Number: V.1.B.6 
Date Issued: Dec. 18, 1992
Date Revised:


To describe the requirements and procedures applicable to limited term appointments.


Definitions Section 110 B 44. Limited Term Employee.
Definitions Section 110 B 45. Limited Term Regular, Full-time Position.
Definitions Section 110 B 46. Limited term Regular, Part-time Position.
Sub-article 11, Employees Appointed to Limited Term Positions, of the Layoff Provisions Article of each Memorandum of Understanding (e.g., Article 26.11 of the General Representation Unit MOU). 


  1. General 

    A budgeted position may be designated as limited term by the Board of Supervisors when the position is created when the Board determines that future funding is uncertain or limits the duration of the position to a particular period of time (e.g., for duration of a grant or project). The Board may, in addition, subsequently change the expiration date of the position.

    It is important to note that other time limited appointment provisions may apply to an employee in a limited term position. For example, an employee may be appointed to a limited term position on a provisional basis. The time limitations for both the provisional appointment and the limited term position will thus apply to the employee. 

    Limited term positions may be Civil Service or non-Civil Service, and may be part-time or full-time.

    Limited term appointments are the same as other appointments to budgeted positions with the sole exception that, when the limited term position ends, the incumbent is laid off without regard to seniority or other layoff provisions. This means that employees are laid off upon the expiration of the limited term position without regard to seniority or displacement, and their names are not placed on reemployment lists. (Other means of reappointed are described below).

    Limited term employees cannot bump less senior employees in non-limited term positions, and employees in non-limited term positions cannot bump limited term employees. Thus, layoffs from limited term positions do not affect employees in non-limited term positions, and vice versa. 

    Employees laid off from limited-term positions may be reappointed to a budgeted position through several means, including: reinstatement (if the employee had permanent status); requesting that their name be restored to the eligible list, if it is still in existence; or through the regular competitive recruitment and examination process. 


Personnel Department: 

Analysts in the ESD Division identify positions as limited term in accordance with Board of Supervisors actions when positions are created. The expiration date of limited term positions are identified on the PAN form. 

Should the Board of Supervisors act to change the expiration date of a limited term position, ESD Division staff will complete a PAN form to reflect the new expiration date.

Operating Departments:

Operating departments should identify positions which are limited term when interviewing applicants for employment, and explain the impact of accepting a limited term position.

Personnel Department:

When processing new employees, or when processing paperwork on the appointment (e.g., promotion, transfer) of an existing employee, complete the attached PER163 form, Notice of Limited Term Appointment, and provide a copy to the employee.

Personnel Department


We have received paperwork from your department for your appointment to a limited term position. This is to reiterate the conditions of a limited term appointment.

A limited term position is one for which the Board of Supervisors has limited the duration of the position to a particular period of time for financial or other reasons. A limited term employee enjoys the same rights and privileges as an employee in a regular position with the exception of layoff and related rights. This exception means that, when a limited term position ends, the incumbent in the position will be laid off and that seniority, displacement and reemployment provisions will not apply to that employee.

Should you have any questions, please contact an Employee Relations Analyst in the Personnel Department at 454-2600.

Date of appointment to a limited term position:____________________

Scheduled ending date of limited term position:* __________________

*The ending date of this position may be amended by subsequent Board of 

Supervisors' action.

cc: Personnel File

Appointing Authority

PER1163 rev. 11/92