





Date Issued:

April 18, 1991

Date Revised:

Oct. 1, 1991


January 13, 1993

November 10, 2014  





To define the various methods and requirements to make extra-help appointments and the time limit restrictions for the appointments.



County Code Section 3.12.040 (e) Extra-help
 Extra-help Appointments
3.16.090 Classification of Extra-help
3.28.010 Appointment Procedures
Civil Service Rule VI.I. Extra-help appointments

Personnel Regulations 169 - Employment of Retired Annuitants


CROSS REFERENCE: Personnel Administrative Manual

Section IV.8. Background Investigations
Section V.1.C.3. Recurrent Appointments
Section V.1.C.4. Temporary Placement Using Contract Agencies
Section V.3.B. Extra-help Certification|
Section V.5.B. Processing Requirements - Extra-help Appointments
Section VI.1. Physical Job Requirements/Physical Screening and Examination
Section IX.1. Advance Step Appointments
Section XII.1. Volunteer Initiative Program



        I.            Extra-help appointments are temporary (maximum of 999 hours or 960 hours in a fiscal year) appointments where the employees receive no benefits. There are no positions authorized or allocated. The job classes used for extra-help are the same as those used for regular appointments with the exception of Student Worker I - IV, and a few other classes that have been designated for extra-help use only. Extra-help appointments are made to fill intermittent, backup, on-call and other temporary assignments that do not warrant the funding of a .5 budgeted position.


      II.            Persons may be appointed extra-help in the following ways:

                              A.             Former employee - when employees terminates, they are asked if they are interested in working in a temporary capacity. The department may place them in an extra-help capacity with no break in service so that they can be called for future needs without the need to process them into the system (See Section V.1.C.3. -Recurrent Appointments). A former employee that is a retiree must have a bona fide separation in service of at least 180 days before beginning post-retirement employment. (See Personnel Regulation 169)


The department may also make an extra-help appointment of a former employee that has had a break in service. These employees must be processed prior to their first day worked.


A former employee that is a retiree will have a limit of 960 hours or 120 working days in a fiscal year rather than the 999 hours fiscal year limit for employment.


                              B.            Certification from an eligible or employment list (See Section V.3.B. Extra-help Certification).

                              C.            Non-competitive extra-help employee (no eligible list exists where candidates are willing to take extra-help appointments) -The individual must meet the requirements of the position and will be scheduled to take the exam for the job class at the first available opportunity.

                             D.            The use of the Santa Cruz County Temporary Employment Pool - This pool contains a variety of persons in various job classes that are available for short term placement. Contact the analyst or technician in Personnel that coordinates the pool.


    III.            Extra-help appointees must meet all of the requirements of the position or job class that are required for regular appointments including:

Minimum requirements of the job class;

                              A.            Pre-employment physical requirements of the position or job class (See Section VI.1. Physical Job Requirements/Physical Screening and Examination);

                              B.            Background Investigation requirements of the position or job class (See Section IV.8. Background Investigations);

                              C.            Processing requirements - Oath of Office; Employment Eligibility Verification (I-9's) and IRS Form W-4 forms completion, along with distribution of policies and descriptions of extra-help appointments (See Section V.5.B. Processing Requirements -Extra-help Appointments).


    IV.            Other methods of filling temporary needs include:

                              A.            Use of the Volunteer Initiative Program (See Section XII.1. Volunteer Initiative Program)

                              B.            Use of temporary contract agencies. (See Section V.1.C.4. Temporary Placement Using Contract Agencies).


      V.            Maximum Number of Hours Worked in a Fiscal Year - 999


The County has established that extra-help appointments may not be for more than 999 hours in any fiscal year. The Personnel Department monitors these hours and takes appropriate actions to ensure this cap is not exceeded.



        I.            Departments submit a request for candidate referral for appointment to extra-help. They complete any interviews necessary and make a selection. They complete the necessary action forms and documentation required (e.g. justification to hire retired annuitants; updated county application; a memo if requesting advance step appointment See Section IX.1. Advance Step Appointments)




they may submit an action form for a former employee that needs processing (Former employees are brought back at the step they had attained when they left).


      II.            Personnel Record Unit staff review the paperwork for appropriateness

and completeness and contact the department if any additional information is needed. If complete, they contact the department with the date of the processing appointment.


    III.            If a pre-employment physical is required, the department may not start the person to work until the physical is cleared. This could be a week or more after the processing appointment depending on the job class.


    IV.            Once all appointment processes are complete, Records Unit staff input the required information into the Personnel/Payroll system.


      V.            The Personnel Department Records Unit staff monitors the extra-help hours reports for individuals "Approaching 999 hours" and "Exceeds 999 hours".  Eighty hours before reaching the 999 hours, the Personnel Department will notify the department that this employee may not work beyond that time.


Employees who are retired from a CalPERS agency and accept employment with the County of Santa Cruz are limited to working 960 hours per fiscal year and prohibited from “volunteering” hours. Eighty hours before reaching the 960 hours, or 3 weeks before the end of the appointment, the Personnel Department will notify the department that this employee may not work beyond that time.