Number:  II.15. 
Date Issued: Dec. 18, 1992
Date Revised: Sept. 22, 1993
Sept. 1999


To provide for equal employment opportunity related training that will help meet the goals and objectives of the program, as well as, assist with the dissemination of information of value to all County employees.


County Training Programs

The Training Unit within the Employee Relations Division of Personnel provides coordination of the following programs which are designed to promote progress in the utilization of minorities, disabled, and women and men.

  1. County-wide Training Program

    1. The County-wide Training Program provides in-service training for regular (non-extra help) County employees at all levels in a variety of subject matter areas, including: specific job skills development, supervisory and management training, safety training, First Aid, Spanish language, equal employment opportunity /sexual harassment, disability and cultural awareness, diversity, cultural competence and career development. Policies for the training program are established by the Training Task Force, comprised of representatives from SEIU Local 415, Operating Engineers Local #3, County Management Association, The County Administrative Office, and the Equal Employment Opportunity Office. Staff for the training program are included in budget 13100 (Personnel); funds for training consultants and materials are provided in budget 13200 (County Training Program).

    2. Drawing upon input from a variety of sources, the Training Task Force periodically assesses training needs for County employees and makes changes in the composition of classes offered. Classes are offered in the Spring and Fall of each year, within budgetary limits established by the Board. At the beginning of each Spring and Fall "semester" brochures of course offering are sent to each regular County employee along with enrollment forms.

    3. The brochures for each semester contain specific enrollment information and instructions, and an enrollment form. Supervisory authorization is required on the enrollment form. However, should a supervisor not authorize any course for an employee, the employee may appeal to the Training Task Force through the Personnel Director or Training Coordinator in the Personnel Department.

    4. Training Unit staff in the Personnel Department work with the Sheriff's Office and Probation Department to certify classes in the program through the State Department of Corrections. This assists departments by providing courses for their employees through the program while serving as a revenue source for the County-wide Training Program.

  2. Equal Employment Opportunity/Personnel Training Programs

    Equal Employment Opportunity/Personnel Training Programs are scheduled for the County-wide Training Program as described above. Additionally, programs are presented for individual departments or groups of employees and applicants as the need arises. Courses include:

    1. Cultural Awareness and Competency

    2. Prevention of Sexual Harassment

    3. The American's with Disabilities Act

    4. Equal Employment Opportunity Efforts and Diversity in Employment and Contracting 

    5. How to Get a Job with Santa Cruz County

    6. Developing Test Taking Skills - Written and Oral

    7. Career Development in Santa Cruz County Government

    8. Application and Test Preparation for Specific Jobs

  3. Supervisory and Management Training Certificate Program

    1. Pursuant to Board direction, six core supervisory and six core management classes have been established to provide all regular (non-extra help) supervisory and management employees with a common basis for Santa Cruz County operations.

    2. These twelve classes were selected after receiving requests and talking to supervisors, managers and department heads. The County history on grievances, discipline and employment questions was also reviewed. Both the county Training Task Force and the Equal Employment Opportunity Office were involved in the selection of these core courses. These classes are open to all regular employees; however, priority will be given to supervisors and managers.

    3. . Department heads are requested to mandate this training for supervisors and managers within their departments. As there are limitations on funds and class size, departments are asked for a plan for these individuals to complete these classes over the first 24 months (four semesters) from September of 1990 for current employees and within 24 months after appointment of new supervisors or managers. Training unit staff in the Personnel Department will maintain listings of core classes completed by individual supervisors and managers. After four semesters (i.e.1, after FY 1991-92), listings will be provided to department heads of classes completed by individual supervisors and managers. Employees who have already taken one or more of these classes will be given credit if they bring that information to the attention of training until staff in the Personnel Department.

    4. Completion of these core courses is not required for participation in promotional examinations.

    5. Core Courses are described in Personnel Administrative Manu al Section VIII.2. 

  4. Tuition Reimbursement - General Representation Unit

    Any member of the General Representation Unit may apply for tuition reimbursement for a wide variety of training and education selected by the participant. Section 172 or the Personnel Regulations describes in detail the process.

  5. Employee Orientation Program

    Each month a group of new employees are given one day of orientation to County service. At this orientation, prevention of sexual harassment and equal employment opportunity/ non-discrimination policies and procedures are summarized; the services offered by the Division are discussed and the employee's responsibility for the success of the equal employment opportunity program is explained.

  6. Personnel Liaison/Equal Employment Opportunity Liaison Training Program

    Periodically as new policy, procedures and training programs are developed, they are first presented to Personnel and Equal Employment Opportunity Liaisons. These individual department representatives play a key role in the dissemination of information to employees.