Number: V.3.A.
Date Issued: Nov. 15, 1990
Date Revised: Aug. 17, 1992
Sept. 1999


To selectively certify candidates with bona fide occupational skills from an eligible list established for a broad range classification used within a department (e.g., Planner) or across departmental lines (e.g., Administrative Services Officer II); to selectively certify candidates based on promotional policies and procedures.


Civil Service Rules VI.B.3.C. "The Personnel Director may selectively certify applicants that possess bona fide occupational qualifications which are specific to the position being filled."

Civil Service Rules VIII, Promotional Examinations.

Civil Service Rules VI.B.3.e, Open Competitive and Promotional Eligible Lists.


PAM IV.5, Promotional Exam Eligibility.

PAM V.2.A, Filling of Vacancies--Eligible Lists.


  1. Selective certification based on bona fide occupational qualifications:

    It is the policy of the Personnel Department to allow selective certification based on bona fide occupational knowledge and skills. When an Operating Department decides to fill a vacant position requiring special qualifications, they must submit a written justification for selective certification.

    In accordance with State and Federal Guidelines, case law and the County Equal Employment Opportunity Program, requests for selective certification must be specifically job related. The Operating Department must document the need for specialized qualifications and, if approved by the Personnel Department, only the names of those eligibles who meet the selective criteria will be certified.

    Determination of which eligibles meet the selective criteria will be determined by Personnel through evaluation of applications, supple mental questionnaires, or examination components.

    Those eligibles who meet the established criteria for selective certification shall be so noted in their eligibility record for future certification purposes.

    Every effort will be made, once established criteria have been approved, to facilitate documentation of the criteria in the examination process prior to the establishment of an eligible list.

  2. Selective certification based on promotional qualifications: 

    At a department's request and provided it is within the County's Equal employment opportunity interests, promotional candidates (as defined in PAM IV.5) may be selectively certified from eligible lists that were established through an open and competitive examination process, or from eligible lists that are commingled which include open and promotional candidates. A department may request both an open list and a promotional list at the same time provided it is within the County's equal employment opportunity/non-discrimination interests.


  1. Procedure for selective certification based on bona fide occupational qualifications:

    1. If eligible list exists with selective certification codes:

      1. The department completes Certification Request form (PER47) and prepares justification for selective certification to accompany the request.

      2. Personnel: 

        1. Reviews selective certification packet for completeness, verification of bona fide occupational skills, and prepares a recommendation to approve or disapprove the request.

        2. Notifies the department of approval/disapproval.

        3. If approved for selective certification, Personnel certifies those eligibles who are coded as possessing the required bona fide occupational skills.

    2. If eligible list exists without selective certification codes:

      1. The department completes Certification Request form (PER47) and prepares justification for selective certification to accompany the request.

      2. Personnel: 

        1. Reviews selective certification packet for completeness, verification of bona fide occupational skills, determines if these skills can be identified with existing materials and prepares a recommendation to approve or disapprove the request.

        2. Notifies the department of approval/disapproval.

        3. If approved for selective certification, and existing applicant materials do not provide the necessary information, Personnel prepares supplemental questionnaire and letter of explanation to send to all candidates on the eligible list. (Candidates will have a maximum of seven (7) calendar days to return their completed supplemental.)

        4. Personnel reviews existing applicant materials or returned supplementals and initials approved or disqualified for selective certification. Supplementals and PER47 are forwarded to the appropriate Personnel Clerk for coding of those eligibles who possess the required bona fide occupational skills and to complete the selective certification.

    3. Selective Certification in Conjunction with a Recruitment 

      1. If no eligible list or other appropriate employment list (see Personnel Administrative Policy on Hierarchy of Eligible Lists) exists, the issue of selective certification will be addressed during the recruitment and examination plan development. As much input should be solicited from operating departments other than the one with the current vacancy for future selective certification issues.

      2. Personnel will make the decision of whether to use a supplemental application or examination for determination of bona fide occupational skills.

      3. During the classification process personnel staff will document on the class specification appropriate selective certification criteria identified through job analysis. 

  2. Procedure for selective certification based on promotional qualifications.

    1. Departments request a promotional list by checking the appropriate box on the Personnel Certification Request form.

    2. Personnel determines if the request can be filled based on the availability of promotional candidates, and the County's Equal Employment Opportunity\Non-Discrimination interests, and either:

      1. Provides the department with a promotional list, or 

      2. Provides the department with the data to support why a promotional list will not be selectively certified at that time.