The Personnel Department provides recruitment and examination services for all County departments except for departments with a decentralized personnel function. Departments with a decentralized personnel function have their own staff to perform these services for job classes unique to their departments. Decentralized personnel staff follow the standards, methods and procedures established by the Personnel Department in conducting recruitment and examinations.
The following are the elements of the Recruitment and Examination process with time guidelines noted where applicable:
The need for the recruitment is identified:
by the operating department through a requisition.
by the Personnel Department to establish a pool of candidates for referral as needs arise.
Personnel Department staff reviews the past practice for the job class and meets with the department representative for a needs assessment to:
review class specification
establish ideal candidate qualifications
discuss recruitment and tentative examination plan
develop outreach plan and establish timelines
Personnel Department Staff will develop recruitment materials based on needs assessment meeting, complete review with subject matter expert and launch recruitment within 14 calendar days of receiving requisition.
The minimum filing period required by Civil Service Rules is 7 calendar days. Based on the needs assessment, Personnel Department staff may determine longer filing period.
Throughout the filing period and at the close of the filing period, Personnel Department staff reviews applications received. For continuous recruitments, applications will be reviewed periodically based on hiring department needs, but not less than monthly. Within 7 calendar days of the final filing date or cutoff date for continuous recruitments, Personnel Department staff confirms screening with hiring department as needed and sends disqualification notices.
The analyst arranges review of all examination material by subject matter experts, to ensure that the material is accurate and relevant.
The Personnel Department staff arranges for the administration of the examinations by scheduling proctors (see Personnel Administrative Manual section IV.10. Test Proctoring Standards) for written examinations or compiling a panel of examination raters (see Personnel Administrative Manual section IV.7. Examination Board Composition). Pursuant to the Civil Service Rules, examinations are scheduled to occur as stated on the job announcement or as determined by Personnel Department Staff. Candidates are notified a minimum of 7 calendar days prior to the examination with details of the time, date and location.
Exam scores are computed within 3 working days of the administration of the exam. All exam appeals are investigated prior to scoring examinations (see Personnel Administrative Manual section IV.9. Examination Appeals).
Analysts review exam results prior to notification to candidates. Results are mailed within 7 calendar days of the administration of the exam.
Pending certifications are completed and sent to departments within 2 working days of the establishment of the eligible list.
Turnaround times for completing recruitment/examination:
The following is a standardized list of timelines. If multiple exams are required for a recruitment, timelines may be extended. When recruitments of any length are significantly delayed due to unforeseen circumstances, applicants will be notified within 7 working days.
recruitment request date to recruitment open — 14 calendar days
recruitment open to final filing date — 7 ‐ 42 calendar days
final filing date* to administration of exam — 21 calendar days
administration of exam to establishing eligibility list — 7 calendar days
*disqualification notices to be sent out within 7 calendar days of final filing date