Date Issued:
April 19, 1993
Date Revised:
To define the minimum knowledges, skills and abilities required to perform the essential job duties of a class; to further define a typical way that an individual would acquire those knowledges, skills and abilities through education/training and/or experience.
County Code Section 4.01 - Classification
Civil Service Rules - 130 - Classification, Section III
Examinations, Section V
Section III.1, Classification Process
Section III.2, Classification Methods and Practices
Section III.3, Class Specification Guide
Section IV.9, Examination Appeals
The County of Santa Cruz defines the minimum qualifications needed to perform the essential job duties of a class through identifying the knowledges, skills and abilities needed for entry into that specific job class.
These qualifications are listed in each class specification under "Employment Standards" and "Special Requirements" as follows:
Employment Standards
- Knowledges
- Skills/Abilities
- Training/Experience
Special Requirements
- Licensure/Registration/Certification
- Passage of Post-Job Offer Evaluations (e.g., background investigation, medical examination)
- Other Special Requirements (note: some requirements may be established by other authorities, e.g., the State of California)
The training and experience section specifies a typical way an individual may obtain the minimum qualifications. This section generally lists coursework and/or experience, with possible substitutions. Additional screening standards may be established in areas needed (see Procedures below).
- Conduct an analysis to determine minimum qualifications:
Personnel Analysts conduct job analyses or class studies to determine the employment standards and special qualifications needed for par ticular classes. They work closely with relevant department subject matter experts, as described in Sections III.2 and III.3. Normally, information is obtained from comparable counties, and occasionally external subject matter experts will be consulted. Additional re search is conducted in areas which may involve requirements by author ities outside the County.
- Establish the minimum qualifications:
Minimum qualifications are formally established and receive the Civil Service Commission's approval through the County's delegated approval authority for classification actions, as specified in Civil Service Rules.
- Screen applications based on minimum qualifications:
As applications are received by Personnel, they are reviewed to deter mine if they meet the minimum qualifications for the class. Some posi tions may have additional screening criteria other than that listed on the job bulletin (which contains the same information that appears on the class specification). For example, a position may require "bookkeeping or comparable fiscal experience." The screening criteria would indicate the types of equivalent experience that could be sub stituted. Another example would be the qualification of "com pletion of a Bachelor of Science degree in chemistry, geology, phys ics, or a related field." The screening criteria would list the sev eral other less common degrees that may qualify the individual, but which need not be listed in the minimum qualifications. Personnel Analysts consult with subject matter experts as needed to deter mine such screening criteria. Applicants who do not meet the mini mum qualifications are notified and given an opportunity to provide Personnel with additional qualifying information, per Civil Service Rules appeals procedures. Those who do meet the minimum qualifica tions continue through the examination process.