Opportunity Plan, internal and external communications. The individual must:

a. Keep current of new laws, guidelines, regulations and programs related to equal employment opportunity by participating in Equal Employment Opportunity seminars and training programs.

b. Disseminate current legal information and news developments on EEO/Non-Discrimination to responsible department administrators.

2. Keep all management and supervisors within the department aware of progress and performance towards meeting the goals and timetables stipulated in the Department's Equal Employment Opportunity Plan. Programs should include specific remedies to eliminate discriminatory practices discovered in the employment system. 

3. Actively participate and coordinate target group recruitment efforts with the Personnel Employment Division and with the Equal Employment Opportunity Office.

4. Conduct the investigations and resolutions of all department complaints as appropriate regarding Discrimination, Sexual Harassment and ADA complaints filed against their department, coordinating resolution with the Equal Employment Opportunity
and County Counsel.

5. Design, implement, and monitor internal audit and reporting systems to measure the effectiveness of the Departmental Equal Employment Opportunity Plan and Program and determine where progress has been made and where further action is needed. Make specific recommendations and assure that follow-up action is taken.

6. Report, at least quarterly, to the Department Head on the progress or operational problems and deficiencies of each division. 

7. Provide counseling, advice and guidance to individuals and groups within their department in matters related to. Equal Employment Opportunity

VI. Sexual Harassment Liaisons' Responsibilities

A. Assignment

The department head shall assign one female and one male liaison.

B. Responsibility

These liaisons will keep updated on new laws, guidelines, regulations and programs related to sexual harassment and sex discrimination by participating in such related training. They will be responsible for providing information to their department regarding Sexual Harassment and Sexual Harassment complaint procedures. Each liaison will coordinate with the Equal Employment Opportunity Office to conduct employee training to prevent sexual harassment. The liaison shall refer all sexual harassment complaints to the Department Equal Employment Opportunity liaisons for departmental investigations as appropriate.

VII. American with Disabilities Act (ADA) Liaisons' responsibilities

A. Assignment

Each department head shall assign one ADA liaison that will remain updated on new laws, guidelines, regulations and procedures related to ADA.

B. Responsibility

Each liaison will provide departmental information regarding ADA, the the ADA complaint procedure, and reasonable accommodation. The liaison will assist in the continual review of accessibility to facilities and programs, services and activities related to ADA. The liaison shall refer all ADA complaints to the department Equal Employment Opportunity liaisons to conduct the departmental investigations as appropriate.